Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 48: Time to tell the truth

“Do we really have to do this?” Umtha said as they stood on a high balcony ledge.

Heather desperately wanted to say they didn't, but Frank stood behind them with his arms folded. His big gray form was an imposing wall, preventing them from running away.

“Just jump off,” he insisted. “Use your wings and fly down.”

Heather looked over her shoulder to the bat-like wings that sprouted from her back. She and Umtha had wings thanks to the Lilim and succubus class, but neither had dared to try to fly yet.

“Come on, Gisley flies all the time,” Quinny encouraged. “It looks easy.”

“Do you want to come up here and jump?” Heather asked as she tried not to look down.

“Even if you fall, you will just respawn,” Quinny replied.

“I doubt either of them would die in the fall,” Breanne said. “They are both high enough level now that a drop at this height will just be an annoyance.”

“You say that, but all I can see is two broken legs and a serious desire to question my life choices,” Heather insisted.

Webster chirped from beside her as he stood on the railing, asking her why she was so afraid of height. Heather didn't want to argue with her spider over why standing on a railing high above the graveyard was unnerving.

“You have to learn how to fly sooner or later,” Frank insisted. “I have let you play along long enough; now you need to try it.”

“Can't we learn from someplace lower?” Heather asked as she looked over the edge to the graveyard below. It was only thirty feet away, but even that distance made her feel sick, and her stomach implored her to get down.

“Just push her off,” Quinny insisted.

“Quinny!” Heather cried. “I thought you loved me?”

“I do; that's why I want to help you,” Quinny replied.

“I am not hugging you tonight,” Heather snapped.

“Oh, it’s not so scary,” Quinny said as she walked up the railing and looked over it. “It isn’t even that high up.”

“Climb up on the railing with us,” Heather insisted, then gawked as Quinny climbed up.

“Here, I will help,” Quinny said with a smile and leaped from the railing.

“Quinny!” Heather cried and dived after her. The whole scene played in slow motion as Quinny reached a hand up, looking Heather in the eyes. Heather reached for that hand as the ground came rushed closer. She fumbled with her fingertips as her wings spread wide and caught the air. She clutched Quinny's hand and pulled hard to break the momentum, her wings beating the air furiously. To her amazement, the fall broke a few feet from the ground, and Quinny looked up with a smile.

“See, you did it!” Quinny cried. “You’re flying.”

“You are a terrible wife!” Heather said in panic as her heart beat so fast she could hear it echoing in her ears. “Why must you panic me like that?”

“Because I know you,” Quinny replied. “And you never let one of us down.”

“Please, stop putting that to the test,” Heather grumbled as she pulled hard and carried the zombie woman upward. She couldn’t believe it, but she was actually flying, her wings strong enough to carry Quinny, but just barely. She lifted her back to the balcony and over the railing to deposit her on the ground before jumping back into the air and flying about.

“This is amazing!” Heather cried joyfully, flying around for several minutes to get used to it. “Umtha, you need to try it!”

“But what if I fall?” Umtha cried.

Heather flew to the railing and struggled to hover just over the edge. “Come on; I will catch you if you fall.”

“You promise?” Umtha said as she nervously looked down.

“Sweetheart, I wouldn't let Quinny fall; I certainly won't let you,” Heather promised.

Umtha nodded and closed her eyes as she jumped from the railing. Her wings beat the air frantically as she tried to figure out how to use them. It looked as if she might plummet, but a smile crossed her face as she started to gain height.

“I can fly!” Umtha cried with glee.

“You can fly,” Heather agreed as the two women began to chase one another in a circle.

“That was daring of you,” Breanne commented as they watched Heather and Umtha play.

“Nah, that wasn't anything,” Quinny laughed. “One of the big benefits of being a zombie is we don't feel pain. If she hadn't saved me, I would have hit the ground and got right back up.”

“So you tricked her,” Breanne laughed. “You can be quite cunning when you want to be.”

“I knew she would try to save me,” Quinny said. “And in doing so, she would fly.”

“They look so beautiful,” Frank said as his two angels circled above. “I love all of you so much.”

“Aww, big guy,” Quinny said as she hooked one of his arms to hug. “You deserve all the love you can get.”

“I agree; you do deserve it,” Breanne said as she came to his side to watch the girls.

“Am I good to you?” he asked, putting his arm around them.

