Harbingers of Change

Volume 2 – Chapter 22

Chapter 22

"Can you stop whining, we aren't even in the forest yet!" Gido said with a tired sigh. The last week and a half had been a test of his willpower to withstand the bickering of his companions.

'Can't those two be normal just once? Like two children, seriously!' Gido lamented. While they were traveling in a horse-driven cart both Kaval and Eren kept their whining to a minimum, but once they were on foot, boy did the complaining ramp up.

"Me? But she is the one who has not shut up since we left the capital." Kaval said.

"I just wanted to get it all out before we entered the forest. We have to be careful there. You heard what the old man said? Monsters are creating a nation there." Eren defended herself.

"Good point. Time to stop messing around. I can already see the forest line." Kaval said, changing his tone to a much more serious one.

Despite what many would think about them, when it came to working, all three were professionals and took their missions seriously. There was no telling what to expect, but Eren was appointed to be the main talker of the group as she had a knack for befriending people with casual ease and there was hope the same goes for the monsters.

With a possible monster ambush at any time all three tensed up the moment they crossed Blumund's border and entered the vast forest that was brimming with all kinds of monsters.

Unlike the last time they were in the forest, this time it felt unnaturally quiet the moment they reached the first batch of trees. Eren let out a shudder and whispered. "I think we are being watched."

"I feel the same. How about we switch our plan? Eren, try to speak with whoever is watching us." Kaval whispered back.

She nodded as the trio stopped and Eren took a step forward. She cleared her throat and loudly announced. "We have no hostile intentions. We represent the Freedom Association, also known as the Free Guild. Please let us pass and speak with the leaders of the Tempest Hegemony."

A raspy voice invaded her mind. {Stay there and wait.} The creature, whatever it was, didn't give off any feeling of hostility. The command came more from an indifferent border guard than a hostile monster.

"We have to wait," Eren said to her teammates.

"Sure… be battle ready just in case." Kaval said, holding the hilt of his sword.

A sudden appearance of a dark void in front of them made the trio jump in surprise. Within the blink of an eye, they were surrounded by what looked like humans with horns and wings. Neither of the three could tell what exactly they were, but by the looks of it, they were likely connected to either dragons or lizards. Finally, an average-sized, blue-haired kijin in dark clothing appeared in front of them and asked in a calm voice. "Why did the organization you represent send you?"

Eren put on her most charming smile and said in a calm voice. "The Guild wishes to establish diplomatic relationships and since we, as guild members, are not directly tied to any country, we could serve as mediators between Tempest Hegemony and the human kingdoms."

The kijin stared her down for a moment, and then continued, "The Supreme Overlord Momonga will grant you an audience. Follow me." he said, before turning to walk through the dark void.

Eren was first to move to follow, with Gido and Kaval following after her through the void. She hesitated once again but with a deep breath stepped through it and appeared in a central square of a busy city.

Even the first glance gave an impression of a developed nation. The hobgoblins, orcs, and various other monster species went about their day just like humans would.

The trio followed the ogre to a small mansion. "Enjoy your stay, and for now, do not leave the house. You will be summoned when Lord Momonga is ready to speak with you."

"You must be tired after the long road, some refreshments are prepared." A group of two goblinas in maid outfits, and a hobgoblin in a manservant suit, approached them the moment the kijin disappeared into his own shadow.

"Do not be a complete pig and eat with some manners!" Kaval hissed once he saw the huge table filled with various dishes.

Eren scowled and hit Kaval's left leg with her staff just where his boot ended. The man groaned from trying to keep a straight face, and limped over to the seat as one of the goblina's offered him with a charming smile.

Just to spite her teammate, Eren ate and drank with the grace of a born noblewoman while glaring at him from time to time. Kaval and Gido tried to mimic her manners to the best of their ability, while the goblinas served them the dishes they chose, sometimes leaning in a bit too close.

'Man, for a monster, that girl is so pretty.' Kaval mused as he subtly glanced at her cleavage. Of course, showing some restraint was a must in the current situation so he could successfully avoid staring at the girl with Gido being just as careful with the goblina who served him.

Eren smirked as she watched the two goblinas unsuccessfully working on her teammates, just as easily ignoring the good-looking hobgoblin who was acting as her servant. Even with the royal treatment, she knew none of them would fall into the temptation of false security.


"Any idea what the Free Guild would want with us?" Momonga asked Buku while both observed the trio of adventurers through the remote view mirror. The mirror firmly sat on his office table with him sitting in his chair and Buku standing behind him.

"Probably that prick Yuuki is snooping around after his spy failed to follow me. Wait a minute, I know these three. I met them while I was in Blumund. You aren't planning to just off them, are you?"

"It was only a matter of time before the humans found out about us. Killing the first human envoys would serve no purpose beyond convincing humans that we cannot be reasoned with." Momonga said while scratching the side of his skull.

"From what little interaction I had with them I doubt they are some master schemers or spies," Buku said leaning on his shoulder. "Looks like Albedo's honey traps have no effect on them. They are not complete morons at least."

Buku then tilted her head and added. "They can eat like normal people?"

"There is no point dragging this out. Are you joining me for the talks?"

"Sure, why not. But don't you think they'll recognize that my current form is similar to Shizue?" Buku asked with concern.

"You can put on some sort of mask if you are afraid of being recognized."

"I'll just put on a full plate set. Helm will look less suspicious." Buku said as she straightened out. "I'll meet you in the throne room in ten minutes, ok?"

