Green Life

The contest in the 10th district! – Chapter 223

 * * *


Somewhere further within the universe, stood the tenth district of heaven where a great amount of angels grinded their own powers.

Many of the angels, while unsocial with one another, they still held an hierarchy where the weak had to listen to the strong no matter what kind of order it was. While the majority of the angels were forced to obey commands, some of them were trying to get stronger so they could use any means necessary to overcome one another.

Because of this, there was always conflict within the ranks of the Angels.

Therefore, in order to make things much easier for the higher ups to clear this up, they created this contest for two reasons.

One of them was to have one angel display its power through its skills, slaves, or items. And the second one, to select all of the strongest ones for the upcoming wars that they were planning.

Right somewhere in the same district, a group of individuals appeared out of nowhere. There were several students in that group who appeared to be human, as well as one angel who appeared to be smiling the entire time.

“What is this place?”

“It seems so pretty!”

“And clean…”

“Are we actually in the air? Since those clouds seem awfully close to the ground…”

“We might be in the air, that might be the reason…”

Some of the humans reacted while looking at everything that was in this heaven-like city.

But not everyone seemed that happy to be in this kind of dimension… Especially a group of seven girls who were walking separately from the students of Sakuru.

They already knew the reason why they were here, that's why they didn't have time to see how amazing this place was.

After walking at a certain place where not so many angels could be seen anymore, the same angel that brought those humans in here stopped before summoning collars in front of each human.

“Put those on.” The angel said with a tone that seemed more like an orderly one rather than a request.

“What are these? They seem more like a pet’s collar.” Raiden inquired with a dumbfounded expression on his face while suspiciously looking at the thing on his hands.

The other humans also seemed not that convinced about these collars as they had never seen one before. Not to mention that until now all of the angels did not seem to have left a positive impact on humanity.

“Since you’ll be spending some time here, you’ll be needing those to communicate with other species and angels. Our languages are way too complicated for your puny minds, that's why you should be thankful and wear them.” The angel continued explaining. “They will also help your mortal bodies get used to this dimension instead of blowing up to little pieces.”

But even if what this angel was saying was true, all of the humans in front of him had no other choice but to listen to him since they didn't want to risk starting a battle at the nest of millions of angels.

“We understand. Then we’ll put them on for now.” Tatsuya responded as he casually put his collar on his neck, without showing any sign of fear.

Seeing how the first one already put on the collar, the rest of the humans did the same after him.

The humans were all taken to a specific building where they could spend some time alone before the competition began because the angel noticed that everyone was paying close attention.

“Take your time to get used to this dimension until the contest begins. For everything that you’ll need, you can ask this one.” The angel explained as he pointed towards a certain humanoid like figure who seemed to be on standby.

She had a cute face with human like features and somehow, really erotic body from the tight dress she was wearing.

But one thing that stood out was her big pointy ears.

“Are you… an elf?” Hanna asked the beautiful girl without trying to sound rude to her.

“Yes…” The elf emotionlessly responded without a care about their question.

All of the top ranked fighters of Sakuru were already amazed by a real elf being in front of them.

They have heard and read histories from fantasy books about elves, but they never thought that they would encounter a real one in this kind of place.

“If there is anything that you need or you want, then please don’t hesitate to ask.” The elf added with her dead like tone to the curious eyes.

“What about your body? Will you give it to me if I ask?” Raiden asked with a nasty smile on his face.

“Raiden!!” Hanna called out to him in displeasure of the way he acted. “We are guests here! You should not be acting this rude towards her.”

While Raiden wanted to give a glare to the stupid girl, his eyes met the sharp ones of her boyfriend who was looking the whole time. 

“Hahahaha! You think so? I wasn't trying to be rude or anything.” Raiden awkwardly laughed before returning his gaze to the elf.

“I’ll do anything that I am asked.”

But the response that the elf gave, left everyone, even Raiden surprised. They thought that she was joking, but seeing how she gave no punchline or reaction, proved how serious she was taking this job.

After the elf showed the whole building around, she took each of the humans into different rooms where they could rest for some time.

In the first room were five individuals who seemed to be cautious the whole time.

“How do you feel about this?” Tatsuya asked while observing the outside from his window, looking at the majestic buildings and many fantasy-like features.

“Whatcha mean?” Tanaka asked as he was relaxing on his bed with his phone in his hand, uninterested in what Tatsuya was looking at.

“He means about our situation, dumbass.” Raiden responded with a slightly sarcastic voice. “We’re clearly in another new world, with no support or information from other humans.”

“Oh, about that?” Tanaka let out a sigh. “Who cares? We’re already strong, aren't we? We fought all kinds of monsters back on earth, and never lost once. So what’s the problem here? We got ordered to go to this mess, and probably won’t even be able to return back home.”

Tatsuya turned his back away from the window as he looked at the relaxed Tanaka who was playing on his phone. 

“That's why we should probably stick together from now on until we find a way out of this mess.”

The two other boys glanced at the speech that Tatsuya was giving.

“Find a way out? Stick together?” Tanaka laughed. “Wasn't it your goal to have a chance to fight an angel or demon this whole time? Now you’re saying to stick together and play house with those other dumbasess?”

Tatsuya slightly smiled at the statement that was made by his close friend.

“That may be so, but we still have the responsibility to protect our loved ones, don’t we?” Tatusya casually said, pointing something out at Tanaka.

“You’re talking about Rei?” Tanaka asked, a bit surprised. “I don’t really care about that bitch. She can die for all I care for.”