“Frank,” Breanne said as she turned to face him. “I have been married before, and my relationship lasted the test of time. I know what it takes to make a good man and an even better husband. Trust me when I say this, you have more than you need. You always treat us well.”

He nodded and returned to watching them fly until Heather got bold and began to circle over them. He watched her dive on him twice as she giggled and teased him.

“You can't catch me,” Heather said as she passed overhead. “I am too… Urk!” She groaned as her momentum came to a jarring halt and swung back to hang upside down. She swayed like a pendulum as Frank hoisted her up by where he had grabbed her tail.

“Actually, you are much easier to catch now,” he said as she folded her arms.

“You think you are so funny,” she grumbled from where she hung.

“I thought that was funny,” Breanne said with a wide smile.

“I want to fly too,” Quinny said as she gave Heather a pleading expression.

“Oh, I was always planning to give you two my other collars,” Heather said, swatting at Frank. “Turn me over and put me down.” He carefully grabbed her with his other hand and set her on her feet as she straightened her hair out and took Quinny by the hands. “I was just giving Umtha time to make it feel special.”

“So you do plan to collar us?” Breanne asked.

“I am thinking about making that special, too,” Heather said and looked up to smile at Umtha, who was still flying around. “I have been thinking about a lot of things. I am still holding back from having fun because I need to keep hiding. But, being able to shape change at will has got me thinking about my identity.”

“How so?” Quinny asked.

“Well, I worry so much about this past I can't remember, but now that I can be anyone, I wonder what it really matters,” Heather explained. “Moon's sudden reappearance helped me put this idea together, and I want to run it by you guys.”

“We’re listening,” Breanne replied.

“Alright, so Moon knows I am a necromancer, but she doesn't know this form is the real me. People are starting to whisper about how Frank is always running around with a succubus, and I am sure people have heard him call me Hannah.”

“If not him, certainly Jaina,” Breanne agreed.

“Right, so all these secrets are going to come back to haunt me, and if it all gets exposed by somebody like Moon, it could spell disaster,” Heather said.

“So, what do you plan to do about it?” Breanne asked.

Heather smiled and took a deep breath. “Tell the truth.”

“Tell the truth about what?” Frank asked as he looked startled.

“Everything,” Heather said. “Tell them I am chosen; I came here all messed up, and you saved me. Tell them about Moon forcing me to become a necromancer and how we had to run away.”

“Are you insane?” Breanne asked as she put her hands on her hips. “If you tell the whole city you are a necromancer, there will be a hundred attempts on your life before morning.”

“No, listen,” Heather insisted as she explained her idea. “I tell them how Moon tricked me into becoming a necromancer, but I tell them I reset.”

“You reset?” Frank said. “How?”

“You did it,” Heather said. “We hide the lie in the truth and tell them about the tower attack, how Moon abducted me, and how Skullman rescued me by killing me. Then we tell one little lie to help seal the deal.”

“That Frank killed you in a spawn to reset you?” Breanne asked.

“See, now you understand,” Heather said. “The way I see it, those people destroyed our home and our spawn points. So I would naturally respawn fine at the spawn, but Frank would be waiting, and he would kill me again as a mercy.”

“I don't like the idea of telling people I killed you over and over,” Frank said. “I don't even like thinking about it.”

“You did it because we discussed it in advance,” Heather said. “We agreed that I couldn’t stay a necromancer, and that tower attack only proved I had to reset. So you did it to save me and give me a chance at a normal life.”

“Honestly, it sounds very plausible,” Breanne agreed. “So much of it is the truth that the small lie will be hard to detect.”

“And because I can show them I am a Lilim and a flower singer, I can prove all my free classes are taken. Nobody can accuse me of still being a necromancer,” Heather finished.

“This is brilliant,” Breanne agreed. “Word will spread, and it will put to rest all the rumors and stories. Even the people who knew for certain you were a necromancer would have to face the fact that you are now a well-known succubus and a flower singer. They will have to give up.”

“But what about the local rulers?” Frank asked. “We proved to them that you weren't chosen. They are going to come back here and demand answers.”

“Then we give them some,” Heather said. “We tell the truth about that as well. That you and I switched bodies using a figurine because I was too scared to tell them the truth.”

“I like this idea,” Quinny said. “We put it all out in the open and stop pretending to be different people.”

“It's risky,” Breanne agreed. “People can be fickle, but if Heather sells the story as a she had no choice scenario, they might sympathize with her.”

“People will understand,” Heather said. “And more importantly, they will stop thinking my husband is running around with a succubus slave girl behind my back.”

