Grandson, is the Supreme Bone dug for you useful?

Chapter 1

"Lin Mo,

Waste Linggen"

In the examination room of Haicheng No. 1 Middle School, an intellectual female examiner wearing glasses indifferently read out the results of Lin Mo's college entrance examination.

"What? Lin Mo turned out to be a waste spirit root?" "Interesting and interesting, Lin Mo's old thief turned out to be a waste spirit root, now my heart is much more balanced

" "Haha, Lin Mo's old thief has awakened the waste spirit root, if this reaches Senior Sister Chu's ears, I'm afraid it's going to be divided

" "Hehe, doesn't that mean I have a chance? Great, when I awaken a high-grade spirit root, I will apply for the university where my senior sister is studying"


Lin Mo jumped down from the awakening platform and looked at him with burning eyes, with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

However, because of the news that he had awakened the Waste Spirit Root, everyone had a bright smile on their faces.

Originally, Lin Mo was just an inconspicuous person in Haicheng No. 1 Middle School, except for being a little handsome, he was useless in other aspects, and basically did not attract too many people's attention.

But just over a year ago, Lin Mo actually dated Chu Yanrou.

Who is Chu Xuerou? One of the four school flowers of Haicheng No. 1 Middle School, and the daughter of the Chu family, one of the four great families of Haicheng, Haicheng is the first in the history to awaken the five attribute spirit roots, and the quality is still the best heavenly lady.

In comparison, Lin Mo was just an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

Because of this, Lin Mo became the public enemy of the boys in the school, and some girls regarded him as an enemy.

To this day, even though Chu Yanrou has graduated and been admitted to university, Lin Mo is still the object of hatred of many boys, and every time he talks about him, he will come to the sentence 'The hatred of taking his wife is not shared'.

"Lin Mo"

In the ridicule of everyone, a shadow slowly greeted him.

A long black hair is casually draped, his face is like a peach blossom, his skin is like condensed fat, his facial features are exquisite, and he looks forward to shining brightly.

There is no trace of temptation in the eyes, but it can make many men fall, a smile is so seductive, and a random hook of the finger can make countless men crazy.

Seeing the beauty approaching Lin Mo, the boys gritted their teeth again, even if there is such a beautiful senior sister as a girlfriend, there is such a caring beauty as a friend.

Damn, Lin Mo's old thief is not dead, and it is not enough for the people to be angry.

"Fang Yu, have you awakened?"

Lin Mo smiled slightly and said hello to the other party.

The person in front of him is named Fang Yu, in terms of beauty, in Haicheng No. 1 Middle School, even the four major school flowers are less than half of him, both in appearance and words and deeds are thrillingly beautiful.

However, he is a man.

"My awakening is over, it's a top-grade thunder spirit root,"

Fang Yu replied.

"Top-grade spiritual root"

Lin Mo was a little surprised.

Eighty years ago, the aura was revived, and mankind began to enter the era of great immortal cultivation.

However, even if the aura is revived, not everyone can step into the path of cultivating immortals, if you want to become an immortal cultivator, you must awaken the spiritual root at the time of the college entrance examination.

The quality of the awakened spiritual root is divided into high and low, and its quality is roughly divided into seven types, namely waste products, mortal products, lower products, middle products, upper products, best products, and immortal products.

The higher the quality of the spiritual root, the greater its potential, and the future of the spiritual root of the top grade and above quality is unlimited, especially the immortal product, since the revival of the spiritual energy, there are only five people who have this kind of spiritual root, but the person who has this spiritual root, which one has not become the top powerhouse.

Now that Fang Yu has awakened the top-grade spiritual root, it will definitely become the target of major colleges and universities across the country, compared to it, Lin Mo's waste spiritual root is destined to have no chance with cultivation in this life, let alone being scrambled by major universities, it is good to be able to enroll.

"By the way, what about you"

Fang Yu asked with a smile, his sweet smile was like an angel, as long as it was a man, he could fall in an instant at a glance.

But, he's a man.


Lin Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Waste Spiritual Root, I should have no chance to cultivate."

"Don't worry, this is only the first awakening, there is a second awakening, maybe there is something wrong with the awakening stone"

Fang Yu comforted.

In order to rule out the problem of the awakening stone, and also to ensure that no qualified student is lost, there will be a second college entrance examination after the college entrance examination every year.

However, the awakening stone of the college entrance examination will go through layers of inspection before use, and the possibility of problems is very small.

As for the small probability of some people, they have taken some crooked paths to succeed, such as spiritual root transplantation.

However, this method of spiritual root transplantation is very dangerous, not to mention what the consequences of the transplanter will be, that is, the implanter will also explode and die because the spiritual root is incompatible with the meridians in various parts of the body.

In addition, the spiritual root is a very important thing, and generally people who can become cultivators will not easily remove their spiritual roots, so the spiritual root transplantation is basically priceless.

Lin Mo also knew that even if he had a second chance to awaken, it would be impossible for him to awaken a spiritual root above the mortal level, unless he transplanted the spiritual root...

However, those who can find spiritual root transplantation are generally big families, or there is a powerful ancestor in the family, and it is basically impossible for an ordinary family like Lin Mo to find it, although four ancestors in the family are still alive, but they are lying on the hospital bed at the moment.

You can't rely on four vegetative people to change your life.

"Haha, awakened the waste spirit root, even if it is the second awakening, is it not the same as the waste spirit root?"

"Lin Mo, I think you still don't want to rely on the second awakening to turn over, you can find a factory to work, so let's do it, the husband of my second uncle's daughter's friend happened to open a factory, you kowtow to me now, I will introduce you to the past"

At this time, a few guys who usually looked at Lin Mo unpleasantly sneered and greeted him.

These people all chased Chu Yanrou back then, but they were all rejected, and after seeing Chu Yanrou turn her head and engage with Lin Mo, they were sour.

When Chu Yanrou was still there, they didn't dare to be so rampant, but now that Chu Yanrou is in college, they don't want to let go of the opportunity to give Lin Mo a chance to fall into the well.

"Why, it's embarrassing to awaken the waste spirit root"

Lin Mo waved his hand indifferently and said.

Hearing this, several people were stunned, and then burst into laughter.

"Lin Mo, haven't you ever listened to a class before, awaken the waste spirit root, you are destined to become a cultivator in this life, in this era of spiritual energy recovery, not a cultivator is destined to become the bottom of society, no matter what you achieve in the future, you will be crushed by us cultivators"

A short-haired man sneered and said.

"But, my girlfriend is a cultivator, isn't it okay"

Lin Mo stared at the few people in front of him with a smile.

"What if you, you, your girlfriend is a cultivator, aren't you, can't you still want to eat soft rice as a big man

" "Yes, you don't have a good appetite, can't you eat soft rice"

Lin Mo nodded with a serious face.

What he said makes sense... Several people were stunned, and an idea suddenly appeared in their minds, Lin Mo old thief, he really deserves to die.

Fang Yu covered his mouth and chuckled, just now he wanted to help Lin Mo out of the siege, but Lin Mo was dumbfounded with just a few words, and it seemed that he didn't need to make a move at all.

"You, you, Lin Mo, you are a big man..."

Several people still wanted to refute, but at this moment, Lin Mo's attention fell on the mobile phone that suddenly rang, and when he picked up the phone, the other party's words made him stunned on the spot, "Lin Mo, your aunt, may not be able to."

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