Heather the Necromancer

Book 7: Chapter 1

“Eeeeee!” Umtha cried as she was flung over the city, her wings spread wide to catch the wind. They were playing a game with Breanne holding onto her tail. Quinny trailed behind her, holding on to Breanne's tail with Umtha in the rear. She swung the farthest with every turn, her giggling voice serenading the city with her joy. Heather chose a zig-zagging course through the bright sunny sky as they held on. Every turn she made sent them swinging wide to choruses of screams and laughter.

“Go faster!” Quinny cried from behind as Heather turned in a spiral, dragging her girls through the roll.

“I can't go any faster,” Heather shouted back. “Unless you want me to dive into the ground.” She took them up, soaring into the sky that was always such a pure, rich blue. She often thought it seemed too blue to be real as if it were made of glass heavily dyed to mask the color. It crossed her mind to see just how high up she could go, but she was here to play with her girls, not test limits. She twisted and turned, dragging them along as they showered the city with giggling laughter.

Heather smiled at how wonderful her life had become and how everything was wide open to her now. Gone was the worry that some old nemesis would show up and shatter her dreams by shouting that she was a necromancer. The people had been told of her past, and the local rulers were placated in a tense interrogation. Word was spreading that Princess Hannah was no longer a threat and should be left alone.

Heather decided to add some fun to their game and loosed clouds of pollen in the air creating golden clouds for them to fly through. The other laughed in happiness as she flew them higher, her heart set on reaching the clouds that seemed so tantalizingly near.

“Oh my gosh, we are so high!” Quinny cried as they burst through the white pillowy mass into a world few had ever seen. The ground was hidden by a blanket of white, and above them was the azure blue of an endless sea. It looked as if nothing existed but the sky, and Heather cried out for joy as she threw her arms wide.

“I'm free!” she cried to the heavens as golden sunlight bathed her skin. With a smile of pure joy, she banked and dived into the white, dragging her lovers along. They came out below the misty mass and flew toward the city. From here, she was able to admire what they had built like never before as her kingdom sprawled out before her.

“I can’t believe we built all this,” Heather said as tears filled her eyes. “How did we manage it?”

“You did this,” Breanne cried from behind. “You and our husband who never gave up on one another.”

Heather loved to hear them call Frank their husband and twisted in a long spiral as she dived lower. The squeals of delight told her that her wives approved, and she flew over the rooftops of their city.

“It’s really coming along,” Umtha said as they looked down on people in the streets. “What is your player population now?”

“Almost six hundred,” Heather replied. “But we have room for thousands.”

“They will come,” Breanne called from the back. “Word of you is spreading across the land. Soon everyone who wants to play the game properly will flock here to be a part of what you are creating.”

Heather beamed with happiness at her kind words and wondered if she was right. There had to be players who hated the way monster players were treated and were eager to play in their adventures. Once they heard she not only allowed these things but rewarded it, they would flock to her door and swell her numbers.

“Where is Frank?” Umtha asked. “Is it time for our picnic?”

“Umm,” Heather replied as she twisted about to see the large clock that dominated a spire of the palace. “Yeah, we should probably get going.”

“Can we fly over the water, please?” Quinny asked.

“Alright,” Heather laughed and headed for the walls. She flew over the walls as goblin guards waved to their queens, and the group headed over the green plains. The lake that marked the center of the valley was vast, and Heather headed for the beach, flying low enough to turn heads as players heard them laughing. Once over the water, she inched lower and lower until the girls were squealing that they were going to get wet.

With a sigh of contentment, she headed up, taking her girls with her, and headed for the secret site of their picnic.

Frank heard the laughter echoing from the canyon walls before he saw the girls come tumbling through the sky in a long chain. He smiled to see his harem playing and waved at them to let them know everything was ready.

“Alright, split up,” Heather called, and the girls let go, each taking a flight of her own accord. They swooped down on the dark-haired human man who waved and called them to hurry, or he was eating all the spice cakes.