“That was going to cause us trouble soon,” Breanne agreed. “I am sure people are talking about it.”

“So you are prepared to let the whole world know you are a succubus and my slave?” Frank asked as he glared down with his dull yellow eyes.

“Frank, I honestly don't care what they think,” Heather said. “But all this lying and pretending to be other people makes it hard for me to have fun. It’s also adding to my need to know who I was in my past lives. I can't settle and be a new person when I always lie about who that person is. I just want to be me and be able to enjoy what I am.”

“But people like your innocent image,” Frank said.

“Oh, that’s going to be ruined after the stunt you made us pull the other day,” Breanne laughed.

“I didn’t mind going topless,” Quinny said with a shrug.

“You aren’t the sweet innocent princess,” Breanne stated. “People are going to realize that was Princess Hannah they saw the other day.”

“I am aware of all this,” Heather said with a shake of her head. “But I still think this is the best way forward. We clear the air and free ourselves to just be ourselves. Moon has no power over me anymore, and after some explaining to the local lords, nobody has any reason to scrutinize me again.”

“People are going to hate Moon,” Quinny said. “If you tell them how she tricked you into playing a necromancer just so she could turn you in, people will be mad.”

“They will despise her,” Breanne agreed. “She would be a fool to set foot in this city again.”

Frank went quiet before reaching for the figurine in his pocket. With a command word, he was a human man with long dark hair looking deep into her eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked as his hands came to her arms.

“Frank, look at all the things I have done recently,” Heather answered. “I am still running from thing to thing, trying to give my life some meaning. I am honestly wondering if this relationship with Jaina is a mistake. I never want to hurt you or make you regret allowing it.”

She looked into his eyes, offering him the chance to pull back on her relationship, but instead, he pulled her into a hug. He explained that he was nervous about it but was approaching it like they were slave girls. They were just doing what slave girls did, and he did find a little thrill in seeing them together. So long as Roric was never part of it, he would be fine.

“Why are boys all like this?” Quinny asked. “Girls sharing between girls is fine, but another boy and it’s the end of the world?”

“It's a dominance thing,” Breanne laughed. “They have to be the leader of the pack, and the girls are all theirs.”

“I can’t help how I feel,” Frank sighed.

“Oh, I wasn't criticizing,” Breanne said and touched his shoulder. “I love who you are, and you need time to grow into this new lifestyle.”

“So, back on task,” Heather said as she curled into his arm. “We need to tell everyone.”

“How?” Quinny asked.

“Simple,” Heather said with a smile. “We have a festival. We hold it tomorrow and make a public announcement so everyone will know. I tell them everything, reveal my succubus form, and then….” she paused with a big smile as her gaze went to Breanne and Quinny. “Announce the date of our wedding.” The shock in Breanne's eyes was all the gratification Heather needed. Quinny practically jumped in excitement and then ran to her arms.

“I am so happy!” Quinny cried. “I love you.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Heather said. “Because I don't think we should wait. Frank and I already talked to Mother, and we agreed to have the wedding in one month.”

“So soon?” Breanne gasped. “I mean, I am delighted, but so soon.”

Frank pulled her into his other arm and held them tight while the news sank in. He then motioned for Umtha to join them and be a part of the moment.

“We want to remind everyone that you are our wife as well,” he said. “Then we will plan a goblin wedding in your city.”

“Can we do it the goblin way?” Umtha asked excitedly.

“Umm, didn’t we already agree not to do it that way?” Heather cut in with a deep blush on her face.

“Oh, right,” Frank said as he remembered. “We would need a temple and priests.”

“I can have one built,” Umtha offered.

“Umtha, I will take that collar away,” Heather snapped with a narrow-eyed gaze. Umtha smiled, admitted she was only teasing, and agreed a human wedding would be fine.

“So, we have a festival to plan for tomorrow,” Breanne said as the hug parted. “That’s not a lot of time.”

“We can do it!” Quinny said excitedly. “I will design some games, and we can create a bunch of NPC food vendors.”

“Can I add some food vendors?” Umtha asked timidly.

“Is it goblin food?” Heather asked as Umtha nodded. “Oh, why not,” she relented. “We should sell succubus-themed trinkets to help set the mood for my coming out.”

“Oh, I can help with some of that,” Breanne said.

“You?” Quinny laughed. “I never see you wearing anything super sexy.”

