Great Tang Idyll

Book 1: Chapter 55

Spring Thunder Came

When people in Zhang Village and Wang Village were watching the lion dance gladly together, Sanshui County Town was much more bustling.

State Secretary Chen Yong, who suffered from headaches, was awakened by the noisy sound outside. In a daze, he was invited by the County Magistrate Cheng to enjoy with people. When they came out, there were huge crowds of people on the street, the county was illuminated by countless lanterns and it was as brightly lit as in daylight.

The firecrackers of 200,000 were divided into several parts, which was set off every once in a while, making the county noisier. Besides, people were amazed by several groups of lion dancers and a variety of jugglers from time to time.

However, Chen Yong and others following him had no interest in participating in this joy at all. Surrounded by various sounds, they only had a splitting headache. But they had no choice but persist. Being blown by the cold wind, they felt their stomachs twisted, retching several times. Both their noses and eyes were uncomfortable.

"Your Excellency, look! This place where the auspicious sign occurred is busier than usual, isn’t it?" County Magistrate Cheng looked at them, knowing that they were reluctant. Even so, he did not intend to let them go, continuing to talk with them to consume their energy.

Chen Yong gave a reluctant smile. “What County Magistrate Cheng said is indeed right. Thanks to the effective governance of our emperor, our people could have such a happy life. County Magistrate Cheng has done a lot of things.”

“You flatter me. It’s what I should do to administer the place and let people here live in peace. Come on! Set off another 50,000 firecrackers,” County Magistrate Cheng modestly said, asking others to set off firecrackers.

The loud sound of firecrackers was around them. And those who drank too much felt that they were about to vomit. At the critical moment, someone handed a cucumber. Holding it, they took a bite in turns, which made them feel better.

But before they felt much better, someone presented wine. Cheng first picked up a bowl, made a deep bow in the direction of the capital where the emperor lived, and said, "Everybody! It’s the infinite royal graciousness that makes our people so happy. I’ll toast the emperor first.”

After that, he finished the bowl of wine first. Looking at the scene, others had no choice but follow Cheng to drink although they didn’t want to drink. Having finished it, they were trying hard to prevent themselves from vomiting. After all, this bowl of wine was for the emperor. Of course, they couldn’t vomit.

Someone sent the cucumber with some hot sauce to them. Eating some, they finally felt better. Waiting for a while, County Magistrate Cheng raised another bowl of wine, and said, “Everyone! Today is the full moon day. I wish that our people have a family reunion.”

Then he drank it. Chen Yong and others really hated him at this moment. Later on, they take a deep breath and emptied the bowl, trying not to vomit. Looking at Cheng, they were afraid that he would pick up the wine bowl again. Fortunately, he did not continue to do it this time. Instead, He began to chat with the people.

Having chatted with others for a quarter of an hour, Chen Yong wanted to go in for a rest. Suddenly, a few people from the happy crowds came up to them, some holding bowls and others holding a wine jar. When they got close, an old man with white beard and hair walked out, asking someone to pour wine. Then he held the bowl of wine and said,

“I am just an ordinary people in Sanshui County. Thanks to the governance of you, we can live in peace and happiness. So, let me propose a toast to you on behalf of our people in Sanshui County.” After that, he emptied the bowl.

Following this old man, Cheng took a bowl of wine and drank it without hesitation. Obviously, Cheng knew this person, so the wine would not be poisonous. Otherwise, Cheng would never drink it. Now that the wine was proposed by the people, they had to drink it. So three bowls of wine had been drunk by them in just a moment.

Now, Cheng thought most of their energy must have been consumed. Then, he proposed returning to the Yamen (the government office in feudal China) to enjoy the moon or have a rest. Chen Yong and others, as if they had been pardoned, turned back. When they arrived at the Yamen, all of them declined to drink and enjoy the moon. Instead, they returned to their own room and fell asleep.

The servant was commanded to burn the incense in everyone's room and close all the windows and doors.

The drunken went to sleep uncomfortably, as if their stomachs were stirred. With the smell of the incense, they couldn't control themselves and began to throw up. Being taken care of, they drank some water after they vomited. They couldn’t stop vomiting even though they had thrown up everything in their stomachs.

Cheng was uncomfortable too. As soon as he came back, he threw up everything. But after vomiting, he did not lie down immediately. Instead, he commanded a servant to prepare a bucket of hot water. And while he was having the bath, he had his head rubbed and drank hot soup. With sweating and passing urine for a few times, he finally felt better.

Then, enjoying a full-body massage, he fell asleep. Besides, there was someone wiping the sweat from his face with warm towels from time to time.

On Lunar January 16th, Cheng woke up at about 10 a.m. He shook his head and didn’t have any headache now. Then he had a little millet congee, some cucumber pickles, and two meat buns. Knowing that Chen Yong and others were not able to wake up at this moment, he went back and slept for an hour. At noon, he commanded servants to prepare the carriage. Then, he woke them personally one by one.

