Hacker: My revelations made Yingjiang’s scalp numb

Chapter 9

Although the person who was broadcast live found out about the situation and interrupted the live broadcast, Ai Guo, who was the operator behind the scenes, was still there!

He saw that there were nearly 5 million viewers from all over the world in the YouTube live broadcast room.

He felt it was a great opportunity!

I felt that I had to make a propaganda about the facts that Eagle Sauce wanted to distort and tell the world the truth.

Since the audience comes from all over the world, he designed a plug-in in the YouTube system through his hacking ability, and the plug-in will be directly converted into the official language of the viewer's country according to the viewer's national IP.

Then, he began to inform these viewers who can become communicators one by one about the female Q incident that happened to the rabbit these days, and put the truth in front of all the viewers in the live broadcast room through the chain of evidence, because of the failure of Eagle Sauce's domestic conspiracy plan against the rabbit, he directed and acted out a plan against the slandered rabbit.

In the case of a complete chain of evidence, netizens who were kept in the dark caused great controversy.

At the same time, Ai Guo also edited out the live broadcast content.

Use YouTube's highest authority to promote videos to the world.

The last thing Eagle Chan wants to see has appeared!

The whole world is hotly discussing Eagle Sauce's malicious suppression of rabbits.

This makes it more difficult for Eagle Sauce to reduce the impact of the incident in the future.

In the face of facts, perhaps the power can refer to the deer as the horse, but it cannot change the truth of the facts.

As the world's number one military power, many countries are very afraid of him in reality.

can only follow behind Eagle Sauce's ass, honestly be the little brother, and the rest will be arranged by the big brother!

However, in the online world, netizens all over the world are not like this, just the netizens of the five permanent sides of YouTube are in terms of mouth, but they can scare the existence of the air.

Especially the netizens of the sticks, they are ruthless, and even the whole world is theirs! It's that when they face Eagle Sauce, they don't know what's going on, they are born to kneel and lick, and their feet are so weak that they can't stand up.

Until today, with the confidence of Ai Guo Ze to give enough evidence, the stick finally has a feeling of raising his eyebrows on the Internet!

"Assi, Eagle Sauce, this is to destroy the peace in Asia, to destroy the peace in Asia that our stick has worked so hard to build. "

As the largest developed country in Asia, we hope that Eagle Sauce will face up to the peaceful development of Asia. (from the stick)"

"I used to think that Eagle Sauce was very generous, but now it is very narrow. Now the rabbit's GDP has only reached the second in the world, and it has been bullied, if our white elephant surpasses the rabbit to become the second in the world, will it also be bullied, rabbit come on! (from the white elephant)"

"Come on rabbit, you can't let Eagle Sauce have a good time, Eagle Sauce is not a person, you guys hurry up and fight, we support Rabbit mentally." "

Poor rabbit, too weak to protect yourself, to be like our donkey, have a strong leader to lead you to take off." "

As a powerful country that has ruled the world for 700 years, it is recommended that rabbits take advantage of the advantages of a thousand-year-old power!" (from the native chicken)"


The disturbances on the Internet have made all the hopes of the Eagle Sauce government have been disappointed!

The whole world knows that Eagle Chan has done something bad.

However, everyone can no longer outperform Eagle Sauce militarily, so they can only silently endure Eagle Sauce's bullying.

Unfortunately, the rabbits are not what they used to be.

After decades of lying on the salary, through generations of dedication.

I have already embarked on a path where I can say "NO" to Eagle Sauce. "The road.

The rabbit is also slowly getting used to saying "NO" to Hawk-chan. "The way!

This is to show the world that the rabbits in this world already have the strength to say no to Eagle Sauce!

The Rabbit Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a diplomatic announcement on this matter!

[We strongly condemn Eagle Sauce, Eagle Sauce uses improper state means, under the condition that the evidence is conclusive, to exercise long-arm jurisdiction over our public security problems with naked bullying behavior, in order to frame and interfere in our national management, which is a serious interference in the internal affairs of other countries and bandit logic, and we firmly oppose this.

In response to Eagle Sauce's sanction statement, if Eagle Sauce decides to announce and implement relevant policies, we will also carry out reciprocal sanctions in a timely manner to safeguard our legitimate interests.

Eagle Sauce's current accusations and indiscriminate accusations and indiscriminate hats against rabbits are in fact all the sins and evils that Eagle Sauce has committed and done, and they are all reflections of their own crimes, and they use Eagle Sauce's own evil to speculate about a peace-loving country.

Eagle sauce has no right to blame the rabbit at all, what we should do and promise have been done and done perfectly, and what Eagle Sauce should do and promise has never been fulfilled.

Thanks to the hackers for "not thinking too much" for revealing the truth! In

the firm attitude and harsh wording of the rabbit.

Let this incident become a diplomatic crisis that cannot be ignored by Eagle Sauce!

The president of Eagle Sauce is in a hurry!

It's a rabbit!

Over the years, the Eagle Sauce government has tried all kinds of ways to deal with rabbits!

It's just that I haven't really succeeded.

I can only watch the rabbit become stronger step by step!

President Eagle Sauce himself knows very well in his heart that he has made so many conspiracies against rabbits.

It's not because rabbits have become number two in the world!

In addition, the capital market of these rabbits is too fat, and the eyes of the financiers behind him are red.

However, the president of Eagle Sauce knows better.

According to the report of the Eagle Sauce Ministry of Defense, the current Eagle Sauce against the rabbit has a weaker and weaker chance of winning the war, so that the era of military flaunting in the rabbit's territory is gone.

Now I can only honestly do military exercises and carry out military intimidation in areas such as the high seas.

But as we all know, these exercises are more of a deterrent to small countries, not to get too close to rabbits.

But the current situation has seriously affected the remaining international reputation of Eagle Sauce!

Jean Eagle Sauce has already suffered diplomatic reproaches from third world countries.

This is a situation that has greatly affected Eagle Sauce over the years through hegemony, public opinion offensive and bribery of public knowledge.

"You bunch of garbage, who made the suggestion back then, and I am embarrassed now." President Eagle Chan looked at his think tank's subordinates with a very embarrassed face, "You tell me what to do now?" Rice buckets, garbage, F**K. He

could only lose his temper at his men.

The president of a dignified country will be hated for thousands of years if he makes a mistake.

If it weren't for his great joy, he would have picked up a big bargain and played by himself.

I didn't expect to suffer the biggest stain on my presidential career!

"Your Excellency, why don't we apologize!" Bill looked at Bai Zhenhua cautiously.

"What? You shit! The

president looked at him angrily.

Bill stiffened his head and said, "Let's apologize from a different angle." "

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