“I had my moments in my youth,” Breanne remarked. “And If you ever bothered to look in my wardrobe, you would see I have collected a few things here.”

“Now I want to look in her wardrobe,” Heather remarked as Umtha agreed.

“We need to get planning if we are going to pull off a half-baked festival by the morning,” Breanne said and turned to Frank. “You should go to the inn to tell Rajeen and Roric. Their girls will probably love coming to a festival like this.”

“I can do that,” Frank replied and turned to Heather. “I am proud of you.”

“Frank, I don’t know why,” Heather sighed. “All I do is bring chaos to your life.”

“You brought love into my life,” Frank replied. “And all that chaos was fun; even this festival will be fun.”

“Well, let’s get going!” Quinny insisted. “I have a lot of games to plan.”

They agreed and parted, each going off to begin the planning. By nightfall, they had made great progress, with some of the decorations already live in the city to start people talking. When morning came, street vendors began to appear, selling fun treats and other wares. Quinny put together some games common to fairgrounds with plush animals to win. In addition to these, she added a few magical games, including a hunt for hearts in the forest. She designed what amounted to a giant water slide that started from the palace's balcony and spiraled around until finally dumping players into a fountain. She also suggested they add gondolas to the canals so players could take romantic boat rides from the city to the lake, where a beer garden and music festival could be held. The beach's sandy shore would have special vendors offering fun treats for players who want to play in the water.

Frank added a large stage to the central plaza just below their floating palace and a great banner with their faces on it that hung from the floating palace. He also put up notices, encouraging players who were entertainers to use any of the dozen smaller stages gathered around the city to set up and perform. He would allow players to vote on their favorite performers, and the winner would earn a special reward. The players woke to the changes and began exploring the city as Heather and the girls tested the water slide.

“This is frightening,” Heather said as she stood on the palace balcony in a black bikini. The entrance to what Quinny called the plunge of death was an archway on the side. Inside was a slick wooden chute flowing with water with high stone walls on the side. Quinny insisted it was smooth and safe, but it looked like a one-way ticket to a respawn to Heather.

“I will go first,” Quinny offered as she sat in the flow and laid back. Heather watched as the water carried her away and leaned over the railing to see Quinny swishing around the spirals for over a minute before finally splashing into the canal.

“Did she survive?” Breanne asked as she eyed the dangerous-looking chute.

“She's waiving,”” Heather said as she moved back to the archway, where Umtha nervously looked inside.

“Why are we in our underwear?” Umtha asked from the doorway.

“It's a bathing suit,” Heather corrected. “What I wear in my succubus form is underwear.”

“I like the stuff you wear,” Umtha said. “It fits your devil form.”

“Well, you're a succubus now, so you may as well start dressing like that, too,” Heather said as she stood a the entrance with Umtha.

“Which one of us is going next?” Breanne asked as she stood in a more tasteful one-piece of green and yellow.

“How do we know she didn’t just get lucky?” Heather asked.

“She made the walls high enough to keep almost anyone in,” Breanne suggested.

“Then be my guest,” Heather said as she motioned for Breanne to go next. The three girls leaned into the tunnel, afraid to try, when firm hands suddenly pushed from behind. They hit the water in a jumble and screamed the entire way down until splashing into the fountain. Heather bolted up, panic in her eyes as Frank came down the shoot right behind them.

“Frank!” she shouted with hair plastered to her face as the fountain splashed on her head. “I could kill you!”

“I got tired of waiting for you to make up your minds,” He said as he got up, his muscular human chest running with water. “You three didn’t even notice me walk up behind you.”

“I think I peed on the way down,” Breanne said with a face white as paper. “And we can’t pee.”

“That was fun,” Umtha said excitedly as she climbed out of the fountain. “Let’s do it again.”

“Umtha had fun,” Frank said in his defense.

“Oh, you are so not getting a massage later,” Heather scolded as she glared at him.

“Come on, you guys!” Quinny yelled from high above. “Let's ride it a few more times, then go to the beach.”

“It makes you wonder why we didn’t just extend the slide all the way to the beach,” Breanne said.

“Don't even suggest that to Quinny,” Heather said as they climbed out of the fountain and headed for the conveniently placed magic door. They stepped through and arrived thirty paces from the slide entrance.

“If you push me down that again, I am sleeping in another bed tonight,” Heather snapped at Frank as he folded his arms.

“Is that any way for a slave to talk to her master?” he asked. “I will decide what bed you sleep in.”

