Greg Veder vs The World

Mob 5.10

Mob 5.10 (Part I)

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

April 19, 2011

4:47 PM

For its location in the Docks South, the Royal Dragon's Oriental Palace was a rather popular Chinese restaurant. Known by many in the area, it had a good reputation and received regularly appreciative reviews, which was somewhat confusing for a place directly in the center of Northern ABB territory. In fact, if you asked most people what they thought about it, your first two answers would be something along the lines of 'great food' or 'excellent service'.

Again, very, very, odd for a place so deep in ABB gangland.

Interestingly enough, asking certain other people found you receiving remarkably different results, to say the least. Far more informative answers like '...big boys in black suits all over the place', '...lots of money comin' in that ain't from dim sum' and, most damning of all, 'Where you think the Bad Boyz keep the bodies they drop?' came from the least likely of places.

His informant was… unexpected, to say the least.

As in, Greg didn't expect her.


– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Things had started off predictably, with Greg once again roof-jumping every which way in search of more ABB locales and hideouts. With Sparky's well of information having run dry with PHO currently focused on Lung's escape to the detriment of other things, Greg had decided to put boots to the ground, forgoing the use of his aerokinesis in order to further level his Acrobatics. Going after Lung wasn't even a thought on his mind right now; the blond was too focused on putting an end to these bombings as soon as possible to even humor the idea.

Well… maybe, he had thought about it for just an instant.

Possibly a few seconds more than that.


Either way, Greg was nowhere near Lung's reputed location so the violent fantasy in his head remained just that. According to Sparky, the draconic cape had apparently fled Southeast with Oni Lee covering his tail, the pair of them heading towards the larger section of massed ABB nearest to the bombings plaguing the center of the city by the Downtown Coast. Trailing after the two were several Protectorate capes along with a small army of PRT officers, all of them storming the Downtown Coast on a dragon hunt.

Sparky had even heard rumors of some Empire capes — Purity, Hookwolf and Stormtiger in particular — being seen near the action. What he did know for a fact was that Squealer had been seen tearing down there with Skidmark and Mush in tow, the three of them riding in something that looked like the offspring of a monster truck, a tank and an ATV. Greg wasn't sure how that last bit worked in that combination but just hearing about it was almost enough to make him consider making a beeline to where the action was to try and take down Lung himself.


The teen hurled himself over the gap of an alley, spinning through the air with an utterly unnecessary flip to land on the next rooftop. Gravel flew from under his feet as he touched down, the particulates sent hurtling from the force of Greg's landing as he skid slightly forward. He prepared to shoot forward again only to halt as the sound of annoyed cursing hit his ears, a feminine voice from the street below.

Curious, Greg made his way over to the edge and glanced down, frowning slightly as he spotted a woman leaning against the alley entrance, a dwindling cigarette between her fingers. As his eyes took in the incredibly tight top and what had to be an uncomfortably short pair of cut-off jeans, it didn't take Greg long to draw a conclusion as to who exactly he was looking at.

Granted, he also didn't feel like being wrong either. "[Observe]."

Kae Ji-Yun Lvl 5

ABB Street Girl

HP: 115/125

Former modeling hopeful from Texas, Ji-Yun moved across the country and squandered most of her funds before she found work at a massage parlor in Boston owned by the ABB.

The ABB title in her name didn't exactly do much to endear her to him in any real way and the red font above her head just screamed 'Enemy'. Above all else, he needed information. Greg raised a hand to his face, adjusting a skull mask that already sat perfectly on his face before dropping low to the long red scarf around his neck. She's a… He let out a low breath, trying to push down the simmering anger he could feel at just those three letters. She's not a gang member. They make her do this. Just try to remember that.

Satisfied, the blond made his move, starting by taking two calm steps over the edge. He made the fall look effortless, landing almost perfectly on the sidewalk with only a burst of wind to cushion his sudden drop.

Also, it looked very intimidating.

At least, Greg hoped it did. Judging from the slightly raised eyebrow of the prostitute in front of him, she didn't seem to think it was all that impressive.

