Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 12

Opening the door quietly, Gwen and Petra entered her home, only to find George and May snuggled on the couch while watching TV. The sight made her smile as she watched. She held Petra’s hand and nodded; they entered the room. Placing their bags by the entrance and taking their shoes off, they sat on the other couch and snuggled up to watch the end of the movie they were watching. While the TV was playing, neither Gwen nor Petra had seen the film before, so they did their own thing, not wanting to accidentally catch the end of some epic movie that would spoil the rest.


With that in mind, Gwen took out her laptop and looked through the footage from the day, sending it straight through the software to remove anything that could be used to identify them and cut the video shorter. The eight hours of footage, four each, were quickly compiled into highlights, edited, and cut down into something suitable to upload. It also added a background track to make it more immersive and enjoyable for the viewer.


After setting that to upload, Gwen did the same once again, this time not to upload to YouTube but to send it to the police to ensure that any evidence they found could be used if necessary.


After finishing it and watching everything with Petra, we uploaded the video to YouTube. Realising that she had only uploaded a couple of different videos, she checked her YouTube analytics and was quite surprised with what she found. Her first video already had over 5 million views, and even though the new one had been uploaded for less than a minute, it was already climbing up to the thousands. She hadn’t quite expected it to blow up quite this quickly. What surprised her even more than that was the fact that these 5 million views had generated over 10,000$ due to it being only a short video “Holy Shit.” escaped both Gwen’s and Petra’s mouths at the same time, much to the surprise of George and May who had just finished their movie.


“Language, young lady,” was echoed twice, once more, as both George and May had said the exact words, just as Gwen and Petra had. “Anyway, it’s not like you to swear; what happened?” George asked with a tinge of worry in his voice.


“It’s nothing bad, don’t worry. Seeing that your movie is over, Petra and I have something we’d like to discuss.” Sharing a look with her girlfriend, they both nodded. Not knowing how to do this delicately, she decided that it was better just to rip the bandaid off, a web shot out of her wrist and attach it to the remote for the TV before shooting back to her hand. “So, yeah.”


Both George and May’s eyes opened wide at the reveal. They didn’t need to be geniuses to know what Gwen was saying. Their eyes trailed to Petra, who shrugged and did the same, this time with a pillow. Considering that George was the police chief and had a very stressful day due to the prison break, a tiny part of him couldn’t help but be proud of his daughter and also thankful for her help with catching and detaining so many of them, on the other hand, he was outraged by the fact that they would put themselves in danger like that.


On the other hand, Aunt May was still a little shocked but much calmer than George. Honestly, the second she saw Ghost Spider and the new Spider-Woman, she had her suspicions. She’d seen their physique the other day over the phone and didn’t need her experience as a super spy to connect the two dots. Gwen gained muscle seemingly randomly around the time Ghost Spider made a reveal. Then her niece, who randomly changed gender, likely due to Gwen’s help, also gained muscle and a six-pack that put hers to shame.


Silence seemed to echo in the room for a few moments before George stood up, walked towards the drink cabinet, and got a glass for himself and May. After pouring himself a drink to calm his nerves, he shot it back and filled it up again, this time filling May’s up, too. “*Sigh*. Explain.” As concise and straight to the point as ever.


“Well, it’s like this…” Gwen said, with a hint of a blush and shame across her face. She didn’t go into the nitty-gritty of it and just… insinuated… that there may be some… hobbies… that her father wasn’t privy to. He didn’t need to hear the whole story after that and let her evade any unnecessary details that weren’t of importance.


“... And that’s how I found out about Petra’s sexuality and also how I helped her change quicker and painlessly and how she got the same powers as me.” Gwen finished after about five minutes of talking.


“And you can buy stuff from this… store… that’s in your head?” George asked to confirm; seeing Gwen nod, he kept quiet momentarily. “And that Gacha thing as well.”


Gwen nodded her head again. “With this power, I can already let the two of you retire.” Both George and May looked up in surprise. “It was one of the reasons why I wanted to reveal it to you two. I thought that maybe you two could… I don’t know… retire to a house on the beach somewhere. Maybe pick up new hobbies or travel if that’s what you want to do. Oh! I almost forgot! These two are for you!” Gwen said, taking out the two high-end recovery pills from her inventory.


“And what are these exactly?” May couldn’t help but ask as she looked at the small pills before her.