“What?” Heather grumbled. “You can’t do that.”

“Oh, yes, he can,” Breanne corrected. “You wanted to play this game and insisted he could have all the power, so now you get to do what he says.”

Heather looked alarmed, then smiled at Frank as he ordered her into the slide. She trembled with every step, voicing her regrets as she jumped in and went down. Quinny and Umtha came down together before Breanne followed, screaming again. Frank came down in a great splash and swept Heather up.

“I like being able to order you around,” he said.

“Great, I gave him the perfect marriage,” Heather groaned.

“Any marriage with you is perfect,” Frank said as he hugged her firmly.

“Let's take a gondola to the lake,” Quinny suggested as other players arrived to ask if that was a water slide. Quinny explained the whole thing and how the magic doors worked, and soon, players were risking their lives on her death trap. The group then walked in their bathing suits to one of the water canals and boarded a narrow boat. They were piloted by NPCs who steered the craft with long poles into the broad channels that helped separate the city's various districts.

“This is nice,” Heather said as she cuddled with Quinny and Umtha. She looked at the flowered garland ropes hanging from rooftops over the canal. It created a magical scene that was a little romantic as they headed down the channel. When they arrived at the beach, the air was filled with the scent of burgers grilling as two beachside cabanas served drinks and food. A dozen players had already found their way out there and discovered one of Quinny's silly games. Magic caused the lake water to roll into the sand in big waves. It occasionally left behind a sea shell that could be turned in at the cabanas for special rewards. All of them were silly things like grass skirts, coconut bras, and funny hats, but players raced to get shells when they appeared. Every couple of hours, a giant crab named King Claws attacked the beach and gave the players something to battle.

They laid out in the sun, enjoying tropical drinks as Heather held Frank's hand. A fantasy version of volleyball was being played farther down the beach, and dozens of players were on the pier trying to catch the magic fish they added.

“See, this is so much better,” Heather said as she set her drink aside. Umtha was sitting on Breanne's rear, rubbing the woman's shoulders as she enjoyed the sun.

“I have to admit this was a good idea,” Breanne agreed. “But how much is this costing in social points?”

“A bit, but we are earning a little back every time a player completes a quest or challenge,” Heather explained. “It should even out if enough people participate.”

“We should do this every year on this same day,” Frank said. “We could make it our first annual holiday.”

“What would we name it?” Quinny asked from where she was building her sandcastle.

“Hmm,” Heather said as she pondered the idea. “The truth festival?”

“You can’t call it that,” Quinny laughed. “How about the water festival?”

“Just because we added a water slide hardly makes it a water festival,” Heather countered. “Though your idea for the beach was a nice touch.”

“The name should incorporate some element of sexiness,” Breanne suggested. “You are selling a lot of sexy things on the streets.”

“A sexy name,” Heather replied, giving it more thought.

“Call it Lover's Day,” Umtha suggested.

“That one is better but not perfect,” Breanne commented. “It needs a bit of spice to it. Something like Naughty Lover's Day.”

“Naughty lover’s day,” Quinny laughed. “I like it.”

“So do I,” Heather agreed and looked at Frank. “What do you think?”

“I think you're all crazy,” he replied. “Why would you want to call it that?”

“Oh, come on,” Quinny said. “This city has three well-known harems in it now. People go to Rajeen's to see and flirt with the slaves. Girls being naughty is just part of our thing.”

“Why don't you just call it Sexy Devil Day?” Frank suggested.

“Oh, I like that one better,” Breanne said.

“Hmm, both are good,” Heather agreed. “But why don't we let our citizens choose a name? They can suggest names and then vote on them.”

“That’s a good idea,” Frank agreed.

“Which reminds me, did you talk to Roric and Rajeen?” Heather asked.

“I spoke with them both,” Frank replied. “Rajeen is going to let her girls out to enjoy the festival, and Roric is going to keep it a surprise from his girls until later.”

“Good,” Heather said. “I would hate for them to miss this.”

They spent hours relaxing at the beach, and Umtha even tried to find some shells when she discovered one of the prizes was a sexy bathing suit. Some players came over when they recognized them and asked what was happening. Heather informed them that she had a special announcement to make at six. She told them to spread the word as everyone in the city needed to hear it. She knew she was making the right decision when a woman mentioned that she never saw Hannah with Frank before and asked where the succubus was. It was impossible for her to make a new life for herself if she constantly had to lie about who she was.