Doing his best to loom over the slightly shorter woman, Greg frowned behind his mask and took a slow step forward. He raised a hand, pointing a single finger in her direction as he opened his mouth to deliver a threat. "H-

"Forty for a windy, fifty for a handy. Everything else is a hundred for an hour, fifty for half. Which d'ya want?"

The boy in black froze before he could say anything, stunned by the words that came out of the woman's mouth. He blinked behind his mask, unsure of how to respond to that. "W-what?"

"I said, which one you want?" Ji-Yun raised her head as she took another drag from her cigarette, red-rimmed lips opening just wide enough to blow the smoke into Greg's face. "I ain't got all day, cape."

Poison Resistance Lvl Up!


"I…" Greg found himself blinking again, mouth suddenly uncomfortably dry under the street girl's unflinching stare. The situation was odd enough as it was, a cape approaching what could be politely termed a 'lady of the evening'. Ignoring the fact that it was still far from dark outside, it was only made far more uncomfortable by the fact that her clothes were unsuitably tight and the pose she held against the wall only seemed to accentuate that.

Status Effect: [Distracted by The Sexy]

"N-none! Neither! I mean..." Clearing his throat, he took a slight step back, annoyance falling away as Greg suddenly became unsure of himself. The woman continued to stare at him with a disaffected expression as he spoke up again. "I'm… I'm not… here for anything like that."

"You sure?" The eyebrow rose even higher as her gaze trailed up and down his body, Greg taking another unintended step back at the sudden gleam in her eyes, her flat expression shifting up into a smirk that could only be described as predatory. "From what I hear, I'm pretty good at it."

It took tremendous force of will for Greg not to back away again. Hands tight at his side in balled fists, the teen instead took a decisive step forward and shot as heated a glare as he could manage at the older woman in front of him. "Listen," he barked out, actually having to struggle to work a growling undertone into his voice, "I'm not here to play games. I w-"

"I'm not here to play either," Ji-Yun interjected, calmly taking another puff of her cigarette as if she wasn't in the middle of being threatened by an unknown cape. "Not unless you pay for my time. After that, we can play whatever games you want, little boy."

Jesus f- Greg screwed his eyes shut as the words left her mouth, her tongue darting out across her top lip in a way that Greg couldn't help but assume came from practice. Fighting the urge to go down that train of thought, the blond opened his eyes again and shot the smirking woman another harsh glare, suddenly deciding to let his anger show. That's it! What the fuck would Sophia do right now?

Ji-Yun let out a sigh, glancing down at her garishly colored nails before looking back up at Greg's masked face. "Listen, kid, either you want to have some f-"

"Hey! Bitch!" The blond grit his teeth as he shut down whatever the street girl was gonna say next, quickly forcing his voice into another guttural growl. Strangely enough, the action came across far easier the second time around. "Let's make one thing clear right the fuck now! I'm the only one allowed to run his fucking mouth right now, you understand?"

The prostitute's eyes actually widened in slight shock before she caught herself, expression slipping back into amused boredom. "Oh, little puppy can bark n-"

"I said… Shut. The Fuck. Up," Greg barked again, advancing forward enough that it was now the woman's turn to take a step backward. Unfortunately for her, her back was already against a wall, a startled expression replacing her cultivated mask of boredom as she realized her situation. She tried to quickly step to the side only for Greg's arm to block her path as he struck the brick wall with a gloved palm, the woman shrinking back from the sudden movement. "What's so goddamn hard to understand about not opening your fucking mouth, huh?"

Intimidation Lvl Up!


That's what I'm talking about! Leaning his masked face closer to hers, Greg tried not to enjoy her flinch but he didn't really try all that hard. "Listen up and listen good, bitch," the teen paused, blinking slightly as the sickly sweet scent of her perfume invaded his nostrils, his sudden closeness forcing him to take the brunt of it. "I… I want info. Tell me what you know and I… I might not, uh… show you what I learned from Uber & Leet!"

It took effort to not be the one to flinch as the last bit left his mouth, the reference to U & L's most infamous episode somehow taking precedence in his thoughts. Did I really just say that? Jesus...

