Half-blood Prince’s tale (A hp fic)

Chapter 4

Thoughts: ' '
Dialogue: " "

Eileen Snape couldn't believe it, she was having a good day. She couldn't recall the last time she had felt this happy.

Her day started out better than usual as her husband was not home. Of course, all it did was delay the inevitable abuse that awaited when he came back.

Did she regret marrying him? Yes. Did she regret having Severus?No….

While marrying Tobias had been her worst decision, Severus was not after all he was the only one who was on her side. Her parents had tried dissuading her but her young self was a vain woman filled with delusions and fantasies about love. In the end, she abandoned them and she couldn't even attend their funeral.

She had grown up in a household where both her parents had married each other after their families arranged for it. Typical Pureblood tradition.She had a fiance too, a pureblood one, but he was snobby and older than her by 10 years. She ran away from her house after she turned 17 and had graduated.

She fled to the muggle world where she found Tobias who treated her well and was a sweet talker. She fell for him and then the rest is history.

The reason she was happy today was because of her son. Over the years, her relationship with him had grown worse and it had reached the point that he would not even acknowledge her existence.

It made her upset and guilty each time he just ignored her. The only time Severus was happy with her was when she taught him magic.

But as her magic stopped working properly, she had to stop. Severus didn't believe her and thought that she was lying.This soured their already deteriorating relationship and slowly they drifted apart.

But all that didn't matter now as Severus had changed. It had been a surprise seeing him up so early in the morning but what surprised her more was that he greeted her.

He finally acknowledged her presence again. She also noticed other changes in him. He didn't appear cold as before. In fact, he even approached her.

But she messed up and couldn't hold a good conversation. It had been a long time since she held one after all. Still him trying to hold a conversation with her was enough to make her day.

Another thing she noticed about her son was that he had lost the hatred in his eyes. Before his new change, she could see his hatred. He hated everything in the house and always had a grumpy face but today he had a smile on his face and looked happy.

She couldn't recall the last time he actually smiled. Behind his smile though, she could sense that something was wrong but she couldn't guess what.

Then she made breakfast for him and this was where things became weirder. He ate the food with such vigour that one would think he had not eaten in years.

She also didn't miss the excitement in his eyes when he consumed it.

'I wonder what changed him so much…'

She was curious but she didn't have the courage to ask him. Clearing her mind, she began doing the chores.

It was around midday when she heard the bell ring. At first she thought that it was Tobias but she calmed down as she knew the man wouldn't ring a bell and would just start shouting.

She opened the door and saw that it was none other than Severus who had returned.He looked exhausted and out of breath. Sweat trickled down his temple and he was panting.

"Oh it's you Severus, you are home early" Eileen asked as she gestured to him to come in.

"Yes..it was quite sunny today so I came back. Also here take this." he said, handing her an ice lolly.

"F-for me?" Eileen asked as she unwrapped it.

"Obviously. Why would I give it to you then? Eat it quickly, it's already begun to melt."

She had never eaten one and she had only seen it on the tele so she was excited to try it out.

'Severus got this for me…'

"T-thank you Severus."

A smile bloomed on her face and she was about to take a bite out of it.

"Stop!" Severus interrupted her.

She was startled but she did as he said.


"What were you about to do?" he asked her.

"I dunno..? Eat it I guess…"

"Oh I am not talking about that. Tell me, were you about to bite into it?"

"Yes?" she answered feeling confused as to why he was asking her this.

His eyes widened in shock as though he couldn't believe it. "Have you never eaten this before?"

She nodded.

"Wait...for real?!"

Once again she nodded.

"Haah…" Severus sighed, " I guess that explains it...You are eating it the wrong way."

"Am I?...I never ate one and just saw them in the tele sometimes so I…" She trailed off as she became self conscious and her cheeks turned red.
'Merlin's beard... I am feeling so embarrassed, I must look like a complete fool in front of him. I can't even eat something the right way...'

Severus chuckled making her even more flushed.

"Oh well...there's a first time for everything. So the way to eat this is to just lick and suck on it...you know like a…"

"Like what?"

Severus was about to answer but he stopped himself . "N-nothing...yeah...so just suck and lick. Don't bite it as you might get a brain freeze.."
She didn't understand why he looked embarrassed but she didn't pry and just started eating like he told her.

As soon as she put it on her mouth, she was overwhelmed by the sweet and sour taste. It was lemon flavoured and while it tasted weird at first, she liked it.
[POV change]

Seeing Eileen eat the lolly with enthusiasm I felt happy. As it turned out the lolly was much cheaper than I had expected so I bought two.

I wanted to go back to trying out magic but I felt extremely tired and hungry. I also had a mild headache which was getting worse.

I had a guess as to why this had happened. I think that using magic like I did tired me out. This meant that magic consumed energy and I couldn't keep using it continuously.

I was surprised I lasted as long as I did. Perhaps the only reason I could do so was because the spells I kept trying were weak basic ones.

"So how was your day?" Eileen asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"It was okay I guess. I just tried magic out in the old park."

"What?! But that's dangerous...what if someone saw you?" she said with worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry..I made sure nobody was around.."I said trying to reassure her.

"But still…" she began but I cut her off.

"Alright I will be more careful next time….so what's for lunch?" I asked, trying to divert her attention.

"I don't know. I usually start making it much later but you came home early today so I haven't….hey! Stop trying to change the topic."


"Look Severus, I know you love using magic but it is not something to be taken lightly. Just imagine the consequences if someone saw you."

She did have a point now that I thought about it. In hindsight, I was too excited about trying magic that I kind of disregarded the consequences.

