Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 27: Library restricted area

   After Cha was ideal, he began to move slowly towards the forbidden book area, and it took a while for Charlie to carefully arrive at the forbidden book area.

  Compared to the books in the restricted book area outside, the books were covered with dust. Charlie read the names from the spine one by one, and suddenly one book called "Secrets of the Soul" fascinated Charlie.

Charlie pulled out the book and looked at the intricate and beautiful patterns on the old cover. Charlie felt that the book was not simple. He opened the book and found that the author’s name was when Voldemort was a student. The name used-Tom Riddle.

  Charlie opened the first page curiously, and suddenly a twisted skull flew towards Charlie from the book that Charlie opened. Charlie subconsciously wanted to hide, but did not escape the impact of the skull.

   But Charlie found that the impact of the skull was harmless to him, but what made Cha not ideal was that his escape hit the small ladder next to him, but Charlie did not notice it.

The little ladder fell down without exception after being touched crooked. The sound of "Boom!" was so obvious in the silent library that even Charlie himself was taken aback and dropped the book in his hand to the ground. .

   After Charlie waited for a while and found that Filch hadn't appeared, he gently picked up the book and continued to look through it.

"Squeak!" Charlie heard the sound of the library door being opened after looking at it for a while, followed by footsteps and a familiar voice, "Who is it, who is there? Come out, you naughty Students, not only dare to wander at night, but also dare to enter the forbidden book zone! If you let me catch it, hum! You can bear it. Baby, you can smell it carefully to see where this troublemaker is hiding!"

   After Charlie heard Filch's voice, he put the book in his hand back on the shelf. After all, holding other things with his proficiency in the law of invisibility is more likely to be exposed.

   Charlie walked slowly and tried to leave the place that was obviously the scene, but before he could go out, the light of an oil lamp appeared around him.

   "My dear, is he hiding here? Let me see where he is hiding!" Filch said as he walked towards this side carrying the oil lamp.

   "Huh! No one!" Filch said as he came to the fallen ladder and wondered, "Is this the sound of the falling ladder? But how could the ladder fall for no reason?"

   Filch thought for a while and said to the cat next to him, "My baby is sniffing carefully to see if anyone is hiding nearby!"

   Filch’s cat crawled to the vicinity of the "Secret of the Soul" that Charlie had just held, sniffed carefully, then jumped down and smelled everywhere on the ground, and gradually it came near Charlie.

  Charlie looked at the cat approaching him. Charlie was afraid that the cat would break his invisibility, so he released his power that made others feel scared.

   Filch’s cat suddenly backed away as if seeing something terrifying. It hid behind Filch, trembling, and all the hairs stood upright.

   Filch looked at his cat, then looked forward in confusion and said, "There is nothing there! Are you so scared? Hiss, is there something I can't see nearby?"

   Filch murmured to himself for a while and then quickly left here, and his cat quickly fled behind him.

Charlie heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Filch leave, and then when he was about to continue reading, he suddenly heard Filch’s voice "Ah! It’s Snape and Professor Quirrell! Did you hear the restricted area just now?" the sound of?"

   Snape's voice sounded, "No, we just came! What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Filch whispered, "It's like this. Just now I heard a voice coming from there, and then I took my cat to check and found that the ladder over there fell to the ground, and then my cat seemed to be frightened. , I wonder if there is someone I can’t see is there! So I want to ask Professor Snape to come and have a look with me!"

   After Charlie heard this, he knew he was leaving. It would be easy to find out if he didn't leave, so Charlie left before Snape and Filch came.

   And after Malfoy returned to the dormitory, he wrote a letter to his father and wrote all the things that happened tonight. He handed the letter to the owl and then the owl sent it.

   The next morning, Lucius got up and saw his son's owl standing in front of his window. He took the letter on the owl's beak and opened it.

   It said "Dear Dad, you can't think of my experience tonight, I saw that ‘mysterious man’..."

Lucius read the letter for a long time without saying a word, and finally murmured, "What the **** should I do? If the mysterious man returns, it must be to liquidate the person who betrayed him in the first place. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, do you want to help? What about him?······"

At this time, Charlie ate breakfast as usual before heading to today's spell class. After Charlie sat down, Professor Flitwick also came in. He stood on a stool and looked around for a week and said, "Today we learn to fly! Let Charlie show everyone how to cast the Flying Curse!"

   Charlie stood up and took out his wand and waved it up and said, "The curse textbook is flying!" Suddenly, Charlie felt that the power that was still gentle was suddenly chaotic in his body.

   Charlie tried to control his magic power, let them obediently in his own body, and finally succeeded in casting the spell. A spell textbook on Flitwick's desk immediately vacated and fell into Charlie's hands.

Charlie frowned when he looked at the wand in his hand, and Flitwick said to Charlie, "Charlie, you are doing a good job! You can sit down!" Charlie nodded and sat down, and thought "Why does my control of power drop again?" So much? It just happened that the risk did not succeed!"

Charlie felt the strength of the body carefully and found out, "Hey! The strength in my body has increased a lot! What's going on? Is it related to yesterday's matter? I'm about to fight Voldemort in Quirrell's body. Control is not good, it seems we have to hurry up to practice power control!"

   So Harry sat down and began to penetrate his own magic power, and then used the magic power that came out to control the quill and the paper to practice writing. Finally, Charlie even started to use the magic to control the two quills to write different characters.

At the beginning, Charlie still felt that not only the magic was uncontrollable, but also his thoughts were often confused, but after Charlie settled down, he gradually began to practice calligraphy normally. What Charlie didn’t notice was that at this time, he also entered that kind of forgetfulness. The status is up.

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