“Hm? But weren’t you all flirty just yesterday with her? Now you’re saying that you don’t really care?” Raiden asked while keeping both his legs crossed.

“I’ve been trying to fuck her for awhile, but no matter what I do, she continues to resist.” Tanaka let out an annoyed sigh as he continued playing on his phone.

“Hahahaha! So you keep getting cockblocked by her?” Raiden laughed. “I wonder why she keeps hanging around you if she doesn't really like your guts.‘

“That was because she asked me to not mess with that wuss, Hatsuko.”

“Hatsuko? You mean that trash mixer?” Raiden asked with a hysterical smile on his face.

“Yes, that one.”

Tatsuya however, only listened to the conversation with not so much interest.

“But he’s dead. How come that she still hangs out around you?”

Tanaka shrugged at the question as he didn't care anymore about the answer to the question.

“Apparently, she had a crush on that wuss, that's why she asked me to leave him alone in exchange for her being my girl.”

“No way!! And she agreed?!”

“Yeap. But lately, it has gotten boring around her.” Tanaka let out a tired sigh. “Ever since that wuss died, she doesn't really react anymore when I try to tease her. I might as well let her die somewhere in this dimension..”

“You’re terrible, man. Hahahhaha!” Raiden laughed.

 * * *

In the next room, four human girls seemed to have settled as they seemed to be looking around in wonder. Except for a certain girl who seemed to be deeply in her thoughts the whole time.

“I can’t believe that we’re in another world.” Hanna said in amazement while looking at the view outside of her window.

“Apparently, from what I asked the elf, this is not another world.” Kogane tried explaining it to Hanna.

“She said something about this being a dimensional hole where only angels can enter however they want.” Jue added to Kogane’s statement.

“I don’t really understand, but okay. This place feels special, and I can see why only angels can enter.” Hanna expressed.

“Well, don’t get too attached to it since we might be involved in something bigger than we thought.” Kogane suddenly said, bringing Hanna's excited mood down.

“Why do you say so?” Hanna innocently inquired.

“Well, first of all. We are here because that angel needed us for their little show they were going to put on.”

“Show? What do you mean?” Hanna continued asking, uncertain of what really was going on.

“Haaa…” Kogane let out a sigh. Even though she knew that Hanna wasn't the smartest of the top ten group, she still had the need to explain this to her since they have been spending most of their time together. “Why do you think angels decided to come to our planet and gather the strongest humans to see if we are worthy?”

“To see whether we can earn our freedom?”

“Wrong.” Kogane responded to the stupid answer Hanna gave. “It appears that this angel took advantage and gathered a few humans to take part in the competition the other angels are holding.”

“Basically, we are going to be dead meat by the time we join the first round.” Jue also added after showing that she was listening the whole time even though she was on her phone the whole time.

“No way… why would they do that?” Hanna asked, afraid of what might come next to her.

“Why? Maybe because they are either bored, or…. They simply want new ways to fight demons….”

 * * *

In the last room, there were several girls who seemed to be looking at each other in order to share information.

“So, what should we do next? We are already here, and sneaking out of this building should not be a problem to us.” Chloe asked, curious to know what they were going to do next.

“There are angels who aren’t afraid to look down at us. That's why we should think this carefully.” Hina added before anyone else could speak about their next move.

“There are quite a lot of weak angels in here, so we should not overestimate those angels that much.” Akemi suddenly stated, getting everyone's attention.

“If they are much weaker, how come that all of the dragons were overwhelmed and enslaved by them?” Chloe asked in confusion.

“Because they always send angels who are capable of fighting.” Akemi responded with a voice that showed the obvious.

“So there are always sides that we don’t know about…” Lily said in a quiet voice while experimenting with the collar that was given to everyone.

“By the way, what are you doing with those collars? You asked us to give our collars for some reason.” Ichika suddenly asked after noticing how concentrated Lily was on her work.

“I’ll explain it to you later, but for now, it's safe to wear these collars back.” Lily explained as she handed everyone their own collars.

While everyone knew that there was a reason behind this, they decided to keep quiet for the moment. Except Akemi who knew exactly what these collars were.

[ Even after thousands of years, they don’t even bother to change or improve this enslaving collars…. ] Akemi thought to herself as she softly glared at her collar with a smile on her face.

All of the seven girls were paying close attention since they didn't have a chance to make even one mistake.

“I really want to head out of this place and search for the angel responsible for my brother’s death, but from now on we should act cautiously.” Lily advised everyone.

“What do you suggest we do?” Chloe asked.

“We’ll participate in the contest as well.” 

Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise at what Lily was suggesting. They knew what would happen if they were to participate in that contest, that's why they needed a well made plan.

“If we’re going to be looking for that angel, then joining that contest would be the best option.” Lily tried explaining her reasons behind her plan. “If that angel that killed my brother was looking for something on our planet, it's sure that he’ll remember Akemi’s face when seeing her. And if our odds are in our favor, we might be able to find a weak spot against angels.”

All of the girls listened carefully to what she had to say since this plan was not only critical for their revenge, but also a way to infiltrate within the angels.

But the question remained the same… will they be satisfied once fulfilling their revenge against the angel that killed their loved one?






Once again, sorry for the delay! I had to recheck all of the chapters I have posted on Patreon.

Since the main character has already reunited with his classmates and the harem, the arc has come to an end. So if you can't wait any longer, make sure to check out the link on my patreon.


Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

Up to 20 chapters ahead are available on Patreon !

Also, don't forget to bookmark and favorite the chapter if you enjoyed it. ㋡


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