Harbingers of Change

Volume 2 – Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Since the orcs were the most numerous and the least interesting of the three new species, Momonga decided to start with them. The entire group of over a thousand orcs waited for him at Tempest's main plaza.

As usual, he appeared through the Gate followed by his dutiful assistant. The clan of orcs kneeled, awaiting orders from their new master. As before with some of the namings, he had an almost unbreakable urge to name them in a certain way.

Without delay, Momonga walked up to the kneeling clan leader and said, "I will call you Geld the Orc..."

'I can't call him the Lord. I know! I will call him the King instead.'


As the transformation of him growing taller and bulkier happened, Geld looked up at Momonga in surprise and said, "Master, you gave me the same name Gelmud gave my father!"

"Is that so? What an interesting coincidence."

'Is my mind playing tricks on me? Or maybe it's Dark Sage who knows what they should be called?'

With the rest of the orcs not being particularly interesting, he quickly used Dark Sage to use a generic naming system and get the affair over with in a timely manner.

Inspecting the results, Momonga quickly noticed a new unique skill being added to Nazarick's skill list through Geld, Gourmet. It worked somewhat similar to an inventory but had an additional feature to corrode targets Geld touched. What's more, its subskill, Stomach, was shared by all the orcs under Nazarick.

"Give Rigurd the abilities and the necessities your clan has. He will give you and your people some tasks and find accommodations for you." Momonga casually said, not wanting to dwell on the orcs for long. One new skill was an interesting development, but there were two more species he couldn't wait to name.

The next group, consisting of about three hundred lizardmen, was waiting in the plaza square. Their leader stood in front of the group with four other lizardmen.

Same as before, Momonga appeared in front of them and the entire group kneeled. There was something peculiar about the ones the lizardmen leader had handpicked to be beside her. Momonga knew how to call each of them, but there was no one like that in the crowd.

'I wonder if she chose them knowing about that?'

In quick succession, he named the leader Souka, her two female companions Saika and Touka, and the male companions Haksou and Nansou.

'There is definitely something weird going on.' Momonga mused. Why he instantly knew what to call each of them was a mystery. There was this vague sense that these were their names and someone had already picked them.

Before the transformation even started, he quickly gave generic names to the rest of the crowd and awaited the results. Naming the lizardmen took more energy than it did for the orcs, making him slightly concerned as to whether he should slow down with the ogres, as they were by far the strongest, especially the six that fought Cocytus.

Interestingly enough, the five specifically named ones become more human-like, with only small horns and wings reminding of their inhuman nature. To his surprise, Souka quickly hid them, becoming fully human by using her new ability that came with evolution.

"Thank you, my Lord, we await your orders," Souka said, still kneeling.

"Go to Rigurd, he will deal with your accommodations. One of my assistants will find you suitable tasks when we sort out the basics."

"As you command."

Now, he could finally turn his attention to the most interesting group.

As he approached the group of forty ogres, he took quick note of the six standing in front of the rest of them. These were the ones that fought Cocytus and impressed him enough to receive the praise from the rather stoic Vermin Lord. The leader of the group, one everyone called the Prince, had a disappointed expression on his face that he quickly tried to hide as he kneeled.

Momonga could guess he found it insulting that his group was picked last, and it would be easy to explain his reasoning, but he chose not to. After all, they did not need any ego boost as the strongest new group. Despite many being very young or old, they all looked strong and powerful.

Unsurprisingly, Momonga already knew what to call the leading six, with a vague sense of how to call the remaining ones.

He quickly started with the Prince and said. "I will call you Benimaru…" considering that the entire group looked like some sort of samurai from old Japan, he also knew the title to give to the leader. "The Samurai General."

The energy drain was more noticeable compared to the orcs and lizardmen, somewhere in the same area as Apito and Zegion in terms of raw power. He clearly could now force a Pleiades maid to go all out if he needed to be stopped by someone from Nazarick.

Also, a new skill appeared on Nazarick's skill list, Generalissimo. Besides the usual thought acceleration that came with most ability-based unique skills, it also had more direct command under subordinates, making them almost entirely unable to disobey commands, and also inspiring and increasing their performance drastically.

Momonga looked on, surprised as could be when Benimaru's large and rather brutish form suddenly shrunk down and acquired gentler features. His face became much better looking, one would easily think of him as a male fashion model now, and his thick horns became thinner and sharper.

"Such power…Thank you, my lord." Benimaru said with a shaky voice. Considering the immense changes he felt, he already knew he was much stronger than his late father and even the named ogre who killed him. A subtle smile appeared on his face. He could avenge his father with ease, all he had to wait for was his new master's order.

The next one was the blue-haired ogre kneeling beside Berimaru. As with everyone else, the name and title were already ready to be given, Momonga only needed to say it out loud. "Souei, the Dark Shinobi."