After a few moments of silence, the street girl's frightened expression began to fade and she stared back at him with something that looked remarkably close to defiance. Seemingly regaining her composure, Ji-Yun pulled herself up to her full height and stuck her chest out defiantly as she spat back, "Cash up front."


"I told you before…" She smirked back at him, not even flinching at the growl Greg forced into his tone anymore. "I'll do almost anything as long as you can pay for my time and I only take cash up front." A pale hand stretched out towards him, palm facing upwards.

Greg stared back at her, fingers twitching as he looked into the street girl's overmade face. I swear to God, she better not be serious right now.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

As Greg would quickly find out, she was being absolutely serious and no amount of threats or intimidation would get her to back down. Ignoring that, though, she seemed to be a good source of information, willing to provide what little she knew as long as Greg was willing to pay for anything she told him. Considering his situation, the teen found her position somewhat understandable and quickly agreed, throwing in a few packs of cigarettes to sweeten the deal.

(- Red Apple™ Cigarettes x 3, - $200)

Quest Gained!

ABB V: Oriental Infiltration

Details: Discover what secrets the ABB are hiding using a fancy Chinese restaurant as a front.

Success: +2500 XP, + 2 Sneaking

Failure: None

Long story short, Ji-Yun knew absolutely nothing about the ABB's new boss or anything about the bombs. In fact, her exact words on the question were, "I get paid to make something blow, but it sure as hell ain't bombs."

Even then, Greg didn't find himself regretting the purchase… much. At least, he hoped he wouldn't end up regretting it. This better be worth that money. Blue eyes narrowed with that thought as the teen stared at the three-story tall restaurant from the building across the street, struck for a moment by how ridiculously cheesy it looked. Golden dragon sculpture on the roof, yin-yang symbols on the walls… Greg rolled his eyes at the sight of it. What is this place? A kung-fu temple from a 90s movie?

Really, with it's red painted walls, gold tiled roofing, and bright red paper lanterns hanging from several surfaces, the entire place from the outside was so stereotypically Chinese in design that Greg couldn't help but hear the Oriental Riff playing on repeat in his head. Although, with a name like Royal Dragon's Oriental Palace, I don't know what else I expected.

After a moment of confused staring, the blond shook his head and frowned again, hands tightening at his sides. I better not regret this.

ABB II: Big Trouble in Little China

3/5 Hideouts Discovered.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Five Minutes Later

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Reflexes Lvl Up!


Status Effect: Mild Hearing Impairment - 15 minutes

A scream leapt from his mouth as Greg Veder dove behind a golden-tiled pillar, quickly ducking into a roll as he came to a stop behind several waist-high walls of the same design. Gunshots rang out — far too many for him to even count — as the space where his body just occupied a moment before was quickly littered with bullets. His hands rushed to his head, the blond clutching his ears in a futile attempt to muffle the deafening noises each bullet drove into his skull. "J-jesus…"

Still, it could be worse. He wasn't sure if it was the ringing in his ears, the ruptured eardrums, or simply the fact that he had gotten used to the noise, but he was no longer flinching at every gunshot, despite how unbearably loud they were.

The explosive sound of gunfire continued above his head, fragments of golden tiles splintering onto him from all sides as his attackers continued their onslaught. Repeated clanging of bullets hitting metal warned him that their shots were getting closer to home, multiple shots making contact with the gold dragon sculptures resting on top of the set of half-walls he was crouching behind.

Quest Changed!

ABB V: Oriental Ambush

Details: What else did you expect a prostitute would do other than fuck you over? Ji-Yun has led you into an ambush of armed men inside the Royal Dragon's Oriental Palace. Survive the resulting shootout and discover information on the ABB's exploits.

Success: +12500 XP, + 2 Gunplay: Handguns, + 1 Gunplay: Rifles

Failure: Death

Bonus Objective: Disarm 5 ABB Enforcers (Suited). Complete the mission without losing more than 25% health.

