Gospel of Blood

Chapter 13: Charlotte Gathering Snacks

"She's here?"

"She's here! She's already here!"

"Where, where?"

"She's in the main hall! Worshiping with Lord Raoul!"

"Let's go! Hurry and take a look!"

The crowd of believers in various costumes surged and gathered in a corridor outside the praying hall of Borde Church Hospital. Among them were apprentice priests from the Church Hospital, residents living nearby, and young nobles who came with their entourage out of curiosity. This strange scene surprised passersby who were unaware of the truth.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people gathered?"

"Yeah, isn't the church here usually not very crowded?"

"Is there an event at the Church Hospital today?"

"It's Miss Charlotte!"

Excited residents said. He pointed to the main hall not far away and continued.

"She's worshiping in the hall! She's been attending for three days in a row!"

"Miss Charlotte? Why does that name sound familiar?"

"Of course it's familiar, she's the daughter of the Castell family!"

"Castell? Is it that Castell? A few days ago, the family was ruined, but only one glance from the illegitimate son of the Duke makes him enchanted by her beauty?"

"That's right! It's her!"

The crowd's eyes lit up.

"Let's go! Hurry and take a look!"

Watching the excitement is always a pleasure for ordinary people, especially if it's related to nobles. Like a viral spread, passersby soon became excited and quickly joined the crowd to watch.

However, at the center of attention, in the main praying hall of the Church Hospital, there was a solemn and sacred scene. The ethereal hymns cleansed the hearts of the people, and the holy light illuminated the hall.

Priest Raoul wore a white divine robe. With a divine staff in one hand and a holy scripture in the other, he solemnly expounded the doctrine of the Holy Kingdom.

The divine light shone on him, making him look like a messenger of the gods. Bright, holy, majestic...

However, as a preacher, he was not the focus of the entire scene. Under the pulpit, a beautiful girl in a pure white gown, with her hands rested on her chest clasped together. She knelt on the ground, her eyes closed lightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her delicate face filled with peace and holiness. Her golden hair shimmered like silk in the divine light, naturally scattered on the ground. The sparkling photons enveloped her, like dancing fairies.

Angel... She was an angel that had fallen to earth!

This was the only thought in the minds of everyone witnessing this scene. The faithful who listened to the church in the main hall became more devout, and their eyes toward the girl and the priest were full of admiration and enthusiasm.

Those who came to watch the legendary beautiful noble girl couldn't help but quiet down. They were afraid of disturbing the praying girl. They were afraid of ruining such a sacred and beautiful scene. They felt ashamed and felt that any disrespect to the girl at this moment was like blasphemy against the gods...

Even the free-spirited artists who were attracted to come couldn't help but look at all this excitedly, eager to open their sketchbooks on the spot and depict this sacred scene.

"Our Lord in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..."

The old priest solemnly finished the final prayer, gently placing down the holy scripture. He crossed his chest devoutly.

"Praise the divine!"

"Praise the divine!"

The believers also traced the holy emblem on their chests, praising in unison.

The hymn ceased, and the divine light that enveloped the main hall was also removed by the priests. Today's worship service was over.

Priest Raoul nodded slightly to the faithful, then left the church together with the girl. The main hall quieted down again for a moment, and the solemn atmosphere gradually dissipated.

Outside the door, the onlookers breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other, seeing admiration and shock in each other's eyes.

"So beautiful... she's really beautiful... no wonder so many people like her!"

"Praise the Lord! Is she the daughter of the gods?"

"No wonder she's from the Castell family..."

"She's also the heir to the title! If anyone could pursue her, they could also obtain the wealth of the Castell family!"

"Don't daydream, even ordinary nobles probably aren't worthy of the Castell family!"

"But didn't the Castell family suffer a disaster? I heard there's only her left?"

"Pitiful... she's not even an adult yet?"

"Hey, even if her family suffered a disaster, the price of a meal for her is probably your annual salary."

"Yeah, I heard everything in the Castell family, even the bed and toilet, are made of gold!"



"Hehe, little Charlotte, how did you consider my proposal earlier?"

"Becoming a priest doesn't mean giving up the inheritance of the estate, as long as you don't hold an official position in the church, there are also many noble that become church priests."

In the corridor of the Church Hospital, Dean Raoul walked side by side with Charlotte, his old face wearing a kind smile.

"To be honest, I'm increasingly fond of you. You're really suitable to become a priest, no... perhaps even a saint of the church in the future!"

"Have you noticed? With you here, the number of believers who have come to worship in the church these days has increased a lot, and even the priests are more dedicated."

"How about it, lil' Charlotte, are you willing to join the church?"

Charlotte smiled sweetly. She skillfully drew a cross on her chest and didn't answer directly.

"Grandpa Raoul, I'll consider it again."

Dean Raoul nodded gently, indicating understanding.

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"Sorry, I was a bit hasty, you must have some other concerns."

"But, what I said was sincere. You have a high affinity with the divine power. It's not a common occurrence to be surrounded by divine light every time one worships."

"You see, even the power of the gods likes you, blessing you eagerly!"

Of course, those thing all wanted to purify me, but in the end, I persuaded them to change their minds...

Charlotte smiled, her chest slightly raised, like a proud little kitten.

"Of course, I'm a devout believer of the Lord!"

"I feel very honored and happy to be able to personally attend the worship service presided over by you!"

She was really happy. A second-tier priest is indeed a second-tier priest. Through today's worship, she harvested more energy through the divine ritual than in the past few days combined!

Dean Raoul nodded slightly, also smiling. He had no doubts about the girl's devout faith.

"Is the wound completely healed?"

