Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 58: A way out

Heather lay in Frank's arms, enjoying his firm embrace. She loved his human form and the closeness it allowed them. At first, she felt guilty about it because she hadn't shown much interest until he had it. But as she thought back, she realized she hardly noticed the ghoul form anymore. Frank was just Frank, and it didn't matter what he looked like. He was her strong protector, the man who loved her, and one she called master, and his appearance wasn't a factor.

Umtha shifted, tucking closer to her back, the goblin woman holding her tightly around the waist. Heather loved how Umtha liked to be close, holding tight as if Heather might slip away. She wondered if that was how it had felt long ago when she vanished. Had Umtha felt abandoned? Was she carrying a scar from long hours of crying over the woman she loved? Heather never dared to ask, but she did show Umtha extra attention just in case. She used her tail to push the goblin woman in tighter, holding her securely.

On the other side of the bed, Breanne and Quinny were wound around a harem girl who had joined them and stayed for a cuddle. Three more were in bed beside Frank, soundly asleep after a night of intimacy. Heather had to sigh as she remembered the very chaotic night. So much had happened that she was almost dizzy from the changes.

“Are you alright?” Frank asked when he noticed Heather’s eyes were open.

“I'm fine,” Heather replied, looking over her shoulder as Frank pulled at her hip. He brought her rear into view, where a prominent silver paw print now marked her as a member of Rajeen's harem. Quinny, Umtha, and Breanne had one as well, a mark magically branded to their skin. It was a symbol of ownership, telling all who saw it who they belonged to. Anyone who saw it would know they belonged to Rajeen as part of the harem. Of course, Frank was still their master, as was Blackbast. But now, Rajeen and Roric

called the girls their property, and the girls called them master.

Jaina had been the one to press the magical brand to her skin, claiming her for the harem. At first, the branding hurt, but only for a moment. Jaina soothed the stinging sensation away with magical honey, then kissed the mark, welcoming Heather to the harem.

“Has anything really changed?” Heather asked as she looked into Frank’s eyes.

“Not really,” he replied. “You’re still my wife.”

She couldn't help but smile at that remark as it was the most favorite of all her titles. She was his wife, the first of his harem, and that made her special. She shifted closer to lay her head on his shoulder, and Umtha followed, tucking in behind. Frank wrapped his arm around them, pulling them tight as they recovered from last night.

“I love you,” Frank whispered, kissing her head between the horns. “My little slave girl.”

“You had better get used to saying that,” Heather teased. “I don’t think we can change our minds now.”

He smiled, and she felt his fingertips tracer her shoulder as he tried to reach around Umtha. She was in heaven and ran her hand up his chest as one of the harem girls curled into the other side. Heather didn't even know her name, only that she was a lovely little neried, a woman made of water who could sing with the voice of an angel. Supposedly she could change her lower waist into that of a fish, looking very much like a mermaid. She could also completely become liquid, and her kiss could grant water breathing. She rubbed her cheek on Frank's shoulder with a sweet smile on her green-skinned face and settled into a gentle sleep.

“Well, you have quite a harem now,” Heather teased.

“All I ever needed was you,” he whispered back. “But I love them all.”

“Frank, I know it took me a long time to understand this, but we are here to live a wonderful and happy life,” Heather said. “I love you, and I love this.”

“I am glad,” Frank replied and kissed her head again. “But I hate to remind you, we are running out of time.”

Heather paused to consider what he said, and the memory came flooding back. She nearly gasped when she realized she had completely forgotten about her trial. She had been blissfully swept away and completely consumed by the love around her. How lovely that sensation had been, to be so free of her worries and focused on loving her family. She wished she could hold on to that sensation, but Frank was right; they were running out of time.

“I'm sorry. I hated to remind you,” Frank said.

“No, don't be sorry,” Heather replied. “You just gave me the happiest night of my life, and I refuse to let this die.”

“But what can we do?” Frank asked as he looked remorseful.

Heather knew he was feeling guilty about bringing it up, but she felt a new focus and energy. She wanted this life, and by some trick of luck, she had it. She wasn't about to let these people take it away for something she couldn't do anything about. So now she closed her eyes and felt the warm arms of Umtha around her and listened to the gentle tones of women sleeping. She let her mind drift in that calm as she considered the facts.

