Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 18 It is well known that

"You're a bit extreme."

"I didn't want to either, but that girl pushed the door open without knocking. She saw me without any disguise."

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid that she will expose me before I take action. I'm also afraid that she will think of exposing me afterwards."

"You're a bit extreme."

Shimizu Koji shook his head and didn't know how to describe the man in front of him who was so mentally broken that he burst into tears.

From his point of view, if it was for his plan to kill someone and then get away with it, it can't be said that he did something wrong.

It's just - you're a little too extreme.

The sword was as fast as lightning and did not even make any sound. Takahashi Ryo felt pain in his neck, his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

Shimizu Koji didn't kill him, there was no reason, he wouldn't dirty his hands, and he had no intention of bringing Takahashi back to the villa.

And when Takahashi completely fainted and fell to the ground, Shimizu Koji stood there for a moment, silently turned his head and looked towards a dark forest.

"The man in the tree is in trouble."

After saying that, regardless of whether the other party answered or not, Koji Qingmizu took the bamboo sword and walked back to the front door of the villa.

Returning to the villa, Yuanzi and Xiaolan just asked him about his situation out of habit, and Shimizu Koji casually dealt with it in a few words.

However, soon, a primary school student blocked his progress.

"Brother Qingshui, have you noticed anything?"

"No, I just waited outside for a while. I thought maybe it wasn't someone in the villa who did it."

"Is this so? I understand."

Conan frowned slightly, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief and stopped blocking Koji Shimizu from going upstairs.

It can only be said that Koji Shimizu has somewhat figured out his character, and Koji Shimizu himself is very good at keeping his face straight, so Conan almost didn't notice anything was wrong.

Downstairs, Suzuki Ayako's classmates, Sonoko and Xiaolan were still sitting around in the restaurant, speculating and fearing the identity of the bandage weirdo. After all, Shimizu Koji didn't explain anything to them, he just said that he didn't find it.

On the second floor, Koji Shimizu put the bamboo knife back into his room and walked out again.

Walking along the corridor until he reached the innermost room, he thought about it and decided to have a chat with Suzuki Ayako.

"Dong dong——"

"Ah, it's Qingshui-kun, it's so late, what can I do?"

"Miss Ayako, can I come in and sit down?"

Shimizu Koji showed a smile that he thought was quite gentle.

Suzuki Ayako stood in front of the door, squinting her eyes, seeming to be thinking, but only for a moment, she chuckled and moved away.

After Qingmizu Koji walked into the house, she naturally closed the door again.

At this time, Ayako had already changed into a pair of orange pajamas, but the pajamas were very conservative and could be worn out.

After Koji Shimizu entered the room, he found that there was no place to sit, but it was not difficult for him at all. He didn't hesitate and sat directly beside Ayako's bed.

Suzuki Ayako was a little surprised by his behavior, but she just smiled without saying anything and sat on the stool in front of the dressing table.

She was sitting here just now.

"Why would Qingshui-kun want to come to me?"

Suzuki Ayako picked up the half-painted nail polish and continued to apply it.

"Have you not received the news yet, Miss Ayako?" Koji Shimizu asked calmly.

Suzuki Ayako paused while applying nail polish. After waiting for a while, seeing that Shimizu Koji still didn't seem to have any intention of speaking, she sighed with a slightly helpless expression and spoke softly:

"They are only responsible for protecting the lives of me and Sonoko. If you hadn't revealed their existence just now, Mr. Qingshui, I might not have known that such a thing had happened."

Shimizu Koji squinted his eyes, but he quickly opened them again. He felt that he was influenced by Suzuki Ayako, and squinting was not a good habit.

"Then you mentioned the deceased member on purpose during dinner, right?"

"Eh? You mean Atsuko?"

Suzuki Ayako raised her head, obviously a little surprised, but both of them had talked about this, and she had a new understanding of Shimizu Koji's mind and observation ability.

"What if I say yes?"

"Then I know."

Shimizu Koji responded calmly, and then stood up and walked towards the door. This made Suzuki Ayako even more unexpected.

So what are you here for? Why don't you follow the routine?

"Hey, you didn't-"

"Apart from what I was going to say at the beginning, I just wanted to satisfy my curiosity."

He thought that the secret bodyguards would report the incident in the forest to Suzuki Ayako, or that Suzuki Ayako should have received news about the bandage monster before the incident occurred.

But since Suzuki Ayako said that she had just found out, he had nothing to say.

His purpose is simple.

"I see. From this point of view, Qingshui-kun is really a special person.

