Green Life

A human beyond strength! – Chapter 234

“You bitch!!!” Tanaka yelled with all of his might. “Come here and fix my arm!!”

Despite needing urgent help with his cut arm, Tanaka glared with hatred at how Rei refused to look at him.


Everyone else was quiet while staring at this pathetic scene. They knew how he treated Rei, that is why no one bothered to step in. 

Some of them were even thinking in their mind ‘Serves you right.’

While Tanaka was demanding for help, Hatsuko carefully placed his cloak over Rei before other girls came to calm her down from the terrible situation.

But something that didn't change, was the killing intent that kept everyone in alert this whole time. Everyone was shaking in fear as they looked at the so calmed Hatsuko who released this green aura mixed with darkness in the air, making everyone’s bodies shiver.

Tanaka was also slightly confused and afraid while looking at the sudden change that this individual was releasing.

As the feeling of agony was rushing through his cut arm, Tanaka tripped down at the sight of Hatsuko calmly approaching him with a murderous intent.

“Y-you! What did you do to me?!” Tanaka whined in pain while looking down only to notice that he had tripped down from something green that was growing out of the ground. But when he looked further down, he noticed how one sharp spike had pierced through his thigh.

“Ugh!!! Damn it!!”

While trying to withstand the immense pain that was breaking apart his thigh bone, he looked up and found Hatsuko menacingly standing above him as the green roots and chains began wrapping around his body.

“N-no! Get away from me!!” He pleaded as he tried pushing himself away but with no actual results.

Hatsuko’s eyes, while seemingly relaxed, were filled with immense rage that made Tanaka wet his pants in the moment of eye contact.

But with no actual way of getting away, Tanaka’s body was lifted in the air by the green chains wrapped around his body.

While this kind of torture was happening, many of the other humans that were watching in the distance, had their eyes focused in this scene, unable to look away. They couldn't even breathe properly as their bodies were beginning to lose strength from the amount of trembling experienced from this horror.

Tanaka, after being lifted in the air easily, looked into Hatsuko’s eyes in horror before beginning to beg for his life.

“P-please… d-don’t do thi–”

But no matter what he was trying to say, Hatsuko thrusted his hand on his chest and pulled out his beating heart in an instant.

Tanaka could only look in shock while seeing his own bare beating living heart at the hand of Hatsko who easily crushed it. Experiencing this fatal wound, his eyes lost light before his last breath went away from his body.

Tanak was dead….

Many of the Sakuru team watched in horror as one of their teammates was brutally killed without mercy. 

And by who?

By the one who used to be the weakest mixer in the entire school.

Hanna’s breathing hitched in fear while looking at this gruesome sight from her childhood friend.

[ Why would Hatsuko do that? ] She thought to herself. 

She knew how kindhearted her childhood friend was, that is another reason she couldn't believe that this was really him. She refused to believe that Hatsuko would turn into this cold killer.

No, it has to be some kind of mistake!

The other group of girls saw this with completely widened eyes as Hatsuko murdered someone in this kind of way. They knew what kind of guy Hatsko used to be, that's why they knew that he wouldn’t torture someone like that without any mercy.

It wasn't like him…

“Sniff… Hatsuko, please stop!” Rei ran towards him as she tried sniffing away her tears.

She hugged his back with the hope that Hatsuko wouldn't turn into some kind of monster.

She felt guilty about this, that is why she thought that it was her responsibility to stop Hatsuko. She needed this to stop! She didn't want Hatsuko to turn this way at all!

And to everyone’s surprise, Hatsuko’s murderous aura faded away.

“I c-can move again…” One of the Sakuru members breathed in relief while the rest of them had haunted looks.

With their eyes wide open at the quick and painful execution, no one said a thing.

Was that really Hatsuk? Was what everyone thought at that moment.

[ I’m sorry for my sudden outburst. ] Hatsuko apologized as he patted Rei’s head in order to make her stop crying.

“H-Hatsuko….. That's still you, right?” Hanna asked with a forced smile on her face, afraid to approach her childhood friend with a reddened hand that was still dripping the blood of her comrade.


However Hatsuko didn't seem interested in responding.

