Green Life

Raising above the realms! – Chapter 237

After the girls had all returned to their own worlds, Hatsuko remained by himself in the empty field for a short while before looking down to see the angels and demons bowing down before him.

Everyone was aware of the suffering Hatsuko was experiencing at the moment. The path of no return where he wouldn't be able to return to his loved ones anymore.

But despite all that, they still held hope that Hatsuko would show them the way to fix all of the remaining realms conquered by either demons or angels.

“We’re moving forward.” Seikatsu, or what he was once called, Hatsko, ordered after taking a good look at all of his followers who held great respect for him.

* * *

In the 1st district.


The first district of heaven, where numerous strong angels could be seen, was somewhere farther away, where no demon could ever achieve or approach.

The fact that a single angel could even wipe out an entire word with the wave of a finger, rather than any physical characteristics or abilities, was what set these angels apart the most.

Demons and angels from the lower areas were both terrified by that.

Although there were a lot of strong angels in this region, there was also a hierarchy in place that governed daily life. So many of the stronger angels were given roles as lords, generals, and many other things.

But at the top of this long chain, stood a certain angel that was sitting at his own throne made by the most valuable thing in the universe.

Even though the other angels couldn't even see his overpowering face, several of them appeared to be worried as they bowed down before the holy angel.

“It's the same human.” 

Despite only saying one short sentence, the holy angel understood what was said by the worried one.

While his expressions were noticeable, a slight grin could actually be seen as he looked down at the bowing angel.

“Is that so?” The holy angel softly spoke, his interest beginning to emerge out of his boredom. “So, this many angels have decided to turn against us?”

Without any need to respond, the bowing angels continued listening to what his leader had to say.

“I understand. I will take care of this on my own. After all, I can not let this slide any longer.” A grin began forming on his face. “The warrior angels… prepare them for battle.”

* * *

In the fourth district, many simplified buildings could be noticed all over the clouds like a city. A place that would seem to be at peace at first, but with no actual land for any mortals to touch.

The perfect realm for all of the angels to cultivate their own powers.

The fact that this region was filled with nothing but pure energy, which was continually absorbed by many of the other angels, rather than the fact that there are conflicts, is what made it so wonderful.

Meditating somewhere far above the clouds, was a certain angel that seemed unbothered by any sort of thing. His wings were spread wide open as it took every chance to not let any of the energy in the air go to waste.

But his meditations came to an end as many voices could be picked up through his ears.

“Did you hear what has happened to the lower districts?”

“Yes, it's been all over the place. And no one seems to shut up about it.”

“All of the districts were either gone or simply not responding anymore. Of Course, this would be everyone's topic.”

“I guess you could say that. But do you really believe that a single mortal together with some angels of the lower districts could do that?”

“Clearly not. But I do feel like something is not right here.”

“We’re safe here. Even if they wanted to break in this realm, they would face countless angels that have been cultivating for countless cycles.”

“I’m not scared. But I am suspicious about something….”

“Whatever. Just don’t bother anyone else.”

The same demon who was eavesdropping opened his eyes before sighing.


As great as this whole realm might be, this district had something that many other districts didn't…. And that would be, not having any sort of rules about one another's property.

If another angel wanted to, he could break inside your territory and steal away all of the energy that another angel had worked for.

That is why many angels spent their time cultivating so they could counter such measurements. But that didn't stop many greedy angels from killing one another just so they could become stronger.

But the greediest of them all was a certain angel who stood at the shiniest, biggest castle-like building in the realm.

This angel had golden wings, showing the overwhelming power he held compared to the other angles.

But after having his daily dose of exposure to the energy, this angel went back to his main room and looked at another angel who seemed to be waiting for him.

"So you said that you had something good for me?" The angel with golden wings inquired.

Seeing what the golden winged angel was talking about, the other angel looked with a poker face.

"Yes." She softly responded.

However, the golden-winged angel didn't seem convinced.

"Tell me again who you are, and from what place you come?" The angel inquired.

"My name is Sofiel, and I come from the 5th district." The female angel quickly explained. "I heard that your great self accepted gifts in exchange for a small place in this district. That is why I'm offering you this."

The intimidating eyes were quickly blanched into an interested one while looking at the cloaked angel that had one of the wings in the color black like a demon.

Even if it was impossible, the golden angel was intensely intrigued and anxious to learn the origin of such wings.

[ Those rare wings will help me a lot. ] The golden angel thought with a smirk on his face. [ After all, those kinds of wings are the first of its kind. ]

But what the golden angel didn't expect was a green sword cutting off its wings the moment he tried removing the cloak of the mysterious angels with black and white wings.

"W-wha?!" The angel looked in disbelief at his own wings that fell to the ground. "M-my perfect wings!!!! NOOOOO!!!"

Without a care about its current condition, the angel fell on his knees as he tried touching his golden wings.

"What have you done…." The angel said, his voice getting much deeper. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!!!!"

"You do not deserve those wings. Your corrupted mind has taken control of everything you do. You're greedy and evil. You do not belong here." Sofiel responded with a stern look on her face.

However, this was not received well by the other end. 

"A lowly thing from a lower district doesn't have the right to talk!!!" The angel told as he jumped towards Sofiel with murderous intent.

But whatever this angel had in plan, was prevented by the cloaked angel that soon revealed to be a green-eyed human that bare-handedly caught the angel and killed him in an instant.


"Was that really okay to kill him?" Sofiel asked the human who removed the illusion of his wings on his back.

"In one way or another, I would've had to kill him." Hatsuko responded to the worried Sofiel.

"That's true…. But will this really help? If the rest of the angels know we're here, won't they attack us?" 

Hatsuko looked at Sofiel.

"No, they won't, at least not all of them." Hatsko explained before moving to the balcony, showing Sofiel a great number of angles that were bowing down the moment Hatsuko revealed himself on the balcony.

[ I can't believe this…. ] Sofiel thought with amazement. [ Did my lord also plan this the whole time? ]

Thousands of angels were in front of this building, ready for any kind of fight that Hatsuko would enter. 

A whole army that was ready to follow the lead of a human that was soon going to end this madness over the districts.

The struggle between angels and demons for the territories of mortals was just getting started in this new region. But now that Hatsuko was finally in this district, he knew that the real battle was soon going to begin.





The last arc won't be that long. Around 14 more chapters until this novel is finished.


Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

The rest of the chapters can be found on Patreon !

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