She was going to be asked why she lied in the first place. The simple and truthful answer was she was scared. She could embellish the story by admitting she was the necromancer they were looking for but had already been reset when they originally questioned her. The problem would be the stone that revealed her lies. She needed a way to mask her lies so the stone wouldn't show them. Heather was certain one of the most powerful of the lords would wield the stone to ensure they got the truth. Alexandria had the skill but not the levels or power to pull it off. So that meant Heather needed to find a way to twist the truth enough to evade the question without telling a detectable lie.

The next issue was the most damning. They would demand access to her character sheet so they could see for themselves what her classes were. One look at her sheet, and it was all over. Even if Alexandria was powerful enough, she couldn't use the woman to make them forget what they saw. The effect would wear off later, and they would remember the truth. Once they learned that not only had she lied again but used deception to attack them, all hell would break loose. What she needed was a way to make them see something for real that wasn't real. Even as she worked over that thought, she thought of Zillix and his amazing illusions.

“What if he faked my character sheet?” Heather whispered.

“What?” Frank asked.

“Umm,” Heather began before looking across Frank's chest to the sleeping Nereid. Despite being part of the harem, the girls had no clue as to the truth of Heather's nature. Rajeen knew, but they all agreed the rest would believe exactly what she had said in her speech. The fewer people that knew, the better, and it was too dangerous to speak openly here.

“I just had a thought,” Heather said, rubbing her cheek on his shoulder. She returned to the idea of having an illusionary character sheet to fool the local rulers. But was Zillix powerful enough to fool them? Likely not, and when they discovered the attempt, she would be in terrible trouble. Once again, it was a problem of power. The rulers were close to or above level one hundred, whereas Alexandria and Zillix were closer to thirty. As amazing as his illusions were, the lords would see right through them. Alexandria's power might be able to fool the truth stone if held by somebody close to her level, but she was woefully out of her league against the lords.

“So I have the tools,” Heather said to herself. “What I need is something like the Lamassu to boost their power.” It was a good thought, but she knew no way to make such a thing happen. Was it a facet of the monster's power, or had there been some magic involved in how Alexandria was bound to the beast? Gwen had grilled the woman with a truth stone of her own and proven Alexandria hadn't been lying, but that was of little use.

“Maybe Jaina's dragon could help?” Heather wondered in a soft breath. She considered the idea, but somehow she doubted it. Jaina was marked by the creature and taken as its mate, but it hadn't conveyed any increase in power.

“So the question is, how can I boost Zillix and Alexandria so they are strong enough to pull this off?” Heather asked herself.

Umtha kissed the back of her shoulder, and Heather heard a sleepy vow of love as the goblin woman held on tight. Heather smiled at the sudden display of affection as her mind lost focus. She thought of Umtha and Frank, the only two people she had truly married. She shared something special with them that was so strong it even conveyed little powers. She could use Frank's draining touch and understood the goblin language through Umtha. Of course, they got the curse of Heather's essence in the trade, and if they overtaxed their power, they could reach new heights, but the penalty was a long unconscious sleep.

Heather's eyes went wide as she saw the way, and with an annoyed growl, she bolted upright.

“I am such an idiot!” she cried, turning every head in the room her way.

“Well, it’s too late to change your mind now,” Breanne remarked as girls began to whisper around them.

“Not about joining the harem,” Heather replied. “Our problem, the one we have to deal with soon. I think I know how to fix it.”

“You do?” Quinny said excitedly.

“I do,” Heather replied and turned her gaze to Frank. “But you may not like it.”

“Tell me,” Frank instructed as he freed himself from the harem girls. Heather cupped a hand over his ear and whispered her plan as he nodded.

“You think it will work?” he asked.

“You know how it works,” Heather replied. “The question is will you give me permission.”

“No,” Frank said. “I am commanding you to do it.”

