Green Life

From you! – Chapter 199

"...." With a confused look on his face, Seikatsu woke up from his relaxing nap in order to see what was going on.

"I want to play hide and seek with you. Let's go play right now." The girl insisted while holding his hands in a bit of worry.

Even though the girl only wanted to play, the green eyed boy somehow felt that something was wrong.

"I'm sorry if I'm suddenly bothering you like this, but I really wanted to play." The girl gave a sweet smile to him which made up his mind.

Both of the kids ran away from the garden… somewhere that no one could find them that easily.

The boy kept staring at the hand which was pulling him through the grassy field. He didn't know what was happening, but he liked how warm his hand was.

"This time I'm going to hide." The girl said after instructing the green eyed boy to stay behind a significant rock.


"I want you to name all of the things I've taught you so far. And when you're done doing so, you can come and find me."

While Seikatsu was still a bit confused about this, he still wanted to listen to what she had to say. And somehow he found this new game kind of challenging and fun for him.

But still, there was a feeling of uneasiness going through Seikatsu. He knew that the girl in front of him was trying to hide something.

“Alright, cover your eyes and make sure not to cheat, okay? Or I won’t play with you anymore if you do so.” Rose grinned with her childish and adorable smile on her face before turning around in order to begin their game.


But as Rose was on her way on leaving from there, a sweet, yet pained voice was heard. “I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you any longer…”


Sobbing noises could be heard from Rose as she had her back turned from the green eyed boy.

“I'm sorry… and goodbye…”

Even though Seikatsu managed to clearly hear what the girl was saying, he couldn't understand the meaning behind those words.

What was she saying? Was that also part of the game? And what was more… She sounded so sad and in pain while trying to hide herself.

And as Rose could be seen running away, Seikatsu began remembering all of the words he had learned. 


The place around him had become really quiet.


But the boy didn't really care about anything right now. He simply wanted to finish going through all of the words he had been taught by Rose so he could go and find where she was hiding.

This was one of the longest times he had spent trying to play the game, and he found that a bit weird at first.

But after around an hour, Seikatsu decided that it was time to figure out where Rose was hiding right now. 

“....” He was really far from the garden which made the boy think of the reason behind it.

He looked everywhere he thought that the girl would try and hide, but for some reason he still couldn't find her.

And it didn't take long for the green eyed boy to get bored from looking everywhere for her.

But his search wasn't over. There was one more place to look for, and that was nowhere else other than the garden.

Using his small legs, he ran all the way back to the place where he usually spent most of the time together with the only girl he knew.

But what was this uneasy feeling he was experiencing right now? Why was he feeling so strangely as he was on his way back to the garden? Not to mention the weird way Rose talked before going to hide…

But Seikatsu knew that everything would be answered once he reached the garden.


The garden was somehow stranger than usual. Most of the fruits were completely gone and all plants were destroyed. It was as if this place was robbed of everything it gave beauty.

But even the small paradise that was left, slowly disappeared as fire was being spread all over the place.

Seikatsu didn't bother to run or cover himself from the thing that was shining and was releasing crackling noises everywhere, turning everything to ashes.


What could have caused this bright thing which was slowly destroying the garden?

The green eyed boy didn't know. But he knew that he could get some answers once he found Rose. And that's what he did.

By raising one of his hands, a green string was created in the form of a path which showed the direction he needed to go. 

Without caring that the fire was burning everything down, the green eyed boy walked through the flames without receiving a single injury.

He walked…. And he walked…. And he walked for a long time until he reached outside a certain village where many people were gathered around in a circle.

“Death to the witch!!” 

“Death to the witch!

“Death to the witch!!”

“Kill the witch!”

Not caring what these humans were doing, the boy continued following his green string until he noticed that it was going the same way the crowd was.

Even though he couldn't understand what the crowd was doing or what they were shouting, he slid between them until he saw an open spot surrounded by many villagers and men who were wearing metal like clothes.

“Who is that kid?”

Seikatsu continued following his string until he finally reached the end of it.

“....” His eyes remained motionless without worrying about everyone that was surrounding him.

“What is he doing?”

“Whose kid is that?”

“Get him away from the witch!”

“Don’t get close to the witch!”

The crowd shouted at the long haired boy, not knowing who or what he was at all.

But as Seikatsu reached closer to the center… he saw…



She was laying down on the ground without moving at all. The grassy field was being painted red from the way her body reacted. But what made her body weirder, was how her limbs were bent into a deformed way. Some parts of her skin had become purperlish, and injuries could be seen all over the young girl.

But what was more… her head was completely separated from her body.

What was happening?! Why wasn’t Rose moving?

Those two thoughts went through his head before also sitting on his knees and grabbing the head of the girl he spent most of the time with.

“What is that kid doing?!”

Rose… was lifeless… 

She wasn't responding to the boy anymore even though her eyes remained open.

“Hold on! He’s the boy that lived with the witch!!”

“Kill him!”

“Kill him as well!!”

“Kill him!”

“Destroy him!”

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

“Behead him!!”

“Kill him!”

Ignoring what the angry crowd was shouting, the green eyed boy hugged Rose’s head closer to his chest as he shut his eyes really tight.

 “I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you any longer…”

Her voice repeated over his head over and over again. 

"But you don't need to worry anymore. Because from now on… We’ll be together.."


“I know! Your new name will be… Seikatsu!”


“I always wondered what my life would be like if I had someone to spend time with. Seikatsu… you won’t leave me like everyone else, are you? I don’t want to be alone again… Huh? I’m acting weird? I’m sorry…. It’s just… I r-really like you.”


Her smile, the way she talked, and every single moment he spent with Rose was going through Seikatsu’s head as he tightened her head closer to his body, without a care that his clothes were being covered in blood.

And as many armed men were slowly coming closer to the boy, a green tear slid down his cheek. A green tear which was falling down as if time was slowing down. And inside that tear could be seen many of the memories reflected before it landed on the ground.

Memories of spending his time with the girl who taught him everything. Taught him how to care for himself. Showed him what it felt like being a normal human child, and how they cared about each other.

A figure of which Seikatsu not only looked up, but also wanted to spend most of the time with.

But one thing that Rose taught to the green eyed boy… was something more special. An inseparable bond that couldn't break that easily.

The feeling of… love. 

A pure feeling which was being formed each time they spent together.

And as the tear was slowly getting closer to the ground, a certain voice was heard…


The sound of a broken child…

Seikatsu called out Rose’s name, not realizing that that was the first time he spoke ever since he was born in this world.

And before the boy was caught by many angered men, the green tear finally touched the surface of the ground, releasing all of the emotion that was being built up within him.

The sole emotion that this cruel world gave to him…

The emotion of rage! Despair! And destruction!

The green tear expanded into a glowing energy of a ball which continued to increase in the size of a massive boulder, erasing from existence every human that was around the green eyed boy.

Villages were blown apart, cities were crumbling to pieces, and many humans simply died from the overwhelming energy which was growing into an unthinkable size.

The whole planet shook entirely until a fourth out of the world was simply erased from there, leaving nothing else but an insanely big crater of nothingness.

Seikatsu died holding the head of the girl he loved in his arms.





Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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