With a terrible hangover and the hunger for such a long time, these people from the state felt that their heads were about to split when they opened their eyes. Having wiped their faces with hot towels, they followed Cheng to the Water-watching Pavilion in a daze.

When they got off the carriage, they found that it was a restaurant. Originally, they didn't want to eat anything. But they were indeed hungry. And it was clear that they would feel worse if they didn’t have breakfast.

When the dishes were put on the table one by one, they found that this was a banquet with 16 different dishes made of chicken. Cheng urged them to drink again. After all, he had been fine. But they didn't want to drink again. Cheng revived, but he didn’t eat too much food. However, they had to drink under this circumstance. When they had the chicken, they found that the chicken was sweet and greasy.

Before they could relieve from the hangover, some of them were drunk again. Then, if someone urged them to drink or eat, they would do as they were asked. Besides, if anyone else drank less, they would urge them too. Like that, they spent four hours having the meal. Except the people and servants from Yamen, all of the others were drunk.

Cheng didn't send them to the Yamen, but put them in the carriage, taking them to the real Luoshui River, where the ice had melted, and a ship was ready.

Sitting in the bumpy carriage, they continued to throw up. They didn’t arrive at the destination until midnight. Then they were put on the ship one by one. And then they spent their night on the ship.

Song Jinggong also followed the queue. He wanted to remember the poem written by his little master, ready to offer another round of entertainment tomorrow.


On Lunar January 20th, with the spring thunder, the first spring rain fell.

“It has been the fifth day. It looks like that Cheng has stalled those people. In a few more days, they would leave, right?” Wang Juan said with relaxation, listening to the sound of falling rain on the window.

"Yes. It’s said that they are drunk every day. Song Jinggong should be famous this time. It’s a good thing. After all, with the reputation, he can work more smoothly in the future. It seems that it’s not a heavy rain. I am afraid that there will be drought.

After the rain stops, we can go out for an inspection in order to find out a place in our village, which is suitable for digging holes and storing more water. This year, in the east of Taihang Mountain and Henan Province, there is full of locusts and drought. If we suffered from them too, we will be in trouble. "

Zhang Xiaobao was still worried that although that was what was written in the history book, who could guarantee that the person writing the book had written down everything. The real thing could be known only if it was experienced personally.

“You are right. Even if there is not drought, it can be kept for growing other plants. I have a map here, which I drew according to their description. But I don’t know whether it's accurate or not. When it's warm, you can walk around the village with me. Then I can draw an accurate map.”

As Wang Juan spoke, she took out the map, which was originally drawn for arranging the torches. She looked at it and pointed to a place, “How about this place? My house is not far from the river. If we dig a ditch there, we can lead the water over while the snow is melting.”

Zhang Xiaobao looked at it aside and nodded. He thought this place should have been settled. Only through inspection could he know whether it was appropriate or not.


On Lunar January 25th, it was a fine day, with a balmy spring breeze.

Cheng Lingxiang, the county magistrate, waved his hand to the team gradually fading away until he could not see it. Then he put his hands down, and exhaled a deep breath. Looked back at the people in the Yamen, he smiled, with his body stumbling.

Finally, he completed the task, stalling those people here for ten days, He spent the ten days as long as ten months. Everyday he had to arrange new things for them to enjoy. Only the county magistrate's assistant was left alone in the Yamen to deal with the government affairs.

During the period, Chen Yong and others mentioned that they wanted to go to the village where the auspicious sign occurred for several times. While, they were stalled by Cheng. After all, as soon as they were drunk, all of them forgot this thing. Only Clerical Officer Zhao Xiang made him surprised.

At first, Cheng was worried that Zhao would handle things impartially and take people to inspect the village. However, Cheng didn't expect that Zhao would help him to entertain people when he was drunk on the sixth day. He was such a big drinker. Even if others were drunk, he was still awake. Cheng had never heard that Zhao could drink like so, and had never seen him drink before. As the saying went, a wise head made a close mouth.

“Jifang, thank you! If it’s not you, they will probably go to the village. I really want to know why you would help me?” Although Cheng felt tired, he still asked Zhao Xiang.

Hearing that the county magistrate called his courtesy name, Zhao Xiang frowned uncomfortably. But he didn’t say anything about it. He said, “Your Honor, I also want to eat cucumbers.”

After saying this, he stopped talking and turned around to go back first. Everyone else was stunned. Zhao Xiang, who had been rigid all the time, should crack a joke today.

Others also went back. Zhao Xiang walked in front of them. He knew why he didn't expose the village to those people. He had a little daughter and two sons. His daughter was five years old, and she was weak. When she was born, she didn’t enjoy good food. Since then, she ate less. Zhao always wanted her to eat more. But the daughter was a picky eater, and there was anything delicious for her to eat in winter. But since there was the cucumber, his daughter ate half a bowl more than usual. This made him grateful to the Zhang Village.

Of course, this was not the only reason. The most important thing was that he worried that if the secret recipe was revealed, there would never be anything new in the future. It was a great loss to Sanshui County. These days, a lot of things had been produced in that place. He wanted to help them.

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