However, since you are here, please sit for a while. I suddenly have something to say, but maybe after today, I will never have the chance to say these words in my heart. "

Koji Shimizu stood in the center of the room, looking at Suzuki Ayako who stood up from the stool and gave her seat to him. He asked casually with some confusion: "Huh? Why are you telling me?"

"Keke, Qingshui-kun can ask this, that means my decision is right. Please sit down."

Suzuki Ayako covered her mouth and smiled softly. Her fingernails had a light pink sheen, which was really beautiful.

Shimizu Koji sat on the stool, and Suzuki Ayako sat on the edge of the bed, turning her palms over and admiring her newly painted nail polish, and spoke softly.

"Sonoko also said during dinner that I am currently looking for someone to marry."

"But it's not so much 'searching' as it is choosing the one that's not that bad among the limited options, which is the so-called 'marriage'."

Shimizu Koji looked at Suzuki Ayako, her expression remained unchanged, she still squinted her eyes and smiled, as if she was just talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

“This is the fate of us children of large chaebol families, and I accepted this fate from a very early age.

And even people like me will soon become a victim of marriage and let fate ruthlessly play with it. However, it seems that Kako cannot recognize herself and always thinks that she is above fate.

But her so-called power to defeat fate came from the efforts and lives of others. "

"Atsuko is also a very good friend of ours. Chikako just stole her hard work and used something called 'trust'.

The level of betrayal was such that Atsuko was not even willing to come to us for help after the incident, so she ended her life by committing suicide. "

"That Miss Atsuko can ask you for help. Miss Ayako, you can actually say 'no' to others." Shimizu Koji interjected.

"Well, you are right, Shimizu-kun. Considering the situation of our Suzuki family, I do have the right to say 'no'.

But because of my willfulness, it will be Sonoko who will bear this bad fate when the time comes. This is inevitable. Who said that our Suzuki family only has two daughters in this generation. "

"I did bring it up on purpose at the dinner table, but I just wanted to remind Chikako that Takahashi had already planned to kill her very early, and he did it so ruthlessly. However, think about the time when Atsuko and Takahashi I can probably understand the relationship between bridges.”

When Suzuki Ayako finished speaking, she was still smiling with her eyes narrowed.

Seeing this, Shimizu Koji knew in his heart that although she might be surprised by this incident, she probably never took Chikako's life seriously, at least, not that much.

However, this is what a rich chaebol's daughter should be like, elegant and intellectual, hiding her true heart behind the gentleness of Yamato Nadeshiko.

If Ayako is like Sonoko, it won't be long before someone eats up the Suzuki family as well.

Koji Shimizu thought of the garden, and Suzuki Ayako changed her voice and mentioned the garden.

"Qingshui-kun, I know you don't have a 'like' impression of Yuanzi, but now, I don't dare to let Yuanzi like you anymore.

Fortunately, her love comes and goes quickly. Since Shimizu-kun and Sonoko are in the same school, I, as an older sister, would like to ask you again. If Sonoko meets someone she likes again, please help our Suzuki family. I check the garden in advance. "

Hearing this, Qingmizu Koji was slightly speechless.

After a moment of silence, "Why?"

"Koji-kun, you have a mature mind. I think you are completely qualified." Suzuki Ayako smiled but did not answer.

To Koji Shimizu, Suzuki Ayako's behavior was indeed a bit strange, and seeing that the other party entrusted him with such confidence, I'm afraid it wasn't just because of trust in the character he showed.

He felt that Suzuki Ayako's last words were more intentional. Maybe she was looking for something to say out of nothing, but maybe she also wanted to tease him a little? Let him also have a taste of the so-called destiny?

There is no doubt that Suzuki Ayako probably knew about his 'sister' from Sonoko, but she didn't bring it up.

After all, if you put it forward, it won't have such an interesting effect.

"Furthermore, I've always been very accurate in judging people. Just like I have already taken a liking to my fiancé at first sight. Although he may have some bad habits like a young man behind his back, for me, his personality is the most suitable one."

Suzuki Ayako played with the round and white pearl necklace around her neck, and her tone became a little brisk.

As she said, these words had been pressed in her heart for so long that she might have been breathless.

It was only Shimizu Koji, a cold-faced and cold-hearted person with "bad views", who could keep secrets at a glance, and this special incident tonight, that made Suzuki Ayako able and willing to let out her accumulated emotions. For fast.

And Shimizu Koji noticed Suzuki Ayako playing with her necklace, and suddenly he had a vague understanding of her words.

Is it the right person? It seems that this eldest lady is not as...submissive as she said.

After taking a deep look at this 'bad woman' with narrowed eyes, Koji Shimizu stood up and left.

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