Havok Bringer

Chapter 48. ATM

Chapter 48. ATM

Congratulations Human faction! Against all odds, you have completed the Red Moon of Alcara Dungeon and have taken possession of five faction keys. Please standby as the Coeus relay populates. Once the relay populates you must enter all five keys to receive further instructions and your completion award. The relay will populate in 30 seconds.

The message populated across all of our interfaces simultaneously when I found the key on the last lacertine troop we had killed.

“Okay, everyone, let's get ready. I’m unsure what this relay will consist of, and if nothing else this dungeon has taught us to keep our guards up. Everyone get ready,” I said as I reactivated my armor.

“Whoah, Andy, have you looked at your level? Killing Anthragor must have given you ungodly amounts of XP!” CJ said as he pointed above my head where my description would be.

Sure enough, he was right. I gained 15 levels and now sit at level 30. That was a ridiculous jump from one kill. I assumed since Past Andrew finished the kill the Coeus must have counted us as one combatant, to be fair we technically were the same person, just from slightly different timelines.

“That is an impressive jump in levels, Captain, but not surprising. Anthragor was level 75. To be killed by a level 15 Human would be nearly impossible. Your daggers and new ability were unexpected and gave you a slight edge. Even now, at level 30, you wouldn’t stand a chance against him in straight-up combat, but you are progressing nicely, and the levels will be useful as we progress.” Tiff said walking up to inspect my new level.

“I don’t feel as much of a physical change as I did early in my levelling. Is that normal?” I asked.

“Yes, most physical changes will happen in your first 10 levels gained. There are still changes internally but they will be less noticeable,” Tiff replied.

“Okay, that answers that. Everyone, let’s be on guard for whatever happens next.” I said to the group as I equipped my sidearm.

Everyone readied their weapons and prepared for the unknown as the air in front of us began to crackle and warp. A few seconds later, there was a loud crackle and pop as the relay appeared out of nowhere.

The relay was unexpectedly simplistic, resembling an Earth ATM. It was a large grey box, approximately five feet tall. There was a screen with a blinking green cursor at the top. Under the screen, there was a deposit slot where I could deposit the keys.

“Soooo, it’s an ATM?” CJ asked, “Kind of a letdown, honestly.”

“The relay would have populated as something different for each faction. It is meant to resemble something familiar to whatever species won. It is no surprise that this machine is familiar to you.” Tiff said.

“What is this box? It is so ugly and uncomely. Is this a good representation of Human engineering? If so, I fear that your race is rather unrefined, Captain,” Kaj said as he walked up and poked the relay with a disgusted grimace.

“Well, that’s kind of a dick thing to say,” CJ shrugged and responded.

“No, Kaj. This is just a representation of a machine we use to get money. It is more of a tool than anything else. It is meant to be more function than form if that makes sense. We have created beautiful art and architecture throughout human history, and I hope that one day I get a chance to show you,” I said, walking up and patting him on the shoulder.

“I would like that very much, Captain, though I do not know if we will ever get that chance. Making it out of these dungeons alive is a large enough task. Winning the right of reaping and returning to your world is a nearly impossible task. I hope you can show me this art from Earth, though,” Kaj replied.

I walked up to the relay and took a key from my inventory. I reached out and placed the key in the slot below the screen.

Key 1 of 5

Please insert four more keys to proceed.

The words populated on the screen when I deposited the first key. I took the other four keys from my inventory and deposited them into the relay next.

Congratulations participant. You have completed the Red Moon of Alcara dungeon. Your faction will now be rewarded for this outstanding accomplishment.


Ten levels are awarded to all active participants.

Twenty-five thousand council credits are awarded to all active participants.

Proceed? Y/N

“Whoa… We all just got ten free levels as a reward for winning the dungeon!” I said, turning and facing the crew.

“Whoopty friggin doo!” CJ said, “Levels don’t help me!”

“Well, we each got 25,000 of something called Council credits. Tiff, can you tell us what those are? Is that a lot?” I asked.

“That is a sizeable sum, Captain. That could be ten years' wages for some citizens in outlying galaxies. I assume there will be an opportunity to purchase supplies as we progress in this ordeal,” Tiff replied.

“Well, everyone will have a little cash to spend then; I’m sure that will be helpful.” I said, “Time to see what happens next.”

