Greg Veder vs The World

Aggro 4.11

Aggro 4.11

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Greg Veder walked down the hallway, brightly colored backpack slung over his shoulder as he bounced with each single step. School had been let out for a good twenty minutes at the very least, most of the students having headed home quickly as Winslow wasn't exactly brimming with extracurriculars that most students would enjoy. Besides, it was Winslow.

No one wanted to stay at the run-down school for any longer than they absolutely had to, anyway.

In fact, the only reason Greg was even still here was because he had forgotten a couple of notebooks in his locker and he needed them to complete his homework for tomorrow. Telling Sparky to just head home without him, Greg had rushed back to the school before security locked the front doors and grabbed his books. Singing a familiar and upbeat song to himself as he walked down the empty stairway, Greg didn't even bother keeping it all that quiet. "We are fighting dreamers, takami o mezashite, fighting dreamers, narifurikamawazu…"

Ability Gained!


Stick to doing musicals in the shower for now.

Represents your ability to hit the correct notes, harmonize and anything to do with the art of vocals.

Singing Level Up!


Huh, cool.

"Kewashī shura no michinonaka hito no, chizu o hirogete doko e iku? Gokusaishoku no karasu ga sore o, uneri o agete fukiareru… Oh, Hi Officer Carl."

The blonde nodded at the older man as he headed up the stairs past him, a clear plastic basket nearly full to the brim that read "Confiscated Items." It honestly amazed Greg how many students brought weapons to school, as if Winslow were literally a war zone. Sure, there were gang-affiliated students, but a switchblade? An X-acto knife? A literal wood-cutting axe? Seriously? Who needs this stuff?

"Kid." The word came out rather heavily in an exhausted breath as the overweight security officer nodded back at him, thick brown mustache twitching slightly. As Officer Carl walked past him, Greg glanced back at the man, wondering how long he'd be at this job anyway. The guy was graying already, and not in a cool way like a celebrity or something.

Like a regular non-rich old person, with a lot of gray just popping up everywhere. His Monopoly-man mustache, most notably. How old is Carl, anyway? Deciding it didn't really matter, Greg shook his head.

Of course, there were other security officers in the building but Greg always liked Carl the most. The man had known him for almost two years and yet, he never referred to the blond as anything but "Kid". Then again, Greg had never heard the older man address any other student with anything other than "You" or, occasionally, "You in the [color][article of clothing]". For that reason alone, he liked to think the man liked him, too.

Shrugging, Greg continued walking downstairs.

As he reached the first floor, Greg walked through the stairwell doors and began singing under his breath again as he made his way through the hallway. "Sā kokoro no me mihiraite, Shika to ima o mikiwamero! Ushinau mono nante nai sa Iza mairou!"

Singing something like this during the day was almost an invitation for the ABB to take offense, the large Japanese contingent of the group known to take umbrage for trespasses on their culture, even if certain recent aspects of that culture were literally from an alternate earth. There was a reason that Anime Club was basically code for "school-sanctioned ABB meeting", after all. Greg had to figure that one out the hard way.

Man, it's quiet in here. Greg couldn't help but notice that the place almost seemed abandoned, even though there were a few students milling about the entrance and in a few of the classrooms. Without the halls being full to bursting and the background noise of thousands of students blasting his ears, the school just felt dead. Not like that was a bad thing, considering how packed the school usually was.

Deciding to cut through the gym exit instead of leaving through the front entrance, Greg turned to his left and grabbed the crash bar, pushing the gymnasium door open without much thought. As he entered the gym, the blonde blinked hesitantly, eyes slowly widening as he took in what was going on.

Sophia Hess stood surrounded by several taller boys, teeth bared as she held her fists up. It was rather easy to pick her out amongst the group of ten boys, her darker skin a stark contrast to their pale complexions. Sporting a bruise on one side of her face, the track star still looked as fierce as ever. As she circled the person, she spat to the side, one of the boys stepping back to avoid it. Two of them were blonde, the color obviously coming from a bottle as their roots stood out clearly. None of this was more obvious than on the person across from her, his tall frame nearly dwarfing the girl in front of him.

Mal Duncan. Greg's hands clenched into fists as he stared at the out-and-out Empire member, stunned expression turning into a frown as he saw the tall junior's bleeding nose and the murderous look on his face matched only by Sophia's.

Eh, it's just a fight, Greg thought to himself, shaking his head. It's not like they're trying to kill each other. Greg took a step backwards and turned around, only to halt with his hand still on the open door. Still, maybe...

Quest Created!

Always Save The Girl

Details: Help Sophia Hess from being attacked by Empire fanboys because… well, just do it. Seriously, don't be a dick.

