Hacker: My revelations made Yingjiang’s scalp numb

Chapter 211

In order to monopolize the biochemical data of the underground laboratory of the foot basin chicken, the Eagle Sauce government did its best to send all the naval fleets it could.

Admiral Martin became the commander of the temporary naval fleet.

He originally thought that if he wanted to obtain the biochemical data of the footpot chicken, the rabbit and Da Mao would definitely do everything possible to stop it, and there might even be a conflict.

In order to deal with a possible military conflict, Admiral Martin laid out his tactics very carefully, trying to achieve victory in the event of a conflict.

However, what Martin never expected was that they had no chance to clash with Rabbit and Big Fur, and Rabbit and Big Fur had already run away.

Although Admiral Martin, who heard the news, was puzzled in his heart, the actions of the rabbit and Da Mao retreating without a fight still made him feel joy in his heart.

Like most arrogant Eagle Sauce government officials, Admiral Martin still believes that Rabbit and Big Fur are afraid of Eagle Sauce's strong military power, so he gives up on preventing Eagle Sauce from obtaining the biochemical data of the foot pot chicken.

It's a pity that the development of the whole thing was too much for Admiral Martin to expect.

Rabbit and Big Fur left because the hackers "don't think too much" and were ready to detonate the nuclear bomb developed by the footpot chicken themselves, not because they were afraid of Eagle Sauce's military might.

The Eagle Sauce Army at the scene, spent a lot of time, and still there was no way to enter the underground secret laboratory of the footbasin chicken. I didn't listen to the leader's command, and I stayed at the entrance of the underground laboratory of the foot basin chicken to repair the elevator, missing the best time to leave the scene, and now I am trapped on the way out.

And what made Admiral Martin most uncomfortable was that he came over to the foot basin chicken, originally wanting to take this opportunity to see if he could make a contribution and make a few more medals on his chest. However, it has become a rescue team, providing all the rescue for the Eagle Sauce troops trapped in the footbasin chicken, to ensure that the army's losses will not be too great.

However, there are some things that are often one wrong step, and then one wrong step, and there is no right option.

Admiral Martin commanded nearly half of the Eagle Sauce fleet, all of which were parked at sea near the footbasin chicken, and did not leave for rescue reasons.

Because of the nuclear explosion, the entire footbasin chicken shook violently, and because of the catalysis of the nuclear bomb explosion, the Burenshan Mountain, which had not erupted for a long time, suddenly erupted out out of control.

These two things, Admiral Martin knows very clearly, he knows that the footbasin chicken is a white-eyed wolf, and now the eagle sauce is strong, so they nodded their heads, for the domestic tragedy and loss of the footbasin chicken, Admiral Martin even wanted to open champagne to celebrate this moment.

It's just that what Martin didn't expect was that something that had nothing to do with him turned out to be the end of his entire fleet.

After the hackers "don't think too much" detonated the nuclear bomb, the explosion immediately triggered a collision and tearing of the foot basin chicken island in the earthquake zone. As a consequence of all this, a large number of aftershocks caused problems in the ocean near Foot Basin Chicken Island.

And these problems soon turned into a nightmare for Admiral Martin, who never dreamed that he would not be able to save people, and that he would be in such a big predicament.

A data analyst analyzed the information from the sensors on the seabed, and came to the conclusion that there was a possibility of an accident in the waters near the entire fleet, and what the accident was, his last guess, could cause a tsunami.

Admiral Martin didn't think much of it, after all, outside the window he looked at, he could see with his own eyes the sea area where the troops were stationed, and everything was calm, so he didn't believe this set of arguments very much.

It's just that what Admiral Martin never expected was that there was really a big accident, and the earthquake of the footbasin chicken had already caused a tsunami.

And this news was given to Admiral Martin by the Pentame Building of the Ministry of Defense.

A staff member of the Eagle Sauce government's Global Surveillance Bureau, who had been monitoring Martin's troops through satellites, was soon on the satellite and saw the tsunami around the entire footbasin chicken.

The waves of dozens of meters suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, and rushed to the surroundings violently.

A deep threat is coming.,Thousands of miles to support Eagle Sauce's naval fleet.。

The staff quickly reported one by one, and the news immediately reached the ears of Defense Minister Olardin, which completely made his heart tighten, he had seen the horror of the tsunami, and had a terrifying ability to destroy the world.

Soon, Oladin contacted Admiral Martin, who was far away in the east, and told him about it.

"Admiral Martin, the naval fleet you lead is about to face a natural disaster, a tsunami.

"What?" Martin, who received the call, was stupefied by the words of his top boss, a tsunami is no better than anything else, and the impact can kill people.

"Really? Minister Olardin.

"Really, I have a photo of the wave tens of meters high here, which has been verified. A

wave of fear quickly rushed through Martin's mind.

What a tsunami looks like, Martin knows it in his heart, and the ability to destroy is simply unbelievable.

"So what am I going to do? "

What should I do? Oladin himself didn't know what to do?

But Admiral Martin on the other end of the phone had already received a notice from the lookout.

"Commander, there's a tsunami in the distance, dozens of meters high!" was

so shocked that Martin couldn't even answer the phone in his hand, and directly dropped the thing to the ground.

In the sound of "thunderbolt", the call between Oradin and Martin was cut off.

At the same time, Admiral Martin was also under the instructions of his subordinates, and saw the waves dozens of meters high in the distance outside the window, as if he also wanted to cover the heavens.

Almost all the officers and soldiers of Eagle Sauce at the scene saw this scene and were terrified in their hearts.

So, all the Eagle Sauce warships immediately began to rudder, trying to avoid the tsunami.

The originally orderly Eagle Sauce fleet became chaotic at this moment.

In order to leave the scene immediately, warships are constantly increasing their horsepower, trying to outrun the huge waves and avoid their own tragic fate.

In particular, those Eagle Sauce warships that were surrounded inside, they wanted to get out in the fastest time, but it was actually as difficult as it was to reach the sky. They had not yet encountered a tsunami when they collided with other warships, and several warships had accidents and could not move.

However, the tsunami was getting closer and closer, and soon appeared in front of the entire Eagle Sauce fleet.

Then, Admiral Martin encountered a scene that will be remembered for the rest of his life.

A warship that is incomparably powerful in the eyes of humans is like a toy in front of nature.

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