Heather smiled and leaned in to kiss him with all the passion she could muster. Then she jumped out of bed and sent the girls scurrying in search of the key players. She wanted Rajeen, Blackbast, Roric, and all his girls present in Gwen's meeting room when she spelled it all out. With any luck, they could act on it in less than a day, and if it worked, everything would be saved.

They hurried off, running through the back halls of the inn to avoid patrons who might see them naked. They arrived in their rooms and quickly donned simple dresses as Quinny and Umtha pestered her for answers. Heather assured them she would explain everything when they got to the meeting and sent Frank ahead to prepare Gwen and the other two guests that would be needed.

An hour later, the group was assembled in a grand hall with Gwen in a regal green gown seated at the end of the table. Heather sat to her left and Frank to her right as the guests filed in and took their seats. Some murmuring began when guards arrived with Alexandria and took her to a seat close to Heather.

“This is exciting,” Jaina said as she sat beside Roric. “You really think you know how to solve this?”

“I am almost certain it will work, but I don’t want to explain it until Idris and Zillix get her,” Heather replied.

“You are making a huge gamble,” Gwen said.

“That’s why you need to be here,” Heather insisted. “You brought the stone?”

“I have it here,” Gwen said, lifting her palm to reveal a blue stone with silver runes.

“Good,” Heather said and looked around the room nervously. A few minutes later, the door opened, and a very confused Idris entered with Zillix on her shoulder.

“I am honored to be here,” Idris said nervously. “But what are we here for?”

“Please be seated here,” Gwen said, indicating the chair beside Alexandria. Idris bowed and hurried to her seat, setting Zillix in her lap as he took in the room.

Heather looked down the table at the two women and dragon sitting beside her. They were the key to pulling this off, but what she was about to tell them and then ask was a risk in itself. Alexandria wasn't a woman to be trusted, even if most of her crimes were forced on her. Idris seemed more trustworthy, but they knew so little about her or Zillix.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Gwen asked for the tenth time since she arrived.

“I have to,” Heather replied and winked at Frank. “It’s the only way.”

“I know,” Gwen said. “And you are brilliant, but this will change things.”

Heather held on to that praise and rose to stand before the group to address them all.

“As most of you know, I am carrying a curse that has caused me and those around me no end of trouble,” she began. “Now that trouble is coming again, and there is nowhere to run this time. I have to face the very real possibility that I will be arrested, reset, and punished severely.

“But it's not your fault,” Gisley cried, her faceted eyes weeping blue.

“Please, be strong,” Rajeen urged the wounded fairy. “Let us hear her out. She obviously has a plan.”

“I do,” Heather replied. “But first, you all need to know that as a result of my public speech where I admitted to my past, the nearby kings and queens are coming.”

“They are coming for you?” Jaina asked as her voice trembled.

“They are coming to put her to the test,” Gwen replied. “They are going to interrogate her as I have done this woman here,” she added, pointing to Alexandria. “Only they will not be nearly so kind. They have demanded she prove everything she said in that speech and have demanded to see her character sheet for themselves.”

The room's reaction was absolute shock as the gathered guests realized the danger. Roric asked what that meant to the kingdom and was their home in danger. Gwen couldn't say how far the repercussions would go or how widespread they would be. Certainly, her daughter Hannah would pay for her crimes and her mother for harboring her. Frank and the girls would likely also be punished, perhaps stripped of all their belongings and reset. Would it spread as far as Roric and his family? She didn't know and couldn't make any promises.

“We are going to lose everything again,” Gisley sobbed and fell into Rajeen’s arms.

“There goes our wedding,” Chandice sighed. “Why does this seem doomed never to happen?”

“Please,” Heather called to keep the room from descending into despair. “I think I know how to fix this, so none of that happens.”

“How?” Chandice asked with a broken expression. “What can you do?”

Heather turned her gaze to the two people sitting nearby as everyone else followed her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me?” Alexandria asked. “I can’t help you.”

“Yes, you can,” Heather said. “I just need you to mask a few lies so a stone of truth can't detect them.”

“I can mask lies, but not against a queen,” Alexandria protested. “I told you before, it's all based on power and levels, and I am not very high. I doubt I could conceal a lie from half the people around this table if they held that stone.”

