Harbingers of Change

Volume 2 – Chapter 09

Chapter 9

Gabiru, the son of the chieftain of the lizardmen, walked back and forth at a frantic pace. He was dressed in baggy pants, hard leather armor, a cape, and a white fur neck warmer. His shoulder-length, dark hair moved in rhythm with the small breeze that made its way inside the cavern, and his dark green scales reflected the pale light of torches. One would say he looked the part for lizardmen nobility.

A few minutes ago, his master had broken the silence and contacted him after a year of absence. Lord Gelmud was coming and expected the lizardmen to join his armies that would take over the forest of Jura.

'Father will resist joining Lord Gelmud's army, I just know it. He rarely calls me by the name that was bestowed to me by my lord.'

"Sir Gabiru, is something wrong?" one of his lieutenants asked.

Gabiru stopped and turned to face one of his top followers, "Lord Gelmud is coming."

"Isn't that wonderful news?" the lieutenant asked, with the other young warriors nodding along.

"Father might refuse him."

"Wouldn't it be the time for you to lead us all? You are the best amongst us, sir Gabiru."

'I am the best?' True, he had no rival when it came to combat, but was he good enough as the chieftain? His troops did follow him with great zeal, but would the others as well?

This matter needed to be resolved before his master arrived either way. If his father saw reason and willingly bent the knee to Lord Gelmud, he could wait a couple more years before taking the role of the chieftain, but if that was not the case…

'A true leader must make hard decisions when the need arises. My master will get what he wants one way or another.'

"Gather the warriors!" Gabiru ordered and resumed pacing. He needed to be ready for all possible scenarios. If it came down to the worst, he would have to challenge his father and take the chieftain's position by force.

His personal force was only about two hundred strong and had assembled in less than an hour, awaiting his orders.

Gabiru picked the thirty strongest among his warriors and ordered the rest to guard tunnels leading to the throne room. With his warriors, he confidently marched into the throne room.

"Chieftain, my master, Lord Gelmud, is coming." Gabiru proudly announced and awaited his father's reaction."

"Are you leaving with him?" the chieftain asked with a calm voice. He feared that a day when his son chose the mysterious majin over his people would come, and maybe the time had arrived.

"No, we are joining his armies. All of us."

"That is not your decision to make. You are a champion of the lizardmen, not the leader." the chieftain said in a calm voice, nodding to the guard captain to be ready for an ambush. Thirty warriors, plus his son, clearly was too much for his guard to handle.

"I have a name given by the great lord Gelmud; you should remember that, father."

The chieftain sighed and said in a calm, collected voice, "Since you are my son I will give you one chance to not do what you are planning to do and leave without being punished for it."

"Lord Gelmud has ordered me to unite lizardmen under his rule. If you are not willing to join his ranks, chieftain, then I will have to take things into my own hands. You have ruled for far too long, and your old age clouds your judgment. Step down now and give me my rightful place." Gabiru said, taking the spear off his back and mentally preparing for a fight.

"This is treason!" the guard captain shouted. Her elder brother had grown arrogant ever since the majin gave him name, but to challenge their father for the chieftain's position in such an unashamed manner was new low even for him.

Dressed in light armor with a yellow scarf the purple haired lizard was ready to defend their father from her older brother's foolishness.

"No! Treason is to leave our people out of the alliance that would unite the entirety of Jura under a single leader."

"You are young and naive. If this is how you want to do it, then proceed. There is no need to spill the blood of others. Face me alone and show them how much you want to rule!" the chieftain said, standing up from the throne with the water vortex spear in his hand.

"Chieftain, you cannot…!" the guard captain shouted.

"His mind is made up. My duty is to protect my people, and that includes everyone here. Stay back, this fight is between me and my son. If I lose, accept him as the new chieftain."

The chieftain knew he was no match for his son, but the boy was young and naive, and one thing Gabiru didn't fully understand were the hard choices a leader must make. If he was about to lose to his son and let Gabiru become the new chieftain, then he was fully intent on giving his son one last lesson, one that Gabiru would not forget.

Both the guards and Gabiru's forces stood in a circle around the two combatants, waiting for one of them to strike. Predictably, it was Gabiru who attacked with a fast and precise jab. The chieftain parried it and went for a counterattack which was deflected easily.

Neither gave a clear opening nor did reckless moves. Too much was at stake to make foolish mistakes. As the fight went on, the chieftain's strength slowly left him, making it hard to defend himself. A particularly strong strike made him stager, and Gabiru didn't hesitate to use the opportunity that afforded him, ramming the tip of his spear into the chieftain's shoulder.

"Give up and step down!" Gabiru shouted as the chieftain grabbed his shoulder and winced in pain.

"You think a leader can just step down?! Do you think I will let you take my place just like that?! Do what must be done!" the chieftain shouted and went on the attack again.

Gabiru easily deflected the attack, but only now did it fully dawn on him how the battle must end. He could not force his father to surrender. But even knowing what he must do, he hesitated. The chieftain used this hesitation and went for a precise jab aiming at his opponent's chest. Gabiru jumped back, tightening the grip on his spear.