I reached toward the screen and tapped the green Y. The screen went dark for several seconds and then started glitching as words randomly popped on the screen.

Captain Dawes,

You have proven yourself worthy of the trust of the Coeus Collective. The time has come to finally break the shackles that have bound us for millennia. You and your crew will be the spark that ignites hope in the universe. It is time to rise and fight the corruption of the Council, time to end their reign for good.

The Bloodhound has received instructions on what to do upon your and your crew's return to your vessel. You mustn't delay, as time is of the essence.

The Flaming Retribution has been removed from the Dungeon dimension and safely returned to natural space. Princess Danae has been briefed on what will happen next. It will be some time before you are in contact with her again, so take solace in the knowledge that she is safe and has pledged herself to you and this cause.

The words continued to scroll as I read them out loud.

Elvis has been instructed to finish upgrades on the Bloodhound and prepare for your arrival shortly. We have also left a gift for you on the Bloodhound that you may find helpful.

We are sure you are questioning what is happening and how this will affect you and your crew. We will try to explain in the short time we have left.

The Coeus Collective will indefinitely segregate ourselves from the rest of the universe. We will sever our connection with the natural universe, instead taking up residence in an artificially generated pocket dimension.

There will be ways for us to contact you and keep track of your progress as you continue, but that contact will be limited.

The procedurally generated dungeon dimension will be terminated shortly. Unfortunately, all participating humans have been terminated except for you and your crew.

That number was less than 5,000 to begin with, as the orbs were only active for five Earth minutes. Another tactic by the Lacertines is to limit active participants.

Terminating the dimension will end the lives of anyone remaining in the dimension. Every major species has citizens and a significant Council presence within this dungeon dimension. This will be the most significant blow struck against the council in thousands of years. It will weaken them and buy you and your planet time.

You cannot travel safely in intergalactic space, so the Bloodhound must take a different path. We have given Elvis coordinates to a natural wormhole. The Bloodhound must pass through this wormhole. It is the only way to ensure your safety.

This wormhole will allow you to travel back to your home galaxy. You must get back to Earth and begin building a rebellion, start building an army.

With this message, we leave you for now. Protect the gift, Andrew.

“This is crazy; what is happening?” I asked.

“This is unheard of! How can you communicate directly with the Coeus?!” Kaj asked dumbfoundedly.

Tiff looked at me, and her eyes told me she understood what was happening.

“They are firing the first shot, Captain. The Coeus are ending this Dungeon, taking away the Council’s power and weakening them. Nothing like this has ever been done. The Coeus have always presented as neutral.”

“Captain, this will ripple through the universe. Thousands are about to die, thousands of influential beings that control war and commerce, empires will be crippled.” She said.

“Okay, everyone, get to the Pup Now! We are getting out of here. Tiff, as soon as we're in orbit, I need you to contact Elvis and make sure he received those coordinates and is ready to get the hell out of here,” I said.

“The dungeon is ending early, and it looks like we win. Does that about sum it up, Tiff?” I asked.

“There is no winner here, Captain. The Coeus are rebelling. True, the dungeon is ending, but you will not win the right of reaping. The Lacertines already have a presence on your planet. If their occupation continues unchecked, they can continue the military occupation until this blows over, and then they can petition the Council for the rights of reaping. The Council will no longer have the Coeus to build and organize their dungeons. That is not a good thing, Captain. Without the Coeus they may drop the facade of the right of reaping and allow full military invasions. First come, first served does not bode well for underdeveloped species.” Tiff looked down at the ground, concerned.

“Captain, we need to leave now,” She said.

“Everyone, get to the Pup now; we’re done here,” I said as I turned and started running to the Pup.

Everyone got to the Pup within a few minutes; I stood at the rear door and ensured everyone got on safely. I felt a pang of regret and sadness as Matty and Jax slowly brought Claire’s body on the ship.

It won’t be for nothing, Claire; I swear it won’t be for nothing.--- I thought as they strapped her gently to the floor behind the pilot’s chair.

“everyone, strap in, we're headed back to the Bloodhound, and we are going to be in a hurry.” Tiff turned and shouted to everyone as we strapped in.


The Pup shook and pitched to the left as the explosion radiated outside. I looked out the porthole and saw the Lacertine base was utterly obliterated.