Uber & L33t did nothing wrong. Really, they're heroes. Blue eyes darted from side to side behind a silver skull mask as the shots began to slow down just enough that the blond began to make out other sounds, that of cursing and movement, in between shots. If that wasn't enough of a warning, he could feel that familiar tingle at the base of his neck, the subtle warning that rarely told him as much as he really needed acting up again.

Really, it had only been sheer luck and trusting in his Danger Sense that had saved him from getting shot even after nearly a full five minutes of being shot at. He wasn't going to deny it now.

Voices cut into the hail of gunfire, rapid-fire Chinese barely audible over staccato bursts from several different weapons.

Shit. He grit his teeth at the sound of dress shoes clicking against the tile floor amid the very short pauses of gunfire. Shouts in broken English and quick spurts of Chinese told him nothing at all but he didn't need to understand them to understand the situation.

They're making a move. Shit. Shitshitshitshit…

The blond's eyes widened as the careful clicking of leather on tile turned into rapid taps, a hail of footsteps quickly getting louder. Shiiiit!

It was a burst of movement that saved him as he felt the sudden urge to move. Immediately acting on the impulse, he threw himself to the opposite, bullet-riddled wall directly behind the pillar and hugged the surface as closely as he could.

The action came not a moment too late. A burst of gunfire came far too close for comfort as a suit-clad ABB gangster charged around the corner, the attacker’s uncontrolled charge sending him almost skidding into the wall as he fired wildly at where he assumed Greg was.

Was being the operative term.

Greg surged to his feet, body charged with a golden glow and fists already in motion as he threw a vicious punch directly at the man's face… only to miss.


The shock on the teen’s face was almost palpable as the ABB thug’s dress shoes came to their wearer’s unexpected rescue. The complete lack of traction made him stumble backward to catch his balance. Thus, a glowing fist intended for his face instead met the bullet-ridden wall, slamming through the coating of red paint and sending white dust and drywall shrapnell flying with the force of his strike. Fighting the urge to scream in frustration, Greg reacted as the man tried to recover from his stumble and sudden surprise at the explosion of drywall, a curse on his lips as he tried to aim the sub-machine gun in his grip.

Tearing his hand from the wall, Greg grabbed the goon’s gun-arm by the wrist and jerked it clear of him — painfully, if the sudden scream meant anything. Mind racing, he reared his own head back. Greg’s skull snapped forward a moment later only for him to flinch back in shock almost instantly as the expected noises of pain and smashed cartilage were drowned out by the thunderous din of an Uzi going off very, very close by and a quickly silenced scream.

Letting the possibly concussed ABB goon in his grip fall to the ground, Greg blinked at the sight to his right, the entrance to his hiding spot filled by the still-standing form what Greg assumed was once another ABB member… at least back when the majority of his face was still present. The blond’s gaze flicked between the gun in the unconscious ABB member’s grip, noting the slight curl of smoke as it left the barrel before turning back to the image of gore now lying at his feet, noting how well the blood disappeared into the scarlet wall and carpet it landed on.

The gray matter, on the other hand… Yeah, that's gonna be hard to get out.

+ 350 XP

+ 700 XP (Bonus)

+ $225

+ Gold Link Bracelet

+ Hang Sui 24K Gold Ring

+ 9mm Glock

Beginner Combat Lvl Up!


A pistol clattered to the floor as the body fell to the ground in a heap, almost as if it just realized it was missing chunks of it's most vital organ. The blond didn't even bother to look as it fell, far too preoccupied with the pulse in the back of his head warning him again to move.

Already in motion from the moment he felt it, he swung his legs over the short wall with a hurdle that would make an Olympic hopeful proud, only for his eyes to widen as a searing pain tore through his left leg.

- 54

- 42

Status Effect: Moderate Bleeding - 5 Minutes

Resistance: Piercing Lvl Up!


“Jesu-gAAAAH!” Stumbling in shock and pain, the blond glanced over his shoulder, looking back long enough to lock eyes with an ABB member visibly bleeding from where his forehead had previously impacted Greg’s.He clutched a gun in one hand. I thought he was knocked out! Stifling a scream with an angered grunt, Greg tucked himself into a dive roll before jumping back to his feet with only the slightest stumble and a sharp hiss. Why does it never stop hurting?

