Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 2

[Calm down, Gwen.] The words appeared before her as she was about to start panicking. Gwen suddenly found herself calmer, though it felt somewhat forced, like someone had cast a little spell over her to calm her. Gwen looked down at her hand, only to find that the spider had already disappeared from where it was, and the bite mark on her hand seemed to vanish slowly.


“What happened there, Yuri? Was that part of the welcome box?” She couldn’t help but ask, but before she got a reply, she started to feel a little hazy and muddled, like she was about to pass out. She fell back onto her bed, the welcome box slipping out of her grasp as she gasped for breath. And then she had this weird itching feeling all over her body. She gasped for breath as her vision spun, but suddenly, it disappeared, as though it was never there in the first place and was replaced by a calming and cooling feeling that permeated through her limbs. Suddenly, she felt more alive than ever; she felt like she could run a marathon and still have more energy to do a couple more. “Damn. What type of drugs has that spider been taking?”


Gwen never had any interaction with drugs; the only thing she knew about them was what they taught at school to spread awareness. Her father had also given her a talk about it, so she kept herself safe, but she had never heard of a drug like this. Her body all of a sudden felt more robust and more aware. She felt different from before, and strength seemed to course through her body for some reason; she felt like she could lift something tens of times her body weight.


[That was the first gift from the welcome box, Gwen. Sorry if it was abrupt, but I didn’t know you well enough to know if you’d willingly let yourself be bitten by a spider. It all turned out fine anyway! As for what that spider was, it was a radioactive spider that gave you the power you were meant to acquire in a few weeks. Of course, I have enhanced this version, making it better than the original.]


Gwen was reeling from the implications. She was supposed to acquire these powers a few weeks from now, but it seemed like she was closer to living that kind of hero life than she had ever thought. “Powers that I would acquire in a few weeks? Do you know the future? Can you tell me what happened?” Gwen couldn’t help but be slightly amazed when she heard this.


[Of course! It would be pretty costly, though, and I don’t think it’s worth the investment in Yuri Points. It would cost you a few million depending on how much you want to find out, and even then, it’s only one possible future. It’s also likely that without my intervention, you may not have acquired these powers, and they may have gone to someone else. As for what will happen, I’m probably more excited to find out what will happen than you are! As for what powers you gained from the spider, I’m sure you’ll find out later as you explore them; most of it will come naturally to you, so it’s okay. You haven’t finished opening that starter pack, so I suggest you do that first.]


Gwen nodded in understanding and was about to pick it up and start again before her hand stilled. Yuri realised why straight away. [Don’t worry. There are no more surprises like that.] Gwen could feel Yuri rolling her eyes, and she couldn’t help but smile wryly. In her defence, having a spider jump on you to bite you was a weird experience.


Picking up the box, which also felt much lighter due to her newfound strength, she opened the lid, still somewhat wary, and her eyes immediately shot towards the large purple phallic object. There in the welcoming box was a sizeable double-ended vibrator that was sitting there. Curiosity burning inside her, Gwen’s hands found the toy pretty quickly. The only time she’d ever even held a dildo was in that very awkward sex ed class where they had to put the condom on one. “It feels so…” Her breathing hitched, and she couldn’t help but think of a certain redhead when she realised the purpose of this double-ended toy.


With her imagination running wild and her breathing getting deeper, she blushed from the base of her neck to the tips of her ears. Closing her eyes and shaking away the images in her mind, she placed the toy in the safest place she could think of, a place she could access at any time… for an emergency, of course… and into her inventory; it went.


Gwen closed her eyes briefly, trying to calm herself as she took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and locked onto the box, her excitement rising as she realised the objects she might find inside. To her surprise, the next object wasn’t a toy or some crazy advanced tech. It was a book. Being a bit of a bookworm herself, she was pretty excited. Was this another Yuri novel made by the Yuri system itself? What type of quality content would be inside? Before she got ahead of herself, though, she quickly read the book's title.


‘10 out of the 100 Ways of The Yuri - Beginners in Yuri Seduction.’


