Harbingers of Change

Volume 2 – Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Sometimes fate cannot be escaped. Momonga had tried to avoid expanding Tempest too fast, yet it happened anyway. The vast territories, previously held by Gelmud, now were added to Tempest's jurisdiction, together with everyone who once served the majin.

The chain of command was growing more chaotic by the day, and the various clan leaders only vaguely understood who to report to. Albedo and Demiurge did their best to get the situation under control and were rather successful in their attempts, yet too many problems still remained.

Momonga took a sip of tea as he read through Demiurge's report about the renaming experiments conducted on Gelmud's former subordinates.

'Monsters can be renamed, at least if their original master has died. So far, it seems he has managed to rename four orc clan leaders and test their loyalty with mind control. Interesting.'

Following that was Albedo's report about the newly formed Tempest's high council. The Guardian Overseer had gathered the leaders of each faction in Tempest and made them answer to her and Momonga.

There were no surprises as he already knew the leaders of each group. The only thing that was somewhat surprising was Souka's appointment as the leader of lizardmen, although she didn't directly perform any administrative duties and worked as one of the intelligence agents.

'What is this?' He picked up a letter attached to the report. 'Souka requests to be replaced with a more suitable candidate to lead the lizardmen. I see… if nothing else, I can at least hear her out.'

{ Albedo, could you please bring in Souka, if she is not busy at the moment? }

{ She is available. Should I guide her to your office? }

{ Yes, bring her in. }

Souka came in a moment later and kneeled in front of the office table. "Lord Momonga, you called?"

"You may rise. Yes, I see that you want to decline the position of being the leader of your people?"

Souka stood up and assumed a military stance. "I am honored for the opportunity, but I have always been a soldier, not a chieftain."

Momonga eyed her curiously. The young woman was keeping a neutral expression but there were a few droplets of sweat forming on her forehead. "Do you have anyone in mind who's more worthy than you to take the mantle of leader of the lizardmen?"

"Hakusou. He is already performing all the administrative duties regarding my people." Souka answered in a loud clear tone, befitting a soldier.

Momonga leaned forward, staring into her eyes with his burning gaze, "Would your people look up to him like they do to you?" He asked her. If she was to offer a replacement, he needed to be sure it was the right choice, not just a momentary whim of someone who wanted to shake off the responsibility of being a leader.

Souka gulped and looked down. She hadn't looked at the situation that way. People did look up to her, even if she didn't directly contribute to lizardmen's daily life and spent most of her time serving as an intelligence agent.

Until recently, she never thought of herself as the leader of all her people. 'Father was an excellent and charismatic leader and brother… even for all his stupidity, Gabiru shares our father's natural charisma and could inspire people around him with ease. Me? I am just a soldier who knows how to follow orders.'

'Hakusou knows how to run things, but people will not see him as our leader. I can't honestly offer him as my father's replacement. And my brother… returning that idiot to the position of chieftain would be an insult to Tempest. I… I have no choice but to accept the position myself.'

"Hakusou would not be seen as a leader. I am sorry for wasting your precious time, Lord Momonga. I will accept the position and perform my duties to the best of my ability." She said with determination.

"That's good to hear. You don't have to worry that much. I will assign you a few liches to help and advise you."

"Thank you, my Lord." Souka said with a deep bow.

There was no more point denying it, but she had to become the leader of her people, even if they were just one small part of Tempest.


Gazel sat in his office as he listened to his personal field spy's report about the battle that recently happened in Tempest. Elma's reports, no matter how thorough, could not be trusted. Though in this case, she had been clearly permitted to retell everything from Tempest's perspective without leaving out any crucial information.

"You may go. Remember to keep a distance from the border." Gazel dismissed the spy the moment he had finished his report.

The spy saluted and disappeared into his shadow.

'Each time I receive a report, it just gets progressively worse.' Gazel thought, clutching his face with one hand. 'Now they have a living mountain that can trample entire armies. It seems I have no choice but to announce an official visit and talk with this Lord Momonga myself.'