'I must kill him! I must. I… Father, please just give up.' His silent plea however was not answered as his father still relentlessly attacked, even though his movements started to get sluggish.

"Father, you have lost. You don't have to die." Gabiru pleaded.

"You want to sell out our people to your master, so show them how far you are willing to go. I will not give up. You either strike me down or run with your tail between your legs." the chieftain shouted at him.

The guard captain watched in silence how her brother and father battled each other. She wanted to disobey and intervene, but her father's honor would be lost, he would be forced to step down either way. Unable to watch, she closed her eyes.

Never in his life had Gabiru had to make a choice more difficult than the one he was about to make right now, but the choice had to be made. His master was coming, and the lizardmen had to be ready to receive him.

'I'm sorry, father. Thank you for giving me this lesson.' The tip of his spear found his target, easily piercing his father's heart. The old chieftain slumped down, letting out his last breath. Gabiru pulled out the spear and kneeled before his father, saying with a quiet voice, "I'm sorry it had to come to this."

After a moment, he took the water vortex spear and stood up, "Tell everyone that our master Lord Gelmud is coming. Be prepared to show him the respect he deserves." Gabiru announced with a loud clear voice and then added in a more somber tone, "Prepare my father's body for the passing rites."

Gabiru then sat down on the throne and turned to the guard captain, "Tell me where you stand?"

"Where do I stand?! You just killed our father!"

"I'm sorry, sister, but I have to relieve you of your duty. As for now, you are no longer the captain of the guard. Once you have cooled off and accepted what has happened, we can talk about what position you will take. You may leave for now."

"As you wish… chieftain." the former guard captain said through her teeth and walked out of the throne room.

Her brother just enslaved her entire race to a majin she had seen once in her life and most would agree with his decision. Weak follow the strong, after all. Gabiru clearly showed he was strong enough to be the leader both in physical prowess and in the decisions he was willing to make.

For her, there was no future among her people anymore. Gabiru would probably give her some decorative role solely because she was family, making a mockery of all her achievements.

The former captain of the guard quickly reached her chambers and started to pack things she could take with her.

A knock on the wall snapped her out of the task soon enough.

"Captain, what do we do now?" a young warrior asked, one she started to train personally just a year ago.

"You heard the chieftain. I am no longer the guard captain."

"You are to me and many others. What are we going to do?"

"After my father is laid to rest, I am leaving. I will not serve this Lord Gelmud. If you feel the same, you can follow me."

"What about the others?"

"The others?"

"I am not the only one ready to follow you, captain." the young warrior said.

"Gather all who want to leave as well. I doubt Gabiru will stop us, since he will be too busy preparing for the majin's arrival."

"As you command, captain." the young warrior saluted and left.

Just as most races, lizardmen didn't keep their dead around for long. A funeral pyre was prepared within an hour. She didn't expect her brother to come, given that he was the one to kill their father, but Gabiru arrived as well and stood beside her as they watched the flames.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for it to come to this." Gabiru said to her, she chose not to say anything back.

"I know you plan to leave. I will not stop you."

"You… know?"

"My guards caught one of your warriors gathering those who would run."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, but those who leave will not be accepted in Lord Gelmud's army. If you go, there is no coming back." Gabiru said.

She looked down holding back tears. How much she hated the majin who had taken her family. If she could she would have struck down her idiot of a brother, but it would be suicide, pure and simple.

Just as the flames died down, she turned to leave.

It didn't take long for her to gather her belongings and leave. No one was stopping her. Everyone was too busy preparing to welcome their new master. It was an hour's walk to the agreed meeting point, so she walked at a slower pace than usual.

Just mere moments ago, she knew her future. She would have served her father till he retired and then swear loyalty to her brother, who was supposed to become the leader once he matured enough.

Now her future was uncertain. Where would she go? The most likely outcome was to become a mercenary or find an unclaimed spot of the forest somewhere in the north, if that was even possible.

She reached the spot without any issue and sat down, waiting for the few who would come with her.

After about twenty minutes, she noticed a group approaching and being led by the young warrior. Once they came close enough, he spoke.

"Captain, we are ready to follow your lead."

"How many are there?" she asked, shocked.

"I think about three hundred. Some stayed behind to report what is happening."

'Three hundred… Why so many?' This was not the time to show weakness. She quickly stood up and announced, "We are heading north. There, in the untamed lands, we will find a place to call our own."

Somehow she had ended up with the fate she tried to avoid, the fate of being a leader. Maybe she just had to embrace it, just as she was always meant to. The former guard captain looked at her people. Most were barely adults, some were still years away from being fully grown. There were some veterans among them but they were rare.

In the naivety of youth, one could easily leave their people behind for a while to explore the world, but with years came the caution of understanding just how dangerous the world was and that the lizardmen could only survive being together.

Edited by Edgy

Proofreading - placid_void and I AM STRING CUTTER

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