“No!” Umtha pleaded as she touched down beside the large white and green blanket. “I love spice cakes.”

Heather landed just behind her as Quinny and Breanne touched down to the side. Their wings vanished in poofs of black smoke, and they looked over the banquet set out for their enjoyment. There was wine and fruity drinks from Rajeen's, chilled in magical decanters. A low table was set with roast meats, seasoned greens, and a half dozen varieties of bread. There were fruits, cheeses, and baked treats, sugared and decorated with candies. All of it looked delicious, and Heather announced her hunger with a loud groan in her stomach.

“Oh,” Heather scolded her tummy. “I thought I trained you to keep quiet?”

“I haven’t heard that thing growl in anger in a while,” Breanne laughed.

“Her stomach sounds dangerous,” Umtha insisted.

“It is dangerous,” Heather replied. “It hasn't seen pizza anywhere on this table.”

Frank laughed and pulled a tray from under the table, revealing a large pizza loaded with meats.

“Oh, how I love you,” Heather said as her stomach cried joyfully. “So where is my spider?” she asked as she snatched a piece and sat down to enjoy it. “I am going to train him to eat cakes.”

“He was just here a second ago,” Frank said as he spun around. “Oh, there he is.”

Heather looked up and nearly gagged as Webster hopped down the rocks dragging a dead bird.

“Oh, must you eat that here?” Heather protested. “You give me nightmares of when you tried to eat me sometimes.”

He chirped and settled in right beside her as she tried not to notice. The others tucked into the food as Frank sat with them, enjoying their celebratory meal.

“We need to do this more often,” Quinny said as she chewed a purple cookie. “I love it when we do things together.”

“Things have been hectic,” Heather said as she ate her second piece of pizza. “But now things will be better.”

“It’s hard to believe you managed to cast off the stigma of being a necromancer,” Breanne said. “You were brilliant. From your speech to how you handled the nobles. You managed to solve everything.”

“Well, I had a lot of help,” Heather said as she finished her slice. “So,” she began as she leaned into Frank. “Shall we make love?”

“What, here?” he asked with a startled expression.

“Frank, sweety,” Heather began and kissed his cheek. “You are the master of a harem, and your girls have needs only you can take care of.”

“Yeah, we're all succubi now, and you need to feed us regularly,” Quinny added.

“I am feeding you now,” he pointed out, waving a hand at the food.

“Oh, silly boy,” Heather laughed. “You know the kind of feeding we are talking about.”

“You’re all strange,” Frank grumbled. “Why were there never any girls like this in the real world?”

“Trust me, there were,” Heather countered. “They just tended to fight over the same men.”

“Yeah, lots of girls were sexually aggressive,” Quinny agreed. “But they overlooked anybody who didn’t meet their standards.”

“So I meet your standards, do I?” Frank asked as he glared at Heather.

“Hmm, let's see,” Heather began and started counting off fingers. “You are handsome, rich, a prince of his own kingdom, and you have a fabulous home.”

“Truly, she is a woman of her time,” Breanne commented.

“Ha, that’s so typical,” Quinny laughed.

“I am going to punish you for that,” Frank said.

“Promises, promises,” Heather teased and kissed his cheek. “Just don’t take my pizza away.”

He smiled and put an arm around her back as they settled in together. An hour later, they were flat on their backs, looking into the sky as clouds lazily drifted by an otherwise beautiful day.

“Do people have castles in the clouds like you see in the fantasy books?” Heather asked.

“Yes,” Frank replied. “I never saw one, but there is an entire kingdom made up of floating islands and cloud castles in the east.”

“It’s called Ellidria,” Breanne added. “The city of clouds.”

“I want to see it,” Heather said as her tail swished.

“Can’t we put our palace in the clouds?” Quinny asked.

“We can't place it any higher,” Frank explained. “There is a limit to what we can do at our level, and even then, I think we would have to have Gwen do it.”

“Mom would do that for us,” Quinny said. “She likes us.”