Considering that Sarion and Blumund were not only aware of Tempest's existence but opened diplomatic paths, it was rather obvious that the monster nation positioned itself as civilized and peaceful. That was if no one threatened it. The absolute massacre that happened the moment the majin, Gelmud, foolishly attacked Tempest was a clear demonstration of what would happen to anyone who tried anything similar.

'I guess I could coordinate an official visit with Elmesia. Knowing her, she would likely visit the new nation in person, despite poor Grimwald's protests.'

The Sarion's Empress, despite her sometimes careless actions, was an experienced and calculating ruler who was an ally ever since Gazel's own grandfather had formed the Armed Nation of Dwargon. She, of course, would likely use a homunculus body to travel and not put herself in harm's way.

'I should dedicate time to studying magic and buy a homunculus from them at some point.' The disposable remotely controlled bodies were Sarion's most sought export even if they cost such exorbitant prices that only the wealthiest people could afford one.

Gazel quickly scribbled a reminder for himself and put it in the pile of other low-priority plans. The current top priority was to set a long-term course for dealing with Tempest. A decision that would come at a price no matter what approach he chose.


Buku sat on a sofa, her legs stretched over the coffee table while reading letters with Aura and Mare sitting at her sides, both holding drinks in their hands. Opposite her sat her brother, with Shalltear and Gale each on one side. Pero was drinking beer from a can with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and Shalltear was slowly drinking a cocktail from a straw while trying to look as innocent as possible, knowing where her father got the beer.

The rest of the children sat on chairs with their own drinks and bowls of snacks.

"Sis, we planned a casual evening. Don't you think this is enough work?" Pero asked.

Buku distractedly looked up from the letter she was reading, "These are important." she said.

"You can deal with it tomorrow. You don't have to go all Momonga on your work."

Buku sighed, putting away the letters. "Sure… Hey, that's my beer!" she shouted indignantly as she looked up, this time actually paying attention to what her brother was doing.

"No, this is mine. Right, sweety?" Pero hastily responded and turned to his daughter for support.

"Yes, that is daddy's drink!" Shalltear confirmed with her cheeks reddening.

"Like I wouldn't know where the lying piece of sh… hghm… Where my brother got that can." Buku snarled, before suddenly turning her full attention towards Shalltear, "Hey, are you even supposed to drink alcohol?"

"Huh? Why wouldn't I?" Shalltear asked, genuinely confused.

"Really now? You're what, fifteen at this point? Pero, are you seriously letting her drink?"

"What's the big deal? She has Poison Immunity and she is almost grown up anyway."

"Right... I hope you didn't teach her how to turn it off while drinking." Buku remarked.

"It can be turned off?!" Both Pero and Shalltear shouted in surprise.

"Shit!" Buku breathed out, and then looked around with horror plastered on her face. "No one heard that!"

Her seven children vigorously shook their heads while Pero with Shalltear tried their best to not burst out laughing at her.

"I have arrived!" The sudden appearance of Veldora interrupted Buku's embarrassment. The dragon grabbed the beer can out of Pero's hand and sat on a chair.


"These are good, right Buku?" Veldora said with his trademark laugh.

"Wait, you've been hiding this beer from me, but giving it to Veldora?"

"He is better behaved than you." Buku said with a snicker. "Besides, it was payment for babysitting the children."

"Who are you and what did you do with my sister?" Pero asked incredulously, cocking his head to the side.

"What? He's basically family."

"Ha, I am the favorite brother!" Veldora shouted boastfully.

"This is bullshit." Pero muttered and sunk into the couch, sulking.

"Language!" Buku said.

Pero only scoffed and looked away.

"Fine. I have enough reserves." Buku said as she walked up to the bar and tossed a can toward Pero. "By the way, where's Momonga?" Buku asked.

"I think he's either working or dealing with the two hotties who are after his bones." Pero said as Shalltear looked down with an angry expression.

"You did tell him we're hanging out, right?" Buku asked.

"Of course. Three times, face to face." Pero said and then hugged Shalltear sideways. "Don't worry. Soon you can join the fight too. You are growing up just fine."