“And what good are covering your lies going to do when they look at your character sheet?” Chandice asked.

“Why is her character sheet so important?” Alexandria questioned as she looked around the room.

“We are not telling you until we know we can trust you,” Gwen said.

“How can we ever trust her?” Evalynn asked as she folded her arms. “She plays a class based on breaking trust.”

“Let’s not jump around,” Heather insisted. “We are running out of time.”

“We are?” Blackbast asked. “How much time do we have?”

“I expect they will arrive in no more than a day,” Gwen said as the room exchanged worried glances.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Blackbast insisted.

“Or us?” Rajeen asked as she cradled Gisley. “My pet, we all love you.”

“I know,” Heather sighed. “But this is my burden to bear, and I didn't want to worry you. The fact is that if this fails, I am going to do the only thing I have left.”

“Which is?” Chandice asked.

Heather looked down and played with her fingers as her long tail curled around her legs.

“I will reset.”

“No, you will not!” Rajeen insisted.

“My love,” Blackbast called, taking the tiger woman by the hand. “What other choice does she have?”

“She is not throwing all she is away because some woman put a noose around her neck and forced her into bondage,” Rajeen exclaimed.

“Wait, that happened to you?” Alexandria asked as she looked up and met Heather’s gaze.

“Yes,” Heather replied. “This danger that closes in on us was caused by another woman's greed. I am chosen, and she found a way to blackmail and manipulate me into a trap I can't escape. Just like the collectors did to you.”

Alexandria’s expression changed to one of sadness as Heather sighed and looked about the group.

“Getting back to Chandice’s question. I plan to cheat them by asking Zillix to help me.”

“Me?” the tiny dragon asked. “What can I do to help?”

“Your illusions,” Heather said. “I can’t show them my real character sheet, but I could show them an illusionary one.”

“But I will have the same problem she has,” he replied, pointing to Alexandria. “I am not powerful enough. I could make the sheet, but they will see it as a gray discolored copy if they are high enough level. They will know it's a fake the second they look at it.”

“So we are right back where we started,” Chandice said, lowering her head. “It could all end again.”

“No,” Heather cried, pausing to ensure she had their attention. “I know how to make it so Alexandria and Zillix will have the power to fool the stone and the lords.” She saw hope bloom in the eyes of the guests as she intentionally focused her gaze on Roric. “But I won't do it without the permission of the rest of my masters. I already have Frank's, but you three must agree to the plan.”

“We do not even know what the plan is,” Rajeen stated.

Heather turned to Idris, who had thus far been silent. “I will need your permission too. You haven't said anything, but I suspect you and Zillix are very close. I don't want to hurt your feelings, so you have to agree as well.”

“To what?” Idris asked.

“Can we please dispense with all the secrecy,” Blackbast asked. “Tensions are running very high.”

“Alright,” Heather said and straightened her posture. “I am just going to be blunt. I need Alexandria and Zillix to marry me.”

“Marry you?” Alexandria balked as whispers circulated the room. “Why would I do that?”

“You want my Zillix to marry you?” Idris cried and clutched the dragon tightly. “Why?”

“Because everyone who marries me gains access to a special power I seem to be the only one that has,” Heather replied, holding up a hand as she began to shine with a brilliant blue radiance. “And this power can be used to boost skills, spells, and other abilities well beyond your level.”

“What is that?” Rajeen gasped and looked at Roric. “Did you know she could do this?”

“I knew she had access to something others didn't,” Roric replied. “But I have never seen it on display like this. I am not even sure what's she doing.”

“She's got a bonus power pool that can be used to boost, Health, mana, even spell levels,” Chandice said. “And the ratio of the boost is insane. A few points of her essence is like ten levels to a spell.”

“This is impossible,” Alexandria stammered. “The system doesn't work like that, and powers don't magically transfer when you marry.”

“They do in Hannah's case,” Chandice argued. “I have seen it first hand. Frank and Umtha can use the power because they are married to her.”

Heather let the blue fire go and looked at Alexandria. “I need you to help me. You are the only one with the skills to defeat the stone. I am fairly certain you will be able to fool it by tapping into my power.”