“High Recovery Pills,” Gwen answered. “If you have any injuries or hidden ailments, even if there is a bit of cancer in your body or anything like that, even regenerating an arm if needs be. That’s your cure.”


May couldn’t help but have her heart skip a beat at the news, and hesitantly, she touched her belly at the sight of the others in the room. “Anything, right?”


“Anything,” Gwen said with a smile, thinking it may not be too long until a little brother or sister is running around. May didn’t need any more reassurance than that as she threw the pill into her mouth; the result was instantaneous as energy seemed to sprout from her body. Under everyone's sight, she seemed to have lost any wrinkles that her age caused and seemed to rejuvenate back by quite a bit. She looked like she was in her mid-thirties despite being almost fifty. “Okay, I will admit, I didn’t think it would be quite that potent.” 


George and Petra also watched in shock and couldn’t help but think that old pictures of her did not do her the justice she deserved. Gwen unconsciously moved her head over to Petra and whispered ‘I would’, only to get an elbow to the ribs.


Feeling like she was in her twenties, May couldn’t help but stand up. She grabbed the other pill and gave it to George before taking him by the hand. “We’ll continue this discussion another day; we have things to do. Gwen, why don’t you join Petra for tonight and have a sleepover at our house,” she said with a smile, but she was not asking; she was telling. Getting a nod from both Gwen and Petra, she smiled before turning to George with a raised brow. “Well, are you coming?” George shot up like he was the star player on the field and sent Gwen a thumbs-up for the excellent assist before shooting the pill down his throat.


Gwen and Petra watched as they ascended the stairs to the bedroom, clothes already flying before the two of them sighed. Happy with the results and feeling like she dodged a bullet, Gwen couldn’t help but sigh as she stood up with Petra and headed towards her house. She was giving Jean a call on the way to find out if she wanted to join them, saying that they probably wouldn’t have sex but would snuggle to sleep. 


She was happy with the answer as they arrived at Petra’s house; Jean was already descending from the sky, using her powers to cross the distance at fast speeds. Gwen was still somewhat curious about how strong Jean was, but when she asked Yuri, she only got a reply, ‘Don’t worry about it,’ so she stopped wondering. Entering Petra’s house, Gwen couldn’t help but feel a wave of fatigue hit her. Despite her enhanced body, she was tired from the earlier chaos and wanted to snuggle under the covers with her girls.


After a quick shared shower that, for once, actually didn’t involve sex, they entered the bedroom and snuggled under the covers.



The next day, Gwen had a proper chat with Aunt May and George after school, which led to them deciding to hand in their retirement letters just a couple of days later when they learned about the exchange rate between points and dollars. They quickly packed their bags and left the US for a trip worldwide. The events were so sudden that even Gwen couldn’t help but be surprised.


But she also wasn’t someone who would stop them from having fun, so she just nodded with a happy smile and spent 2000 YP, turning it into $100,000 for the two of them to use as pocket money. With both of them looking and feeling younger than before, they were also filled with energy and started acting like they were in their teens again. It was a sight that made Gwen smile, and she was happy for the two.


Gwen had already received a picture of the two of them outside the Eiffel Tower in Paris, as they seemed to decide that Western Europe would be their first stop in their journey around the world.


Happy with how things were turning out, Gwen was also freer to spend time with Petra and Jean now. They kept the warnings that May and George had in mind and made sure that their time together didn’t affect their school grades, but that wasn’t something that could happen.


Gwen and Petra had always been at the top of the class with their naturally gifted intellect and hard work, while Jean was also up there in the upper echelons of the grading—that and the fact that she could cheat in every test she’s ever taken part in. The only aspect of their schooling that had declined ever so slightly was the time they were willing to put into their homework. That’s not to say that any of their work was wrong, but the presentation had slipped a little in the rush of wanting to get it done faster compared to before.


Gwen's promise to her father about staying the night around Jean’s house only on Fridays and Saturdays had also quickly been forgotten. They quickly realised that they could barely keep their hands off each other, and the time they spent at school where they tried to keep to themselves and not be too open and keeping the public displays of affection to a minimum only seemed to douse their already raging hormones in gasoline, making the slightest spark quickly turn into a session of hot and steamy sex the second that they arrived home.


