Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 310: You Will Definitely Regret This

At that juncture, Mo Hao had entirely assimilated his newfound memories.

After all, these memories were indeed his own, only concealed for a century.

As for the system, he had come to grasp its intricacies fully.

'Who would have thought, I would find myself in this vast and mystical realm, triggering such a system!' Mo Hao reflected, his heart brimming with exhilaration.

'My current predicament may be dire, but with the system's support, I can boldly forge ahead, striving for the pinnacle of the Cultivation Path!' This thought ignited a flame of determination and optimism within him.

"Hmph, still feigning ignorance, are you?" Yu Buhe sneered from his seat of honor, his eyes narrowing to slits as he scrutinized Mo Hao's silent, distant gaze.

His irritation surged, and he abruptly rose to his feet. "Guards!" he barked, jabbing a finger towards Mo Hao's nose.

"Here!" Several of the sect's enforcers sprang forward, their faces twisted with cruelty.

"Stop! My Mo Clan has spilled blood and made sacrifices on the front lines, and yet you treat me thus? Utterly ignoble and dishonorable!" Mo Hao suddenly erupted, his eyes fixed coldly on Yu Buhe.

"Hmph, compared to your infamous reputation as a spoiled brat, our actions can hardly be deemed contemptible," Yu Buhe retorted with a dismissive scoff.

The remaining cultivators of the Northern Dipper Immortal Sect joined in, their sneers accompanied by eyes laden with disdain as they regarded Mo Hao.

"Since you insist on this course of action, then I find no reason to remain in the Northern Dipper Immortal Sect!" Mo Hao declared. "And Yu Buhe, you, and all of you here, mark my words, you will rue this day!" His gaze swept over Yu Buhe and the surrounding Northern Dipper Immortal Sect disciples, his expression as cold as ice.

"You must be jesting! You, of all people, causing us regret?" Yu Buhe's face twisted into a sneer, dripping with scorn.

"Guards, escort him away. Banish him to the Immortal Martial Continent with the others selected. Unless he achieves exceptional merit, he shall never set foot on Prosperous Stone Immortal Star again!" With an imperious wave of his hand, two cultivators advanced, seizing Mo Hao and dragging him from the main hall.

'Just wait and see! You will undoubtedly regret this!' Mo Hao vowed silently to himself.

Given his current might, Mo Hao was momentarily unable to challenge the Northern Dipper Immortal Sect, for Yu Buhe was an imposing figure of great power, anchored in the Nirvana Cleansing realm.

Thus, he had no alternative but to submit to his banishment to the Immortal Martial Continent.

Indeed, Mo Hao perceived that journeying to the Immortal Martial Continent might not be entirely disadvantageous.

At the very least, on this distant land known as the Immortal Martial Continent, he could rely on the system to swiftly augment his power without drawing the gaze of the Northern Dipper Immortal Sect.

By the time he had amassed sufficient strength to return, the Northern Dipper Immortal Sect would be powerless to thwart him.

Concerning the perils of the Immortal Martial Continent, Mo Hao harbored some apprehensions, as the demon race had likely already begun to occupy portions of the land.

However, he now possessed one hundred thousand Pretentious Points.

These substantial Pretentious Points, if strategically deployed, were certain to propel him beyond his obstacles, enabling him to ascend to unprecedented heights!

Upon being forcibly removed from the main hall, Mo Hao was conducted to a teleportation array and subsequently found himself within an obscure, pitch-black subterranean chamber.

Besides him, over a thousand others had been gathered here, destined for the Immortal Martial Continent.

Within this assembly, three were of the Transcendence realm, around twenty hailed from the Dao Palace realm, and the remaining were hardly worth noting, as they were mere cannon fodder.

"Hehehe!" A brawny man, ranking among the Transcendence realm, laid eyes on Mo Hao and immediately unleashed a malicious chortle. "Isn't this Young Master Mo!"

"How has the once-renowned scion of the Mo family fallen so low as to be dispatched to the Immortal Martial Continent?" he taunted, his tone laced with scorn.

"An insignificant nonentity." Mo Hao cast a fleeting glance at the brawny man and responded with contemptuous indifference.

His personality naturally inclined towards that of a dandy, having cultivated that image for a hundred years. His newly regained memories might have granted him some measure of stability, but only to a limited extent.

Yet, to Mo Hao's perspective, wasn't his system precisely attuned to his character?

He must exude arrogance!

He must embody pride!

Anyone who dared question or belittle him had to be met with a resounding slap across the face!

