[Greek mythology] Lord of Hades

Chapter 18

Less than a day later, a big scandal broke out in the sea world. The private meeting between Poseidon and Gaia was caught by the queen of the sea, and Amphitrite was the daughter of the previous generation of sea emperor Nereus. Si was again the son of Gaia and Pentheus.

It is also said that the first sea emperor and the mother of the earth are still lovers.

What a mess...

Three generations of sea emperors, plus a wife and a first-generation god were involved for a while, and Poseidon, who was in the vortex of gossip, was in a state of desperation, which was no worse than the god-king melee in the underworld.Just when the gods speculated that the mother of the earth prefers a lover like the sea god, Pentheus went to meet Gaia, and when he came back, he found a shocking thing.

The Sea Emperor Scepter is gone!

It is impossible for Pentheus not to find out what happened in the sea realm, but before he did it, Oceanos and Tesis came to plead for mercy, hoping that he would forgive Metis.

It turned out that the former goddess of the sea had borrowed the treasure from her father, Oceanus, who was the second most ancient god in the entire sea world after Pentheus.His artifact successfully concealed Metis' aura, allowing Metis to successfully steal the scepter placed next to the throne.

Pentheus said sullenly, "Let her hand over the things first."

Oceanos smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "I don't know who she gave the scepter to, but it's definitely not in her hands."

After they worked hard to appease the first sea queen, Hades, who was in the underworld, also received the news from Poseidon that the scepter was stolen by Metis and probably fell into the hands of Cronus.Hades sighed softly in his heart, the second of the three has gone, and now he can only do his best to keep the last scepter.

His gaze turned to the Hades scepter on the table.

The top is inlaid with blood-red gemstones, and the body of the dark and dull staff is dotted with patterns of golden daffodils, every minute and every inch is full of fatal charm.

Putting the arm-length scepter into his sleeve, Hades went to the sea to meet Metis.

Metis lost his memory.

A sea goddess of wisdom who had stood by her children and was even respected by Zeus had forgotten the past.She hummed alone in the sealed palace of Oceanus, with the golden harp in her arms.She looked at Hades with a smile as innocent as the blue-haired girl Pluto first saw.

"Are you the Dark God from the abyss?"


Hades looked slightly startled, and asked and answered a few words with Metis.

When he was about to leave, he complied with the other party's request and played an ancient piece of music from the other side of the abyss on the harp.Fingering is not very good, and the emotion is not particularly integrated, but Metis happily accepted this parting gift.

"That sounds good, come and see me when you have time."

Hades nodded calmly, and when he was about to step out of the barrier, he vaguely heard Metis' naughty words.

"It would be nice if everything never started."

With a stagnation in his footsteps, Hades turned around and looked, and the door of the palace had been slowly closed.He never underestimated the intelligence of Metis, but the goddess always has more love than the male god, and she will always do a little stupid thing.

The most stupid thing is that he clearly intends to take revenge, but he can't help but remind him.

The waves of the sea swayed around, Hades stepped into the carriage, and went to Mount Olympus with Poseidon who was waiting for him outside.As soon as the carriage started, Poseidon quickly cast the barrier and asked, "What did Metis say?"

"She said 'it would be nice if it never started.'"

Hades looked out of the window, and in the vast ocean, schools of fish surged, and corals and sea stones shone with strange light.

Poseidon was stunned, "Did Metis not lose his memory?"

"No, her situation is exactly the same as that of Zeus." Hades denied.The identity of Metis does not need to pretend to be amnesiac to escape Pentheus's punishment. He thinks it is another possibility: "I suspect that she is aware of what she did before amnesia, so she warned me."

Poseidon was disappointed after hearing this, and said with his hands behind his head, "What's the use of this sentence?"

Ignoring his complaints, Hades stroked the scepter under his sleeve with his fingers, and said, "If Metis' words are true, I might have guessed Cronus' wish."

Poseidon's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously, "What is it?"

Hades said: "Go back to the past and change everything from the very beginning."

Time travel and rebirth are the two major wishes of human beings, but not necessarily the wishes of gods.Rather than traveling to another world, they prefer to choose rebirth under the condition that they can only make one wish, and then wash away their shame and regain their glory and dignity.

The flying carriage stopped, and Mount Olympus had arrived.

Hades and Poseidon walked on the road to Mount Olympus, and immediately attracted the attention of many fairies and servants of God, including some goddesses who usually dare not approach them.Poseidon rolled his eyes as usual. His blue eyes were gentle, and they were born with the romance and passion of the sea. Only when he looked at Hades, did he turn his eyes a little more serious.

Because Hades once said that it is not allowed to look at him with such disgusting eyes.

