Harbingers of Change

Volume 1 – Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Momonga could have just teleported directly to Veldora, but since Buku and her children were with him, a short walk through the cave wouldn’t hurt. Pero had already gone ahead to get the mighty dragon in a good mood.

The previously dark and damp cave was now lit with floating eternal lights and filled with many pop monster patrols. Albedo had apparently used the newly appearing monsters to fill up the cave and bring it under Nazarick’s control.

With Buku beside him and Albedo alongside and the elven twins trailing behind them, they took their time and walked at a rather casual pace. Momonga also wasn’t aware of how fast Buku could move in her new form. Only Pero had fully tested his body’s limits and the results were astounding.

Apparently now he was fast enough to dodge bullets shot at him by Shizu. With stakes much higher than in the game, Momonga was hesitant to call for duels in fear of accidental deaths. His Nazarick skill in theory should be able to revive everyone connected to it as long as Momonga himself existed, but that was a theoretical assumption based on an input from Dark Sage and one doesn’t put the lives of friends and subordinates on the line due to assumptions alone.

“Hey Momo,“ Buku quietly started as if not wanting to be overheard, “thanks for bringing me to the twins. You were right. They are my children.”

“I’m happy that it was sorted out.”

He had yet to meet his own creation, Pandora’s Actor. Seeing how both Pero and Buku got over their shame about certain details of their creations, he had to do the same. With a promise to do it after dealing with Veldora, he returned his attention to the present moment.

An already familiar, gigantic dragon came into view soon enough. Just like the rest of the cave system, the cavern Veldora was in had some noticeable changes. First, of course, were the numerous endless lights floating around. Then there was a table just by Veldora's prison and a small house nearby, clearly made for the vampire bride assigned to Veldora.

{ Albedo, who set up all this? } he asked the Guardian Overseer.

{ I took the liberty of doing some improvements to appease the dragon before you make a deal with him. I hope it is to your liking, my Lord? }

{ Of course. A smart move, I wouldn’t expect any less from you. }

{ Thank you, my Lord. }

Pero was already sitting by the table and chatting with the dragon, with the vampire bride standing nearby. But there was something different about her. Visually, she was still just like the others, but her aura was much stronger than a regular pop monster’s.

{ There you are. Pero already explained your plan to take over the forest. I hope you don’t mind that I claimed one of your servants for my own. } Veldora’s loud voice invaded Momonga’s mind.

The vampire bride bowed and said,

“Lord Momonga, Lady Bukubukuchagama, my master, Lord Veldora, has bestowed me with a name. I, Rima, swear to serve him to the best of my ability to not sully the good name of Nazarick.”

“I trust our friend will be in good care with you.” Momonga said.

The sleepless nights spent learning various trades that could let him present himself in a more noble way started to pay off. This was one of the benefits of being undead, there was so much free time each day.

“You didn’t answer what you thought about the idea, you giant lizard!” Pero shouted at Veldora.

{ Watch it birdie. Once I get out, I will pluck all your feathers out! }

“Hah, I want to see you try.”

“Can you two idiots stop fucking around and pay attention?” Buku shouted at both.

Momonga had to suppress the desire to laugh out loud at the sight of both Pero and Veldora, deflating and looking away from the angry slime.

{ She is scary. } Veldora sent a direct message to Pero.

{ You at least are safely in a bubble where she can’t get to you. } Pero responded and then said out loud,

“Chill, sis, we are just joking around.”

{ Right, we were just joking around. You don’t have to get angry. I enjoy company coming from this Nazarick, for the most part… } Veldora’s voice trailed off.

“So what will it be buddy? You want to be our friend? Join us?” Pero asked.

‘Join us? What was Pero up to?’ Momonga thought just as Veldora laughed his already famous three step laugh.

{ Join you!? I, Veldora, be friends with majins like you?! That is…} He suddenly stopped and looked away from angry bubbling slime once again.

{ I would like to have you all as my friends…} Veldora added while playing with his fingers.

“Then it is settled…” Momonga started to say.

{ Wait, I have a proposition. To show we are equal in this deal, you can give me a last name and I, in turn, will give the same one to you three. }

What was this dragon up to? Maybe using him as a symbolic protector figure was not the brightest idea. This wasn’t just some weak goblin he could name without an effort. What if forging this deal actually drained all his mana? But then again so would the dragon's power be given to him and his friends, if Veldora kept up his part of the deal that is. Surely it was a leap of faith but one that could be beneficial as well.

“Momo, Buku, do you mind if I come up with the name?“ Pero asked.