“It seems it’s not a novel like I had expected. Nevertheless, it is an important piece of literature that I’ll study thoroughly in my spare time,” she announced with conviction. Her eyes showed determination, and if Peter had been there, he would have been shocked that his usually lazy friend could have shown such an expression.


Gwen focused back on the welcome box, and her eyes lit up as she looked at the last object in the box. With a smooth fabric, Gwen unfolded it to find it was an all-in-one outfit that even included a mask, all the way down to the shoes. It looked to be a form-fitting hero suit, just like some of the ones that Gwen had seen in storybooks, and Gwen couldn’t help but fall in love with the design the second she saw it. 


With a quick thought, she shoved it into her inventory, leaving her bed and walking towards her mirror. “Yuri, how do I do that quick change of clothes with my inventory?” She couldn’t help but ask, excited to try on this outfit.


[It’s relatively easy; imagine switching clothes with the inventory. It may take a few tries to get it right.]


Gwen nodded and looked at herself in the mirror, imagining that she was switching clothes, but unfortunately, it didn’t seem to work. [How about trying one thing at a time until you become proficient? Start with stripping, and then put on the new stuff.] Gwen nodded, and quickly, her pants and panties were gone. Gwen couldn’t help but be slightly surprised as she looked at her legs. They seemed a lot more toned than she remembered.


When she realised that, she took a step back as she looked at her half-naked form in the mirror. “Did I get a little taller?” Shaking off such a thought, attributing it to a trick of the light, she quickly shoved the rest of her clothes into her inventory. “Wow.” She couldn’t help but blush slightly at the sight as a surge of newfound confidence worked through her body. She was toned.


A light blush formed on her face as she admired her own body. Her arms now had extra muscle but in a distinctly feminine way. Her slim stomach had filled a bit, and she even had abs. She couldn’t help but trace the new muscles on her stomach; they were both hard and soft. She found them much to her liking as she checked out her whole form, doing a little turn in the mirror. “I did get a little taller, didn’t I?” she asked nobody.


Checking her side profile, she couldn’t help but raise a brow. Her ass was perkier than she remembered, and so were her breasts. They even seemed to defy gravity a little bit, and Gwen smiled as she appreciated the changes in her body. “Was this all from that single spider bite?” She asked.


[Indeed. I don’t think you realised it yet, but your eyesight and other senses should also be better.]


Gwen took a moment to look around and knew that Yuri was correct. She took a moment to focus on her senses, just standing in her room. Despite living in a somewhat amicable and quiet neighbourhood, she could still hear some chatter, probably from the family next door. She didn’t want to intrude, so she stopped listening. Her sense of smell also seemed to pick up more, finding remnants of the lasagna they had for dinner last night. She was just better than before.


Before long, Gwen went back to admiring the changes in her body. The more she looked, the more her confidence in her appearance soared. Gwen knew she was a pretty girl with blonde hair, sky-blue eyes, and a blend of soft and sharp features that complement each other well. But now she was feeling right. It was like Gwen's last piece of the puzzle had been found. And she was now complete.


As she was admiring her own body, for some strange reason, she found herself thinking back to the other gift that she had acquired, and she couldn’t help but think of the current her on one side of the double-ended dildo while Jean was on the other. She couldn’t help but get a little damp downstairs at the thought. She grabbed a handful of her breasts and couldn’t help but appreciate their newfound springiness before grabbing and pulling at her toned ass cheeks. “What do you think, Yuri? Will Jean like them?” She asked but didn’t get a response, as they both knew that she would.


She shook away the dirty thoughts and imagined the new outfit on her form. “Oh my god.” was her first reaction. It was perfect. It was an all-in-one spandex outfit. Starting from her head, covered in a white hood, the inside was pink with white spiderwebs. Her face mask was blank white; the only colour was the pink outlines of her eyes. Her chest was also white, along with her arms. However, her underarms had the same pink and white spiderweb pattern as her hood and the side of her body down to her ribs. Everything under the chest was a glossy black apart from the shoes on her feet, which were a light turquoise blue.