“Ha, I like hearing you call her mom,” Heather laughed. “I am sure she would appreciate it as well.”

“Well, we are technically going to be her daughters,” Breanne agreed. “So I guess it’s appropriate.”

“We didn't have anything like that in my homeland,” Umtha said. “Did you have something like that in yours?”

“Ours?” Heather asked with a smirk. “We built cities with buildings taller than our palace is. They were so large that they held millions.”

“We had machines to fly through the sky and swim under the water,” Quinny added.

“And we had the technology to leave our world, Breanne said. “We could fly into the void beyond the sky and look back at our tiny little planet.”

“We could also communicate with almost every place on the planet in seconds,” Frank said.

“You could?” Umtha said with wide eyes. “Your world must have been amazing.”

“I suppose it was,” Heather agreed. “Funny though, it doesn't seem all that special when you grow up inside it.”

“It’s hard to see beyond the every day,” Breanne said. “When something is all you've ever known, you have no basis for comparison. It's just how it is and will always be, as far as you can tell.”

“I suppose,” Heather agreed and used her tail to trace a little circle on Frank’s chest.

“So, you still want to escape?” Frank asked. “Do you miss our world?”

“Sometimes I miss things, but I wouldn't leave this for anything,” Heather replied and turned to curl into him. She ran a hand along his chest, feeling the firm muscle underneath. She admired this human form, but it wasn't the real Frank. “Sweetheart, take your ghoul form for us.”

“What? Why?” Frank asked.

“Because it's the real you, and I love you no matter what you look like,” Heather said. “Besides, you will be large enough to hold all of us while we watch the sky and dream.”

“Yeah, big guy,” Quinny agreed. “I want to be held by the ghoul I fell in love with.”

“Alright,” Frank agreed but had them move away while he changed. He fished the little statue from his pocket and called out the magic world, and instantly, he was a horrific monster with grotesque teeth, slits for a nose, and solid yellow eyes.

“That's better,” Heather said with a smile and settled back into his chest. The others piled on as Frank held his girls and watched the sky, wondering how life could get any better. An hour later, Heather was stroking his chest, singing a beautiful song as flowers bloomed all along the rocks. Quinny firmly held her around the waist as Breanne held Umtha like a lover. It was a moment of joy and peace as so much of the stress that was their world melted away. They were free to play and love without fear of being persecuted for their past.

“I have come to appreciate her flower singer class,” Breanne sighed. “It has made her voice so beautiful.”

“I could listen to her sing all day,” Quinny added.

“Well, thank you,” Heather said, rubbing her cheek on Frank. “So, has anybody heard anything about Zillix?”

“He's awake,” Frank replied. “Idris has been caring for him night and day. She refused to leave his side, and when he woke up, she insisted on carrying him.”

“She loves him,” Heather said. “You can see it in her eyes. She feels a sense of connection to him.”

“Do you think they will join the harem?” Quinny asked.

“Rajeen did ask them,” Frank replied. “I think they asked for time to talk about it. In the meantime, Gwen is going to make Zillix a duke like Roric. She wants to place a statue of him in Hannah's garden to honor his sacrifice.”

“He did go out of his way to help people he hardly knows,” Breanne agreed.

“Can we go see him?” Umtha asked. “I want to ask him questions about his homeland.”

“What’s so special about his homeland?” Heather asked as she used her tail to scratch at her ear.

“I think we may have come from the same world,” Umtha said. “We had great trees like he showed us growing in the south. I never saw them myself, but the elders said they were the home of the suedrago. I think that might be a pseudo-dragon in his language.”

“Did they tell you anything more about these suedrago?” Frank asked as he looked at the lovely goblin woman.

“Just that they were little flying lizards,” Umtha said.

“That must be them,” Quinny said. “How neat that Umtha met somebody from her world.”

“Lots of the goblins are from her world,” Heather corrected. “But it would be nice to know if he was from it too.”

“We should run Idris’s adventure,” Breanne said. “Really, give it a proper workout this time.”

