Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

The Ravenclaw Seer

"... And I thought you would understand the importance of these exams, you must pass them to get into the second year."

"Ughh, I don't know what I have been doing all this time, I should have started studying ages ago, but I have been busy helping my friends with some things..."

And she was still going, even faster now.

'Usually, she stops after a while, It seems that the stress is getting to her,' Ben thought.

"Stop! Hermione, stop for a second. Breathe in, deep breaths," he decided to stop her before smoke starts coming off of her head.

"Now, there's no need to panic. There's still enough time to study for the exams, you will have ample time to prepare during the Easter break," said Ben, trying to calm her down.

"You're right, we can still prepare if we spend all our time studying during the break."

"So, you should stay here and study instead of wasting time at home."

"You won't be able to practice your spells there."

She started to lecture him and Ben could only look at her with his mouth hung open.

Ben, was a nerd himself but even he was shocked watching Hermione's obsession with studying and exams.

"Yeah, hate to break it to you, but I have already prepared for the exams."

"And, I live in a magic house, so I can do as much magic as I want."

"And, I already know what's going to be on the exams."

Ben threw three small but deadly attacks and they were super effective at stunning the little witch.

"You what? How can you know what's going to be on the exam? And you can't do magic outside of school," she looked at Ben with bafflement and a little bit of ridicule on her face.

"Well, the trace monitors magical activity near an underage wizard, but the ministry can't tell if it's me doing it or someone else in my house."

"So it's only Muggleborns who have to be worried about getting caught, I thought you would know about this Granger," he said with a smug smile.

"But that's still breaking the law! You shouldn't be doing that."

"And that doesn't explain how you know what's going to be on the exams."

There was clear disbelief in her voice, she couldn't believe he was openly admitting to breaking the law or possibly cheating on the exam.

"Give me break, everyone does it."

"And people don't call me 'Ravenclaw's Seer' for nothing, I can see the future," Ben spoke in a hushed voice, trying to sound as mysterious as possible.

"You mean Divination? That's only taught after the third year and Professor McGonagall said that it's the most imprecise field of magic that there is."

"You should focus on studying our own subjects instead of wasting your time on all this."

'That's cause McGonagall couldn't divine a thing, even if the grim stood right in her face,' Ben said under his breath as he felt a little pleased that even McGonagall wasn't good at everything.

"Did you say something?" Said Hermione trying to read his lips.

"Uh- Nothing, Just saying that Divination can not be taught. You're either born a seer or you aren't, just like you're either born a Wizard or you aren't," Ben tried to distract Hermione with something he'd read about divination.

It wasn't like he was a real seer, he was the biggest fraud of them all.

"And you are a Seer then? You see things?" she asked and Ben nodded with pride, lifting his nose up high.

"Tell me what you see then, let's see if you are any good," she challenged him with eyes full of scepticism.

"That's not how it works, I can't control it," Ben said truthfully for once.

"Lies, I knew it," she said with a smug look that really flared Ben's mischief itch.

A dazed look came over Ben's face and his eyes started to fog up and turned completely white, a strange whispering voice came out of his mouth that sounded as if somebody was strangling him.

'The deal was sealed in a drunken haze, the beast obtained, but the key was given in exchange. Now two will climb the midnight stair, as the third slumbers beneath the sheets in despair.'

One could see the colour drain from the poor girl's face as she stared dumbfounded at the boy whose pupils had gone cloudy.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something?" he said as his eyes regained their hazel brown colour.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" He asked with a confused look.

"N-Nothing, I-I have to go, Harry and Ron must be looking for me," the poor girl said collecting her books in a hurry, trying to get out of there as fast as she could.

Just as she was about to leave, a hand clasped her wrist tightly, she looked up to see the same white pupils staring at her.

'You will journey beyond the slumbering protector, down the flaming flora, past the winged keys and a shattered battlefield, yet the path of wisdom dictates a return at the enigma of elixirs'

A hair-raising whisper came out of his mouth as his pupilless eyes stared into her soul, she managed to free her wrist as his grip loosened and ran out of the library without looking back, only stopping once she reached the Griffindor tower.

'That should keep her awake for a few nights and hopefully away from me for even longer,' Ben thought with a smug smile as he reached for the shelf with his new book.

He had divined the book's location while he was spouting nonsense, good thing Madam Pince wasn't around today.

She was the least helpful Librarian in the history of libraries and did not help anyone find relevant books in this massive library. It made completing homework assignments unnecessarily tedious and wasted a ton of time.

Irma Pince loved books and only books and saw herself as the guardian and protector of the books, always at odds with the students who try to use them, whom she did not allow to eat, talk, laugh, whisper, sneeze or scurry in the library.

Good thing Ben had [Clairvoyace] that made finding books easier, [Muffle] that stopped all noises and Invisibility that let him access all the sections of the library.

Anyways, Ben had made two prophesies today and only time would tell if they would come true.

Ben seemed to love the idea of being a Seer, and since he wasn't sure if he had any real talent in that, he had decided to fake it till he made it.


MC is a scumbag. Read more of his scumbagery at patre@n/DreamyApe. There are extra chapters available there.

These two prophecies I wrote with the help of ChatGPT. The AI is stealing our Jobs [Crying face emoji].

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.