Harry Potter: THE ORPHAN

The Hell Starts

Here with another chapter



"Oh! Shit" i made a big mistake, the supreme god is going to kill me. I reincarnated that person in the wrong body. 

"Where are you running to" ? said. 

"Oh Marientte how are you"GOD said 

"I dont have time for your nonsense,How are you going to fix your mistake" Marienette annoyingly said .

"Which mistake" I said with a scheming smile

"What mistake,Huh!" Marienette said while there was ball of fire in here hand powefull wnough to obliterate me

"Dont worry i have it all planned" I said before she could throw that ball of destruction at me


"Yes, I would first cure the body from the disease and then alter the record of the school and her name in it , Is't smart"I know I am very smart

"You dumb Piece of meat, if you alter the world you will have to use half of your power and would be demoted to a lesser god"She said a little angrily

"I am ready for, Otherwise he eee.. she would die, lying there in an alley, I have to take responsibility for my actions" Whatever you think about me I am a RESPONSIBLE GOD

"If this is your choice then be it, I would inform it to the supreme god" She said it a little sympathetically

"Ok b"

She vanished before i could see her off and that hurt my heart

I sigh and started getting ready to alter the world and get him err.. her into the school of wizards when she is 11 years old and lose half my powers and authority.

Maybe the Supreme God would pity me and return my power,I thought before altering the world.

Day 06

Protagonist POV


Its been roughly 06 days since i came into this wretched world. If i am lucky i get some leftovers of bread or pizza and sometimes only sauce on the cardboard boxes.This is what is food for me from the last six days.

Today is like any other day i was looking for some food  in the dumpster but i could't find anything.

For the first time in the last six days,I decided to venture out of the ally i was staying in. As i got out there was a narrow road for the vehicles, I carefully crossed it and stared here and there. there were 2 stories building both sides of the road and there were countless more allies like mine but there was'nt anybody i could call friend in those allies,some were fully empty and some were filled with dumpsters

As  I went further i could see people fighting,quarreling, it was really chaotic there and there were no clues suggesting that I was reincarnated in the Harry Potter world.

Now i regretted ever coming here and was angry at that not so good GOD which reincarnated me here.I was better off in my previous life i was lonely but i never felt it but now i am felling lonely form bottom of my soul. i feel very cold every night and at noon i am sweating buckets.I don't understand the weather here,It is really different from Earth on which i used to live.

I am roaming here and there trying to figure out where am I but there was no result of my relentless practice So i went again to my bungalow and slept on the king size bed with lot's of food besides my bed.

Day 20

Its been another 2 weeks and i still don't where am I.

But today something felt different when i was roaming out on the road looking for clues a middle aged man which stinked of alcohol came and asked me 

"Are you lost, Where are your parents"

"I do...n't kno...w" I stuttered and covered my nose to avoid the smell of alcohol,I never liked the smell of alcohol,not in my this life or the previous one

"Come with me i would take you to a police station" He said.

I did't answer at he felt really suspicious.

"I a..m not goi..ng any.where wit..h you,Te..l me w..ho ar..e you"I asked him while stuttering.

"See i work in this building and came out to freshen up,and i you don't want to come with me then be it,you can live here alone until you die.So let me help you and take you to the police station"He said and turned around to walk away.

"St..op,I wi..ll come wi..th yo..u"

When he heard that he gave a very creepy smile for a second and quickly changed his expression to a soft one and said

"Okay then,smart choice,follow me"

I started following him but something was bothering me about him that creepy smile was still lingering in my mind.

He stopped in front of a deserted alley and said"This is a shortcut,come"

I was really suspicious but still followed him as i did't have any other option.He still felt suspicious but he was helping me and maybe i can find my parents with the help of the police.

We walked in the alley and when we were halfway through,suddenly he turned around and had that creepy smile on his face.I felt goosebumps and tries to run but he got hold of me pinned me towards the wall.

There was clear lust in his eyes and i know my eyes were full of fear.I trembled and tried to break free but everything was in vain.He started to open his jeans.

My heart sanked and i was trembling by thinking what was to come next.

There would be some disturbing scenes in the next chapter.

Thank you for reading.



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