“She's done with the main story,” Frank nodded. “She's just adding fluff and little details to make it more alive.”

“Isn't it cheating for the undead to run an undead adventure?” Quinny asked.

“What undead?” Heather asked. “All I see are my little succubi.”

“And a big gray ghoul,” Quinny pointed out.

“Oh, he's no bother,” Heather replied, stroking her cheek on him again. “All you have to do is throw yourself in his arms, and he will keep you safe forever.”

“Truer words have never been spoken,” Breanne agreed. “I have never felt more safe than I do when I am with Frank.”

“Me too,” Quinny said.

They went silent and watched the sky, enjoying a little breeze that came up to stir the corners of the blanket. Suddenly, the sun moved and raced from one position to another, indicating three hours had passed.

“I wonder if I should fix that,” Heather said. “The visitors don’t seem to be in any hurry to do it.”

“Do you think you can?” Quinny asked as she rolled to look into Heather’s eyes.

“I dunno,” Heather replied and shrugged. “I was just making an idle comment to be silly. But I suppose I did break it, so I should be able to fix it.”

“Where would you even start?” Breanne asked. “You don’t remember anything of that past life.”

“Hmm,” Heather replied as she gave it some thought. “Umtha, you don’t have to tell me anything about details, but do you know how I did it?”

“No, that is something I know nothing about,” Umtha said. “You did a lot of things in secret with separate groups that didn’t coordinate.”

“That sounds like I was trying to keep secrets,” Heather said. “I wonder why?”

“You probably didn’t know who you could trust,” Frank said.

“No, you couldn't,” Umtha agreed. “That's how they found the first goblin machine. Somebody close to you told them where it was and how important to you it was.”

“This sounds like a tv drama,” Heather laughed. “But let's not drag up old wounds. I don't remember any of that, and it can stay that way.”

“So, how will you fix the sun?” Quinny asked. “I mean if you could.”

“I dunno,” Heather replied. “But I bet I could learn something about it from that strange clock in the magic room,” Heather suggested.

“Right, the one that marks the passage of time by sun movement,” Breanne agreed. “Did you ever look into why there is a necromancer's circle hidden behind the wall?”

“We haven’t figured out how to open it yet,” Heather replied. “And I am in no hurry since our mountain home has a circle I can use.”

“Or not use,” Frank replied. “You just wiped away all suspicion of what you are. You are not about to go fiddling around with anything that might stir it up again.”

“I wasn’t going to fiddle, more like tamper,” Heather suggested.

“I am your master, and I say you will not,” Frank stated. “I forbid you to use any power, tool, or item based on necromancy.”

“Uh oh, Frank is in charge,” Quinny laughed.

“So he is,” Heather said, running her hand to his shoulder. “And yes, master. I will obey.”

“Good,” Frank sighed.

“Speaking of which, what are you going to do about your bone champion?” Breanne asked.

“I already dismissed him,” Heather replied. “And I hid all the necromancer books in the buffer.”

“Good,” Frank said. “That champion always looked at me funny.”

“He did,” Heather agreed. “I swear he didn’t like you.”

“And he kept moving around on his own,” Quinny said.

“That's part of why I dismissed him,” Heather said. I told him to stay in the magic room, but I found him in the hall outside the door. He was standing there staring off into oblivion like I had ordered him to wait.”

“He was creepy, but he fought for you fearlessly,” Breanne said.

“Yeah, but I don’t need creepy in my life anymore,” Heather said, using her tail to caress Breanne's side. “I have my family now and will never need anything more.” She lay back and looked to the sky, watching a cloud roll by. She thought of how much she loved flying and then felt sad that Frank couldn't join them.

“Frank?” she began as the thought tickled her mind. “Did you ever wonder what it felt like to fly?”

“Sometimes,” he replied. “I watch you flying, and sometimes I wish I could fly with you.”

“Huh,” Heather said as she toyed with an idea. “You could fly with us.”

“What do you mean? I don’t have a class with wings,” Frank said.