Before he could even take a moment to answer that rhetorical, he found his eyes widening even further as several dozen guns of different shape and size turned to face him, Greg once again reminded that the entire restaurant was still full of armed criminals. As if the ones surrounding him on the first floor weren't enough, the teen couldn't help the slight twitch in his eye as he noticed several of them on the second behind the railings, those of them without guns already moving towards him in packs.

... Fuck me running.

The sight and sound of several guns being reloaded only drove him to repeat the thought as he took a step and shot forward, speed coming to his rescue again. He barely caught the shouts of the suited ABB as he charged across the bullet-riddled remains of a once-luxurious dining area and tackled the one nearest to him before he could react.

It was like a professional linebacker drilling a small child from the blindside, a shoulder hit that was anything but clean from the way the thug's spine arched backwards. The gun in his hand clattered to the floor as the man flew into a table, the force of his flight sending another gunman to the ground with him. Yeah, they got guns. No need to hold back as much, right?

Chest pounding as his insides burned with equal parts anger, rage and pain, Greg spun on his heel and drove a sharp cross into the chest of another before slapping his right palm onto the man's face, the gangster's nose shattering with a sound like gravel underfoot. Right.

ABB III: Kung Fury

15/40 Lvl 10+ ABB defeated.

+ 275 XP

+ 425 XP

+ $410

A strangled scream burst from the man’s throat, the gangster slumping to the ground as the pulse in Greg’s head went off again. He quickly spun away, eyes widening as several links of thick steel rushed towards him in slow motion. A chain?

It was, in fact, a length of metal chain.

One that was being swung towards Greg's head at that very moment.

“Really? You’ve gotta be joking right now? Don’t you guys have Tinker-Tech?” The blond couldn't help the note of incredulity that made its way into his voice as he lazily ducked the weapon and sneered back at another suit-wearing ABB goon. The man’s face contorted in rage as he pulled his makeshift weapon back and stared Greg down. “How come all I’ve seen so far is guns and chains and that one guy at the beginning with the nun-chucks?”

Cursing in some language Greg didn’t care about, the goateed man swung his chain wildly, eyes darting around to glance at his armed friends a good distance away, possibly to make sure they didn’t shoot him while taking shots at the blond, before jerking back up to glare at Greg with a good deal of fury in his eyes.

“Speaking of that guy with the nunchucks, how’s his knee?” Greg asked rhetorically, his voice a mocking laugh as he danced in and out of the chain-wielder’s wild swings. The blond flipped head over heels, turning a quick jump into a backflip as the chain crashed through another table setting, sending the whole thing to the floor as Greg’s feet touched the ground again. “Is he up and running again? I can’t tell. You guys all look the same to me.”

Mouth open to continue taunting, Greg froze for an instant, blue eyes widening as he quickly sprung back and jumped away from the attack his danger-sense warned him he’s successfully provoked, gaining more ground with a back handspring. A second later, he landed on two feet a few meters away, hands already in fighting position before the chain could swing at him again.This is just too easy.

Acrobatics Lvl Up!


Reflexes Lvl Up!


A second warning interrupted his own thoughts as the chain spun for his face. With a single raised eyebrow, Greg quickly ducked back and let the thing pass over him.

Another pulse went off in his head as Greg watched the incoming weapon, the teen simply stepping to the side of the errant swing only for yet another warning sensation to pass over him. Wait. Why do I keep getting warnings when I can dodge this thing n-

“Ahhhhhh!” he screamed as bullets hit him in the back. Why couldn’t his danger sense give him a direction?

- 87

- 82

- 91

Status Effect: Moderate Bleeding - 10 Minutes

+ 1 VIT

Resistance: Piercing Lvl Up!


Je… Jesus… Never stops hurting. He fought the urge to stumble as blood dripped from his shoulder, ringing in his ears ascending to new heights as he bit down on his own tongue to stifle his screams. Despite the pain or maybe because of it, his brain seemed to latch onto something, an idea coming to mind.