The fact that Petra and Gwen also did some web swinging around New York was both a way to tire them out a little bit and douse those flames of passion a little bit, but sometimes they got into high-stress situations where the only way to calm down was for them to have a quick make-out session.


On the internet, a somewhat blurry image had already been made public of Spider-Woman and Ghost Spider, who had the bottom half of their masks uncovered while furiously exchanging saliva while sitting on top of a rooftop. Ghost Spider was also furiously massaging Spider Woman’s shapely ass in the picture while Spider Woman was groping Ghost Spider’s chest.


Although many people were saying that the picture was fake, Gwen knew for a fact that it was real. While she was in the middle of her makeout session with Petra, her spider senses picked up that a camera was getting pointed at them and could have stopped these rumours from spreading. Still, she made a split-second decision to ignore that as she was thoroughly captivated by Petra’s tasty lips. That and the fact that she found it a little funny. If it wasn’t for the fact that the picture was of such low quality and the distance also seemed quite far, she might have even replaced her profile picture on her social media with it as she found it was a pretty lovely picture.


And just like that, an entire week passed.



Gwen was currently sitting next to Petra, her arm around her form as Petra rested her head on Gwen’s shoulder. The familiar sound of cars and the honking of horns seemed everpresent as they sat on the school bus, which seemed to crawl through the traffic and made the journey quite long compared to her fast-paced way of travelling through web-swinging. But she also couldn’t find much fault with this method of travel. While yes, it may be slower and noisy, Petra’s body snuggled up to her made up for all of that and then some.


While the journey from Midtown High School to Oscorp Tower was underway, Gwen was on her phone checking out her social media. Over the last week, she uploaded six videos to her YouTube channel and took pictures around New York from angles no photographer had gotten to. Her Instagram had exploded quite quickly.


Petra’s experience in photography has also increased the quality of the pictures. She was also the one who was using her visor more often to take snapshots during their evening web-slinging. With her help, the increased quality pictures naturally made her Instagram gain more traction. On the other hand, their Twitter had been relatively silent. Still, Gwen had retweeted different posts about crime, and even NYPD’s posts about how the Ghost Spider and Spider-Woman were doing were helpful in both catching criminals and providing proof. Gwen was 85% sure her father had something to do with that, but she wasn’t complaining.


While looking at her phone, she also couldn’t help but be a little surprised about the feelings of some of the girls on the bus with her Yuri-sense. While some of the feelings directed towards her ranged from mild curiosity to straight-out lust, she couldn’t help but find it a little amusing. It was only a week ago that she had come out and made her relationship known, and the people in school knew that there was something between herself, Petra and Jean, even though they never made an announcement or anything.


The feelings of others had changed a little over the week, and Gwen couldn’t help but be a little surprised. The fact that Ghost Spiders Yuri's help had been made into something of an open secret, the awareness of lesbian relationships had been made more public, and even some news articles made it out as well. This caused a slight change in the young female minds in places like High Schools. Curiosity had branched out quickly, and apparently, it had only taken a week for some of them to be enlightened on the subject.


A small smile crept onto Gwen’s face as she thought about it. Just the side effects of her actions in helping some Yuri relationships while she was out beating up bad guys were a lot more far-reaching than she thought such a thing would be, and even leading more people onto the road of enlightenment was something that Gwen felt proud of.


Shaking away such thoughts, she couldn’t help but glance towards the softly snoring Petra in her arms. The cute, naturally pouty lips that Gwen found herself drawn to and remembering where those lips had been just the night before, Gwen couldn’t help but feel a rush of heat when thinking about such a scene. It was at times like these that Gwen found herself more and more glad that she had such a good memory as the sight of Petra’s teary eyes as she choked on her cock was something that she never wanted to forget.


Taking a deep breath to shake away the hot feeling rising in the pit of her stomach, Gwen tore her gaze away and couldn’t help but think about one of her first meetings with Yuri. This trip to Oscorp was when she was initially destined to become Ghost Spider, which meant that at some point today, another spider-powered person was going to be born, and Gwen couldn’t help but be a little excited about such a thing. She was also enthusiastic about the experience of seeing a lab space like Oscorp and maybe even meeting someone like Curtis Connor, who was said to be holding a lecture today for the visitors of Midtown High.