“That's not him!! That's completely a different person and everyone knows that!!” Raiden continued insisting in alarm after watching the whole thing.

That trash wouldn't even be able to look at blood, let alone killing someone like that. Raiden was sure that this person wasn't Hatsko… 

Or that's what he wanted to believe was the truth.

“And if that really was Hatsuko, then how come that he doesn't talk normally?” Yue inquired after pointing out this kind of change. Even after asking that kind of question, her hand was still trembling at the feeling that was felt inside her.

The rage… the sadness…. The pain that was all released within the green aura….

Despite believing that he truly was Hatsuko, many of the girls still held that kind of question. That is why everyone was looking at him.

[ My voice is too overwhelming for humans to hear…. That is why I use this method of communicating. ] Hatsuko calmly responded, bringing many questions and confusion over all humans.

Except for a certain dragon girl who understood what he was talking about. [ But that shouldn't be possible for a human to achieve…]

Tatsuya kept his eyes narrowed at Hatsuko while the rest were either looking in fear, confusion, or perhaps, admiration?

[ But that doesn't matter anymore… you should leave this place. ] Hatsuko told everyone before creating a green portal that would lead everyone to their homes.

And everyone, especially the Sakuru team, was glad that they would go home. This is what they wanted the whole time. Especially after what happened at the stadium.


“Not so fast.” A deep voice sounded from the back, revealing that it was a certain boy with glasses.

—because of a certain person, things didn't go as smoothly.

Hatsuko turned around and saw Tatsua casually fixing his glasses while stepping forward with a calm expression on his face.

“You think you can get away after killing one of my comrades?” Tatsuya inquired with a confident expression, also showing slight anger about his one underling.

The rest of Sakuru members were either dumbfounded or scared at the sudden way Tatsuya decided to challenge Hatsuko. 

They knew that Tatsuya was the strongest human…. But after watching what Hatsuko was capable of, they were left with doubting minds at this kind of thing.

But deep down, many of the Sakuru members were supportive with Tatsutya’s decision. 

Hatsuko turned around, his eyes glaring in his natural green color at the cocky leader of the Sakuru squad.


Everyone wanted this to happen, and that included most of the girls that were watching over Hatsuko. All of their blanched expressions were quickly covered by angry glares aimed at Tatsuya who didn't seem to care about his position.

He was saved by Hatsuko just like everyone else, and now he has the nerve to say those things?

“Tatsuya, please stop this! You don’t have to do this!” Hanna tried stopping her boyfriend as she tried walking in front of him.

“Out of the way!”


But to her surprise, Tatsuya easily pushed her away from his sight as he continued moving forward. 

 Hanna, who fell down on her butt, could only look at her boyfriend in surprise and shock at how he suddenly treated her.

He has never raised his hand against her, which shocked Hanna. She couldn't believe that her boyfriend didn't care about her worries.

Why did he do that? Was that a fluke, or perhaps angry about Tanaka? Hanna couldn't understand at all what was going on with Tatsuya.

“We can easily solve this the easy way by turning yourself in….” Tatsuya suggested as he came right in front of Hatsuko’s face. “Or we can solve this, right here, right now.”

The whole place fell silent as the two were staring at each other. They knew what was about to happen, that's why no one wanted to say anything else. 

Tatsuya had already made up his mind, and he didn't seem to change his mind. He has been spending his whole life training and losing, wasn't going to be something acceptable after this long.

“....” Hatsuko’s eyes glow brighter while looking at the confident clown in front of him. 

“What do you say……Mixer?.” Tatsuya casually asked, followed by a cold tone of a nickname that made Hatsuko narrow his eyes.

Hatsuko didn't show off any sort of killing intent, however, many memories of his past remain in his head from the time he was back at school. He knew that nickname very well, and he didn't seem that happy about it.

Seeing the cold atmosphere between the two, Akemi decided to step in together with the twin sisters and created a massive barrier where the two could fight without being able to harm anyone else.

“I understand..” Hatsuko’s dark voice was heard, his eyes fully glowing as his aura was continuing to grow bigger, ready for the last fight that was about to happen with the strongest human alive.






Sorry for the long wait. Stuff came up irl....


Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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