I get it now. Fighting the urge to throw up, Greg's head snapped back up with renewed intensity in his gaze as he realized why this one man had been willing to get in close with him with such a ridiculous weapon when so many others had guns. A distraction, huh? I'll show you something distracting.

"Hey, chain guy!"Greg called out, the carefree tone in his voice undercut by the obvious fact that he was obviously forcing it. The man in question gawked as fire burst to life in Greg's right hand, a small tongue of flame turning into a baseball-sized sphere in under a second. Rearing his hand back, Greg let it fly towards the man who had the balls to come after him with just a chain. "Here's a ticket to the burn unit!"

For a third of a second, Greg let himself be surprised at how rapidly the flame grew as it found something to burn before quickly getting back into gear as he spun away from another hail of bullets.

Basic Pyrokinesis Lvl Up!


ABB III: Kung Fury

16/40 Lvl 10+ ABB defeated.

+ 450 XP

+ $585

+ Red Tie (Bloody)

+ Steel Chain (15 ft)

Acting quickly before he could be punctured any further, Greg dashed to his right and leapt up, scrambling over the nearest table and overturning it in his wake. The sound of ceramic and silverware clattering against the floor behind him was drowned out by the din of hot lead tearing through wood just moments after. The scattered jackhammer of gunfire tore up the space behind him and motivated Greg to not waste a moment. He continued his mad dash to the largest group of dapper, black-suited ABB thugs that he could see; a group of over half a dozen men looking half-terrified.

One of them quickly flicked out his gun, the others still trying to get a bead on Greg as he zig-zagged from side to side with his innate, unnatural speed, doing his best to give those shooting at him from a larger distance something to work for. Blue eyes narrowed to slits as he spotted a finger twitch: the gangster in front was moving to fire his own weapon. Let’s try something out.

An intense look in his eyes, Greg Veder halted his movement and came to a sudden stop directly in the middle of the restaurant. Seemingly discarding his evasive tactics, he thrust himself into their line of fire. Wait for it…

The surprise on several faces was obvious, each one likely wondering what was going on. That didn't last all too long as most took aim again. Wait for it…

Fingers flexed around triggers. Wait…

He felt it coming, of course; that sudden pulse. Expecting it, anticipating it, he was ready when they pulled the trigger. Burst!

- 40

As far as Greg Veder understood, his reinforcement increased his physical abilities by a factor of roughly two and a half, at least when he pushed the current level of it to the maximum. Burst Reinforcement, on the other hand, increased what would already be his maximum while under reinforcement by two and a half again. Granted, it was a bit painful and the enhancement only lasted for about a second, but even then… Greg couldn't deny that it was worth it.


The sound drove itself into his skull as guns of all sorts fired in unison; hot lead racing at supersonic speeds towards someone who was already gone. With a burst of energy into his legs, the blond exploded forward, body aglow as his speed made the world narrow in his vision. He was already next to his closest targets before they even realized he moved.

His fist met the first thug’s torso in an instant, an audible crack signifying contact for the barest of moments before his target went flying ass over teakettle. The second didn’t even see the elbow that collided into his jaw, losing consciousness before he could feel the teeth loosen in his mouth. The next four went down one after the other, struck so fast that they didn’t even realize the cracking sound had been their own ribs until they were more than halfway across the room.

Greg intercepted the last thug in his circular firing squad as the Burst died down to nothing, grabbing hold of his arm past the pistol in his hand. He tugged hard on it with both of his own and, ignoring the painful snap sound the limb made as he tugged on it, sent the screaming thug flying in the direction of one of the restaurant’s gilded stairs.

Beginner Combat Lvl Up!


ABB III: Kung Fury

20/40 Lvl 10+ ABB defeated.

+ 300 XP

+ 375 XP

+ 400 XP

+ 425 XP

+ 300 XP

+ 300 XP

+ 275 XP

+ Achete Loafers (Black)

+ Hang + Sui Coin On String Necklace

+ .45cal Pistol w/ Taclight

+ Silver Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

+ $715

Greg knew his job wasn’t done. He barely had a moment to relax as nearly a dozen guns appeared from a variety of locations on the second floor and swiveled towards him. “How are there this many guns in the entire city!?” he shouted an instant before he moved, the back of his head pounding a warning as bullets raked the walls behind him. Each hole in the wall followed his motion like a trail. Greg screamed in his own head in an attempt to vent some frustration at not even having a moment to catch his breath.

