Hacker: My revelations made Yingjiang’s scalp numb

Chapter 218

In the end, the meeting of the upper echelons of Eagle Sauce still did not come up with a good way to deal with rabbits and establish a rabbit coin settlement system.

They can only give the rabbit government as much as possible, and dig more holes and smear more in the process of establishing this monetary system.

Throughout the meeting, in addition to Bai Zhenhua and Smith's calm faces, the attitude of their father, who was their financier, was diametrically opposite, and they were very angry at the rabbit government's behavior of establishing the rabbit coin settlement system.

When leaving, Bai Zhenhua and Smith fell behind, and Bai Zhenhua asked meaningfully.

"Why are these capitalists so nervous about the rabbit government establishing a rabbit coin settlement system?"

Smith smiled slightly and said: "Capitalists are greedy, they are just not greedy for ordinary people for the time being.

"The rabbit government is no match for the countries of the European Union, and it is impossible for these capitalists to dictate its rabbit coin settlement system and provide convenience to these capitalists.

"I see!"

The upper echelons of Eagle Sauce, who left the meeting, began to make their final struggles and efforts to obstruct the Rabbit Government's action to establish a Rabbit Coin settlement system.

Originally, the news around the world was about the rabbit government to establish a rabbit coin settlement system, and even many news media predicted that the rabbit coin system may become the world's second largest or even the largest monetary system in the future.

Such news soon became less and less, and the new news appeared in which all of them sang and slandered the rabbit government's efforts to establish a rabbit coin system.

In particular, Eagle Sauce Fed President Smith suddenly held a press conference to protest the Rabbit government's move to establish a rabbit coin settlement system.

[We, the Eagle Sauce Fed, as the institution that manages the world's currency, want to take this opportunity to strongly protest and criticize the rabbit government, knowing that the eagle sauce knife is the world's main settlement currency, for the sake of the rabbit government's own selfish desires, we want to break the rules of this stable and peaceful world that we have established.

This not only undermines the stability of the world economy, but also does not meet the requirements of people all over the world, and will also cause turmoil in the world economy. As

soon as the chairman of the Eagle Sauce Fed finished saying these words, the situation on the Internet took a 180-degree turn in an instant, and the rabbit government's behavior of establishing the rabbit coin settlement system seemed to have provoked public anger at this moment, and the overwhelming news and discussions were all made out of nothing to tamper with the benefits brought by the rabbit government to the world.

For a while, the wind direction on the Internet began to become a miasma, and people who did not understand the benefits of the rabbit government's establishment of the rabbit coin settlement system were led astray and followed suit.

This scene happened to be known to Agoze's artificial intelligence, which reported it to Agoze.

Ai Guo decisively dispatched artificial intelligence to remove all the answers and rumors of the water army and artificial AI on the Internet.

Only then did the people around the world who browsed this matter see clearly the slander against the rabbit government on the Internet.

And the Eagle Sauce Government is naturally impossible to lag behind, followed by the Eagle Sauce Government's crusade against the Rabbit Government to establish a rabbit coin settlement system, but since the Eagle Sauce Government lost its important maritime power, the words spoken are soft and insecure.

[We strongly condemn this immoral behavior of the rabbit government, shouldn't this situation be discussed with us Eagle Sauce?

Our Eagle Sauce Knife has become the world's settlement currency, which is the result of our long-term contribution to the world, and the rabbit government has not yet reached this standard, so please give up the establishment of the rabbit currency settlement system. Then

, the financiers of the capital and financial predators behind the Eagle Sauce government also let their companies end, and many well-known CEOs, bosses, and celebrities were manipulated by the back-the-scenes financiers of Eagle Sauce to express their disagreement with the rabbit government's establishment of a rabbit coin settlement system.

It's a pity that the Rabbit Government established the Rabbit Coin Settlement System, and only the Eagle Sauce Government will be affected by the Rabbit Coin Settlement System, and many other countries will be able to get more benefits from it.

Almost all countries know that if the rabbit government establishes a rabbit currency settlement system and competes with the eagle sauce government for the world's mainstream settlement currency, then the era when the eagle sauce government will make a big fuss about the eagle sauce knife and thus rely on sucking the blood of the people of the world will be gone.

If it weren't for the fact that the Eagle Sauce government has always had various ways to express that if your country does not use the Eagle Sauce Knife settlement system, the Eagle Sauce Government will bully you through military force.

How many countries are willing to let the high-quality resources in their own countries become the bag of the father behind the Eagle Sauce government after a while of playing with it.

As a result, no matter how the Eagle Sauce government, the Eagle Sauce Fed and the capital owners behind them prevent the Rabbit Government from establishing a rabbit coin settlement system, more and more countries apply to join the Rabbit Coin as a settlement.

The first country to join the rabbit coin settlement system was Da Mao, who was suppressed very badly by the Eagle Sauce government in the economic field.

Da Mao was the first to join the rabbit coin settlement system established by the rabbit government, as many countries have seen the Da Mao government join the rabbit coin settlement system, more and more countries have applied to join the rabbit coin settlement system, a bit overwhelming.

With so many countries applying to join, they just understand that if the Eagle Sauce government does not return to its previous state in terms of military strength, it is impossible to easily clash with the rabbits. And the rabbit government dares to be tough with the Eagle Sauce government, which shows that the rabbit government no longer wants to be bullied by the Eagle Sauce government every day, and takes this opportunity to break the Eagle Sauce government's economic monopoly on the world.

Everyone understands that from now on, the rabbit coins established by the rabbit government will become an important weapon to curb the economic messing around of the Eagle Sauce government.

Li Yi, the Minister of Finance of Rabbit, also rushed for the Rabbit government to establish a perfect rabbit coin settlement system, and he began to frequently meet with foreign leaders and sign contracts with them for the settlement of rabbit coins.

If you want them to buy something from a rabbit, you can use Rabbit Coins to settle the payment, instead of using the Eagle Sauce Knife.

After all, with the trade volume between rabbits and eagle sauce, rabbits have too many eagle sauce knives, which have been placed there, like waste paper, and under the obstruction of the eagle sauce government, they can't buy anything good.

Now, after switching to rabbit coins, this is not the case.

The action of the rabbit coin settlement system established by the rabbit government, the Eagle Sauce government learned through spies that it has become more and more successful, and many countries have joined the rabbit coin settlement system, making the Eagle Sauce government more and more powerless about this matter.

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