Later that day, they put on fine dresses before going into the city, and more people recognized them. They did their best to spread the word that she would speak later and that everyone needed to attend. When the time came hours later, she was nervously waiting in the palace with the others, looking down as the plaza filled with people.

“You don’t have to go through with this,” Breanne said as she drew Heather into a hug. “I know it terrifies you.”

“I have to do it,” Heather said. “It will solve so many problems. Besides, you heard that woman on the beach. She's never seen Frank and I together before. They all think that succubus is his preferred lover.”

“Well, she is,” Breanne said with a smile. “But they don’t know why.”

“He loves all of you just as much,” Heather said as she turned around to look into Breanne's eyes. “Just like I do.” She shared a kiss that ended with smiles before she turned back to the balcony railing. Players were still using the water slide, but that was safely off to the side where it wouldn't interfere with her plans.

“I asked that guy to help,” Quinny said as she joined them at the railing. “He was doing some kind of show in town, but he's waiting below for the dance.”

“How did you talk us into that?” Breanne groaned.

“It’s important,” Heather said. “We need to show the players that I have embraced being a Lilim.”

“Yeah, you need to do something sexy,” Quinny agreed.

“But why are Quinny and I dancing?” Breanne asked. “We aren’t succubi.”

“Not yet,” Heather said with a wink.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Breanne demanded as Heather walked off. “Don't you walk away from me? What was that? Heather? Heather!”

She did her best to contain her laughter and headed for the portal. Frank was there with Blackbast and the tall man who would be their lighting effects artist.

“You should join us on the stage,” Heather said as she approached Blackbast.

“No,” Blackbast said as she reached out to cup Heather's cheek. “This is your hour to shine. I am more of a guilty secret, and I like it that way. But I am proud of what you are doing. Let all these secrets fall away, and finally, be who you want to be.”

“Is the magic ready?” Heather asked as she turned to the man standing by the side.

“Your voice will be magically projected so that everyone can hear you from here to the city wall,” the man replied.

“Well,” Heather said as she turned to face the crowds. “Let’s tell the truth.”

“Or as close to it as you dare to get,” Breanne said as she, Quinny, and Umtha came through the portal. Frank took Heather's hand, and together they walked to the front of the stage, standing a dozen feet above the street. They weaved into the crowds as the other girls stepped up behind them, and the tense moment finally came. A great cheer went up as people acknowledged their prince and princess, ensuring that everyone knew the moment had come.

Heather felt her heart racing as she looked over the hundreds that had come to call this city home. She was afraid she was about to let them all down, but she had to explain her origins and story. People needed to know, or the rumors and lies would grow until she was exposed, and then no one would trust her.

“Thank you all for coming,” Heather began, surprised by how clear her voice sounded. “I know most of you have no idea why we are having a festival other than I wanted to tell you something. The truth is I have been keeping a lot of secrets for a very long time, and I need to clear the air and tell the truth. I know if I keep trying to hide these things, they will come back to haunt me when they can cause the most harm. So here and now, I want to tell you everything, and I hope you understand why I was afraid to tell anyone.” People went silent except for low whispers as Heather steeled herself for the first shocking announcement.

“The first thing you need to know about me is that I am not a gamer, and I never wanted to come to this world. I only came because I was chosen and brought in against my will,” Heather announced as a shocked murmur ran through the crowd. She took a deep breath and explained her shock and fear when she realized what had happened. She told them she refused to believe this wasn't a dream until a carrion worm chased her for miles. Then, she described how she met Frank and how he came to her rescue, teaching her how the world worked and how to play. She emphasized how naive she was and how she was in a state of shock, refusing to accept what had happened.

Then she told them about Moon and how the woman took advantage of that naivete. She admitted before the whole crowd that Moon encouraged her to play a necromancer and then tried to level her forcefully. She described all the ways Moon tried to force Heather to comply, even threatening to reset Frank and cause him to lose everything. Frank managed to escape and came to her rescue with Umtha at his side. The goblins made it possible to stop Moon and save Heather from a terrible fate. She was grateful to them for their aid and forged a strong relationship with them.

“Moon took advantage of the fact that I didn't know necromancers were outlawed. She tricked me into playing one so she could then turn me in and collect the reward,” Heather explained. When her plans fell apart, she tried again, hiring mercenaries to capture me. Her traps and snares escalated until our home was destroyed in a raid, and I was finally killed.”

“Are you still a necromancer?” a voice called out, and Heather knew she needed to make this next part emotional.