Although, it wasn’t like he needed it.

He moved like a blur as he jumped, the blond running on air as blue light burst and shattered under his feet with each step. Clearing a gilded railing with one final jump, Greg drove a foot into some poor fool’s face with uncaring ease before flipping backwards to smash a hammer fist into the soft spot high on the temple of nearest gangster’s head.

Mana Platform Lvl Up!


+ 300 XP

+ 300 XP

+ 700 (Bonus)

+ $150

Danger Sense blared a warning and the blond dropped to the floor, fighting the urge to wince as a hail of bullets passed over his head. These assholes never quit! Jumping to his feet in a rush of motion, Greg chose to ignore the ones he couldn’t reach from here as he darted forward towards the ABB thug nearest him.

Just like all the other gangsters Greg had seen in the restaurant, the man in front of him wore a black suit with a red shirt. A bright green tie completed the ensemble. Unlike the last few, though, he held neither a gun nor a chain: the weapon in his hands was nothing but a short rectangular sword.

The blond’s shoulders slumped as he sighed, growing sense of annoyed frustration chipping away at his forced cheer. “If you’re gonna attack me with a weapon, could you at least fit the theme?”

He snorted a moment later as the thug froze, confusion etched across his face. "We're in a Chinese restaurant. A tanto is Japanese. Come on, it's sad that I'm the one telling you this."

"Shinee!" The scream turned into a charge, the man's approach almost in slow motion from the cape's perspective.

Just for that, Greg took the time to appreciate the look on stunned rage on the gangster's face moments before it bled into shocked pain as the bones in his arm snapped in two.

Thirty seconds later, the next thug was laid flat, knocked out by three blows to the gut, sternum and nose, before Greg moved on. It was a matter of moments before he was upon the next gangster on the upper-levels and flipped him over the railing, sending him screaming to the piles of shattered furniture and tableware below. Greg cracked his knuckles - main dining area downstairs was cleared.

Time for the balcony level.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Acrobatics Lvl Up!


Beginner Combat Lvl Up!


Basic Aerokinesis Lvl Up!


Resistance: Piercing Lvl Up!


Disarm Lvl Up!


ABB III: Kung Fury

24/40 Lvl 10+ ABB defeated.

+ 300 XP

+ 400 XP

+ 300 XP

+ 375 XP

+ 375 XP

+ 425 XP

+ 850 (Bonus)

+ 425 XP

+ 400 XP

+ 800 (Bonus)

+ 375 XP

+ 300 XP

+ 275 XP

+ 250 XP

+ 500 (Bonus)

+ Aspirazone Dress Suit Pants

+ Aspirazone Designer Suit (Black and Red)

+ Tanto (Bloody)

+ Machine Pistol (Heckler & Koch MP7)

+ Beretta 92F

+ Franchi SPAS-12

+ M4A1 Carbine

+ Cambria Pure 24K Scallop Watch

+ Bruno James Formal Suit

+ Stiddaroli Formal Shoes (Black)

+ Jade Necklace

Quest "ABB V: Oriental Ambush" Completed!

Gained 12500 XP

Gained 2 to [Gunplay: Pistols]

Gained 1 to [Gunplay: Rifles]

Bonus Objective Failed

You have ruthlessly attacked those who have done harm to you and yours.

Title Unlocked: Punisher I

Increases all forms of damage by 5% to those who do damage to your allies.

You have struck fear into the hearts of opponents on a regular basis.

Title Unlocked: Fear Bringer I

Strikes fear into enemies equal or below 25% your level.

You have unintentionally ended the lives of multiple opponents.

Title Unlocked: Man I

Direct physical attacks on an enemy with VIT equaling or below 5% of your STR has 5% chance of causing instant death.

Level Up! You are now Level 21.

Gained 2 Stat Points.

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