Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 112: There is no fear

On Monday, a big event happened at the Steinen School of Magic.

Originally, the school was supposed to give students 20 days off before the magic test, but the principal Nathan Fisher announced that all sixth-grade students must stay behind to take additional classes until the magic test was over.

This announcement caused an uproar. Many students had planned their summer vacation in advance. In their opinion, the magic test was a matter of formality, and it did not matter whether they passed it or not.

"Mr. Fisher, what can we do if we stay here for the entire Month of White Dew?"

Some students even said it directly and aggressively.

"You can take the mock exams, Student Ribbons."

Nathan was now no longer indecisive. With his own teacher behind him, he was very confident when he spoke.

The student in front of him was the son of a viscount. He was generous and popular among the students.

"Taking mock exams? Are you kidding me, Mr. Fisher? Do you know why our parents spend so much money to let us come to this school?"

Ribbons questioned, hoping that the principal could recognize his status.

"Yes, Mr. Fisher, don't you know the real reason why we came to this school?"

Another girl echoed. Her father was a fourth-ring mage. Although he was not acquainted with Fisher, he still had some reputation.

"Students come to school, of course, to learn."

Nathan said word by word, leaving the two early students speechless.

Indeed, students came to school for learning. Although these nobles had used this place as a social place before they graduated, the school motto of the Steinen School of Magic was indeed the pursuit of truth. The original intention of this school was to let more people become a mage.

Looking at the silent crowd, Nathan continued.

"In the past, because of my incompetence, the learning atmosphere in the school has been lagging behind, and everyone has no intention of learning, but now, we have to catch up with others and become a magic school with a strong academic atmosphere."

His words were not agreed by anyone, and even the teachers began to whisper and didn't trust the principal.

"I have made an appointment with my father. I need to visit his alchemy workshop next week. I'm afraid you will need to explain that to him, Mr. Fisher."

The girl said bitterly and tried to use her father to scare Nathan.

"No problem, I think we can reach a very good consensus with His Excellency Demetrius."

Nathan also used his support as his answer. Backed by a teacher, he was not afraid of these people.

Hearing the name of the high-level mage, these students suddenly became quiet. Many of them knew that Nathan was a student of His Excellency Demetrius, but the mediocre principal had never talked about his teacher's name in the past. People thought Nathan was ashamed to mention it because he had no accomplishments.

But what happened today?

The name of the high-level mage was enough to deter all students, even the teachers stopped talking in private, and the huge auditorium became very quiet.

"After the morning meeting, the representative of each class will need to go to Professor Mithril to pick up the latest textbooks. From now on, all of you will need to start morning self-study from 7:30 in the morning until 8:00. The evening self-study will begin from 6:30 to 8:00 in the evening."

Nathan was a little more confident. He followed Reiner's suggestion and planned the new class timetable with the actual situation of his school.

"What!" "7:30 in the morning?" "Why study at night?" "It's not fair, other schools will be over at five o'clock!" "I don't agree with this decision!"

The students shouted in protest. Compared with the loose education methods in the past, Nathan's current strategy was indeed much tougher, especially for those aristocratic young masters who were used to laziness.

"If anyone has any opinions about this, they can write to His Excellency Demetrius and discuss with him."

Nathan said again, causing the yelling students to shut their mouths again.

"Of course, you can also choose to drop out and leave this school, but I will keep a record of this situation and send it to your parents."

After he said this, the originally aggressive students immediately became dispirited. After all, they were just teenagers. They grew up accustomed to being domineering with the support of their parents, but if their parents could not do anything about it, naturally, they would not be able to resist as well.

"If there are no other objections, the meeting will be over and we will start the first test immediately."

Nathan thought for a while, then spoke again.

"Also, Student Ribbons, this is the school, you should call me Principal Fisher."

Hearing what he said, the student who shouted the loudest was stunned, his face flushed, but he couldn't say a word.


One week later.

Ribbons had been suffering for the past few days. He was the heir of the Viscount, and he had no interest in magic. It was his father who sent him here because he wanted him to make more friends with the mages. So naturally, he didn't know anything about the knowledge taught by the school, and his scores on each exam were extremely miserable.

To make matters worse, Nathan would rank the performance of the sixth-grade students in each exam and put them on the bulletin board in the dormitory. Every time, Ribbons would be ranked in the last few places.

This made him feel ashamed. Every time he walked through the corridor, he would walk past quickly as if he had done something bad. He never dared to stay for a moment.

Moreover, Ribbons gradually discovered that his own popularity was gradually declining. The students no longer responded to his calls, and even several of his friends who used to follow him around also left him.

The students were now always surrounding the top students in every exam. Even if those students didn't have a great family background like Ribbons, they were still much more popular than him, who was always ranked in the last few places.

Since they couldn't resist, they could only do it in accordance with Nathan's requirements. Those students were from elite families, so naturally, they understood this truth. And as long as they put effort into it, it was not difficult for them to improve their grades.

It was time for the new rankings to be announced again. Ribbons walked through the corridor with one remaining underling. He glanced at the rankings, and he was listed in the last few places again.

"Boss, maybe you should study a little bit? Fitz often instructs other people to study after evening self-study, and he doesn't seem to mind other people's grades. So, maybe you can..."

The underling said. Although his ranking was also far behind this time, he had improved a lot compared to the previous few times. It was obvious that he had been receiving Fitz's tutoring.

"Fitz? The son of that poor mage? You can get out of my sight with him!"

Ribbons raised his eyebrows. He looked down upon the kind of people who only had good grades. In his opinion, these people were nothing after they graduated from school.

Only after he drove away the last underling did he notice that there was no one around him anymore.

Ribbons was stunned. He returned to the room and lay in bed for a long time. He didn't get up until half an hour later. He sneaked to the door of a classroom where a boy was instructing several students. One of them was Ribbons's underling.

Standing at the door of the classroom for a long time, Ribbons eventually made up his mind to push the door open. Then he saw the boy named Fitz open the door of the classroom with a kind smile on his face.

"Come in quickly, we are about to analyze today's test paper together."

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