Success: + 1 Stat Points, 1,000 XP, Improved Reputation with Sophia Hess, Improved Reputation with Emma Barnes, Decreased Reputation with Sophia Hess.

Failure: None

Really? Greg sighed as he read the quest box. It's not that serious, Greg reasoned, trying to find a way to ignore the quest. I mean, it's not like I have to do it, right?

Quest or not, Greg wasn't sure Sophia actually needed any help at all from someone like him. The girl knew how to fight and it wasn't like fighting someone bigger than her was something she hadn't done before. Frowning, Greg looked back over his shoulder as the fight continued.

Mal lunged forward and swung at her, only for Sophia to duck under his arm and slam an elbow into the boy's chest. The action made Mal grunt and stumble back and Sophia kept moving, grabbing the gang member by his shirt and pulling his already leaking nose down at the same moment she reared her forehead up.

There was an audible crunch and a pained grunt from Mal as he reared back, away from an obviously exhausted Sophia. A thought came to Greg's mind unbidden, a part of his mind wondering how long the two of them had been at this but it went ignored as Mal, wiping his bleeding nose and split lip with the back of one sleeve, said three words.

"Hold her down."

Are you joking? Greg's jaw dropped. What kind of messed up...

Mal's boys, previously content to just watch the fight between their leader and a lone girl, moved forward at his word. Sophia whipped around as Mal had spoken, her expression a warning to anyone of them who wanted to try and grab her. Warning or not, the three of them didn't seem to care as they moved in on her slowly, the girl outnumbered.

Ughhh, now I have to do something! Greg let out another sigh as he moved in.

Sophia, not one to take anything lying down, moved in and slugged one in the face, quickly backpedaling before any of them could lay hands on her. As she moved away, a fist struck her in the back, forcing a pained grunt from the black girl as she was sent sprawling forward. Barely managing to catch herself before she fell all over the hardwood, Sophia Hess whipped around again to see… "Veder?"

The question left her mouth the same time as it left the mouth of Mal Duncan, both of them confused by his sudden appearance. The natural blond stared back at the bottle blond, a tight smile on his face. "Hey guys, mind if I cut in?"

"Veder!" Mal spat his name out like an insult as he ripped his hand away from Greg.

"Uhh," Greg blinked at Mal as the lunk wiped his nose again, the smile on his face growing slightly less forced. "You already said my name, you know." Greg opened his mouth again to say something else, probably something insulting, only to stumble back as something pushed him from behind.

"The fuck do you want, Veder?" This time it was Sophia who spoke up, the sweaty girl shoving him out of the way to face Mal again.

"... I honestly don't know." Greg shrugged, making a face as he glanced over at Mal. "I just heard this guy go all 'Hold her down' and that just didn't sound kosher."

At that, Greg tilted his head to the right and winked at Mal and the peanut gallery. "Get it? Kosher? Jews? Ehhh?"

Sophia shot him a look but Greg didn't bother to look back at her, an angry grunt drawing his attention. Mal moved forward, a fist drawn back as he rushed at Greg.

Wow, this guy is slow. Greg thought to himself as he stood still and watched the taller boy move at him as if wading through water. His fist came up, calmly batting away Malcolm's punch. Mal didn't pause, yelling out at the top of his lungs as he threw a haymaker. Almost rolling his eyes, Greg turned his head and watched as Mal flailed about trying to hit him. The bully barely had time to blink as Greg extended his other arm, plunging his fist into Mal's torso with a hard jab.

The junior grasped at his chest and stumbled back into his hangers-on, the boys behind him nearly falling over themselves as Mal crashed into them. The ringleader pointed a finger at Greg, mouth refusing to form any words as he tried to catch his breath. Audible or not, Mal's friends got the message and two rushed at Greg, both of them coming at him like charging bulls.

Seriously, don't these guys know the rules? Greg thought to himself, leaning out of the way of an overeager punch and twisting to the side of an attempted tackle. Once their boss goes down, they go away. That's how it works. Greg jumped back, grabbing the first guy's wrist and pulling him forward with a harsh tug. Even as he sent the guy off course, Greg's eyes widened as he felt something collide into him from behind him, a pair of hands locking around his torso.

Pulling himself from the sloppy grip without much effort, Greg spun on his heels and jabbed his elbow lightly into his attacker's chest, the guy stumbling back. Still miffed over the fact that Mal's friends didn't seem to understand simple confrontation etiquette, Greg gave the first Empire fanboy a quick jab to the chest, sweeping his legs out from underneath him before he could even stumble back. Immediately, Greg spun around and met the confused tackler again, side-stepping a third lunge and delivered a hard palm strike that sent him to the floor just like his friend.

