Guard the scripture pavilion for a hundred years, invest in the son of the plane!

Chapter 030

Su Han had heard the saying “innate heart”.

Every cultivator of the Spirit Sea Perfection, when he stepped into the Innate Realm, would condense something of “Innate Heart” at the dantian, which was the same as the “Spirit Sea Vortex”, which was an iconic thing.

For a sword cultivator, the way to condense the innate heart may be to comprehend to a higher level of realm, and naturally break through.

It just needs an opportunity, and Su Han has never been able to find this opportunity.


“What opportunity?”

Su Han was instantly interested, this is a big guy who surpasses the innate realm.

Tianyue Yue waved his hand, in front of Su Han, there was a white stone floating, and if you looked closely, you could find that there was still a trace of thunder and lightning dancing on the surface.

“This is?” Su Han could clearly feel that this stone contained a very terrifying intention of destruction.


“This object is called ‘Thunder Kid’.”

“After you integrate it into your dantian, you will summon a robbery thunder, and depending on your talent, you will summon different amounts of heavenly thunder.”

“The highest nine tribulation thunders, if you resist the first tribulation thunder, you can condense the innate heart.”

“After resisting the first path, if you feel that you don’t have the ability to take the second path, you can use spiritual power to shake the Lei Qizi at the dantian out of the body.”

Tianyue explained to Su Han word by word.

Hearing the words “robbery of thunder” and “robbery of thunder”, Su Han thought of something and showed a surprised look.

Some time ago, he had only seen this way of breaking through the innate realm in ancient books.

According to legend, this method is very ancient, very advanced and sacred, and only some ancient large families will use this method, because only those families with a long tradition will have such a magical thing as “robbing the thunder child”.

It is said that the power of robbery is extracted from the power of robbery and sealed within a special stone.

And the big guy who can extract the robbery thunder with his bare hands, I’m afraid there are few people in the entire Great Qian Empire…

“You actually have this kind of thing!”

Su Han held this piece of robbery with his hand, and the cold feeling coming out of his palm penetrated his whole body, making his hair stand up instantly.

“I only have one left, and if you can’t even take the first thunderbolt, I won’t give you more.”

Tian Yue spread out his hands.

Although this thing is very precious, in her eyes, it has no value, and she will give it away.

Compared to him helping himself get out of trouble, sending one of this thing is nothing at all.

Mainly, she is also looking forward to whether this man with an extremely strange cultivation method can carry a few thunderbolts and condense a perfect innate heart.

Because even she only carried eight paths back then, and she was still a little short of the perfect innate heart.


“One is enough, completely enough.”

Su Han is still confident in himself.

This legendary thing, if you can get one, it is already a great luck, and if this thing is put in the market for auction, I don’t know how much movement it makes, it will definitely cause bloody storms, and countless big families will rob.


“You can use it in the Hidden Scripture Pavilion.”

“I can be your protector, if the thunder can’t be taken down, I can defuse it for you, otherwise hard resistance will cause the dantian to shatter.”

Tianyue explained to Su Han.

When he once resisted the ninth thunder, if it weren’t for his sister-in-law to help him solve it, he would have become a wasted person.

“Use it here?”

“Won’t this Soul Detention Tower affect?”


“Thunder robbery ignores the Soul Detention Tower, it is a direct attack on your dantian, and it is not affected by anything.”

Tian Yue explained.


After thinking about it for a while, Su Han said: “Forget it, I broke through here, and the movement was too big.” ”

If you break through in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the movement will be too loud.

Moreover, Tianyue is still here, in case some old monster is attracted, or the head of the Phantom Cloud Sect discovers that something is wrong, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

“If you break through outside, I can’t help you.” Tian Yue frowned.

She was also worried that Su Han would resist hard and be destroyed by robbery and lightning.

“It’s okay, I’m a desperate man.”

“If you are not sure of something, you will never try.”

There is absolutely no problem with this sentence, Su Han seeks stability, and steady improvement is the golden mean.


Tian Yue did not continue to persuade.

“Without further ado, just tonight.”

Saying that, Su Han left the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, and Tian Yue watched Su Han leave, and he was still a little worried in his heart.


After leaving the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Su Han followed the night and entered the dense forest.

Soon, he entered the Tianlan Mountain Range, which was one of the five major mountain ranges of the Great Qian Empire.

Finally, he found a safe and quiet place, sitting on a huge bluestone.

Looking up, looking at the night, the moonlight poured down, wrapping around Su Han’s body, setting off Su Han very dusty, like an ethereal fairy.


He took out the “robbery of Lei Chizi”.

According to the method that Tian Yue said to himself, he sucked it into his dantian.

When robbing Lei Qizi, the moment he entered Su Han’s dantian.


A gust of wind, I don’t know where it blew, blew the corners of Su Han’s clothes.

He looked up and could clearly see that the dark clouds in the sky had become thicker with the naked eye.

Looking closely, you can see that in the thick black cloud, a little thunder and lightning are beating, and the frequency of its beating seems to be consistent with his heartbeat.


This is the moment.

Tianlan Mountain Range, outskirts.

The group was walking towards the depths of the mountains.

One of the leaders was an old man, with shriveled and thin cheeks, deep eye sockets, and a weak wind, as if the wind was about to fall.

But the momentum he exuded was incomparably terrifying.

The surrounding ferocious beasts, feeling the momentum of the old man, avoided one after another.

This is the coercion of the innate realm!

Behind the old man were a man and two women.

The man was wearing a gorgeous robe, with a small white face, and a golden sword hanging from his waist, and he constantly introduced the Tianlan Mountain Range to the Qingyi woman next to him.

“Junior sister, I have been to the Tianlan Mountain Range no less than ten times this time.”

“As long as we don’t go into the depths, there will be no danger.”

“The Jiugan Immortal Linghua that Junior Sister is looking for should be nearby, but I bought this information from the Daqian Auction House at a large price.”

This robe man’s breath is not weak, and he has already solidified the Yuan Eighth Realm!

It can be seen that this is the Tianjiao of a certain great sect!

And the woman in blue on the side has a beautiful face and a noble temperament.

Judging from the man’s flattering expression, the identity of this woman in blue is definitely good.

However, she didn’t seem to be very impressed with the man, and just nodded, indicating that she understood.

Behind the woman in blue clothes, followed by a woman in black, holding a sword, Xiu Wei also reached the Spirit Sea Realm, she was observing behind her to avoid danger in the rear.

These three people all revolved around the woman in Qingyi, which shows the nobility of her identity.

Suddenly, the old man walking in the front suddenly stopped and looked at the sky.

“Elder Huang, what’s wrong?”

The robed man asked in surprise.


ps: Find data!

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