“Do I even want to know how you did that?” Alexandria asked.

“No,” Gwen replied bluntly. “But you haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of her secrets. The fact is, I agree with my daughter. You are the only one who can do this. Now the question is will you stop running and being a pawn of these fool princes and do something to redeem yourself to Roric and his girls? If these lords uncover the truth, Roric's home may very well be destroyed a second time. Will you save it for them?”

Heather watched as Alexandria looked around the table to see the hopeful eyes of those seated. She looked back to Gwen and nodded.

“I will do what I can,” Alexandria said. “Even if it means I have to marry her.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Heather sighed and put a hand to her head. She then looked over to Idris, who was whispering with Zillix as the two had a private conversation.

“And what about you two?” Gwen asked. “Idris, can you part with your dragon to save my daughter and our kingdom?”

Idris released her grip on Zillix, who walked out onto the table.

“My home is in danger, too,” Idris said. “I love being here and the friends I have made. I have never felt like I belonged anywhere as much as I do here. If Zillix can help, then we agree he should try.”

“So, does that make you my wife?” Zillix asked.

“And it's going to get complicated,” Heather groaned, turning back to Roric. “So that is my plan. Marry them so they gain access to essence to boost their skills.”

“Which they will use to complete your deception,” Rajeen finished. “You are most cunning.”

“She is very resourceful,” Jaina agreed.

“But I won’t do this unless all four of my masters agree,” Heather said and nervously waited to hear what they had to say.

“I see no other option,” Blackbast said.

“At least it offers us a chance to save our home,” Roric agreed.

“I will not allow my pet to entertain the notion of a reset,” Rajeen insisted. “If this is our only choice, we must take it.”

“Then I suppose we agree,” Roric said. “You may marry them.”

“Well, this is unfair,” Quinny grumbled. “They are going to get to marry you before us.”

“It’s not like I wanted this to happen,” Heather argued. “But I don’t have any time or a better option.”

“I want to be a princess,” Quinny pouted. “I am tired of waiting.”

“Will you understand that she has no other choice,” Breanne asked. “And we both agreed we wanted a lavish wedding and set the date so there would be time to plan it.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Heather pleaded. “I will marry you with them if you want.”

“No, you will not,” Blackbast cut in. “She can wait for her proper time and have a proper wedding. I have been working with Gwen to make it a grand affair, and she will not spoil it. Not to mention you have four masters now. Rajeen and Roric will have a say over how their weddings will be orchestrated.”

“I understand,” Heather said as she bowed her head.

“Speaking of which, when do we get married?” Alexandria asked.

“Now,” Gwen stated as a wicked smile spread over her face. “I already have the cathedral ready.”

The shocked expressions were priceless as Gwen whisked the entire assembly away to the Cathedral. Witnesses were chosen, and people seated as Heather took her place before the altar with Frank, Umtha, Alexandria, and Zillix. Gwen used an NPC priest to quickly run the ceremony, and the two were provided rings as they became Heather's new husband and wife. Zillix did it all in the form of a dragon man with a human body but the broad head of a dragon. He insisted it was an illusion, but when Heather put the ring on his finger, she could feel the texture of his scales. With the rings and vows exchanged Gwen pronounced them married to the assembled audience.

“Kiss the bride!” Gisley called out when it was done, and Heather turned about to shake her head at the woman quickly.

“I think this is what the term a marriage of convenience is all about,” Evalynn commented.

“So now what?” Alexandria asked as she nervously looked at the ring on her finger.

“Please, open your character sheet and tell me if you see me and the others as your spouses,” Heather asked. The woman did as instructed and confirmed that she did see them. Then Heather asked her to go to her main page and open the submenu for her power bars.

“Wait?” Alexandra cried when she had it open. “I can't believe this is true. I have an essence bar.”

“It did work,” Gwen gasped. “This plan of yours might save us.”

“I have it, too,” Zillix said. “But I don't have anything that uses essence.”

“Yes, you do,” Heather interrupted and turned to her mother. “Let’s test it.”

