Green Life

This ends now! – Chapter 249

As the light quickly engulfed everything in its path, Hatsuko found himself back at the same place, right at the exact time when he was fighting the strongest angel, Zarxiel. And right beneath his body was the planet-sized green crystal Hatsuko had thrust its sword inside, causing it to start breaking.

“STOP IT, YOU INSOLENT MORTAL!!!!” In a fit of rage, the angel conjured a powerful aura that would drive Hatsuko away.

However, Hatsuko created another massive barrier around the area, blocking any sort of attack that was heading toward him.

"What!?" The angel scowled in confusion.

Letting the angel look in confusion, Hatsuko easily managed to break to pieces the massive green crystal, allowing himself to finally gain the upper hand from the angel who was constantly gaining more and more energy from god trapped in that place.

Seeing the cold and sharp look after breaking the seal, the angel’s eyes glared for a moment before finally accepting that Hatsuko must not be left alive. He had to eliminate any kind of bug that was going to get in his way!

“It was my mistake for underestimating you…. But don't worry, I'll make sure your death is as painful as possible.” The angel stated in a cold and calm manner after showing his wings significantly growing in size more than ten times.

“.....” But once again, Hatsuko didn't fret from the intimidating aura that this angel was releasing.

Using the falling feathers from his wings, the angel used them as projectiles in order to cut down Hatsuko. Those feathers, despite being the size of a head, were flying all over the place as if they had a mind of their own despise Hatsuko being able to dodge them.

“Resistance is futile.” The angel spoke quietly before swooping overhead and clapping its wings to release more feathers at an incredible rate of speed.

Realizing the danger of those feathers, Hatsuko used his barrier to protect his most vital organs while trying to dodge most of them. But even with all of his defenses up, some of the feathers still managed to cut and pierce through his defense.

The angel continued the same tactic over and over again until the whole place was filled with billions of feathers that were all flying on their own in order to kill Hatsuko from his blind spots.

Seeing how there didn't seem to be a stop to this, Hatsuko took a deep breath and formed a barrier all over his body which expanded continuously to the point where it erased away all feathers that were trying to cut him down.

Once he found a few moments of cool down, Hatsuko looked at his beaten-up body which wasn't showing any sign of healing.

“So you finally noticed?” The angel gave the person a bug-like look as they exchanged glances. “Not only you will be killed by my feathers, but they also have the power to destroy your soul.”


“So just give up. You can not defeat an angel.”

Ignoring what this angel was saying, Hatsuko created a long sword and thrust it onto his chest.

Confused about this human taking his own life, the angel closed his eyes. “Foolish human.”

However, once again, the angel was too quick to celebrate because what happened next, almost broke apart the calm expression on his face.

Hatsuko had disappeared from his place, blasting the angel away with one single punch that sent his body millions of kilometers away.

“W-wha?!” The angel reacted after finding balance in the air. [ What just happened? ]

Left with a few thoughts in his mind, he grasped a glimpse of a green shadow which immediately disappeared from his sight at an insane speed.

[ He got faster?!!! ] Zarxiel thought to himself in alarm before creating the strongest barrier around his body to prevent himself from being sent away by one of Hatsuko’s punches.

But to his surprise, Hatsuko wasn't content with only landing one solid blow.

Hatsuko appeared and vanished in successive afterimages while slashing the barrier in all directions, gradually dismantling the angel's defenses..

[ Does he actually really think he’s faster than me?! ] The angel frowned while receiving millions of attacks from all directions of his barrier.

“Don't get carried away. YOU’RE JUST A HUMAAAAN!!!!!” The angel’s loud voice was heard, blasting away all of the afterimages that were breaking his barrier.

With its massive wings that broke the sound barrier, the angel flew up in the air in order to get some distance away from the human. He moved his hand to the side, immediately creating a long yellow spear.

But just before the angel could get the chance to finally get a strike, a huge dark shadow covered the whole sky.

Unaware of the sudden change in his surroundings, the angel glared into the void before throwing his spear which broke the speed of light.

“Did you really think you could hide from me?!”

While looking in the darkest part of the void, a green sword passed by the angel’s head.

But the next thing that emerged from the gap frightened the angel.

What came from the void was a very tall-sized humanoid being covered in a dark shadow-like armor mixed with a green mist that showed off its overwhelming power. Behind his back, there were two white wings similar to an angel, and two black wings similar to a demon. Its eyes were glowing in the color green, while on its head, a green crown was resting.

Hatsuko looked a bit perplexed while looking at his own arms which were completely adjusted before clenching his fists and pulling a massive long sword out of thin air.

“T-that form!!!” The angel gasped in disbelief. “How did you reach that form!!!! TELL ME!!!”

“....” Hatsuko didn't respond. His thoughts were wandering somewhere else after understanding the new power that he had acquired.

“HOW CAN YOU REACH THAT FORM SO EASILY!!!???” The angel continued questioning.

Hatsuko had a calm unseen expression in his new form before looking back up at his last opponent.

“Nothing was easy to me ever since I was born in this world.” Hatsuko’s hollow voice explained to the angered angel. “Anger, sadness, jealousy, and emptiness… were most of the things I have experienced up until this point…. And I don't think I can ever get rid of those emotions for as long as I am alive. That's what I used to think before I initiated understanding the way these powers of mine came from. ”

“Just what are yo–”

“But that no longer matters anymore. Because everything ends now.” Hatsuko said, then pointed his long dark sword towards the angel who had an irritated look on his face.

Three more chapters until the end!


Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my work for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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