“Not at all. Please go on. “

“Only if it isn’t stupid. “

“When have I had stupid ideas? “

“I don’t want to waste a few weeks listing them all. Just say what you came up with!”

“Well, I was thinking, Veldora is the Storm Dragon and he can be considered a force of nature, so how about Tempest?”

{ I love it! Now all three of you bestow it on me and I will do the same in return. }

It was an interesting coincidence that Pero chose Tempest as the name. Momonga couldn’t remember ever mentioning the cartoon to Pero or that he already used that name on the wolves.

{ Pero, Buku, are you both sure this is a good idea? }

{ Why do you ask? What’s the big deal about us sharing the last name with him? } Buku asked.

{ Naming spends magicules and the stronger the monster, the more is required. }

{ With us three, it will be fine, right? } Pero asked.

{ I hope so. So we all agree on this? }

With all of them agreeing and the phrase already in their minds, they spoke out. “Veldora Tempest.”

Momonga felt the drain, but it was not as much as he feared it would be. A large part of his magicule reserves still remained. However, compared to naming wolves, it took a considerable amount. Also Veldora connected to Nazarick, instantly giving him the Unique Skill - Friend of Nazarick.

{ Then from now on I am known as Veldora Tempest. } He then points at each of them, saying.

{ Peroroncino Tempest, Bukubukuchagama Tempest and Momonga Tempest. }

The energy he had lost naming the dragon was paid back with interest, increasing his reserves slightly. It wasn’t much, but he felt the change. More interesting was the additional lightning effect added to the Lord of Death skill, giving him Death Lightning and Dark Lightning abilities.

According to the information provided by Dark Sage, which flooded his mind once again, the first ability would damage targets on a soul level and the second one was a devastating direct damage ability that would not only scorch the target but also cause unnatural levels of pain. Considering the rather terrible nature of both abilities, Momonga decided not to even test them on living targets for now.

What little he knew about this new world clearly told him there will come a time he will have to use them, but that didn’t mean he would just torture someone out of curiosity about how his new abilities worked.

{ You have my permission to use my name in the kingdom you plan to create in Jura. Just try to not get the ire of my sisters. They are as mean as they are powerful. }

“Noted. Are there particular territories they rule over?” Momonga asked.

{ Hmm, Velazard, the White Ice Dragon, I think lives on the frozen continent to the north of here and rarely leaves it. My other sister, Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, protects the Eastern Empire, and she is more likely to act out if anything poses even a mild threat to it. }

“Would they have reason to attack territory you protect?”

{ Well…you see…I don’t get along with them. }

“Is there a way to guard against them?”

{ My sisters and I can be killed. But, for example, if I would get killed and the core would be destroyed, a new storm dragon would just materialize over time. I would retain all my power and memories but my personality would be gone. I doubt they would just come here. Neither cared to help me get out of my prison. }

“Thank you for the warning. We will be careful not to draw too much attention for now.”

Two world level enemies posing a constant threat. By the approximate power difference between him and Veldora, not counting that the prison Veldora was in might dampen his aura and make him appear weaker, then multiple eighth floor beasts should be enough to kill someone on this power level.

The affectionately called ‘World Enders’ were the strongest force Nazarick had and, with their newly gained sentience, they were even more dangerous. But the idea of them clashing with another force rivaling them was terrifying. No doubt it would have cataclysmic consequences.

Veldora meanwhile, seemingly already having lost interest in politics, turned to Pero and roared in his mind,

{ It’s time for a rematch bro. I will show you why I am the higher being and you are just an overgrown chicken! }

“Bring it on. It’s seventeen to one in my favor, you fat lizard! Friend or not, I will bring you to your knees!”

“There are two of them now. I need a drink, a strong one.” Buku said, mimicking the motion of shaking her head.

“Let them have their fun. Even you have to admit that spending centuries alone in a cave is not a pleasant experience.” Momonga said.

“I know… I know. It just feels a bit weird, you know. Almost like gaining another brother.” Buku said.

“I felt it too. We are more connected than we were before.”

“I’ll be at the nearest bar if you need me. Not that I can even get drunk in the first place anymore.”

“Take care.”

Since the deal with Veldora was now settled, there was another matter Momonga needed to attend to. One that he both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time.


His destination was clear, the very heart of Nazarick. Momonga appeared at the treasury’s entrance room where a lone figure sat on the couch, counting a pile of coins. Sensing the arrival of his creator, Pandora’s Actor practically jumped up from the couch, swung around and greeted Momonga with a salute.

“Mein Gott, es ist so wunderbar, sich in deiner gegenwart zu sonnen!”

“Good to see you too, Pandora. How are things in the treasury?”