Beginner Combat Level Up!


Quest Success!

"Always Save The Girl" Completed!

Gained 1 Stat Point

Gained 1,000 XP

Crossing his arms, the blond glanced over at the last of Mal's friends, the lone brunette just backing away rather than get himself involved.

"Wow," Greg spoke up. "That was lame. I mean, honestly… I expected better."

"You're… gonna… pay…" Mal spat out hesitantly, one arm wrapped around his torso as he struggled to his feet. "Veder."

"Mmmm… 'kay."

The taller, far more muscular, blond shot Greg an angry scowl and took a single step forward, as if threatening to lunge at him. After a moment of thought, he seemed to think better of it and backed towards the open gymnasium door, his two remaining friends leaving with him. The cautious, rather wary looks in their eyes were kinda funny, Greg had to admit. It was almost as if they had expected him to stand still and let them hit him.

Man, that was badass, Greg thought to himself, grinning brightly as he held his fists at his waist. I'm so freakin' awesome!

"The fuck was that?"

Greg blinked rapidly and whipped around, Sophia's scowling visage the first thing he saw. "Oh, Sophia… huh. I honestly forgot you were, uh… here." Clicking his tongue, Greg gave a shrug. "Anyhoo…"

"No!" Sophia cut in with a shout, glaring harshly at Greg. "What the fuck was that about? Why the fuck did you do that?"

"Wh- whaddya mean?" Greg responded, stepping back slightly as Sophia advanced on him. "I just wanted to help."

"Who the fuck asked you, though?" the shorter girl snarled, pushing against Greg's chest. "Who the fuck asked you to push your stupid fucking nose in my shit?"

"I don't…" Greg began again, only to be cut off by Sophia.

"Shut the fuck up! You keep pulling this shit!" The shout exploded from her, almost echoing in the empty gymnasium. "Every fucking day with you! Ruining my fucking life!"

Unsure of what to say, Greg worked his mouth silently, blinking at the girl in front of him. "... I… I thought we were just messing with each other," Greg smiled awkwardly. "H-having some fun, you know."

There was a pregnant pause, Greg wincing slightly as Sophia's expression seemed to distort the longer the silence went on.

"Fun?" Sophia spat, her face a mixture of shock and anger.

And like that, the silence was broken.

"Fun?" Okay, just all anger now. "You thought messing with me, making me look weak and-and… and pathetic was fun?" Spit almost came flying from her mouth as she pushed against Greg's chest, barely moving the taller teen.

"Well, hehe…" Greg chuckled despite the uncomfortable tension, trying to find something to say. "I don't think I was doing that much but…"

"No, no! Fuck you, Veder!" Her fist lashed out, Greg's hand catching her smaller hand on instinct.

Sophia snarled wordlessly lashing out with the other hand. Just like before, Greg caught it with little effort, leaving the shorter girl to throw herself pointlessly against him, bucking like a wild animal.

"Hey." Greg screwed up his mouth, his gaze dropping to Sophia's heaving chest in little more than a loose shirt over a black sports bra for a single moment before snapping back to her face. He reddened slightly, blinking rapidly. "...Stop it. You'll hurt yourself."

"Let. Go!" Sophia let out an angry grunt, struggling futilely against Greg's vise-like grip. "I said, let go of me, you fucking retard! Do you fucking hear me? Let me go!"

"Not until you calm down," Greg replied, frowning as she bucked at him again, the top of her head nearly scraping his chin. "You're… you're acting all crazy. Like, more than usual." He tilted his head to the side. "It's… kinda weird."

His words seemed to be having the opposite effect as Sophia seemed to buck harder against hip, her head jerking forward as if trying to headbutt him. Her lower body wasn't idle either, with Greg well aware that the only thing preventing him from getting a knee to the nether regions was the way his body was angled away from her.

"Seriously, Sophia, you need to chill. I'm just trying to help."

The girl breathed heavily in his grip, struggle slowly leaving her as she tried to catch her breath. As she finally eased her fighting, Greg slowly let go of her and jumped back before she could lunge at him.

Instead of resuming her attack, Sophia simply slumped against the folded-up bleachers, sweat dripping down her body as she took in deep gulps of air.

Maybe she feels like listening now? Either that or she'll try and bite my head off. Greg blinked at that choice of words. Why do I feel like that's not just a turn of phrase?

"So… Sophia," he began, making sure to emphasize her actual name, "mind if I ask what's wrong?"