Looking at her reflection, she couldn’t help but appreciate how powerful she looked, especially with her new muscles. She looked straight-up deadly if she was honest. She spent the next few minutes admiring her new outfit, and the more she looked, the more she felt it was perfect. She wouldn’t have changed anything about it even if she was given the choice. As she was admiring her reflection, she felt something and a shiver went down her spine. “What was that?” she asked, looking around the room like something would jump out at her.


[That would be one of your powers. It’s called Spider-Sense. It’s a precognitive danger sense. It’s like enhanced instincts, or you may call it a sixth sense. I’ll tell you this time, but I won’t help after this. Your father just pulled into the drive and is walking towards the front door.]


Gwen focused her senses again and found that Yuri was right. It was just a feeling, but along with her other senses, which were heightened, she could even hear his footsteps, the key going into the keyhole, and the turning of the handle. “That’s spooky.” Gwen was about to head out of her room to greet her father but was interrupted by the same feeling. She looked around but couldn’t pinpoint what it was this time.


[My dear Gwen…You’re still wearing your Ghost Spider outfit…] This time, Gwen could feel the disappointment in Yuri’s words, and she couldn’t help but blush a little.


“Ah, yeah… that’s it…” The next moment, she was out of her outfit and back in her pyjamas, walking down the stairs to greet her dad. As she arrived downstairs, she saw her dad placing his gun, badge, keys and wallet by the door so he could put it on the next morning. “Welcome home, Dad. Did you have a good day at work?” Gwen asked as she turned towards the kitchen, deciding to put the oven on now to preheat it.


“Hey dear. You know how work is. There’s always something going on out there. How was your day?” He asked as he slumped into the couch and lifted his feet for the first time today, evading the question.


“It was okay. Lessons are about the same as usual. Peter got himself in trouble again and ended up walking home in his Phys Ed clothes again. But apart from that, it was a normal day at school.” Gwen said while looking at her father, who seemed ready to sleep, and his eyes were somewhat droopy. “You look tired, Dad. Isn’t it about time you get yourself a vacation or something?” She said, checking the time. He had come earlier than usual and still had bags under his eyes.


He waved off the question lightly and started talking about something else, asking Gwen about her day and other little things they usually discuss as father and daughter. Before long, the oven was up to temperature, and Gwen placed the pizzas in it. As she was looking over them, an idea came to her mind. Turning on the timer for the pizza, she excused herself and headed back to her room.


“Yuri, you said there was a store. Is there anything I can afford, if I have any points, that could improve my Dad’s body and make him healthier?” Gwen asked, somewhat hopeful. She wanted to help her father, and if she could get some magic medicine to help him, she wouldn’t complain.


[You only have the complimentary 1000 YP with your welcome box. If you’d like my opinion, you don’t have an urgent need for any points right now, so I’d suggest a Medium Recovery Pill for 500 YP. You could crush it into powder and sprinkle it onto his pizza or drink.]


Gwen thought about it for a moment and nodded her head. If she couldn’t even use her powers to help her father, who was always working so hard, she wouldn’t see much of a reason for having such powers. “Great! I’ll take it.” A box appeared in her hands a second later, and she opened it to find a golden pill inside, about the size of a marble.


A few minutes later, she stepped downstairs and took the pizzas out of the oven. Crushing the pill in her hands, she sprinkled it over her father's before serving them. They both sat on the sofa as they ate dinner together. About halfway through his pizza, Gwen turned to look at her father and noticed that he was a bit rosier than before and seemed a little more alive, causing a smile to appear on her face.


Gwen had always wanted what was best for her father; he had raised her all by himself ever since Gwen’s mother passed when she was only three. With the sudden thought of her mother, who only knew her face due to the pictures around her, Gwen’s eyes turned bright momentarily. That’s right! Dad needs to get laid! The sudden train of thought had sprouted, and Gwen’s eyes suddenly brightened. A sudden realisation dawned upon her, something that she had been blind to see, and only now she thought about her father in this way did she realise. Something that she should have seen the signs of a while ago but never had. “So, Dad. When are you going to ask out Aunt May.”


