Harbingers of Change

Volume 2 – Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"So these three groups are fleeing as a result of some majin's takeover of the western territories?" Momonga asked as he watched three different Remote Viewing mirrors.

He had already read the report about the recent changes in their neighboring territories, with someone named Gelmud taking them over. It caused some concern, as it was hard to tell how powerful this majin was, but the armies he could make from the three species were not undefeatable if Nazaricks forces got involved. In any case, Momonga had already ordered his two assistants to increase above-ground forces.

"Yes. The initial reports place them at odds with both the majin named Gelmud and the leaders of each species. Their current trajectory makes me believe they are heading for the unclaimed part of the forest to the north." Demiurge said and pointed at the spot on the laid-out map.

"I have my own ideas, but how would you approach this development?" Momonga asked. There was no way he would admit to Demiurge that his interest in them was solely to add new species to Nazarick.

Momonga already missed the opportunity to get lizardmen and ogres when Pero let go of the mercenaries the kobolds didn't need anymore, and he was not about to do it the second time.

"My Lord, I can't possibly match your boundless intellect and intricate plans."

'Does he really need to make ass-kissing into a full-blown art form?'

"You still may provide ideas that I have overlooked. Besides, more than one plan can be applied."

Demiurge straightened up with a big smile on his face, "I would subtly influence them with shadow demons, gently implanting the idea of allying with us while also preparing an adequate demonstration of power to force them into unconditional servitude."

'Oh, he can bring them to me.'

"Interesting suggestion. You can carry it out, but avoid unnecessary deaths."

"I would not dream to deprive you of additional servants due to my own incompetence, Lord Momonga."

"I know you won't; I have complete faith in you." He was still unsure if feeding the demon's ego was a good idea but each time he praised Demiurge, the archdevil was so genuinely happy that Momonga simply couldn't help it.

The three groups he was observing would soon be his. 'I wonder what kind of titles I could give them to increase their power. The ogres look particularly interesting. I could give each leader a title of lord, an Ogre Lord, a Lizard Lord, an Orc Lord...'

The Dark Sage interrupted his daydreaming by the usual assault with large amounts of information which happened every time he accidentally thought about a subject he wasn't aware of before.

If he gave the title of Orc Lord to an orc, the creature would evolve into a unique monster with the same name and gain the skill Starved. A new skill by itself would not be a bad result, but in this particular case, the monster and everyone under him would be affected with endless hunger that would both empower them and give them constant suffering, something that Momonga didn't wish upon anyone connected to Nazarick.

'I will have to think of an alternative title, something that would not result in an uncontrollable skill.'


The young prince walked forward, paying attention to every minute detail in the forest ahead. An ambush was always a possibility, even if the ogres were the strongest creatures in the forest. His sister walked behind him with a brave face.

'Father sheltered her too much. She is not prepared for this.' He could not help but worry about how much the recent events had affected his little sister. Before this, she had barely seen any combat besides the sparring matches, and she herself was mostly trained in magic rather than melee combat.

His sister wasn't his only concern, where to lead his people was the biggest issue he currently faced. During the last few days, the idea of going to the mysterious nation of Tempest and offering an alliance popped into his head more and more. What scared him about this idea was that running from one majin would push him and his people into the arms of another.

'We would go as mercenaries, not as slaves. If they do not need us, we will find our destiny elsewhere.'

As he walked forward, he noticed his friend hiding in the tree, waiting. Once he was close enough, the blue-haired ogre jumped down, making almost no sound as he landed. "There's a group of lizardmen to the south." he quietly reported.

"How many? Are they trailing us?"

"About three hundred. No, they are unaware of our presence, but I overheard them talking about Gelmud."

The prince tensed up, "What did they say?" he asked, trying to sound calm.

"The leader of the group is the sister of the new lizardmen chieftain. He had taken over by killing his father and offering servitude to Gelmud. These lizardmen are in the same situation as us."

"I would prefer to avoid conflict with such a large group. Losses on our side would be inevitable. Anything else?"

"From what I understood, they plan to go to lands to the west and offer their services to the rulers of Tempest."

'They have the same idea. Lizardmen are by no means weak; I should talk with their leader myself.'

"Approach them and tell them I want to talk with their leader. Retreat if they show hostility."

"As you command." the blue-haired ogre said and ran into the woods with quick, silent steps.

"We are stopping for a rest here." the prince said, addressing his people. The group stopped with the warriors taking lookout positions, a group of hunters heading out to get fresh meat, and the children and elderly gathering firewood for a camp.

"Brother, you seem worried." his sister said, walking closer to him.

"It's nothing. Do not worry about it." he said dismissively.

"I am not a child anymore. You can at least share your worries with me."

"I didn't say you are a child."

"Then stop treating me like one!" the princess said with an angry pout.

"I'm not having this conversation with you again. While I'm gone to talk with the lizardmen, you are in charge of the camp." the prince said, staring his sister down.

The pink-haired ogre girl glared back at him for a moment but then said with a smile "Deal." seemingly satisfied with the entrusted duty.