“We don't have time to test it,” Gwen insisted. “You know the risk. What if they haven't recovered when the fools arrive?”

“What risk?” Alexandria asked as she closed her sheet.

“Well,” Heather began as she twisted. “You see, essence can boost nearly any power you have, but it takes a lot out of you if you do. While you're channeling the power, you're fine, but when you stop, you black out.”

“I will blackout?” Alexandria balked.

“Usually for over a day,” Breanne replied. “Though Heather might be more resistant to the effect than you two are. When Frank and Umtha used it, they were out for nearly thirty hours.”

“And this is safe?” Alexandria demanded.

“It’s never hurt any of us, and I wouldn’t ask this of you if so much wasn’t at risk. Please, I need you to do this for me, for us,” Heather begged. “I know you did some terrible things, but I never believed you were a bad person. You are a woman just like me, caught up in something she can't escape and backed into a corner. People have used and abused you for their own personal gain, but I won't do that now. I won't force you to do anything, and if you refuse, I will let you go.”

“You can’t mean that,” Alexandria stated.

Heather turned to her mother and took the stone of truth from her hand. She pressed it into Alexandria's palm, then stepped back.

“If you don’t want to do this, you are free to leave,” Heather stated.

Alexandria looked down at the stone in her hand as it began to glow with a soft blue light. A tear came to the woman’s eyes as she clasped her fingers around it.

“Why are you so kind?” Alexandria asked as she looked away.

“Heather is an angel,” Quinny said.

“Heather is a savior,” Umtha added.

“She’s certainly a treasure,” Rajeen agreed. “She does not deserve to carry this burden put on her by that wicked woman.”

“A woman like me,” Alexandria said as a tear fell. She opened her palm and handed the stone back to Heather before nodding. “I will do whatever you need. No matter what happens. Whatever your secret is, I vow to keep it with my life. I will never use my power against you or anyone in this room again.”

“Thank you,” Heather said as the stone in her hand glowed blue. “But now you need to know the truth.” Heather reached to her wrist and rubbed her flowered tattoo bringing up her character sheet.

“You are willing to let me see your character sheet?” Alexandria gasped.

“I trust you,” Heather said, moving the display so the woman could read it. “You are my wife, after all.” Alexandria looked confused but read over the sheet as her eyes looked like they might fall out of her head.

“Oh my god!” Alexandria cried as her face went pale. “You’re a necromancer!”

“She is!” Idris said and jumped up. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I can't tell anyone,” Heather said. “Just telling you three is taking a huge risk. I am putting my safety and the safety of everyone living in this kingdom into your hands. If you breathe a word of this to anyone, it could destroy everything.”

“No wonder you can’t let them see your character sheet,” Alexandria said as she looked faint.

“Now you understand,” Heather said. “You are a part of my secret now. This is what was forced on me when I came to this world. A woman who sought power and fortune above all else played on my naivety and tricked me into becoming one.”

“She tried to force Heather into murdering me,” Quinny added.

“And has ruined our home several times,” Breanne said.

“She sent people to kill me, then keep me trapped as leverage to blackmail her into going along with her plan,” Frank said.

“Why?” Alexandria asked.

“So she could drag my daughter to the north and claim the reward,” Gwen replied.

“How wicked,” Alexandria said.

“We felt the same way about you,” Chandice intoned. “But Hannah has a heart that only knows how to forgive.”

“And if you will help her, we will forgive you,” Roric agreed.

“And maybe we can start over and be friends,” Jaina added.

“I already promised to help,” Alexandria said firmly but had to wipe her eyes. “I will do whatever it takes.”

“Thank you,” Heather said and pulled her into a hug. “You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Do I get a hug?” Zillix asked as Heather laughed and switched to him. She pulled at him tightly, marveling that his body could be an illusion.

“So what now?” Roric asked as the moment ended.

“Now we wait,” Gwen said. “They will arrive, and I would like you all here to support her. I want them to see that Hannah is loved by her people and her friends. Alexandria and Zillix will be hidden nearby as they will glow brightly while channeling their power. If this works as we hope, they will see exactly what we want them to see and then stand witness to the north that Heather the necromancer is no more.”

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