Harbingers of Change

Volume 1 – Chapter 28

Chapter 28

A good night's sleep and a delicious meal had done wonders to restore some sense of normalcy, despite the current situation. The trip back to Dwargon would take less than a day, since she didn't have to follow anyone. With one last assurance that the letter from the ruler of the Tempest to King Gazel was still safe in her pocket, Elma jumped into her own shadow and started moving.

Her career was likely over either way, but she could at least hope Lord Momonga would keep his word, and that she would keep control over her body, no matter how short her life might be. King Gazel might be a fair and just man, but even he would not easily dismiss her failing the mission so badly and spilling all the state secrets she knew. Still, a quick death was a preferable fate compared to what was in store for her if she didn't deliver the message.

{ Your shadow movement is sloppy. } Umbratri's ghastly voice sounded in her mind.

Now her handler had to criticize her abilities as well! The damned monster had to put her down even more.

'Then teach me, o skilled master.' She spat back with dripping sarcasm. The demon either didn't care or didn't understand the meaning of her tone and continued.

{ You are going through shadow objects. It slows you down. You have to sense the borders of each obstacle and go around them or, optimally, use them to speed up your movement. }

Elma jumped from point to point, moving with her usual speed. Her ability to use Shadow Step was unparalleled among her peers, and this demon implied she wasn't doing it properly.

'What are you on about?'

{ Of course, you, as a physical being, don't even see the difference. Let me show you. }


{ Like watching a child trying to walk, infuriating. }

'I will not let you control me! The deal is that I am free as long as I deliver the message.'

Silence. Did she offend her handler? Not that it mattered anyway. A few more hours and she could ask for quick execution and be done with it all. But the seed of curiosity was already planted. What if she really was subpar compared to a natural shadow creature?

'Fine, tell me where to look.'

{ If you do not see the outlines, I cannot teach you. But I can show you, if you permit it, of course. }

'Why would you care? I do not serve your master.'

{ But our masters will be allies soon, no? }

'I failed my mission. No one needs a spy that gets caught.'

{ I'm sure Lord Momonga could find a place for you. }

'I'll pass on switching sides. Just show me what you want to show.'

Instantly, she felt the presence enter her mind, but this time it wasn't invasive. Her vision shifted, making the shadow environment much clearer. True to the demon's claims, there were various shadow objects she clashed with as she moved. The intangible objects provided next to no resistance, yet they impaired her movement in the subtlest of ways.

{ Now curve your paths around them. Use the empty void. }

It didn't sound too hard. Adjusting her trajectory, she jumped to the next point, unrestricted by any shadow objects. As if just discovering how to run instead of walking, she sped up Shadow Step to unprecedented speeds.

{ You see. This is proper shadow movement. }

'Thank you.'

{ Remember how to see the outlines and it should be enough. } The shadow demon said and retreated from her senses. The shadow environment grew dark again. When you have seen the light, going back into the darkness was not an option anymore. Elma strained to regain the vision again. With some trouble, she got vague outlines of the previously easy-to-see forms. If the Gods willed it and her King would let her live, she had some training to look forward to.

The remaining travel time melted away with the new insight into Shadow Step. Not even an hour later, Elma was already outside the capital of the Dwargon. The magnificent gates of her home invoked both relief and shame. Maybe this would be the last time she would see the outside world.

{ I can't guarantee your safety inside. }

'My life is not important. If I should perish by the hand of your kind, my master would know.'

As if things were not complicated already, her hand instantly went for the long dagger strapped to her back. In case things went wrong, she needed but a second to end her own life.

'Be prepared, then. I will try to explain to my King what has happened.'

{ Of course. Carry on. }

It took only a few more steps in the shadows for her to appear just outside the King's private chambers. After exhaling, she made the last step and appeared behind the King Gazel, who sat at the table with his back turned to her. Elma kneeled and awaited the response.

The spacious room was barely lit, with the King's presence being intimidating even with him sitting with his back turned to her. From the onlooker's perspective, one would think Gazel was careless, but she knew that even with a shadow demon taking her over, she would lose her head even before drawing her weapon if her handler would try to attack. The King's unrivaled might was undeniable.

"You are back." King Gazel said, putting his hand on the sword's hilt.

"I failed, Your Highness, but the ruler of the Tempest let me go with a letter for you."

Gazel stood up, turned around, and activated his Heroic Presence, towering over the kneeling spy and pointing his sword at her shadow.

"T-the being in my shadow serves the ruler of Tempest, Lord Momonga. It only needs to be assured you receive the letter, Your Highness."

"Show yourself."

A part of shadow split off and rose at the dimly lit wall, mimicking a polite bow.

{ Your spy tells the truth. I am here to ensure you, Your Highness, receive my master's letter. }

"Wait outside. I will deal with you afterward." Gazel said with a calm voice.