"Sure." Momonga said, standing up. It was time to put on the act of the ruler once again.

Ten minutes later he was sitting on the throne in the Tempest's royal castle with both his dutiful advisors at his side and Buku sitting on a smaller throne clad from head to toe in heavy plate armor.

Three envoys were led in a few minutes later. There was something off about the girl who was acting as the leader of the group. She was using some sort of illusion magic but what she was hiding was hard to tell.

While he was contemplating how to approach the situation Demiurge sent a message. { My lord, one of them is using illusion magic, she might be hiding a means to harm you. }

{ Agreed. This might be an assassination attempt. I am ready to summon in Rubedo.} Albedo chipped in.

{ Calm down, both of you. Albedo, just put on a shield around us for now. And don't do anything rash. } Momonga stopped them before the castle was decorated with the mangled remains of the three humans.

{ They are B-ranked adventurers. There is no way in hell they would be able to harm any of us. Don't be so paranoid. } Buku messaged.

{ Lady Bukubukuchagama, with all due respect it is our utmost duty to ensure Lord Momonga and your safety. } Albedo said

{ I'll just confront her. Be ready just in case. } Momonga said as the trio of envoys approached and kneeled.

{ Please my Lord, there is no need to lower yourself to deal with these lesser beings' tricks. Please let me deal with that worm! } Albedo said.

{ Albedo! For now, we should avoid killing them. Can you deal with the situation in a diplomatic fashion? }

{ Understood. I will avoid harming them unless they show open hostility. }

"Is it a human custom to approach a ruler of a foreign nation while hiding behind illusions?" Albedo asked in a pleasant voice as she took a step forward.

The girl looked up at her eyes widening and color draining from her youthful face.

"I… I…" She stuttered.

"We could easily take it as an act of hostility, but Lord Momonga, in his infinite mercy, will let you explain yourself." Albedo said walking closer to the girl.

Eren, seeing no other option, canceled the spell to reveal her long elven ears. "I-I'm sorry. It was not my intention to deceive." She said. The two demons alone were much more than she and both her guards could handle and by their expressions, they were looking for any reason to strike.

"Is there a reason you thought you could not approach us as an elf?" Buku asked. The fact that she completely missed it the last time they met also didn't sit well with her.

"No, I… I used this disguise so I could be an adventurer. I just didn't think anyone would sense it." Eren quickly explained.

{ Elves, while not hated, are not really accepted as equals in human lands. They, as a species, are considered to be more related to monsters than to humans. Although I saw a few elven adventurers while I was there so maybe there is another reason for her to hide her elven nature. } Buku explained.

{ Maybe she was just doing it to avoid being discriminated against? Either way, if she was just hiding the fact that she is an elf I see no reason to think there was some hidden motive behind it. Just in case, be prepared for anything. } Momonga said.

"I will overlook this deception as a simple misunderstanding," Momonga said, sounding regal and authoritative. "You may rise and explain your reason for coming."

The trio raised to their feet as Eren spoke, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible. "We were sent to Jura on a mission to establish contact with the Tempest Hegemony on behalf of the Freedom Association and the Kingdom of Blumund." Eren said as Kaval took out a letter from his pocket and extended his hand waiting for one of the demons to pick it up.

"So, the Freedom Association offers a peaceful coexistence if we do not show any hostility towards humans," Momonga said as he read the letter. "Very well. Enjoy all the hospitality Tempest can offer while I prepare a response."

"Thank you Supreme Overlord Momonga," Eren said with a deep bow.

Once they were back in the mansion, they were given as honorable guests, Gido looked around to see if any of the servants were close enough and said with a whisper. "I almost crapped my pants when they called you out. Elyun, don't you think you better drop the act and contact your father in case you need to be extracted?"

"It's fine. You heard that we will get the response letter that we need to deliver back to Fuze and that's all." Eren said with a whisper. "Besides, I think we are still being watched." She added as quietly as possible.

"Our duty is to keep you safe. If things go south please message your father and we will try our best to hold them back while he teleports you away." Kaval whispered.

"Guys, it will be fine and you both know I will not leave you behind. You are my friends, not just bodyguards."


Momonga looked over the transcripts of what the guests had talked about while Demiurge stood in front of his office table.

"I would like to hear your input." He said to Demiurge.

"It is very likely that she is a spy from another nation masquerading as a simple adventurer that needed to hide her elven nature. My best guess is that she is from the nation called Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion, but she might be an agent of some yet undiscovered power."

"Watch them closely, but don't do anything for now." Momonga said.

'Of course, Lord Mononga knew about her beforehand. But what is he planning? No doubt he already knows how to deal with Sarion and this spy is somehow part of that plan. I will have to do my best to figure out the basics and show my competence and reliability.'

"I see, so that's how it is. The spy will be watched closely." Demiurge said with a bow and left Momonga's office.

For now, all Momonga could do was just wait and see how the first interactions with human nations pan out. The hero who imprisoned Veldora could still be around. Considering that she imprisoned the storm dragon three hundred years ago and was still young a few decades ago when she took Shizue under her wing, she likely wouldn't have died of old age.

If worst comes to worst, Nazarick itself should be defendable enough against most human heroes. The only thing he needed to figure out was how to expand the current layout to accommodate the entirety of Tempest's population. They too were part of the Great Tomb after the naming and he would not want them to be left behind.

Proofreading by I AM THE STRING CUTTER, Sad_Smiles, Somnium Hypnos and kamijazz

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