However, her excitement for this trip had significantly diminished over the last week. Before gaining the Yuri system, Gwen had been looking forward to this field trip for a few months, and she was excited about the opportunity and experience a journey like this could come with. It would have been invaluable towards her future and helped her find where she wanted to go in life with possible career choices and see where such a career could lead.


Now, it was different. Gwen still saw herself going to University, but she couldn’t see past that anymore. A little part of her wanted just to drop everything else and continue developing herself with the help of the Yuri System, be it by spreading Yuri or helping others as a superhero. But another, more rational, part of her brain was telling her not to be silly in taking such a career. While this more rational part of her brain told her such a thing, another part looked at the conversion rate between $ and YP. She didn’t need a job… at all. Hell, she’d already helped retire Aunt May and her father; it just didn’t seem necessary to do such a thing.


The only thing holding her back was that she already knew what her future held for her all through her life, from when she was just a young girl. She knew that she’d have to get a job at some point; she knew that she’d have to do adult things like paying taxes, running a car, and maybe even starting a family. And now all of those worries that had been there in the back of her mind seemed so inconsequential that she could brush it all off.


Gwen didn’t doubt that there were multiple ways with the help of the Yuri System to help her live her life as she wished; it was just that the sudden change in circumstance was still a bit of a shock to the system. Despite thinking so, she already recognised that her perspective had changed drastically since she acquired the Yuri System. She could still vividly remember that just two weeks ago, she asked her father for money to buy herself a new outfit. But now it was completely different. Not only had she paid for Aunt May’s and her father's holiday, but she also spent some of her own money on buying things like bags and a whole new wardrobe when she went on a shopping date with both Jean and Petra and also spoiling the two of them, simply because she could.


Shaking such thoughts away, Gwen snuggled closer to Petra while watching the busy streets and enjoying the rest of the journey.


When they arrived at Oscorp Tower just twenty minutes later, Gwen used the chance to wake Petra by sealing her lips with a kiss. Something that made a girl just a couple of seats over go bright red at the boldness shown by the usually prim, proper and studious girl that everyone had known for so many years.


It must be said that they usually keep public displays of affection to a minimum when in school and around others. It was something that only a few of the students in the school had personally seen, and most were in denial about such a thing happening. It must also be said that Petra and Gwen had quite a reputation for following school rules and not being so promiscuous with others. Gwen was bold because her Yuri senses told her that only two people would catch her kissing Petra awake. One of them was Harry Osborn, a long-time friend of the two who already knew about their relationship.


The other person was a girl their age, of Asian descent and quite a beautiful figure. She decided to kiss Petra awake because she felt how close the Asian girl was to being enlightened. Gwen felt like she needed that little extra push before entering a Yuri relationship fully entered her mind. Feeling the slight shift in the blushing girl’s demeanour as Petra woke up with a smile and reciprocated, the kiss was just like a little bonus to the already tasty lips of her lover.


The notification from the Yuri System just a couple of seconds later about earning the points due to ‘Yuri Spread’ was also a nice little bonus to the already tasty kiss.


A couple of seconds later, the girl had already left with quick steps as she followed everyone else on the bus with a blush from the base of her neck to the tips of her ears. On the other hand, Petra had finally awoken from her nap and was looking at Gwen as if she was about to pounce on her. However, she quickly held back when she realised they were still on the bus. She couldn’t help but send a slight glare at Gwen. She’s used to being awoken like that in the morning, and what usually follows is some fun. Now, her body had been accustomed to such a thing upon waking up, but now that she had been woken up in such a way in a public place where they couldn’t continue, she couldn’t help but feel like something was stolen from her.


“Time to wake up, dear.” Gwen couldn’t help but tease as she took Petra’s hand and stood up, dragging her along and off the bus.


She couldn't stay mad despite wanting to be annoyed at Gwen for getting her hot and bothered. She still had butterflies when Gwen called her a name like ‘dear’ or ‘baby’. So her slight glare turned into a cute pout when they got off the bus.


Joining the other students and the representative teacher in charge, they all headed inside the towering Oscorp building. Despite spending a lot of time in the area as Ghost Spider, Gwen had never actually been inside the building, and she couldn’t help but think that the giant skyscraper had quite a beautiful aesthetic. She also couldn’t help but believe that the towering inside would be quite a nice playground for a new spider hero.


Petra was also looking around excitedly with the rest of the students; the only one not remotely affected by the view was Harry Osborn, but that was to be expected.

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