Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 22 The Speeding Train

"Yes." Chang Chu nodded with certainty, "Do you remember Jerry?"

"Of course I remember that problem boy with the same name as the little mouse." Wright raised his eyebrows, he was quite impressed by the delinquent child named Jerry.

"But that problem boy in your mouth, have you forgotten how much trouble it caused you?" Faced with Wright's harsh words, Chang Chu exposed Wright's fig leaf mercilessly, "I didn't know at the time Who was so bullied that he had no choice but to ask me to help?”

"I was..." Wright's face turned a little red. This was the disadvantage of chatting with a classmate who had been with him for six years. Everyone knows everything about each other, you can't even pretend to be fake.

But Jerry's black spot, Wright really can't hide away even if he wants to.

By the way, that was when Wright was in first grade, and the freshmen had just entered school. Except for a few children who sat together as soon as they entered the classroom door, most of the students in the classroom didn't know each other. So the teacher followed the usual practice and asked everyone to come on stage and introduce themselves.

It turns out that among Wright's classmates, there was a little boy named Jerry. Because his name is exactly the same as the leading male lead (or is it the second male lead?) of a famous cartoon, everyone found it very interesting when he introduced himself. But maybe because Wright was in a bad mood at the time and laughed too loudly after hearing a joke, the boy named Jerry remembered Wright.

Finally, in the second grade, the little friction they had accumulated in the first grade finally broke out. Rather than an outburst, it was actually just a push between young boys. But Wright's physique was too weak at that time. He was so weak that he was pushed to the ground by Jerry after being pulled a few times.

Then, Wright was rescued by Chang Chu who came after hearing the news. The unabashed ridicule on the face of the fat little man named Jerry at that time was something that Wright could remember forever. So after the summer vacation of the third grade, after Wright's body was completely healthy and his height grew wildly, he took revenge on this little incident as soon as he entered the fourth grade.

Therefore, Wright went to learn a little bit of fighting methods, but his fighting level was limited to being able to dominate among young boys. Don't expect Wright to learn anything like Ming Jin or Dark Jin, or use superb Chinese martial arts to beat Voldemort, kick Dumbledore, and just go to sleep.

But the reason why Wright was so impressed by this was not just because of Jerry's ridicule. Even more because after this incident, a student specifically asked him: "Wright, why didn't you propose to Chang Chu?"


"Okay, I know it's just because you're too young." Chang Chu waved his hand, but could you make the suppressed smile less obvious on your face?

What else could Wright say? He could only nodded sadly.

"It was also that time when I pushed Jerry away in front of all of you. You all thought I was just strong, but that time it was indeed my magic power that rioted!"

While Wright and Chang Chu were chatting, the Hogwarts Express slowly drove out of London.

At about half past twelve, there was a clicking sound in the aisle outside the box, and the sound got closer and closer as time went by. As there was a knock on the door, a woman with a smile and dimples opened the door of the compartment. She stood at the door and asked Wright and Chang Chu: "My dear, do you want to buy some food on the train? "

Wright looked at Chang Chu: "Chang Chu, do you want something?"

"Of course, it's almost lunch time now, and I'm a little hungry." Chang Chu nodded.

Wright stepped out of the car and into the aisle. The female conductor came here pushing a trolley filled with snacks. Since he didn't know Chang Chu's taste, Wright bought some of every snack on the cart, including Bibi multi-flavor beans, Chuibao Super Bubble Gum, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pie, pot cakes, licorice magic wands, etc. , there are even some snacks that Light has never seen in Diagon Alley.

After paying the salesperson less than a galleone, Wright walked back to the box with the pile of snacks he just bought, and then poured the pile of food on the table.

Chang Chu skillfully opened a chocolate frog, accurately grabbed the frog before it jumped, and then bit off the frog's head.

"Well, a very qualified little witch." Wright looked at Chang Chu's actions and made an evaluation in his mind.

"Wright, don't you want to eat?" Chang Chu looked at Wright with some doubts and shook the chocolate frog that was no longer moving in his hand.

"Oh, now!" Wright also picked up a piece of pumpkin pie.

After eating the chocolate frog, Chang Chu flipped through the chocolate frog box, ready to see whose card she would get this time.

"Count Vlad Dracula, 1390 to present. A notorious vampire, Muggle writer Bram Stoker based the fictional character Count Dracula on him." Chang Chu read the words on the card word for word. Word.

"Luckily, I haven't opened any of Draku's cards yet." Wright swallowed the pumpkin pie in his mouth, cleared his throat and said to Chang Chu.

"But Wright, do you know how I feel about this chocolate frog card?" Chang Chu casually threw Count Delacour's card on the table. From Wright's perspective, what was the position on the box where the character image should have been? There was nothing, just pitch black.

"I don't know." Wright shook his head.

"That is, I am skeptical of all fairy tales, fantasy stories, etc. created by ordinary people." Chang Chu opened another chocolate frog, "Oh, this time it is Merlin."

"It's rare that we have the same opinion." Wright finished the pumpkin pie in his hand.

The train was speeding along.

In the evening, there was a knock on the box door again. A boy about 16 years old opened the door after knocking on the door, glanced at Wright and Chang Chu in the box, and then said clearly: "I am the prefect of Ravenclaw, the person in charge of this carriage patrol. . We are about to arrive at Hogsmeade Village. You can leave your luggage in the car as soon as possible, and there will be dedicated personnel who will take it to your dormitory."

After saying that, the boy immediately closed the door and left.

Wright looked at Chang Chu, who had not yet changed into his school uniform, and said, "Chang Chu, please put on your school uniform. I'll go to the corridor to avoid it."

After saying that, Wright walked out of the box. Standing in the corridor and glancing out the window, Wright found that the sky outside had turned completely dark.

Chang Chu, who quickly put on his school uniform, walked out of the box. After Wright walked back to the box and put Felicia into the cage, he and Chang Chu followed the flow of people in the aisle and rushed forward.

The Hogwarts Express has arrived.

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