{ As you wish. }

As soon as the shadow left the room, Gazel motioned for his servant to rise and looked at her intently. Not even she knew his full set of abilities. She had failed the mission in the worst way possible.

"Your Highness, I was caught as soon as I entered Tempest."

"Tell me, what did you find out?"

"A powerful majin rules Tempest. If I have to guess, his power level was that of a Demon Lord. A sprawling city has appeared near the Storm Dragon's prison, populated by hobgoblins that had domesticated a powerful type of wolves. Every single creature within the rapidly growing town was named."

Gazel extended his hand, accepting the letter, broke the seal, and skimmed over it. Surprisingly, it was written by a seasoned diplomat. Half of the text was the usual meaningless pleasantries and non-apology about the treatment of the spy.

'They not only let her live, but sent her off with an apology. A curious move.'

On top of that, the ruler of this new nation, Momonga Tempest, expressed a wish to create diplomatic ties between the nations and engage in trade.

"Anything else?"

"Tempest is rapidly expanding. From what I gathered, within a single month they had gained at least a hundred kilometers of territory that spans towards Dwargon. Their territories are patrolled by the same type of monsters that came with me. I saw at least two powerful demons serving Lord Momonga. They might even be archdemons. There is no telling what kind of other creatures he has at his disposal. It took over my mind… I told them… I told them everything."

"Not only did you fail to remain hidden, but you also revealed everything you knew to them."

"Yes, Your Highness," Elma said, looking down. "If my service meant anything, I ask for a quick death."

"This shadow monster, how long were you able to resist it?"

"A few minutes."

'This majin not only is building a nation but also controls creatures that can overpower a seasoned spy. The implications are disturbing. With such creatures, a kingdom can be torn down from within. If this Momonga Tempest is as powerful as she claims, then a military campaign might not even be an option. I must tread carefully.'

Gazel could sense she was not controlled anymore, but the possibility of false information being fed to her could be true. Would it be possible that this majin was gaining power from the Storm Dragon somehow and was controlled by the mighty beast? If that was the case, the already extreme threat of Veldora had gotten so much worse. If the once brash and destructive dragon had grown cunning enough to run a kingdom from his prison, there was no telling what horrors awaited the unprepared world.

"Call in that creature."

Elma nodded and disappeared into the shadow, reappearing moments later. The creature assumed the position on the wall once again.

"Your master wants diplomatic relations with Dwargon?"

{ Yes, Your Highness. }

'If they want diplomacy, then it's a start. The kobold trader was a lure, an effective one at that. I must not underestimate the intellect of this Lord Momonga, or the likely mastermind behind him.'

"Very well."

Gazel said and turned around to take a smooth palm-sized ball out of the table's drawer.

"You have failed me and compromised your position. I have only one option left for you."

Elma dropped to one knee again and lowered her head. "I understand, Your Highness." At least the King would give her a clean death with no long trial, no rotting in the cell forgotten.

"You will serve as my voice in Tempest." Gazel said, handing the ball to her.

Elma looked up and blinked. "Your highness, I failed you, I cannot..."

"I didn't ask for your opinion." Gazel said, not changing his tone, but to someone like her, the King might as well have told her that she was stupid for assuming to know his motives. "You failed as a spy. The fault doesn't lie with you but with me this time. You have provided me with a perfect candidate to establish direct communication."

"T-thank you, Your Highness."

Gazel just nodded and turned to address the shadow on the wall. "Tell your masters I will send an official envoy to negotiate a trade deal."

{ As you wish, your highness. }

"You are both dismissed," Gazel said, returning to his table.

Elma quickly retreated from the palace with her shadowy companion following. Not only was she spared, but her beloved King found the use for her instantly. Spending considerable time among the monsters and serving a mostly ceremonial role wasn't exactly the path she would wish to walk, but considering her failure, it was more than she deserved.

Once both his servant and the shadow creature had gone, Gazel could analyze the situation without distractions. A being rivaling a demon lord appeared out of nowhere near Veldora's prison and started building civilization among the otherwise dull creatures. He has powerful demons in his service, yet is cautious enough to exercise diplomacy.

'He named every single creature. Even Demon Lords don't name everyone, only a selected few. What is this majin's plan?'

The worst-case scenario would be the birth of a demon lord connected to the Storm Dragon. In such a case, Dwargon would have to guard against two threats at the same time. Namely, the Eastern Empire and Tempest.

For now, diplomacy and a mutually beneficial trade deal would be the best approach. A naïve hope was not something a reasonable King should ever indulge in, and thus even harder military preparations would be needed, with research on how to resist these mysterious shadow creatures capable of taking over one's mind.

It would take just a few military leaders to be mind controlled to destroy all the defenses his kingdom had. The creature was weak compared to him, but the spy was trained for years to resist all kinds of torture and interrogation techniques, and yet they still fell within minutes of coming in contact with it.

Edited by Edgy.

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