Green Life

15th realm! – Chapter 204

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The fifteenth realm! Also known as the 'floor after hell', is a realm occupied by millions of angels who had been using this as one of their bases for their never-ending conflict.

This realm was the total opposite of the 16th realm, which was the deepest and most deserted worlds of all the realms.

A world where the color white and gold dominated in most buildings and structures.
And in that same world, a certain angel was walking in the same meeting chamber as many general angels.
Her clothes were a little heavier due to the tight armor she was wearing, her silky blonde hair that waved whenever she moved, and her yellowish eyes that were glaring at the rest of the angels as she walked right into the hall, interrupting them from their meeting.

"Pardon my intrusion." The armored angel apologized as she slightly bowed in a way that smoothed out the movements of her body.

“Who is she, and how did she get in here?” An annoyed angel inquired as he was in the middle of trying to figure out something.

“My name is Sofiel. I come from the 14th division.” The armored angel responded with a haughty voice.

“What is an angel from the 14th realm doing here?” A certain voice from the room asked.

“I need your help in order to enter the 10th division.” The armored angel answered, her eyes not budging away from the sharp looking eyes of many angels.

Many of the angels were left with rebuked expressions while waiting for her to explain what she was talking about.

"It's for the sake of our worlds. If you do not help me, chaos will reign and history will repeat itself. We have to call a halt to the competition!" With a harsh gaze, the armored angel continued to speak.

However, what she said irritated the other angel even more..

Angels who were preparing to participate in the same contest were requested to withdraw. 

How could there be more stupidity than this?

"So that's w–"

"Stop right there." 

Sofiel was interrupted by one of the angered angels.

"Let's say that we agree on helping you. What do we get out of this?" 

The armored angel was left thinking for two seconds before she decided to respond. 

"We can sav–"

"So there’s nothing for us?" 

She was interrupted once again before she could finish talking.

"No, that's…" What an angel should do… Sofiel muttered as she couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence.

“If you need help, then why didn't you ask your underlings from your own realm? Or did they find your reasoning just as absurd?”

The armored angel was left with her eyes half open as she clenched her fist at the statement they made.

"Please accept my apologies for interrupting.." Sofiel murmured softly before exiting the room with an unmet goal.
She knew that no one was going to hear her out anymore, that's why she decided to head back…

“That damn thing. Just because she’s from a higher division, she thinks she can come here and do whatever she wants?” An angel from the room cursed under his breath while clenching both of his fists.

“Forget her. We have rules between our ranks. She won’t try anything stupid on the 10th divisioon since no one is willing to help her anyway.” Another angel reassured him while keeping both of his hands behind his back so no one else could see how he was throbbing in anger.

“Do you know why she wanted to stop the contest at the 10th division? I still can’t understand her reasons…” Another angel which seemed much younger than the rest of them innocently asked out of his curiosity.

“Because she finds the method brought by our leaders too violent.” 

The younger angel tilted his head at the response he got. “Too violet?”

"Because you're still young, let me start from the beginning. One of the realms where angels have complete control, is the tenth division. That is why the vast majority of our higher-ups have decided to devote the majority of our resources and efforts in that realm."

“I still don’t understand though. If that realm is one of our greatest divisions for our war against demons, how come that she’s against it?” The young angel asked as he was trying to understand the meaning behind that armored angel’s words.

“Don’t interrupt me. I wasn't finished yet.” The angel let out an intimidating aura before continuing his explanation. “She’s not against the war with demons itself. She’s against the idea of our ways to fight those filthy demons back. The contest is for all angels who wish to participate in order to join the upcoming battle. A battle where many of us will be rewarded with ultimate power and wisdom as a result. We won’t have to bow our heads to higher-ranking angels anymore.”

“Is that so?” The young angel responded as he had fallen into thoughts.

“Leaving that aside, we still have to find a strong species in order to participate.” Another angel brought back the subject where they had left off.

“How about we try and look for the one who destroyed the 16th division?”

Many of the angels were left with a soft glare that kept them thinking about their next move.








Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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