“After gaining the title of Treasurer of Nazarick, I have so much more to do. There are skills to sort now, as well as items to store.”

That, of course, was the title his skill, Nazarick, gave to his own creation, his son. Not only did it allow him to access every single item stored in the treasury but skills as well. Combined with Pandora’s other Unique Skill - Greater Doppelganger, he could temporarily use pretty much every single skill stored in Nazarick, making him by far the most versatile of all guardians. There were few exceptions, of course, and the stronger unique skills could not be used to their full potential.

Knowing how intelligent he made Pandora, there was no doubt in his mind that he would know how to utilize every single one of them. What’s more, the Doppelganger still held all forty-one forms of Ainz Ooal Gown members, giving him an unparalleled amount of magical spells to use.

“Are you able to use the Teleport skill?”

“Of course, mein schöpfer.” Pandora said with a theatrical movement, and then teleported around a few times.

Momonga sighed heavily and then said,

“Pandora, if I order you to do something, will you follow that order no matter what?”

“I will follow your orders, no matter what.”

“Then tone down the theatrics!” Momonga hissed.

Pandora froze on the spot, confused, but then quickly saluted and responded in a more neutral tone.

“Of course, my Lord, I will act more reserved from now on.”

“Just… just use your acting when it’s needed, and tone down the German too.”

“Understood my H… Lord.”

“Good, now then I have a task I want to entrust you with.” Momonga spoke as Pandora listened intently,

“As I understand, you can not only access and use most of the skills stored in Nazarick but also distribute them?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

If Momonga could smile, he would have done so at this moment. There was this warm feeling he felt towards his creation. He already expected it, knowing how Pero and Buku felt after their reunion with their creations.

“You can call me Momonga, or father if you prefer that. There is no need to be so formal when it’s just us two.”

“Father, I am overjoyed.” Pandora said with a shaky voice.

Momonga stepped forward, unsure how to show affection, ultimately deciding to pat his son on the shoulder, but Pandora just lunged forward and hugged him. Momonga just patted his son on the back awkwardly.

After a moment, Pandora let him go and assumed a more businesslike behavior

“I apologize for my outburst, father. I will perform this new task to the best of my ability. Is there a particular part of Nazarick I should start with?”

“Hmm, you could coordinate with Albedo to make her job easier and also give floor guardians skills that would help with their daily duties. Oh, and you don’t have to be stuck in the treasury all the time, feel free to use Nazarick’s facilities in your spare time.”

Seeing that Pandora was about to assault him with another hug, and given that even one was more than enough for a day, Momonga quickly said goodbye and teleported away.

To not waste any time, Pandora teleported to the ninth floor just at the entrance of Albedo’s quarters, adjusted his uniform, and knocked.

“Come in.”

Answering the invitation, he opened the door and was met with Albedo standing in the middle of the room and operating various Nazarick control panels. It didn't go past his notice that Albedo was using the quarters usually reserved for Supreme Ones.

“Fräulein Albedo, a pleasure to meet you. My father has tasked me to coordinate with you when it comes to the distribution of skills.”

The Guardian Overseer’s smile faded for a moment at the greeting. But she already knew who it was and to show disrespect to Lord Momonga’s creation openly could invite the ire of the Supreme Overlord. She quickly forced herself to smile again and said,

“You must be Pandora’s actor, a pleasure to meet you as well. I didn’t expect you so soon.”

“There is no time to waste when father’s will needs to be carried out.”

“Indeed. Unfortunately, I have no list of abilities that can be distributed, if you could…”

Before Albedo could finish the sentence, Pandora pulled out an enormous book from his inventory and handed it to her.

Even with her incredible reading speed, it took about fifteen minutes to go through it all. Every single type of creature Nazarick had was listed there, along with the skills they could use. Even she herself was listed.

“This is just what I need. If you don’t mind, I will make a list of suggestions by tomorrow morning?”

“Of course not, Fräulein. Take your time.”

“It’s Guardian Overseer.”

“Of course, ich entschuldige mich dafür, dass ich sie ohne respekt anspreche.”

She did not know what it meant but the tone sounded apologetic so she took it as an apology.

“Then I will send you a suggestion list tomorrow morning and then we can discuss where to start?”

“As you wish, Guardian Overseer Albedo.”

“Just Albedo will do as well. We both are but creations of Supreme Beings.”

“I will wait for your response, Albedo. Have a pleasant day and I’ll be off.” Pandora said with a salute and teleported away.

Was it envy that she felt towards Lord Momonga’s creation? It didn’t matter, there was still so much to do and so little time. She can worry about her feelings later.

Edited by Edgy.

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