Poseidon muttered that his brother's taste was getting worse and worse, and in a blink of an eye he found that the Palace of the King of God was very close at hand.The strange thing is that Zeus didn't show up at the gate of the temple when he got the news of their arrival.

Hades said: "Wait a while and don't provoke him, after all, he doesn't know us well."

"It sounds quite unpleasant." When Poseidon thought of the familiarity Zeus had pretended some time ago, he had a feeling of being deceived.Suddenly thought of a good idea, he whispered to Hades: "You are not allowed to tell him that I know about this."

Hades blinked, but did not refuse.

So when Zeus was faced with Poseidon's indistinct inquiries, he could handle it well at first, but as Poseidon's questions became more unscrupulous, Zeus, who was asked whether he had rekindled his old relationship with a certain princess, became stiff-faced. , the brain quickly flashed through the list of lovers that Hermes told him——

No, there are too many names, which princess is Poseidon asking?

After receiving Zeus' call for help, Hades himself wondered which princess it was.It's a pity that Zeus has too many lovers. Even Pluto, who is in charge of mortal life and death, can't guess how many lovers Zeus has in secret besides the ones he knows on the surface.

Hades looked at Zeus' forced smile and decided to ignore the call for help.

Finally, when Poseidon had had enough fun, he turned Zeus' old hat on, and said with a smile, "Keep pretending, Zeus."

"No, no." Zeus broke out in cold sweat.

"How dare you lie to me when you lose your memory." Poseidon scolded him, then turned to look at Hades and said, "Hades, let's just ignore him and see how he can survive on Mount Olympus. "

Hades said, "Okay."

Unexpectedly, Hades would answer like this, and Zeus's face turned pale for a while.

The betrayed expression appeared irresistibly.

Seeing that he couldn't say anything, Poseidon laughed and said, "Look how stupid you are, do you think Hades is your backer?"

Hades keenly noticed that Zeus's divine power fluctuated in disorder, and was surprised in his heart. He stood up and walked to the seat of the god king, put his fingertips on Zeus's smooth forehead, and said, "If you don't want the thunder vision to appear outside, put Divine power gathered."

"Are you going to abandon me?" Zeus' eyes were firmly fixed on his face. At this moment, he looked like the beast cub Hades had seen, with indescribable stubbornness and cruelty.

Hades lowered his eyelids and said, "It's just a joke."

"That's good."

Zeus' body relaxed, and he returned to his usual heartless smile.Poseidon looked at this situation in amazement, and after suppressing the strange feeling, he heard Zeus shift the topic to Cronus, and no longer talked about the issue of amnesia.

Hades sat back in his seat and shared his wish for rebirth. Zeus stroked his chin and thought, "Go back to the past? Isn't this the most wishful thinking thing in the world."

But they all know that Chaos, who can create the whole world, can do it.

Zeus then asked: "Eros is dead long ago, how did Cronus make a wish to Chaos?"

With a flash of inspiration, Poseidon sat up straight excitedly and said, "Eros' greatest wish must be to live. If Cronus finds a way to revive him, then there is no problem in making a wish."

If a god wants to be resurrected, priesthood, godhead, soul, body, and blood are indispensable.

Hades knew something was wrong, and immediately said: "Cupid!"

When the three brothers rushed to the Palace of Beauty, Cupid's mother goddess Aphrodite replied: "Since Your Majesty trained him last time, Cupid ran out to play again, and he hasn't come back yet."

Zeus looked embarrassed, wishing to catch that mischievous little Cupid back and spank him.

Poseidon glared at Zeus, and then said, "God of beauty, if he comes back, remember to notify us."

Aphrodite nodded meekly.

After leaving the Palace of Beauty God, Hades and the others already knew that they were late, and Cronus would not let go of such a good opportunity.In the Greek pantheon, the only one who is closest to the God of Eros is Cupid, the little God of Eros. With him as the carrier, with Eros's God's Heart, coupled with Cronus' ability to go back in time, the other party may not be able to make Eros resurrection.

God knows what will happen if the wish is successful!

Poseidon stopped and put all his expectations on Hades, "Your Pluto scepter must be put away."

"I have it with me."

Hades didn't underestimate the seriousness of the matter, and took out the scepter from under his sleeve, the body of the black-and-gold rod revealed a charming luster in the sun.Poseidon looked at his Pluto scepter enviously, but he didn't even get it.

Zeus said a plan thoughtfully: "Is there no way to remove the gem and disguise a fake scepter?"

Hades shook his head, "No, the scepter is connected."

If Cronus wants to steal his scepter, the only way is to find 'someone' close to him.

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