Guoyun: My system comes with Marvel's black technology

Chapter 18

After listening to Jarvis' introduction, Tang Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction.

"Good job, Jarvis. Where did the material come from?"

"Sir, this is the demonized spider that the farmers found when they occupied the titanium mine. Since spider silk will become the main combat force in the future, I suggest you start raising this kind of spider."

Raising demonized spiders!

This idea sounds good!

"Sir, spiders are animals with extremely strong reproductive capacity, and you have a stable food source, so you can produce spiders continuously."

Jarvis is indeed an artificial intelligence that transcends reality.

Whether it is designing weapons or economic development, he has proposed completely feasible solutions.

Tang Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction. This is what a good artificial intelligence should be.

"Sir, there are still some spider eggs left from the last hunt, so they can be reproduced directly. The lumber factory can completely build a spider breeding pen. The only trouble is that you need to wear steel armor every time you pick spider silk."

These are all minor problems. These farmers are good at work.

They all pursue blessings, do not want wages, do not want insurance, and do not have a union. This spider breeding plan is simply perfect!

After it was finalized, Tang Xiaofan ordered Nong Twenty-three to start his spider breeding industry, asking him to build a fence outside the castle alone, and use wooden boards to build a closed cage to ensure that the demonized spiders cannot escape from the gaps in the cage.

Then build a tall door so that he can wear the Mark armor to feed and pick.

Of course, this fence currently has no function, but it was built by Tang Xiaofan according to personal needs.

He expects that it will take the castle to be upgraded to level 3 before the system fence building can be opened.

Looking at the busy construction site, Tang Xiaofan did not continue to disturb these farmers, and he continued to study the manufacturing drawings of the spider silk launcher.

Unexpectedly, both the materials and the process were much simpler than Tang Xiaofan expected!

Compared with the complex Mark armor, the manufacturing difficulty of this spider silk launcher is almost zero!


When Tang Xiaofan saw the signature under the information, all doubts disappeared.

"Peter Parker"

That's right, the spider silk launcher recommended by Jarvis was the first generation launcher made by Spider-Man himself.

How complicated could a launcher made by a high school student who worked to earn money be?

At that time, Peter Parker probably didn't even understand the composition of spider silk.

As long as it could carry Spider-Man around the world, it was enough.

Tang Xiaofan felt that he also needed such a spider silk launcher.

Simple and practical.

Calling Nong Yi and Nong Er to help him,

Tang Xiaofan took them to the castle, which was the workshop, and started making spider silk launchers.

Nong Yi and Nong Er watched quietly on the side.

Tang Xiaofan occasionally asked them to go up They tried it with their hands, and he told them how to do it.

Facts have proved that

Nong Yi and Nong Er's hands are born to make things!

Once they entered the working state, Nong Yi and Nong Er's timid appearance disappeared, and their hands were steady, basically as steady as a smart lathe.

The little hand holding the tweezers did not tremble at all!

Each part can be placed precisely where it should be, with almost no error!

With the strong assistance of the two, soon the last part was installed, and then covered with a metal shell, the prototype of the spider silk launcher was completed!

It took much less time than Tang Xiaofan expected!

"Good! The launcher is ready, and the next step is to make spider silk."

Tang Xiaofan debugged it several times, and after making sure that there was no problem with the launcher, he began to make spider silk.

Compared to the launcher, the manufacture of spider silk is much simpler!

You only need to mix certain chemical minerals with the spider silk of the demonized spider in proportion to make spider silk.

Spider silk is normally a liquid!

Once it comes into contact with the air, it will quickly solidify to form spider silk!

So when making it, Tang Xiaofan has been adding neutralizers to it to prevent the spider silk from solidifying prematurely. The finished spider silk was put into several square capsules the size of mobile phone batteries.

The spider capsules can be replaced!

Just like the magazine of the spider silk launcher!

Tang Xiaofan put the spider capsule into the launcher, tested it, and installed it on the right arm of the Mark 1 armor.


After doing all this, Tang Xiaofan instructed Nong Yi to put on the armor and said to him:

"Test it, and start mass production if there is no problem."

So, Nong Yi raised his right arm and aimed the spider silk launcher at the top of the blacksmith shop.

With a puff!

With a slight sound, spider silk burst out from the launcher!

Extending out like a white line, it instantly connected to the outer wall surface of the top of the building!

"It feels very solid."

Tang Xiaofan pulled the spider silk and felt it was more solid.

So Tang Xiaofan took a few steps back and then ran forward. On the way, he pulled the spider silk. The strong elasticity of the spider silk instantly pulled up the one-ton Mark 1 armor!

Successfully swung it up.……

""Damn! This blacksmith shop is too solid!"

Looking at Nong Yi swinging on the swing, Tang Xiaofan nodded. This weapon was a success!

Soul stones finally appeared in the trading channel.

First, after the second day of recruitment and summoning, the number of soldiers of the castle lord has increased.

With stronger strength and a wider hunting range, the probability of obtaining soul stones is naturally higher.

Moreover, for many castle lords, even if they cannot kill powerful wild monsters, they can hunt small animals such as rabbits and chickens around the castle, or pick fresh fruits.

All of these behaviors may obtain soul stones, but the probability is a little lower.

Second, many powerful castle lords are following Tang Xiaofan's example, hunting monsters in exchange for basic resources such as wood and stone.

Moreover, in the early stages, survival and development are the top priority.

Soul stones can only be used to upgrade the troop factory, and cannot be eaten or upgraded. Level castle, so in the trading channel.

Selling soul stones is already the norm.

And compared with other soul stone buyers, Tang Xiaofan can indeed be called a profiteer.

His exchange price is the lowest.

The castle lord who is in urgent need of resources will only bite his teeth and exchange for Tang Xiaofan's resources when he has no choice.

Just like what Bear Grylls said.

In the circle of castle lords.

Tang Xiaofan is already well-known, but his reputation is notorious.

There are countless castle lords who are suppressing Tang Xiaofan's profiteer behavior, saying that he is driving up the price of food and exploiting the working people.

For these.

Tang Xiaofan doesn't care.

Some people need prestige, recognition, and support.

He doesn't need it.

With a system, he can gain a foothold in this world freely.

Bringing sisters, younger brothers, and apprentices... will only disrupt the development of the black technology castle.

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