“No,” she said and looked down. She held her hand out and took one of Frank's as she took a deep breath. “Frank and I had spoken about my being a necromancer and agreed I needed to reset. But I was too afraid to go through with it, and I needed more time to ready myself. When I died, Frank realized that it was now or never. He waited in the spawn, and when I finally reappeared, he killed me again.” She lifted a hand to wipe her eyes as real tears began to run. She knew Frank hadn't done such a thing, but she knew had she asked him, he would have. She told them he did the terrible task of forcing her into a death loop until she finally reset.

The gasps of shock from the crowd were all the answers she needed, so she looked up and prayed her one lie hidden in all that truth would pass unnoticed.

“When I reset, I picked the same classes I had before with one small exception,” she explained and stepped forward, her form blurring and changing as she became a devil woman with curled horns. Now whispers spread like wildfire as Heather worried this was a mistake. Suddenly somebody shouted Good on her, and she wished she had been brave enough to play a succubus. Other people shouted in agreement and approval of her choices. Heather felt her heart melt and couldn't help but smile as she wiped a tear away.

“This is what I am now,” she said. “A monster player, playing a class I love, and finally enjoying my place in this world. But I am not a succubus anymore. I have taken an evolution and become something known as a Lilim. I am proud of my role, and I love this class. You have no idea how miserable I was, wandering a world I didn't understand or want to be in while trapped in a class people hated. My mind was all over the place, unable to cope with my situation. We had to weave lie after lie to keep my secrets hidden, and soon those lies began to define me.”

After a pause, she took Frank's hand again and explained how he had always been there for her, being the strength she lacked. He never stopped trying to help, even when she made terrible decisions or was blind to danger. Unfortunately, people knew she had been a necromancer, and the hunters kept coming. She and the others had to abandon their home and flee, leading them to Gwen.

Now she told Gwen's story and how she was trapped in her own kingdom. She made a point of stressing that none of the leaders of other lands or their noble heroes would lift a finger to help her, so Heather did it and got Gwen's stone back.

“This is why she made me a princess and her daughter, giving me the name Hannah,” Heather explained. “Yes, that's right, Hannah isn't my original name either, but it is the name I value most. Gwen has truly become my mother in heart and soul, and the name she gave me is more important than any name I had before.”

“You deserve to be a princess!” a voice cried as Heather smiled.

“I am glad you think so, but we couldn't stay. Hunters were looking for us, and we had to keep moving. So we fled north and west, trying to escape the snares, but they always found us and drove us on. It was impossible to find a place to settle, and I needed time to think. Luckily we ran across a woman who has become a dear friend and lover. Her name is Blackbast, and some of you have met her. She is the one who introduced us to the slave collars and gave us a chance at peace.”

She had to explain how they accepted the slave collars because it allowed Blackbast to alter their appearance. With these new disguises, they finally escaped the hunters, and she had a chance to sit down and think. She realized at this point that she had fallen in love with Frank, and after some long conversations, they decided to stop running. Instead, they would return home to Gwen and marry to begin a new life together.

She was relieved to hear the sympathetic awwws from the crowd as she beamed with happiness over admitting how much she loved her husband. She then told them how they decided to stand their ground and build a home where they could be happy and monster players welcome.

“Unfortunately, I have to tell you all this because the hunters have found me again,” Heather explained. “The woman Moon entered the city a week ago and began trying to lay her hands on me. If she found me, the others can't be far behind, and the only way this ends is to get the truth out. I am not a necromancer anymore; I am a lilim, Flower singer, and a recluse. I can demonstrate all my classes to prove it. I Knew if I didn't tell you all now, people like Moon would start spreading rumors and whispering that I had dark secrets. It would erode and undermine everything we are trying to build here, and I can't have that past I sacrificed to put behind me come back to destroy all this.”

The crowd cheered her decision as Heather turned and motioned Umtha to her side.

“Now I want to clear up a few minor details,” Heather said. “First, you can all stop whispering that my husband has a succubus mistress on the side.” This brought a round of laughter as Heather presented Umtha front and center. “And second, I want you to know that Frank has two wives, and I am proud to call Umtha the goblin shaman one of them.” She smiled as people cheered and encouraged Umtha to wave. Heather knew they had announced this before, but it was to a much smaller crowd, and she wanted to be sure people knew and fully understood.

