Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 570 Cured Pig's Knuckle Hot Pot

As a cook, Nakiri Senzaemon naturally knows what is the famous specialty of Yaozhou and Hunan Province.

Smelling the lingering aroma of cured meat in the air, my Adam's apple also rolled a few times.

But he seemed to remember something.

"By the way, in the last ghoul rebellion, those guys used ghouls to attack the cooks, which has already caused dissatisfaction with the IGO. Now it seems that this was premeditated by them!"

"IGO sent more combat power to Dong Ying to protect the cooks!"

Nakiri Senzaemon's voice carried a low tone.

"Now that I think about it, they are taking contingency measures. First, let the cooks of the Kyoto Imperial Palace suffer a little bit, and then wait for the IGO people to take action, so they don't have to worry about their next plans will affect the general cooks."

"It really counts everything, even people's hearts have been counted properly!"

It was the first time I heard about this, and a thought flashed in Zhao Youqian's eyes.

But soon he let go of the smile.

"Too scheming, I'm afraid it will miss Qingqing's life."

"I always feel that this game is clearly focused on grandeur, but when it falls into reality, it has an indescribably petty air."

"If I'm not mistaken, one person should propose the main axis, and then many people join forces. However, those people behind boast that they are full of calculations and comprehensive, but they have fallen to the bottom."

Zhao Youqian's expression was slightly awe-inspiring.

"If the original idea is to directly force the extraordinary forces to fight in disorder, without taking into account the many people's hearts, forces, and chaos, and directly engage in a war to destroy the Imperial Palace, I always feel that the situation of Asama Shrine will be much more difficult. .”

But soon he smiled again.

"It's useless to talk about these things. Anyway, I'm too lazy to intervene anymore. Let's see what the great priest will do after heals up."

Then Zhao Yougan brought the topic to the food boiled in the casserole on the table before them.

This is one of his favorite dishes in winter. It is convenient and unique, and it can be eaten rich.

The most important thing is that it is delicious and warms up.

"Come on, in order to make this dish today, I added some things that I would not add before. Would you like to taste it?"

Different from the traditional cured meat hot pot in Hunan Province, there will be a layer of dried chili and garlic leaves floating on it. This time, the cured meat hot pot made by Zhao Yougan has a few goji berries floating on it. It is not like cured meat hot pot at all, but more like What a chicken stock pot.

Even the color is amber with a hint of soy sauce, not a rich soy sauce brown.

"Oh? A new dish? This makes the old man need to taste it."

Nakiri Senzaemon has also tasted the Lamei hot pot in Hunan Province. You must know that Lamei, a special specialty of Hunan Province, is not something difficult to accept.

In other words, the tastes of the whole world have a high tolerance for smoked and salted dishes.

This is also because the traditional means of preserving ingredients has a fairly consistent development trend in various countries.

It is nothing more than air-dried, salted, smoked and so on.

However, the memory of Nakiri Senzaemon's last taste of this kind of cuisine is still quite deep. He is a very traditional Hunan cuisine chef. Simple veggies can pack a punch of flavor.

However, the smoky taste of this cured meat hot pot is too strong, coupled with the combination of several spicy flavors that Hunan Province is used to, it is simply a bomb for Nakiri Senzaemon's taste.

Not to mention the memory of this dish, he doesn't even have much memory of how the clothes on his body exploded later.

If it weren't for the super strong digestion of gourmet cells, I'm afraid that after he tasted the cured meat hot pot, he would spend the next few days in the toilet, and even have unspeakable pain, which needs to be relieved with chrysanthemum tea.

So Nakiri Senzaemon has always had lingering fears about this kind of cured meat hot pot.

If it wasn't for the dish prepared by Zhao Youqian, he hasn't smelled the pepper for the time being, I'm afraid he's already thinking about finding some excuse to get away.

In fact, Nakiri Senzaemon doesn’t have to worry so much. In fact, there are many ways to make cured meat hot pot. The chef he met happened to be proficient in the Hunan local cuisine genre in Hunan Province. Xiangxi is the humid environment of Hunan Province. The most humid and coldest place in the country.

That's why the cuisine is about hot and violent, so as to dispel dampness. Even the famous dishes have names such as bandit pork liver, so you can know the wild attitude of the people there towards the cuisine.

This time, Zhao Youqian came back from the world of Naruto and got a lot of inspiration. The ingredients he used were also unique. At least in Hunan Province, few people would use this method, and it was even more unheard of to do this in the cured meat hot pot.

He scooped up a spoonful of soup, seeing that the bottom of the soup was light yellow amber, and there was not as much oil floating on the top as expected, Nakiri Senzaemon was quite surprised.

"It seems that the addition of white radish and winter melon is indeed effective!"

It is normal to add these two ingredients in the cured meat hot pot, especially the white radish can remove the heat and reduce the greasy feeling. The effect is also above the white radish.

Looking at the ingredients in the cured meat hot pot, although Nakiri Senzaemon was a little surprised by the clear soup of this hot pot, it was still reasonable.

But when he drank the soup in a gulp, all the underwear and coat on his body fell off, and the vision of the clothes bursting was not enough to cover up the shock in his heart.

He seems to have entered a bunker with iron walls and iron walls, but the gentle and elegant style picture scroll in the bunker is completely different from the solemn appearance of the bunker at the beginning.

At the beginning, there is a strong smoky taste and the unique saltiness released by the cured bacon. While hitting the root of the tongue, there is also a faint astringent taste of smoked wood.

But soon a strong fresh and sweet taste came up, and the astringent taste was rounded off, and it became an aftertaste that people would not feel bored.

"That kind of sweetness...can't be caused by white radish and winter melon!"

It's no surprise that Yu Nakiri Senzaemon tasted the biggest change and highlight of this cured meat hot pot in one bite, and a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yougan's mouth.

He also took a sip of the soup that he carefully cooked, and felt that the flavors that should exist were released one by one, making his eyes brighter.

"That's how it feels!"

"Tenderness and wildness go hand in hand, all melted into this soup."

In order to aim at this kind of sweetness, Zhao Youqian chose a special cured meat. Instead of using conventional cured meat, it used parts like cured pig's trotters, and instead of the pig's knuckles at the back, it used the front hooves and hoof tips.

In this way, there is less fat and more bones, but the taste is also richer and more mellow because of the more collagen skin, and the soup will be more mellow after boiling.

Zhao Youqian looked at Nakiri Senzaemon and told him an ingredient that surprised him. In his philosophy, this kind of thing would never be put together with bacon.

"It's red dates, I used dried red dates!"

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