"Thanks to you and the other priests, it has healed completely, without leaving a single scar."

"No, it's because you're a devout believer of the Lord, a favored existence by our Lord."

The old priest shook his head gently.

"Discharged officially tomorrow?"


"It's a pity, tomorrow I need to go to the Grand Cathedral to meet the High Priest, so I can't personally send you off."

"No need to trouble yourself. Sister Lottie has already informed my family. The family will send servants to pick me up."

"But the Castell Manor... Oh, right, the Castell family still has some shops in the city, where everything is fine."


The atmosphere suddenly became heavy after talking about the Castell family's matters.

After a moment, Dean Raoul sighed and gently patted Charlotte's shoulder.

"Lil' Charlotte."


"I've heard some not-so-good rumors recently... After you're discharged, if you encounter any difficulties that can't be solved, send someone to find me. I still have some face in the church, and I can also say a few words to the High Priest."

Charlotte hesitated for a moment. She slowly raised her head and saw the firm and loving gaze of the old priest. A warm feeling rose in her heart, and Charlotte nodded gently.

"Thank you, Grandpa Raoul."

This time, she didn't use her usual deliberately cute tone.

The old priest smiled. He smiled very happily.

"Alright, enjoy the peace of the Church Hospital a little longer! I've helped you intercept quite a few noble visits these days... Hmm... you seem to dislike dealing with them."

"But after you're discharged, I won't be able to help you anymore!"

After speaking, Dean Raoul gently rubbed the silky hair on the girl's head and left with a hearty laugh.

Watching him leave, Charlotte sighed lightly. Although the old priest had the selfish motive of wanting to recruit her into the church, he was indeed sincerely good to her. This made her feel a little guilty about deceiving him. Of course, this guilt was fleeting and disappeared in an instant. After all, surviving in this otherworldly world was her top priority now.

Back in her ward, Charlotte closed the door. Several thick books were placed on the bedside bookshelf, all borrowed from the church these days.

She had been in the hospital for six days. By the third day, her wound had already healed. During these days of leisure time, apart from finding ways to leech the church, Charlotte spent the rest of her time reading or testing her current physical condition.

She secretly tested several things. Although this body was only fifteen years old, the energy contained within it could easily knock down three strong men. Whether it was speed, strength, or endurance, they were all strong. Ordinary people were no match for her at all. And if it were after nightfall, her overall physical fitness would rise to a whole new level, doubling directly!

However, correspondingly, she did have some obvious weaknesses.

Bloodborne was indeed a vampire. Through these days of observation and experimentation, she found that she did indeed fear sunlight, just as in the legends.

It was fine to stay in the room, and even exposure to candlelight was okay. But if she appeared under direct sunlight, her skin would experience a noticeable burning sensation. Short exposure didn't show much. But if she stayed for a longer period, her skin would gradually redden, blister, and her body temperature would rise sharply. Charlotte didn't dare to test too long. She estimated that if she stayed longer, there was a high probability of a life-threatening situation.

Although she wasn't sure if triggering the protective mechanism of the "Gospel of Blood" would help, it was better not to take risks while in the church.

In addition, under direct sunlight, Charlotte would feel extremely tired. Her overall physical fitness would significantly decrease, weakening by about 50%. But apart from this, items like garlic, silverware, or crosses posed no threat to her.

The exception is divine magic. The restraining power of the divine magic of the Holy Court was very strong against her. Fortunately, she had the divine ritual counter of the "Gospel of Blood" to manipulate it, which put them as the least of her worries.

It just meant she couldn't bask in the sun anymore. But nothing is absolute. As the vanguard against the "Blood Demon Cult" the Church Hospital's library also had many records about Bloodborne. Some books mentioned that some powerful bloodborne could ignore the sunlight's exposure, and some bloodborne with special bloodline talents could freely walk under the sunlight. In other words, if she could continue to improve her strength, Charlotte also had the hope of standing under the sun again one day.

Moreover, Charlotte also gained some understanding of the extraordinary power system in the world of Myria. The division of extraordinary powers in this world was not as complex as in many novels she had read in her previous life. On the contrary, it was quite straightforward.

In this world, there were four tiers of extraordinary powers.

From weak to strong, they were the Starry Sky First Tier, the Silver Moon Second Tier, the Blazing Sun Third Tier, and the Legendary Fourth Tier.

Below the Starry Sky First Tier, there was a special stage between ordinary people and extraordinary beings, generally referred to as the Apprentice Tier, Squire Tier, Novice Tier, or Zero Tier. This refers to those who have mastered extraordinary powers but their power is not enough to completely surpass the limits of ordinary people, or not enough to independently trigger "Divine Magic" and "Miracles." Like Charlotte now.

Above the Legendary Fourth Tier was the realm of gods that ordinary people could not touch. The realm of gods is for myth. That's what ordinary people look up to.

Mythical gods are all gods, but they can be further divided into demigods and true gods. For example, the sacrifice recipient of the old witch, the Bloodborne Archduke, is a demigod and one of the officially recognized evil gods by the Holy Court.

This information was all collected by Charlotte from church books.

It was embarrassing. The supreme artifact of the bloodborne, the "Gospel of Blood" was in her hands, but it was so damaged that she had to find so much knowledge in the church.

Fortunately, after these days of leeching the church, the charging of the Blood Summoning had finally been completed. Charlotte planned to try it out after leaving the church and returning to the manor tomorrow.

Sitting back on the bed, Charlotte felt a little thirsty. She poured herself a glass of water and planned to read for a while longer.

However, after drinking the water, the thirst didn't diminish. Instead, it became stronger.

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

It seemed like her "bloodthirst" was about to trigger...

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