Great Tang Idyll

Book 1: Chapter 76

While the masters of the Zhang, Wang and Ge Manors all had plans of their own, Magistrate Cheng was also making urgent arrangements at the San'shui County's administrative office.

The people sent by the higher ups to investigate the disaster said that they would arrive at noon. Before noon even came, Magistrate Cheng led a group of people from the administrative office to set out early to welcome them. Compared to the previous reception, Magistrate Cheng was much more relieved this time. At least he knew who was coming this time, and at the same time he was not afraid of any internal conflicts arising.

After receiving three catties of rehydrated wood fungus, Secretary General Zhao Xiang was no longer as rigid as before. When he had nothing to do, he would go ask for some carrots and then add the carrot in when he made wood fungus fried pork slices for his daughter to eat. Seeing that hisdaughter was able to eat more and that that matter of Zhang Manor was rather insignificant, he decided to help them keep a secret.

After waiting less than an hour, the people came and they arrived much earlier than the previous group of people that came last time.

"He's here, he's here, my uncle is here." Zhou Xi'hu also joined the group that came to welcome them. He cried out excitedly when he saw a cloud of dust appear in the distance.

Not a single person around him felt that he was doing something wrong, and they even hoped that he would be happier, since this meant that he and his uncle had a good relationship. If their relationship was good, then the administrative office could exert less effort.

As the dust got closer and closer, the carriages in the group were revealed. There were a lot of people that came and each one of them seemed very mighty, but upon a closer look, it can be seen that not only did the Capital sent people to investigate, but also a few rich playboys.

"More money is going to be spent on entertaining them now." Many people thought so in their hearts, and one of the bailiffs said this aloud.

"Shut your mouth, don't talk nonsense. This shows that the people above view our San'shui County with high regards. Which other places can have water coming out of dried-out wells during a drought?"

Magistrate Cheng gave the bailiff a fierce look and lectured him with a whisper. Other people around made an expression of agreement, but he knew in his heart that everything was the workings of the Zhang Manor. Although he didn't know what method they used, the facts were indisputable.

"I did not go out far to greet you, I ask my lords for forgiveness." When the carriage stopped at the place, Magistrate Cheng walked over and made greeting salutations while he spoke.

The other people in the administrative office were standing behind and also made salutations. At this time, they were not in a position where they were allowed to speak.

Zhou Xi'hu tried to open his mouth several times, but he held back. If he spoke out now, not only will he not be praised by his uncle, but he will probably be scolded for not understanding social norms.

"Yes, Magistrate Cheng has worked hard, it's okay, I just arrived anyways. Come, come, come. Magistrate Cheng, I'll introduce to you, this is the Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Works, Lord Wei and Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Rites, Lord Chen1."

Si Cang Can Jun of the Bin Prefecture, Zhou Kong got out of the carriage first, and after waiting for the people in the carriages behind to get off, he introduced them to Magistrate Cheng. As for the other people, he didn't say much. They just came to play and every single one of them reliedon their family's position to get here.

Magistrate Cheng was stunned after hearing Zhou Kong's introduction. He had never thought ofthis. It was said at first that the higher ups will randomly send a person but now, two deputy chiefs came. One was from the Ministry of Work and the other from the Ministry of Rites. He knew the purpose of these two people coming here. The Ministry of Work was responsible for water conservancy and related affairs, and the Ministry of Rites was here because of the auspicious omen.

In theory, the arrival of these two were supposed to be fine, but their ranks were a bit too high. Which deputy chief would run down here if there was nothing much going on? There were many places that suffered from drought, so would it be possible to have enough deputy chiefs sent to every place? Furthermore, these two people didn't come down to the prefecture first but they went straight to the county. No matter what was said, it couldn't be explained.

Although Magistrate Cheng thought about this in his heart, he did not dare to show any hesitation or neglect. He went up to each person and made salutations. Deputy Chief Wei and Deputy Chief Chen were quite polite and did not ignore him. They nodded slightly and this was good enough for a greeting. They were fourth-rank officials so they would not easily go to a place like this. Their arrival this time was already giving the San'shui County great respect and honor.

"Magistrate Cheng, let's put other things aside for the time being. First, lead me to the well where water came out. I didn't expect that an auspicious omen could appear in the San'shui County during this severe drought. The prefecture allowed me to take care of this matter and many people were happy about this omen."

Zhou Xi'hu's uncle, Zhou Kong smiled while speaking to Magistrate Cheng and at the same time, he glanced at his nephew who was on the side showing excitement.

Magistrate Cheng paused when he heard these words. He was not a young man that didn't understand much. He understood what it was meant by these words. An auspicious omen had appeared at his place, so even if the people at the prefecture gained a lot of benefits, his own credit was also not small.

These were not the most important aspects. The most important thing was that this auspicious omen was very crucial to the people above. Not only did the people in the neighboring prefectures know about it, but their attitude was also not very good. Although he said that many people were happy about the auspicious omen, it was better to say that those people think that the San'shui County was lying.

Otherwise, their prefectures' counties that have encountered a drought but had no auspicious omens appear there could only imply that the officials have not done well for the locals.

Magistrate Cheng had understood that Zhou Xi'hu's uncle had made indications in advance so that Magistrate Cheng could make arrangements. Otherwise, he would not be able to protect those people if something went wrong with the auspicious well.

