Half-immortal civilization

Chapter 5 Thesis revision

While Zhang Jingyuan was thinking, the three of Li Changxing were also thinking.

Li Changxing: The most perfect individual of electronic information is the human neural unit...

Wang Qingwei: The moving body of an animal is the most perfect machine...

Fang Qingshan: Is there a computer more sophisticated than the brain?Is there any software more accurate than human thinking!
Looking at the sunset, Zhang Jingyuan suddenly felt that he should write a paper to express his thoughts to the world.The theme of the thesis is the level of ability, which determines the final achievement of life.

According to my memory, the energy of human beings is the direct use of vitality, which is why they have the current wisdom; while the energy of computers and other materials is crude particle energy, so no matter what, they can't achieve intelligence. In the past few years, it has been developing rapidly, but it is getting farther and farther away from real intelligence.

In the prehistoric world, human-like puppets can be made with simple formations and materials!This is something that the current technology cannot achieve anyway, because it can!insufficient level!
It's just that Zhang Jingyuan doesn't know how to write articles in this area, how to write them, where to submit them, etc., but it doesn't matter, he also has a professor.In today's society, with the enlightenment of people's wisdom and the development of society, bricks call beasts, etc., there is no soil for survival.And now, the bad behavior of intercepting students' papers is basically eliminated. Once discovered, the whole school will be ashamed.

However, if you want to find a professor, of course you can't come to the door casually. It is said that a professor is very busy. In addition to daily lesson preparation, he usually also takes on scientific research tasks.Therefore, Zhang Jingyuan had to draft the content by himself, and then let the professor help to correct it.This is the correct attitude for newcomers; otherwise, there are so many students, how can the professor be so busy.

Gathering my three bad friends together, plus three roommates, seven people started a discussion together.Speaking of the three irons in life, fighting together is almost a life-and-death experience, so Zhang Jingyuan's three roommates quickly integrated into Zhang Jingyuan's small group of four.However, by the way, Zhang Jingyuan also invited Zhou Feixuan on the way, and agreed that she would join his "future" research team.

But when Zhou Feixuan came, a group of Yingyingyanyan—more than a dozen female students who were heroes to save the beauty that day, unexpectedly nine of them came, including three sophomores, including Zhou Feixuan; of six.Let me introduce each other, these female students are called:
Liu Yanxia, ​​19 years old, has short hair and is energetic, freshman;

Huang Feifei, 20 years old, looks a bit delicate, with long hair dragging to her waist, freshman;

Qi Fengwu, 20 years old, has a slim figure, is said to be able to dance swan dances, has long hair on her shoulders, and is a freshman;

Sun Feiyu, 19 years old, is a bit tall, with a popular appearance, but very cheerful, short hair, female basketball master, freshman;

Yu Jingjing, 20 years old, a little fat, or plump, half-length hair, plump figure, youthful and charming, coupled with quiet characteristics, even made some people look like a wolf, Freshman;

Wei Baojuan, 20 years old, dressed slightly fashionable, with light makeup, but undeniably a beautiful woman with a ponytail, freshman;

Jiang Huilan, wearing glasses, has a bookish atmosphere, short hair, with a few hairpins, exuding a kind of intellectual beauty; a sophomore;
Fengxuezhi, a very old surname, looks a little cold, but when she smiles, her pair of small canine teeth look a little cute, pure and pure, and cute and pure, perfectly integrated on her body, her long hair, formed into a whip, turned over her shoulders , hanging in front of the body, has a special flavor, sophomore.

The rest was Zhou Feixuan. Today, Zhou Feixuan put on light makeup, her long hair fluttering in the wind, and she smiled faintly at Zhang Jingyuan, causing howls of wolves.

"Hey, A Yuan, everyone is here. They are all talented scholars and talented women. Let's discuss together." So, under the shade of the school's playground, 16 people started a lively discussion.

At the beginning, everyone discussed the topic of Zhang Jingyuan's thesis. Everyone was brainstorming, and even discussed the topic of the thesis. Of course, many of them are young people's thinking, which may be a little unrealistic.But it doesn't matter, with these thoughts, Zhang Jingyuan can sort out more reasonable information by relying on his "Wu Wang" memory.

And then there was more to talk about.When I heard Li Changxing say that Zhang Jingyuan's seven men will set up a laboratory, and they have already started preparations, especially Zhou Feixuan has joined, and the remaining eight girls quit, arguing to join in.For today's college students, doing research is not only a hobby, but also related to their future.

"Okay, okay, everyone has a share. When my thesis is finished, write your names on it!" Zhang Jingyuan shamelessly surrendered under the eyes of sixteen sparkling eyes.

"Then, what's the name of our laboratory team?" Wu Yuliang looked a little awkward, but he could always grasp the core of the matter.

"Be loud!" "Be memorable!" "Be distinctive!"...

Hearing the noise of thousands of ducks around, Zhang Jingyuan roared: "Okay, it's decided, let's call it the master laboratory! I'm the captain!"

"Ahhh...that's so ugly! Don't run away, sisters catch him! I'm wearing lipstick!" Zhou Feixuan revealed her true nature for the first time!
In the evening, Zhang Jingyuan returned to the dormitory in a state of embarrassment, took a bath quickly, and couldn't see anyone anymore. These women went crazy and held Zhang Jingyuan down. Of course, traitors were indispensable... As a result, Zhang Jingyuan's face, arms, neck, and clothes It has become a graffiti wall!

"Damn lipstick! Even more hateful traitor! But, hey, the name of the master laboratory has been settled, and I am also the captain, hehehe..." Zhang Jingyuan scolded while washing.

In the next few days, Zhang Jingyuan took classes to absorb the viewpoints and knowledge of the new era, and also read extensively. More importantly, he used the memory experience of "Wuwu" to verify and combine the civilization of practice and civilization with science and technology.A paper with a length of more than 16 words is freshly released.The topic is "Bionic Science: On Energy and Life".Then there is a collection of theoretical excerpts that is more than ten pages long, and there are [-] signatures.After all, Zhang Jingyuan alone was too busy to find so many documents in a short period of time, and everyone really worked hard.

"Okay! No one has ever discussed energy and life together. This is a brand new topic. For the time being, it is also an extremely valuable topic." Xiang Yundong watched for half a day, while constantly referring to Various documents, on the other hand, are also thinking.A paper is not a novel, and it doesn't mean that after reading it, you just have to laugh. "In this way, Zhang Jingyuan, the design of your thesis is a bit novel, and I can't judge too much. I will contact the principal and ask a few friends to help read it. You wait for my news, and I will reply within three days at most."

"Oh..." Zhang Jingyuan felt a little lost.But thinking about it, after spending so much effort, the answer so far is indeed a bit disappointing.

"Hehe, Jingyuan, your article is very good, so good that I can't even judge its value. That's why I have to find more senior experts to comment." Xiang Yundong is 50 years old, and he judged it all at once. Zhang Jingyuan's current state of mind.Immediate comfort and scientific research are difficult, but talents are even more rare.A good talent needs to be maintained as much as possible.

"Thank you, teacher!"

"Hehe, this is our responsibility, and it's also an honor to be a teacher." Xiang Yundong smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. It was a great joy that his subordinates had such a genius.Don't look at the signatures of [-] people behind, but you can tell at a glance that Zhang Jingyuan is the leader!This is my student!
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