Same as Benimaru, Souei became shorter and slimmer, and clearly rivaled the ogre leader in good looks. His single white horn also got thinner and sharper. The skill he both acquired and gave to Nazarick was called Shadow Strike. It basically gave someone all the tools a spy and assassin would need: from thought and movement acceleration to instant kill ability and information gathering.

'I am straight out making models here. I wonder how the purple-haired would…' A sudden coldness of the air made him stop the current train of thought, and he quickly moved on to the next one.

The small, pink-haired ogress glanced at her brother, shivering in nervous anticipation. Knowing her brother well, she could tell how much he reveled in the newfound power.

"Shuna, the Ogre Princess." Unlike the other two, she didn't change much in height but acquired much more delicate features, now looking like a teenage idol. The skill she gained was Manufacturer, which granted her the ability to use both fusion and separation of materials, transmutation, and even let her create her own magical spells.

'Each of them is gaining skills and growing immensely in power. I made the right call going on this hunch, but I guess it's a good thing. I don't plan to do it with all forty as it would likely drain all my reserves. Better be careful when mass naming the rest.'

The next was the purple-haired ogress that until now had served as Shuna's bodyguard. Compared to the delicate princess, who was rather cute even before transformation, this one looked much more brutish and aggressive. "I will call you Shion, the War Lord."

Since she was much heavier built than the princess, she shrunk down and got slimmer. Her always angry expression smoothed out, now giving her the look of refined beauty. Her single horn located in the middle of her head grew thinner and sharper, and her light purple hair grew much longer and became more intensely purple.

Her skill and changes came with the most surprises. Not only did she now have the highest raw power among her peers but also gained a unique skill, Divine Berserker, that allowed her to break even beyond these limits in a dire enough situation.

For a strange reason, Dark Sage warned him of imminent danger and quickly guided him to the next target. 'What was that all about?'

The next in line was an old ogre who looked like he had one leg in the grave already. In his case, Momonga already had heard the title to bestow. Some of his peers had called him the sword saint, and considering that he managed to impress Cocytus, it seemed to be appropriate.

"Hakurou, the Sword Saint." The old ogre didn't lose or gain height but was practically de-aged in front of the Overlord. His old skin smoothed out and his eyes regained the sparkle of once lost youth. The long white horns grew much shorter, giving him more of an old devil's appearance. If before he looked to be somewhere in his eighties by human standards, then after the change he was at worst in his early fifties.

His skill was Martial Master and, although very useful, most of its components already existed in Cocytus' and Sebas' skills.

"Thank you, master. To think I could gain so much from you. I hope you did not need to extend yourself for my sake." Hakurou said with a dignified voice.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing too noticeable." Momonga gave a casual response, already turning to pay his attention to the last member of the six.

"Your power truly must be boundless, my master."

The last one was the large brutish, dark-haired ogre who served as the clan's blacksmith, which by itself was already a suitable title. Although looking the most brutish, he clearly was the most mild-mannered of the group.

"Kurobe, the Blacksmith." Momonga said, awaiting the results. Another industry-related skill surely would benefit Tempest. As with the others, the massive ogre shrunk in size and mass with all the brutish appearance melting away.

This one ended up looking like an average, middle-aged guy. With his skill being the Godly Craftsman, giving its user the ability to almost instantly understand the full properties of the material or crafted items, have inventory space, and manipulate both material and items.

'Jackpot. He and Shuna will be a great asset in building Tempest's economy. Shuna looks kinda… I hope he will not get any stupid ideas.'

With the main six out of the way, one last thing remained. The naming of the remaining thirty-four ogres. As with other large groups, Momonga used mass naming, but this time started it off slowly and carefully.

One by one the rest of the ogres evolved into greater forms and slowly drained his mana reserves. Dark Sage assured him that he would have some reserves left, but naming that many in a single day had drained him way below his comfort zone.

If a powerful enemy appeared, he would have a hard time casting even a few high-tier spells, but overall the results were simply impressive.

"Report to Rigurd and he will sort out your accommodations." Momonga said to Benimaru.

"As you command, my Lord."

With only one task remaining, Momonga contacted his son.

{ Could you start sorting out the skills of our newest additions? }

{ Wie du befiehlst, vater, fange ich an…} Momonga could swear he saw his son flinch and then tactically cough in his mind's eye { I will start immediately. }

{ I'm counting on you. }

{ Thank you, my creator, your trust will not be MISPLACED! } Pandora finished his sentence in a vastly over-exaggerated manner.

'Why did I make him like this? I can't tell him constantly that he is wrong either. I guess I will need to get used to his quirks, since those are my fault completely.'

With a sense of a job well done, he could finally return to the Great Tomb.

"We are done here, let's go." he said to Albedo and opened a gate back to his office. The dutiful succubus, once again, stepped too close to him for comfort, and for a moment he thought she would wrap her arms around his, but then straightened out and followed him with a professional smile.

Edited by Edgy

Proofreading - placid_void, I AM STRING CUTTER, Eris_Luuvan

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