“Well,” Heather said as she leaned up to look him in the eyes. “You could always put on one of my collars.”

“And become a succubus?” he balked. “No thanks.”

“No,” Heather said as she struggled to figure it out. “There must be a male version of the succubus.”

“What would that be?” Quinny asked as she rolled onto her stomach to join the conversation.

“I don't know,” Heather said with a shrug. “But even if there wasn't a male version, he could still fly as a woman.”

“I don’t like that idea,” Frank argued.

“You were me for a little while,” Heather said. “We could even use the stone to trade bodies again. You could be me as I am now with wings so you could fly.”

“I don't know,” he said, curling his long arm around her. “You get very nervous when somebody else is in your body.”

“He's right. It was the only time I have actually seen you become unhinged,” Breanne said. “You looked like you were going to burst into tears when Quinny did it.”

“I'm sorry,” Heather sighed as she thought back to that day. They were right; of course, she was ready to break down and become irrational, but she didn't know why. All she knew was she felt trapped with Quinny in her body, and that sense of helplessness overwhelmed her.

“It probably just took her by surprise,” Umtha offered, leaning into Heather's back. “She was traumatized by a sense of loss.”

“I suppose your right,” Heather agreed. “But let’s not wander off topic. Frank, do you want to fly?”

“I guess so,” he replied.

“Then let’s put a collar on and see what happens,” Heather suggested. “If you don’t like it, you can take it right off.”

“I am excited to see what happens when he puts a collar on,” Breanne commented.

“I guess I will try it,” Frank said nervously. “But let me do it from the human form.”

“Whatever you want,” Heather said as she got up, and the girls gave him some space. He reached for the figurine, and with a single word was the handsome dark-haired man they called their husband. Heather then dipped into her power, producing a magical collar with a snap to hold it before him.

“Here, put this on,” Heather said.

“Wait,” Breanne cut in and snatched the collar. “I am not missing my chance to do this. I want to collar him.”

“You do?” Frank said with a funny smile.

“I do,” Breanne said, raising the collar to his neck. “Now be a good boy and submit.”

“I bet she had a few boy toys back in the real world,” Quinny whispered as Heather struggled not to giggle.

Frank sighed as the collar went around his neck and snapped shut, marking him as Heather's slave. Breanne stepped back, and Heather came forward, smiling at him, wearing a collar.

“To think you tried to make us take these off for so long,” Heather laughed.

“Just kiss me and activate the power,” Frank sighed.

Heather leaned in and planted her lips to his as she triggered the conversion. There was a flare of black fire, and Heather jumped back as her husband was instantly replaced by someone else.

“Whoah!” Quinny said in shock. “What is that?”

“A treat,” Breanne said as her smile spread. “I could spend a few hours feeding on that.”

“I could spend the rest of my life with that,” Heather agreed as she looked at a tall, sleek man with pale skin and lean muscles. His hair was a short white spike with blue spiraling tattoos across his shoulders. He was crowned with tall black horns that faded to blue at the tips. His chest was bare, but his legs were covered in tight leather pants held up by a crossing pair of spiked belts. A long blue tail ending in a small fork swished behind him, adding to his devilish appearance. He looked like the bad boy from some fantasy anime, and Heather immediately felt a racing desire.

“Did it work?” Frank asked as he held up his hands. “What do I look like?”

“Dinner,” Umtha said with a smile. “He looks so delicious.”

“We should go back to a private room,” Quinny suggested.

“We are private enough here,” Breanne quipped.

“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Heather laughed, then held up her hand. “Down, girls, let's give our husband a chance to flex his wings.”

“So it worked?” Frank asked. “I am a devil?”

“It would appear so,” Heather replied, taking him in. “Look up your sheet and see what it calls you.”

“Ok,” Frank replied and pulled his sheet open. “It says I am an Incubus.”

“You were right. There is a male version of a succubus,” Breanne said as she looked over his shoulder. “And he's got all the sex skills we have.”