"But what if it's too late? Why wouldn't Lord Momonga go after those two?" Shalltear asked with her voice betraying her worries.

"Oh, he is not going after anyone. It's more like who will catch him. A cute predator like you has all the same chances as your competition." Buku said with a chuckle as she sat down with a beer can in her hand.

{ …Do you realize what you just said in front of Shalltear?! } Pero asked.

{ Erm… I'm sure it will be fine. It's not like she will just drag Momo into bed. }

{ Now I'm not sure if you are doing him a favor or getting some sick revenge. }

{ I know. Consider this a gentle push. I did the same with Shion and Albedo and hinted that Momonga can have more than one wife. }

{ Sis, you know him. He will not get it into his thick head what to do with all three after him! }

{ Come on. He needs to be pushed out of his comfort zone, for him to ever get laid. }

{ If things go south I'm ratting you out! }

{ Hey! It won't go south… probably. }

{ It's your, and probably Momo's, funeral. } Pero said and shrugged.

'I'm just doing what's good for him. The guy needs a companion… Maybe a few.' Buku mused as she took a sip.


"Lady Buku is not interested in becoming his wife, and Lord Momonga would never pick any of us by himself?" Albedo repeated as she carefully took a small sip of her tea.

"That's what Lady Buku said. It would be between us to pull and her to do the push." Shalltear said as she glanced at Shion with barely hidden disdain.

"Being so forward with a Supreme Being aside, the question of hierarchy still remains."

Shalltear smiled arrogantly, "Me, of course." She said with conviction.

"You? As guardian overseer, It should be my position!" Albedo protested.

"How about me?" Shion asked curiously.

"You are beneath us!" Both answered in unison without skipping a beat.

Shion pouted and looked away. As long as she trained as hard as possible, one day she would reach their power level and put both in their place.

The kijin picked up her own cup and just listened to Albedo and Shalltear argue about who would be Lord Momonga's head wife.


Geld slowly dug a grave in the dry stony earth of his former home. Save for two of his subordinates, who carried the corpse, there was no one else around.

Although this area by rights now belonged to Tempest, almost no one lived here anymore. Considering the harsh environment, only tireless undead were around, working in the mines.

Lord Momonga had made sure he would receive his father's remains to give them a proper burial. Geld's father's noble sacrifice to save his people had earned the respect of the Supreme Overlord of Tempest.

'What if father had denied Gelmud? Would he still be alive?' Geld had asked himself this question countless times now. He was the King now, but the situation was not hopeless anymore. In Tempest, no one was starving and everyone was treated as a free citizen.

The hot sun overhead made the work that much harder. The same harsh, unrelenting sun that scorched the lands. Despite his impressive strength, the earth was fighting back with every shovel full of dirt he dug out. The iron shovel started to get dented, but he didn't slow down.

It was not a tradition to dig the grave alone, but Geld was the last surviving member of his family, and wanted the burden to lay his father to rest by himself.

Once the grave was deep enough, he got out and motioned for his two subordinates to put the corpse down. Even with how gently he lowered the body into the grave, a cloud of dust escaped the pit and made him cough.

"You did more than enough for our people, father. May you find peace in the afterlife." He quietly said and started to fill the grave with stony sand.

Finally, he put a large stone on top of the sand to mark his father's last resting place.

"You will be remembered for the sacrifices you made for our survival."


A lone presence watched the events unfolding in the physical realm. He hadn't been so intrigued in a long time. The otherworlders proved to be far too interesting for him to ignore.

The black primordial was unlike his peers and could become obsessed with the oddest of things. The place called Nazarick and its masters were his latest obsession.

For a demon like him, time was of little consequence. But to just sit and wait was far too boring. He had found his path, and all he could do was wait for a call to serve.

'Take your time. I will get my rightful place sooner or later.' His handsome face twisted into a smile. All he had to do was to wait for anyone from Nazarick to perform a demon-summoning ritual.

Proofreading by I AM THE STRING CUTTER, Saphy, Somnium Hypnos, and Sad_Smiles.

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