{ Do not let her do anything reckless. } he messaged the purple-haired ogress, just in case.

{ I will not let you down, my Lord. } she instantly replied.

The prince walked to the border of the improvised camp where an old ogre stood guard. The sword ogre stood with his back towards the prince and watched the forest line. Despite the serious situation, his habit of trying to sneak up on the old ogre got the better of him.

"Young Master, your steps are too heavy today. Is something bothering you?" the old ogre asked without turning around.

"I would like to ask for advice, or at least an opinion." the prince said. Politics wasn't his strongest suit, and there wasn't anyone else around who he could turn to. The old ogre was mostly a teacher of close combat and didn't dwell in the field of the ruling but, during his long life, he had witnessed enough to give at least some insight.

"What kind of advice does the young master seek?"

"Should I attempt to ally with Tempest together with the Lizardmen?"

"The burden of leadership is to make hard decisions and then live with the consequences. I cannot tell you if it is a good choice or not, but alone we cannot stand against Gelmud if he comes for us. Who knows how far his ambitions go."

"But what if I end up delivering my people to another enslaver?"

"Then you have my word that I will make the last stand with you. The weak follow the strong or die. That is how the world works and always has worked."

Like it or not, ultimately it was his decision to make. Just as quietly he had walked up to the old ogre, he walked away, back to the center of the camp.

'I guess, I can decide after I speak with the lizardmen.' he mused. To clear his mind of needless worrying, he made his way around the camp to see if anyone needed help. While he walked, his friend quietly stepped beside him.

"The leader of the lizardmen agreed to meet tomorrow, an hour after sunrise in the clearing to the west." the blue-haired ogre reported.

"Are they hostile?"

"No, but they are reluctant to engage with us. Also, I located another large group of creatures. About a thousand orcs are also heading towards Tempest."

"Orcs too? Did you find out more?"

"Yes, I spoke with their leader. He also wants to talk and offered to go to Tempest as a single group."

"So the pigs think we would ally with them?" the prince asked, more amused than angry at the prosperous notion of allying with orcs, which were considered to be lesser creatures. Lizardmen, although weaker, were much more formidable opponents, especially in larger numbers, but orcs for the most part were not a threat whatsoever.

"No, he actually offered to follow your lead. According to him, the orcs have been starving this season, and his people are barely battle-ready but would do menial tasks and serve as shields, as most of their kind are trained in defensive combat. ."

"I guess his offer makes sense. If our group is bigger, we have more bargaining power with Tempest. Tell him to come to the meeting with the lizardmen. We will talk then."

"As you command." the blue-haired ogre said and ran off.


The next morning the prince arrived at the agreed meeting point followed by his friend, the old ogre, and the blacksmith. A group of ten orcs was already waiting. Before he could go closer to the piglike creatures, the lizardmen delegation arrived as well.

The leader of the lizardmen stepped forward. The prince did the same and approached her alone, just like the orc leader.

"Looks like all our people were captured by Gelmud. Why are your people going to Tempest?" he asked the two delegates.

"We met a kobold merchant on the way. According to him, Tempest controls the entirety of the western part of the forest of Jura. There is no other place to go." the lizardmen leader said.

"Our people have no land in the forest. Our only hope is to seek employment in Tempest." the orc leader said.

"What makes you think the majin ruling over Tempest will not just enslave you?" The prince asked.

"It's either Tempest or Gelmud anyway. Considering that Tempest offered trade and diplomacy by sending an envoy that far outpowered any orc, my instincts tell me it's the right choice to make." the orc leader said, "I already proposed it but I will again. Can we go as a single group? It would increase our bargaining power."

All three groups united surely would be a more powerful force and could talk with the leader of Tempest on more even grounds. Sensing no duplicity from the other two delegates, the former captain of the guard said, "We will join this united force for now, but we will join as allies not servants of ogres. The lizardmen can stand on their own, but the orc's words make sense."

"Then gather your people. Each group will be responsible for their own food and shelter, but we organize security together. I will act as the leader of the united group, but the ogres will not consider others their servants." the prince said.

"We agree to these terms." the orc said, extending his hand. The prince shook his hand and then accepted the extended hand of the lizardmen leader as well.

Organizing the combined force proved to be much more hectic but, despite their differences, all three species could work together rather well. His people were known for their discipline, and he didn't see any ogres bullying the weaker orcs or lizardmen. It was quite the opposite to what most would expect, as they were all feeling the common pain of exile, finding common ground rather fast after bonding over the sense of their homes being lost.

His sister, in particular, became popular at an alarming rate and was eager to share her knowledge of edible plants and what kind of seasonings were best for each type of meat. She couldn't exercise all her culinary knowledge cooking over a campfire but still managed to impress everyone with her ability.

The border of Tempest was only a day's walk away. This newfound alliance could end up falling apart just as quickly as it started or, if fate smiled upon them, they could show enough power to become allied with Tempest and retain their freedom.

Edited by Edgy

Proofreading by I AM THE STRING CUTTER and placid_void

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