“Great,” Frank grumbled and rolled his eyes.

“Oh, stop grumbling,” Heather said as she walked around him to look him over. “You look handsome in an evil bad boy kind of way. All you need are a few tattoos, a leather jacket, and a motorcycle.” She paused to look at his back and asked if he could spread his wings.

“Let me try,” Frank said, and before their eyes, a pair of blue wings with black tracing appeared.

“It works,” Quinny cried. “He should be able to fly.”

“Alright, now I know it seems scary,” Heather began. “But flying is very fun once you…” Her words were cut off as Frank ran for the cliff ledge and jumped, his wings easily carrying him upward. He cried out in joy as he turned spirals above, taking to flight as easily as walking.

“Why is he able to fly without any direction?” Heather demanded as she shook her head in frustration. “He wasn't even scared.”

“He's a boy. They don't have any sense of self-preservation,” Breanne replied.

“You and Umtha were terrified of flying,” Quinny laughed. “Frank didn’t even hesitate.”

“Once again, our husband makes me look like a fool,” Heather sighed as her wings spread. She picked up Webster and placed him on her shoulder. “You can ride with me here,” she said, turning to the others. “Well, girls, let's go chase our husband.”

“Yay!” Quinny cried as their wings spread wide and they darted into the air. Heather led the way as they chased after Frank, soaring along the hills and cliffs of the mountains. Frank was like a boy in a toy store, yelling as he flew like he was born to it. Eventually, they linked arms with him in the center, two girls to each side, flying in a line over the city.

“This is amazing,” Frank said as they looked down. “I want to fly all day.”

“So let's fly,” Heather offered, and they veered off, going over the mountains. They flew for hours, circling the valley until they headed to the west in the alpine gap. Frank explained how he wanted to build his pyramid and add gates to the narrow pass to protect it. Heather heard the boy in his voice again and smiled as he flew and flew, never growing any less excited. They went over the cliffs and forests, laughing and playing as they chased one another. Eventually, the sun moved again, and Frank suggested they check in on their kingdom and head for the palace.

“I want to fly again later,” he said as the palace came into view.

“Well, you are free to wear a collar any time you want,” Heather said as she beamed with happiness for him.

“I wish I had a class that could fly,” Frank said. “I don’t really like wearing the collar.”

“Oh, it's just for when we want to have fun,” Heather insisted. Webster chirped from his perch on her shoulder, and she struggled to contain her smile.

“Did he say something funny?” Frank asked.

“He said you look good in a collar,” Heather said, causing Quinny and Umtha to giggle.

Frank sighed as they headed for the palace to find a dozen harem girls at the railing looking over the city. Since joining the harem, they felt more free to wander the connected spaces, and the palace was now considered part of the harem quarters. They loved to come to the balcony and look over the city as a cool breeze licked at their skin. Heather liked having them around as it meant somebody was always on hand to fetch her a drink. She suggested they land, and Frank agreed, steering them to a clear area beside the girls. They touched down as the girls smiled at the new and interesting man, prompting Frank to immediately remove the collar.

“Oh, it's Prince Frank,” one of the girls said.

“And here I thought lady Rajeen finally found a man to add to her collection,” another girl added.

“I doubt that will ever happen,” Heather said as she took the collar from Frank and made it vanish. “Any news while we were away?”

“Hmm,” A black-haired elf woman said as she made a face like she was thinking. “Rajeen is planning to celebrate your victory with a special feast, and the woman known as Alexandria wanted to speak with you.”

“I wonder what she wants,” Heather pondered.

“Let’s find out,” Frank said. “Then let's go to the adventurers guild and run a quest.”

“Sounds like fun,” Heather agreed, taking Umtha and Quinny by the hand. Breanen settled into Frank's side, and together, they headed for the palace to see Gwen and the woman that was formerly their enemy. The day was bright and mood high as Heather and her family enjoyed their lives. Today had been a good day, tomorrow would be better, and every day afterward would be full of love and adventure.

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