Sophia glanced up at him, her glare making clear to him that her temper hadn't fully died down yet. "Are you fucking doing this right now?

Greg's eyes narrowed as he tried to understand what she meant. After a moment, he shrugged and decided to ask what he had been thinking. "Doing… what, exactly?"

"Asking me what's wrong after you fuck up my rep, that's what," she bit back tiredly, still slumped against the bleachers.

Wait, what? Confused didn't even begin to describe what Greg was feeling right now and he didn't hesitate to voice his confusion. "Wait, what? Me? Ruin your rep?"

Sophia's fists clenched at her sides, the girl inhaling deeply before she cast her gaze back at Greg. "No duh, dipshit. What do you think it looked like when you won? You made me look weak. Pathetic. Like a piece of fucking shit, that's what. And every single day, you push my fucking buttons, get up in my space, make fun of my name… You just keep makin' it obvious."

"I… I didn't kn-"

"Of course you didn't," Sophia snapped, teeth bared in a grimace. "You're a fucking retard. Why would you? Everybody else did, though. That's exactly what they fucking saw."

At this, Greg had to pause, the blond shaking his head. "I didn't hear anyone talking about you like that, though. It's still the same. You're still tough and strong and… you."

"You would think these fucking sheep would talk about shit like that, wouldn't you?" The black girl snorted, lifting her head again to give Greg another glare. "I'm not talking about them, idiot. I'm talking about the people who fucking matter in this shithole. The asians. The druggies. The Empire wannabes."

Greg's mouth opened into a silent "O".

"Yeah," Sophia actually smirked as understanding dawned on Greg. "Now, you're fucking getting it. They're making it their job to come at me. To take me down. And they started 'cause of you."

"Wow." The blond shook his head, uncomfortable with the weight of the bomb Sophia had just dropped on him. "Wow, I'm sorry, Sophia. That's… a lot."

"No fucking duh."

"Although…," a thought rose in Greg's mind unbidden, the blond simply saying the first thing that came to mind, "this is kinda your fault too."

Brown eyes met his blues in a glare that promised death. "Bitch, what?"

"Well," Greg began, clicking his tongue, "You said I make you look weak but you're the one making yourself look weak. Think about it, you don't even fight back. You don't call me names back or anything. You just glare and walk away." Greg shrugged his shoulders.

The heat from her glare vanished, Sophia honestly putting some thought into Greg's proposal. "And you think this'll work?"

"Couldn't hurt, right. 'Sides," Greg grinned at the shorter girl, "It's no fun when you don't play along."

"So, you want me to shit on you? Call you names? Really?" Sophia narrowed her eyes as she leaned away from Greg, almost as if unsure of what to make of him. "Fucking really?"

"Well, duh, Sophie," Greg smiled at her words. An honest smile, instead of a smirk. "Although you'll have to be more creative than that. You use the f-word a lot. It's kinda boring."

"Fuck off and die."

The blond let out a slow sigh. "Eh… it's a start. It's part of the fun of it. Who wants to mess with someone who just sits there and takes it?" Greg grinned, "Like, how lame do you have to be?"

Sophia visibly winced, her fists clenching at her sides as Greg's words seemed to hit her like a physical attack. Purposely stepping back, she turned to Greg with another piercing glare. "Veder, I swear to fuckin' God…"


You have gained 1 CHA.


The glare slid off her face, replaced by an exhausted expression. "Nothing. Nothing. Just leave me alone."

"If you say so." Turning around, Greg threw a wave over his shoulder as he began to walk away. "See you tomorrow, Sophie."

The girl in question fought off a twitch in her eye as she stared at the blond's retreating back. "Fuckin' Veder."

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

As Greg Veder neared his house, the front of his yard lacking the neatly trimmed topiaries that his neighbors seemed to love, he paused in front of the driveway.

Turning his head, Greg blinked as he noticed a car parked in front of his house. Whose car…

Glancing back at his house, Greg shook his head and hurried up the steps to his porch, eager to see who had bothered to pay them a visit. Opening the door, Greg kicked off his shoes and walked out of the foyer and into the living room only to freeze at the sight of his mom sitting on the couch with a man.

A man Greg was sure he had never seen before.

Both sets of eyes turned to him as he rushed in, his mom's own baby blues shockingly wide as she caught sight of her son.


Greg blinked. "Hey, Mom."

The teenager's gaze turned to the man, taking note of his well-pressed black suit and tie. A few awkward seconds passed by, the two adults waiting for Greg to say something, as he seemed to be trying to at least. Lost for words, Greg simply said the first thing that came to mind. "So, I'm gonna assume we haven't met before, then?"

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Spoiler: STATUS

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