*Cough* *Cough*


Widening her eyes, she quickly patted her Dad on the back to ensure he didn’t choke on his food. Seeing that he was fine moments later, she sighed in relief and continued eating her food while her father stared at her, mouth agape. “Where did that suddenly come from?” He couldn’t help but ask.


Gwen raised her brow as she smoothly lied through her teeth. “Oh please, I’ve seen how you look at her.” Which was technically accurate; she was just too dumb to realise what those looks meant until she looked back in hindsight.


“Well then, when are you going to ask out Jean?” He smoothly counter-attacked, and it was a critical hit! The fizzy cola she was drinking ended up coming out of her nose a second later after a short coughing fit. Her eyes were stinging and somewhat red; she looked at her father, mouth agape. “Ah, please. You’re my daughter; if I hadn’t realised your sexuality by now, I’d be doing a pretty bad job.” 


Despite the stinging in her nose and eyes, Gwen couldn’t help but smile at her father's words. His following words, however, made her eyes open wide. “What do you say? Tomorrow, we both go for it?” His words were somewhat ambiguous, but how could she not understand what he was implying?


“Pinky Promise? No Takebacksies?” Gwen asked, serious all of a sudden.


George’s eyes shone slightly at the bold words coming from his daughter. She seemed confident enough to pull through on her end of the deal. A smile appeared on his face, feeling much better than before, and a sudden fighting spirit was ignited from the depths of his soul. “Pinky Promise, No Takebacksies.” He agreed in total seriousness as their pinky fingers joined before pressing their thumbs together, signifying that both parties had agreed and they couldn’t back out, no matter what.


“Great!” Gwen couldn’t help but be happy at the sudden train of events. Her father seemed much more spirited than before. His eyes had a newfound light, and his demeanour seemed more relaxed. Whether it was due to the pill or the new objective he had, Gwen wasn’t sure, but she was happy either way.


Gwen’s smile remained throughout the rest of the evening. They even played a round of cards and bonded before they headed to bed. Despite having such a long day, Gwen lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She could already hear the snores from the other room as her father's fatigue had caught up with him. She usually quickly fell asleep, yet here she was—wide awake.


Her eyes didn’t feel tired; her body felt ready to run a marathon; there was no way she could fall asleep when she was feeling like this. What do you think I should do, Yuri? Do you happen to have any sleeping pills in that shop? She couldn’t help but smile as she asked, only somewhat serious.


[While I do have some sleeping pills, I don’t think that’s what you need right now. With your enhanced body, you should efficiently function on only three hours of sleep rather than the usual eight. I don’t see why you need to stay indoors when you have New York just outside to act as your jungle. You could try out your web-slinging and wall-climbing abilities as well.]


Gwen’s eyes shone in the darkness of her room; she had been glancing at her window since earlier, itching to sneak out and have fun. And Yuri’s words just gave her that last little push she needed. Wall climbing? Web-slinging? She asked, but she didn’t get a response as she looked down at her hands, already having an inclination of what her powers were.


She jumped out of bed, and despite knowing where the creaky floorboards were, she could never entirely miss them. But despite that, she made no sound as she walked over to the wall. Her footsteps were as light as a feather, and eventually, she lifted her hand and placed it on the wall. A thought was all that was needed as she pulled herself up, bringing her bare feet onto the wall. Her heart was racing in anticipation, and she found herself crawling silently over the wall and ceiling of her room. These are spider powers! She couldn’t help but inwardly exclaim.


A few moments later, Gwen sat upside down on the ceiling. Despite hanging upside down, she didn’t feel any rush of blood to her head, no lightheadedness; the only inclination that she wasn’t upright was that her hair still seemed to obey the laws of physics. I guess that’s my wall-climbing power. Then web-slinging is next. She looked around her room, and despite the light being turned off and no light source, her eyes still quickly found her target.