“I am sorry we have kept so many secrets,” Heather said, reaching up to take her collar off. “We still wear these to disguise ourselves, fearing that if anyone saw our true forms, it would bring the hunters down on us.”

People shouted insults about Moon and encouragement to Heather as she replaced the collar. She then motioned Quinny forward and took the woman's collar off.

“This is Quinny, a zombie player and soon to be another of our wives,” Heather said, presenting her to the crowd. “She has had to hide what she loves playing for fear of what people think of monster players.” She then motioned Breanne forward and took her collar off. She introduced Breanne as a banshee player and encouraged her to take her spectral form for all to see.

As you can see, an entire family of monster players stands before you,” Heather said. “And I do mean family because, in exactly one month, Frank, Umtha, and I are marrying Quinny and Breanne.”

Heather was relieved to hear them cheering and knew her reveal was going well. But she had one more special announcement she wanted to make. She waved a hand to call them to silence before beginning her next tale.

“Because of my traumatic early days, I have been hiding from the pain by pretending to be somebody else. I found an even better way to hide by pretending to be Frank's slave girl. All of it was a chore to keep straight, and I am sick of pretending to be all these things. I want to live a new life and be open about what I enjoy.” She blushed as she admitted that she had grown fond of being Frank's slave girl and was planning on continuing. It worked surprisingly well with her Lilim class and was quite a lot of fun.

People shouted their support and commented on Frank's love, giving Heather a moment of triumph. She had laid it all out, the good, the bad, and the embarrassing, and nobody was trying to burn her at the stake. Now she wanted to shock them with her next step and prayed it went off as well as she had planned.

“As a Lilim, I can take slaves of my own,” Heather announced as she took Umtha's hand. “Umtha, here is my first slave girl, and she has been a treasure, but I think it is time for my harem to grow.” She then held her hand high to show the audience she had two more collars. Finally, she turned around and faced the others, a smile on her face.

“Quinny, Breanne, will you be my slave girls?” Heather asked.

“Yes!” Quinny cried and ran to Heather, taking her into a firm hug as people sighed. Breanne's reaction was more of shock, but she nodded slowly as the masses watched. Heather turned Quinny so the crowd could see her remove Blackbast's collar and replace it with her own. In a moment of magic, Quinny became her slave girl, and the entire city bore witness to it.

“It’s your turn,” Heather said to Breanne and held out her hand.

“This is what you didn't want to tell me,” Breanne stammered as she walked up. She bowed her head, and Heather replaced the old collar with the gem-studded one of her new masters. Heather then held each woman's hand and presented them to a cheering crowd.

“If you think that was amazing,” Heather said with a wicked smile. “Just wait. As their Lilim master, I have special skills I can share.” She then turned to each woman, and one by one, she took them into a long kiss. She started with Umtha causing a rapid transformation as the woman suddenly grew horns and a tail. She then kissed Quinny and Breanne, bringing on the same transformation. People cheered as four sexy succubi suddenly stood beside Frank, waving and blowing kisses to the audience.

“Sorry boys, we are reserved for Prince Frank only,” Heather said as people whistled and professed their love. “So, are you ready to be ruled by Prince Frank and his harem of sexy succubi?”

Her question prompted renewed cheers as Frank shook his head and stepped aside. Heather glanced at the man standing in the back, and he nodded that he was ready. Then, slowly she raised her arms high and looked at her girls.

“It's dance time, ladies,” Heather said.

“I am still in shock about this,” Breanne said.

“Well, get over it,” Heather said. “Because when the music starts, your clothing will transform.” She held her hand high and snapped her finger, and suddenly, the stage darkened as magical blackness hid everything but the four girls. Neon-like lights began to flash in lines forming hellish patterns and symbols, and four sinful and sexy devil girls were suddenly engulfed in black smoke.

With a flash, it faded away, and the girls were transformed. Gone were the lovely dresses, and in their place were thigh-high stockings, garters, and tight corsets that held the breasts high. Music began to play as the lights strobed and the girls broke into a dance, wowing the stunned audience.

They danced in place, throwing their arms high and swaying their lovely hips as the music thumped. Their tails swayed with every move, and their eyes glowed with supernatural light. The music hit a crescendo, and the girls spun around, flaring their bat wings out wide. They danced in practiced unison, putting on a performance that would not be forgotten for a long time.

The deed was done, and secrets laid bare, as Heather was finally free to be herself. She looked forward to days of fun and adventure playing a sexy devil on the arm of her ghoul master.

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