With this in mind, Magistrate Cheng said gratefully, "As my lords have arrived here, then it is a given that you would want to see the auspicious omen first. Please come this way, the auspicious omen is right in the county seat."

While speaking, he led in front. Those that had to ride their carriages, rode their carriages, and those that had to walk, walked. The large flood of people headed towards the well.

Zhou Kong was relieved now that he was here. He originally thought that auspicious omen was faked but seeing that Magistrate Cheng was so certain, he had no more worries.

When he was about to get into his carriage, he glanced at his nephew. Zhou Xi'hu acted clever this time and stood to the side to speak, "Si Cang Can Jun, I'm the one who manufactured the curved-plough. I have something important to tell you. "

As he spoke, he didn't care about others anymore and followed his uncle directly into the carriage. People who didn't know his identity thought that he acted a bit overstepped while the people who knew his identity didn't have any expressions. The pair of uncle and nephew had things to say to each other, would it make sense to stop them?

This time, Magistrate Cheng did not ride the carriage alone as he also called the Secretary General to get on too. He waited for the party of people to slowly move in that direction, and then said to Secretary General, "Ji Fang, what do you think of this matter? "

Secretary General Zhao Xiang did not make a speechless stern face this time. The corners of his mouth moved and he said, "My lord, the arrival of these people is odd. Think about it, a person managing taxation was sent from the prefecture and the higher ups sent a person to handle the auspicious omen and another person to manage water conservancy. These three people together can cover all basic aspects of the situation.

Although it looked like this, there is another point which is, why wasn't an official that managed taxation sent by the higher ups, but is instead sent by the prefecture? There are already two fourth-rank deputy chiefs here, and there won't be a difference if another was added. If that's the case, then it can only be said that the prefecture had worked really hard this time.

This time, the prefecture doesn't want any mistakes to occur. It seems like they want to reducethe burden on the San'shui County. With Lord Zhou, then, in terms of taxes, wouldn't it be such that whatever we want to do, it will be done? "

"Oh? You mean I should ask for more benefits this time? And I should report the disaster to be more severe?" Magistrate Cheng also had his own plan and just wanted to listen to others' opinions. Listening to Zhao Xiang's words, he felt that they were coincidentally on the same page so he asked him more questions.

However, Zhao Xiang didn't think at all about making such plans. He shook his head and said, "My lord, the prefecture really does think that way, but I think that it is better to help the prefecture do something this time. The Zhang Manor still has fungus. The crop harvest in the county will definitely decrease this time.

But the taxation does not require us to directly pay with grains. The grain is distributed to the local government and is used as the officials' salary. If the grains are not enough, other coins and silk can be used in exchange for the officials' salary. What is usually sent to the government is money.

This is how I think of this. This year's severe drought is a set conclusion already. Normally, we would hand in money and silk, but this year we should do the opposite by handing in grain. Once grain is handed in, there will not be enough grain for the county to use. Therefore, we have to use money to buy grains from other places. This money can be provided by the Zhang Manor. Around 1550 to 1560 taels of silver or at most 2,000 taels of silver may be needed for the portion lost"

Secretary General Zhao Xiang gritted his teeth and tried to persuade him. This time he knew that the Zhang Manor would lose a lot of money, but there was no other way. At this time, only he and the Magistrate could be promoted or else others will certainly not be able to move upwards. When enough food is delivered, then there would be more people that could be promoted.

After the Magistrate and himself were promoted, then the people below can also directly fill the two open positions. The San'shui County would still be in the hands of their people and they can still take good care of the Zhang Manor. The Zhang Manor had a lot wood fungus, if it wasn't used this time, then until when will they have to wait for?

Magistrate Cheng also understood what he meant, and nodded slightly, "That's right, this drought, not only is there less food, but there will also be less fungus in the surrounding areas. The Zhang Manor can make a lot of money selling it, but are they willing? They have already spent a lot of money, and the people in the administrative office often take food from there."

"What my lord is worried about is correct. How about we send someone to tell them. Then, when we are promoted, we will be part of the higher ups, and there will still be our people in this place. Don't even mention a bit of land, even if the Zhang Manor killed people, it could still be suppressed down. The methods of the mastermind at the Manor were never ordinary."

Zhao Xiang also knew that ordinary people wouldn't agree, but was that Zhang Manor average? It was always hard to figure out what they were doing there, but every time, a lot of benefits can be received.

"Alright, then let's try. If it doesn't work out, then let them contribute a little less." Magistrate Cheng thought that this was the best way already and there was no harm in trying. If it succeeds, he himself could be promoted while the San'shui County would still be under his control.

The two have settled on the idea, and over there, Zhou Xi'hu was also showing off to his uncle by telling him about the money he had made during this period.

Translator's Notes

  1. Ministry of Works, Ministry of Rites

There are two of the six different ministries of the Department of State Affairs that made up part of the main central government structure in Imperial China. The remaining four ministries were "Personal", "War", "Justice", and "Revenue".

The Ministry of Works managed construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructures, other government construction projects, exploration of natural resources, and more.

The Ministry of Rites was responsible for arranging imperial court ceremonies, rituals, imperial examinations and more.

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