Cuddles, her stuffed teddy bear that had been in her bed since she won it at a fun fair when she was little. Gwen looked between Cuddles and her wrist for a few moments, and seconds later, she shot out her hand, threw back her wrist and a web shot out of her wrist, sticking to its intended target, before flicking Cuddles into her embrace. With a single thought, the web dissipated into nothing, and Cuddles was in her arms. That is damn cool.


A single thought later, she fell from the ceiling and onto the floor, and despite the drop, she still didn’t make a single sound. She wanted to jump around in excitement, her adrenaline still running through her body as she looked back out the window, looking at the sky skyscrapers and tall buildings of New York. Yuri said, web-slinging and then described New York as my jungle… It’s pretty obvious what she means… And I can’t find any reason not to. A second later, the room was empty. The window was left unlocked so she could enter again, and she was off.


Leaping from the windowsill to the street lamp outside her house, she had perfect control of her body as she landed on it, light as a feather. Looking at the tall buildings just a few thousand meters away, she couldn’t help but be excited, her Ghost Spider outfit already on her form and seconds later, she was leaping from one lamppost to the next, jumping from one roof to the next and then even using her webs to pull her forward, keeping her momentum as she travelled the urban area like a fish in water. Before long, she arrived at her jungle, and her heart was practically soaring through the roof. Her eyes were reminiscent of a child who had just found a new playground.


She didn’t know where to start. She had been here before, thousands of times. Every day on the way to and from school, this time, it felt so different. Aside from being dark out, how she looked at the city had changed. Her paths, the route from one place to another. Before, she would walk from one place to another, walking around buildings in the way, following the streets. But suddenly, her paths had turned from 2D to 3D, and she found that she couldn’t wait any longer.


Her excitement and adrenaline pushed away logical thoughts as both her hands shot out in front. Her webs shot out of her wrist and travelled twenty meters up the side of the building, one to her left, the other to her right. And then she pulled. The tension in the webs as the power exerted from her body was pushed further. The next thing she knew, she shot herself up the side of the building. But she didn’t stop there. No, she continued. Her feet found purchase every step of the way, her momentum carrying her up the side of the building. The next thing she knew, she ran out of floor…wall and she was on top of the building. Two hundred meters high.


She looked around, her logical thought gone as her instincts and adrenaline almost entirely consumed her. And she jumped. She couldn’t help but let out a scream of pure adrenaline as she fell down the side of the building, and yet, throughout the entire time, there was no fear to be found, not even the slightest bit of worry. Twenty meters above the ground, falling fast, her hand shot out to the side, and a web found itself attached to the side of a building; Gwen’s momentum changed direction as she swung in a parabola around the building. And then she continued further, keeping her momentum as she shot out the following web. And then the next.


Like a monkey in the jungle, Gwen was swinging from one vine to the next. 


Gwen had never felt so free, so light. She felt on top of the world. Half an hour later, she found herself on top of another skyscraper. This one was around three hundred meters tall, and she just sat on the edge of the building with no cares in the world. Any fear of heights that she previously had was all gone. Her heart was still racing from the fun she had.


As she was basking in the afterglow of her workout, a familiar tingle found its way down Gwen’s spine, and she looked over the side of the building. Her enhanced senses locked onto the scene; a man was holding a knife and threatening the woman in front of him. A slight frown found its way onto Gwen’s face as she saw the scene, and she didn’t hesitate for a second before she let herself slip off the side of the building and start her freefall.


While falling, she caught a glimpse of something else in her vision.


[Quest: Stop the Mugging.]


[Details: A lady is being mugged; detain the criminal and ensure he’s taken to the authorities.]


[Reward: 1 Gacha Spin, 500 Yuri Points.]


A small smile made its way onto Gwen’s face as she looked at the words. I’m not doing it for the reward, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still get rewarded. Dad still gets paid. I’m sure I can think of it like that. She perched on the wall a couple of meters above the duo a few seconds later, thinking about how she wanted to tackle her first encounter.


How do I go about this? 

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