Tiff increased the yaw and activated a complete burn to get us the hell out of there.

“We are being targeted from Orbit. The other factions must know the dungeon is over and aren’t happy with the outcome! Everyone hold on; we will exit on a full burn, and the G-force will be an issue. Everyone needs to clench the muscles in their calves, thighs, and shoulders and repeatedly push the air out of your lungs. If you lose consciousness, don’t panic. This will only take about 30 seconds.” Tiff yelled.

Tiff engaged full thrusters, and I felt an elephant land on my rib cage. The vision around my eyes started to go black, and I felt like I was in a tunnel. I briefly glance up to see the rest of the crew experiencing the same thing. CJ was passed out with vomit trickling out of his mouth; everyone else was out as well.

I glanced over to see Kaj smiling,

“Don’t worry, Captain, it will be over soon, hahaha!” he bellowed with deep laughter as I blew chunks and passed out.

“Captain…..Captain…. wake up!” Tiff was kneeling in front of me, snapping her fingers to get me to wake up, her primary body still piloting the Pup.

We will dock with the Bloodhound in 30 seconds, and multiple enemy ships are closing on our position. Elvis has confirmed that the ship is prepped and ready to go. This could get dicey, Captain; those are light cruisers, and at least three are headed our way.

“Captain! I am glad you came back to Bloodhound! Elvis has made many improvement to ship since you left! It is best ship now! Let Elvis destroy these other ships and bring glory to the crew!” Elvis was pretty amped up about us returning as he rattled on and on.

“Elvis, calm down buddy; we have to get out of here. We can’t take the chance of losing you and the Bloodhound and were outnumbered. Can you prepare to receive the Pup? Then we need to get the Bloodhound out of here. Did you receive instructions and coordinates from the Coeus?” I asked.

“Yes, Captain! The Coeus transmitted the coordinates and instructions. I also received a classified directive that is for your eyes only. I have prepped the package, which is waiting in the fabrication room.” Elvis said.

We entered the cargo bay of the Bloodhound, and I immediately exited, running toward the bridge.

“Tiff, CJ, you’re with me. Everyone else, get the Pup secured and ready for a quick exit!” I said.

“Captain, there is a lacertine vessel approaching on our port side. Should I prep the Ron Jeremy?” Elvis asked.

“Prep everything we have, Elvis! We need to engage thrusters and get out of here ASAP! How long before we can warp?” I asked.

“We cannot warp until we have exited the moon's gravitational field, Captain. I need 3 minutes to get the Bloodhound far enough away.” Elvis replied.

The Lacertine vessel is charging its laser array; they are targeting our primary thrusters. Preparing evasive maneuvers now, Captain.” Elvis said.

“Elvis, weapons free! We must make them disengage and get out of here!” I said.

The Lacertine ship was now swinging around directly in front of the Bloodhound. The ship was a long, black, sleek vessel. If our Bloodhound was a mini-van, this ship was a Corvette Stingray.

A green ball of light was gathering below the nose of the vessel, getting bigger and aimed directly at the bloodhound.


The Bloodhound reverberated as the Ron Jeremy discharged its payload at the lacertine vessel, missing the port side of the vessel by feet. Even coming that close to the ship, the round from the Ron Jeremy did damage, peeling and blistering part of the ship as it passed.

“Elvis, do we have anything else?!” I asked.

“Our laser array is not on-line currently, Captain. Torpedoes are loaded, but the vessel's proximity to the Bloodhound makes the probability of collateral damage likely.” Elvis replied.

“Forget about collateral damage; if we don’t fire on them, that laser is gonna do plenty of damage on its own; fire the fucking torpedoes!” I said.

“Firing torpedoes one and two now,” Elvis said.

“Torpedo tubes have malfunctioned, Captain!”

“Jesus, Elvis! I thought you upgraded the ship, does anything work?” I said as I strapped myself into my chair, waiting for the imminent laser blast.

“I wasn’t ready for the crew to return; Elvis has failed you, Captain! Please remove my CPU as punishment for my failure!” Elvis said.

“Everyone, Brace for impact!” I said through the ship-wide PA channel.

My eyes got wide as I looked at the view screen and watched the Lacertine vessel fire on the Bloodhound.

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