"Hmph, still so audacious even when death looms!" Another cultivator of the Transcendence realm jeered, drawing near. "A pampered brat without a shred of real combat experience, let's see how long you'll last."

"I can live forever, whether you choose to believe it or not!" Mo Hao retorted, his smile infused with unadulterated disdain.

"Tsk, Mo Hao must have lost his mind, maintaining such arrogance even in dire straits!" an onlooker remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You all watch, he surely won't survive long!" another asserted, his voice filled with conviction.

The others, surveying Mo Hao's defiant yet downcast demeanor, whispered amongst themselves. Their eyes brimmed with disdain, some casting glances at him as though observing a walking corpse.

At that moment, a robust man, clad in black armor, materialized, his voice booming like a thunderclap. "Listen up, everyone."

"Once we have gathered two thousand souls, the mission will officially commence, and you will be dispatched to the Immortal Martial Continent to gather vital intelligence."

"In one month's time, the passage will reopen, and those cultivators who succeed in bringing back crucial information will earn the privilege to return to the Prosperous Stone Immortal Star." His words reverberated through the chamber like the tolling of a bell, leaving a silence in their wake.

With those solemn words, the armored man vanished as abruptly as he had appeared.

The atmosphere in the hall turned grave.

For everyone in attendance, this journey was unmistakably filled with perilous threats.

However, what remained unbeknownst to all on the entire Prosperous Stone Immortal Star was the following revelation:

The Immortal Martial Continent, forsaken by them for a million years, had not only resisted the advance of the demon race's vanguard but had also annihilated a million-strong demon army in the spatial channel.


At the same time, while Mo Hao was preparing to be dispatched to the Immortal Martial Continent, on that very landmass, within the boundaries of the Purple Heaven Holy Land, a full ten days had elapsed since the tumultuous battle had come to an end.

As the first rays of dawn broke the horizon, Jiang Chen emerged from his chamber.

Softly resonating behind him were five distinct breaths.

He paused momentarily, glancing over his shoulder, his eyes resting on the five enchanting beauties, each radiating her own unique allure, all immersed in peaceful slumber.

The view was one that could incite the envy of even emperors.

A fleeting smile crossed his lips, but he swiftly reminded himself: after days of reveling in such emperor-like pleasure, it was now time to center his mind and prepare for the impending battles.

Striding into the courtyard with a rejuvenated determination, he selected a serene spot beneath the ancient trees, positioning himself for cultivation.

As for the duties of purging the remaining demonic cultivators in the Pure Frost Domain and constructing spirit-gathering formations on the Immortal Martial Continent, he remained undistracted by those affairs. Those responsibilities were being adeptly managed by others.

"Let's begin the cultivation!" With a wave of Jiang Chen's hand, mountains of spiritual plants manifested around him.

These spiritual plants, gathered from various regions of the Immortal Martial Continent, had just been delivered into his possession.

Though the majority of these plants were not of the highest grade, their deficiency in quality was amply compensated by their overwhelming abundance.

In addition to these spiritual plants, Jiang Chen had also procured a substantial stockpile of refining materials, encompassing those vital for the restoration of the Purple Heaven Immortal Martial Sword.

'After partaking of the spiritual plants, I'll concentrate on restoring the Purple Heaven Immortal Martial Sword,' Jiang Chen resolutely contemplated.

'Given my prevailing strength, coupled with Nangong Wan and Shangguan Ning's expertise in artifact refining, this restoration process should not present much of an obstacle.' With this determination guiding him, Jiang Chen started to ingest the spiritual plants, systematically channeling his main cultivation method to fortify his cultivation base.

He had plans to supplant his main cultivation method, the Purple Heaven Dark Star Heavenly Scripture. Nangong Wan had already arranged a superior one for him.

Therefore, there was no need to solicit Ji Mingxiu for the subsequent portion of the Purple Heaven Dark Star Heavenly Scripture.

He merely required elevating his cultivation base to shatter the constraining bottleneck, and then he could concentrate on his main cultivation method to ascend to the Transcendence realm.

Time progressed with unrelenting speed.

Almost without realization, Jiang Chen had consumed the entirety of the spiritual plants.

The Burning World Red Lotus exhibited indications of further revitalization, edging nearer to the Transcendence realm with each passing instant.

His cultivation base and innate abilities underwent a significant enhancement, reaping considerable advantages.

'Now, it's time to mend the immortal tool, the Purple Heaven Immortal Martial Sword!' Inhaling deeply, Jiang Chen extracted the sword and laid it horizontally across his lap, readying himself to begin the intricate process of restoration.

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