"Yes...mother. I apologize for being too careless. I will be more responsible about it" I said,calling her mother felt weird but I had to eventually get used to it so no harm in starting now.

"Alright...it's good that you understood what I am trying to tell you. Just be more careful about it next time, okay?"

I nodded to show her that I agreed.

We just talked in general after that and I did find some topics to talk about. It was still somewhat awkward talking to her but she was opening up to me.

I tried asking her to teach me magic again but she refused. I didn't give up and kept insisting and finally she conceded a little and let me read other books.

Of course, she told me not to try anything and I agreed. Even if I wanted to try them out, I didn't want to be hasty and rush in without knowing anything.

We kept talking but then a loud banging noise was heard.

"Hey bitch! Open up...It's boiling out 'ere." An annoying voice was heard, I recognised who it was and I felt anger rising within me.

Eileen who was talking with me went quiet as the colour drained from her face. Her eyes turned glazed and I noticed her hand shaking.

Seeing just his presence elicit this response from her showed how deeply he had scarred her.

"...I-I will get the door.." Eileen muttered.

I watched her leave and began thinking of ways to get rid of Tobias.I knew he had to go. I had just started my new life and I didn't want to suffer in it.

*Slap* *thud*

I heard a crisp sound and then in came Eileen stumbling as she fell onto the floor with a red cheek that was swelling.

Following behind her, a figure walked in.

"Why did you take so long to open the door?! All you do is laze around in my house and then you have the audacity to make me wait outside!"

"S-sorry...it won't happen again.."Eileen muttered in a tiny voice.

Eileen endured all this humiliation without uttering a word and didn't even try to resist. Her eyes showed her despair.

Tobias' attention finally fell on me. "Oh...look what we have here, somebody is home early." he said, a malicious ugly smile grew on his face.

Tobias was a relatively tall man with a large beer belly. His face was round and he had oily,slimy hair. If I had to describe him, I would say he looked like a poorer edgier version of Vernon Dursley.

Seeing that I didn't trotted over to me.

I almost gagged as a foul smell hit me. It seemed that he had not taken a bath for a long time. Couple this with alcohol and it was one of the vilest smells I ever had the misfortune of smelling.

No wonder Severus was such a good potions master, he had already gained resistance to smells.

He seemed to have noticed my expression as he asked, "What's with that look you have boy?"

"You are disgusting."I said calmly.

His face morphed into another terrible visage and he was upon me with his hand raised. Just before he could reach me, Eileen grabbed his hand.

"Please forgive him Tobias, he doesn't understand, he is just a kid…" she grovelled before him with sheer desperation in her tone.

He pushed Eileen off his hand and frowned. "You know…."he began, leering at Eileen.

"I think I should teach your witch mother a lesson. Just so that I know you will learn." A smile appeared on his face as he said this.

The smile was one that Severus in his young mind couldn't comprehend. He thought it was a cruel smile but I understood that smile. His gaze was filled with lust as he looked at Eileen who had grown white as a sheet and was almost trembling.

The fuzzy memories became clearer now. I could understand why Severus had tried forgetting them. The moans and cries that came from his mother's room and the hollow look she would have was too much for him to bear.

I finally couldn't hold my anger in anymore and my magic manifested as Tobias was thrown against the wall a few feet away. He crashed against it like a bowling ball and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"You...filthy...animal" I uttered as I walked towards him. I turned to look at Eileen who had a stunned look on her face.

Tobias was trying to get up. His head had been struck by some shrapnel and he was bleeding from his forehead.

He was not the only one in pain as my head felt like it would explode and my arms felt heavy and tired. I had used too much magic in the morning so I couldn't use it well.

I cursed at the bad timing and ignored the pain.

I turned to Eileen. "Mother...are you ready?"


"Today is the day you are gonna get your freedom back. Will you do it or should I continue?"

"W-what are you t-talking about?"

"You have suffered enough under him. He has abused you, broken you and inflicted pain upon you. It's time to get rid of him don't you think?"
"You didn't fight back and just gave up instead. I am giving you the chance to fight back. Go get your wand and kill him."

"B-but Severus he…"

I cut her off, "Yes or no..just answer me."

"I-I can't Severus I am sorry…"

I felt disappointed that she didn't stand up for herself but I guess it was a given as if she could do so she would have done it already.

"I see…" I said and moved towards him.

"Severus you don't have to do this...we can figure something out together. He is your father." she tried dissuading me but I had made up my mind.
"No mother, he has to go...things will only get worse if he stays."

"Severus please…" She begged me.

"I am sorry mother but somebody has to be strong in this house. Since its not you, it has to be me…"

"H-how dare you use your freak powers on away from me." Tobias said as I approached him.

His trembling hands gave away his fear. "Tell me dear father, did you ever feel bad for doing the things you did? Did you feel anything when you struck her? Did you feel anything when you hurt her? Tell me."

"What are you talking about? Why would I feel bad? She is a witch, a freak like you. Its her fault that I got sacked, its all her fault that I live miserably. She cursed me!"

"I see...you don't feel remorse then."

"Just you wait boy, once I get my hands on you, I will beat the freakishness out of you.."

Clearly anger had ridden over his sense of judgement. His mind couldn't understand the situation he was in.
"Since you don't feel anything, I won't feel anything either…"

I channeled magic again, my head hurt and I could see black spots in my vision but I kept focus. All the rage, helplessness and negative emotions Severus had accumulated burst forth giving my exhausted magic reserve one final push.


Tobias' head turned the other way and with a thud his body fell to the floor. After witnessing that I lost control over my body and my vision turned dark.

[A/N: Do leave comments. It is appreciated.]

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