Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 92.1

The public chat of 'The Immortal Path’ instantly exploded.

[is this Hengxing the Hengxing I think it is!? The previous number one in the whole server?]

[That’s him, ‘The Immortal Path wouldn’t allow a name to be repeated. How did he fall to the demonic path? No... why is he even thinking of going there?]

In the game 'The Immortal Path’, newcomers would be protectecl in the novice village for a month. In this month, players would have the option of choosing one of eight races. The most popular were the immortals; the least popular was the only flightless human race.

After all, everyone had been a human being for at least 18 years before they entered this game. The human race couldn’t cultivate, couldn’t fly around. and had no special skills, just like orclinary human beings in modern society.

What was special about it was that humans could purchase goods from the system and resell them to other professions. Even so, few players who were willing to spend money to buy the game pod were willing to be human. After all. they wanted a cool figure in the game. In reality, they had enough of walking on two legs. Naturally, they would rather have fun flying in the sky.

What made many players curious about it was that demons weren’t among the eight races.

'The Immortal Path’ was first published under the banner of trying to make a real Xianxia world. and people also had impressions of demons in them.

People could only convert to a demon after becoming immortal. After a successful conversion, they would instantly become enemies of immortals. No matter their teachers, relatives, friends, or lover, as long as one party belonged to the immortal sect and the other belonged to the demon sect, they would automatically cut off the relationship.

What made many players, who wanted to transfer to the demon side, would feel pity that an immortal could turn into a demon, but a demon couldn’t enter the immortal sect for the rest of their lives, and both sides belonged to hostile camps. Even if they didn’t start a party war, they could reap the [Heavenly Dao] when they killed each other.

All the operations of the demon race were the same as the immortal race. Even the various attributes and buffs were basically the same.

What’s the point of turning to the clemonic side?

Think about it. Demons were converted from immortals: the system stipulatecl that immortals couldn’t convert if their levels weren’t full. That means people who wanted to cultivate the demonic way had to be immortal before.

First of all, not to mention the 'teachers, relatives, friends, or lovers had to cut off relationships’ matter, having to face the opposing side was enough to make people hesitate.

Many guilds on the immortal side were developing and looking prosperous. Who was willing to give up everything to become a demon?

Those demons who wanted to abandon their immortal identity because of bad choices were few in number and low in cultivation. There were so many players in ‘The Immortal Path’. Some of them felt that they were just having fun with the game, and some of them did whatever it took to get spirit stones.

There were only a small number of demons, and they only had low cultivation levels. Those who used to be friends and relatives were reluctant to lay their hands on them, while the unfamiliar immortals didn’t have that inhibition.

If they could kill a demon once, they would get a rewarcl. Why should they hesitate? Go!

Accorcling to the original idea of the game plan, they would make the two sides, immortals and demons, go against each other. However, no one wanted to convert to the demon race now. It was because the immortal race was dominating, and the demons were like small pitiful kittens.

There were few demons, and they weren’t led by a powerful person. They soon become the weakest party in the game, just like Lin Shiheng this time. Basically, they were killed ancl resurrected, resurrected ancl killed again, ancl killed until they lost their mood to play.

This handful of demons was upset. This was a game; of course, they came here to play. How were they supposed to play if they were killed every time they came online?

After the complaint, the shop quickly producecl the cloak of invisibility.

After wearing the cloak, others wouldn’t be able to view the cloak owner’s racial attributes. Because the cloak was made for emergency purposes, the price in the shop was set low, causing many players of different races to buy it.

Everyone had a cloak. No one knew who was who. The ‘gathering together to bully the poor little demon race’ farce had calmed down.

Some players of the demon race regretted their conversion, but their system settings couldn’t be changed. They could only pretend to be immortals, every day, drapecl in the cloak of invisibility. The good thing was that the demon race and the immortal race were similar, so things went back to something similar as before.

A lot of players in the forum teased, it turned out that the Tianyou Group could also make mistakes.

In the original plot. Huo Jingzhou’s holographic game used the settings of ‘The Immortal Path’, and the demon race that everyone had slammed was removed. He called it Perfection’.

(TNote: 'Wan Shan/Perfection = the name of Huo Jingzhou’s game.)

Regardless of how shameless this kind of ‘Perfection’ was, the game planning team developed the immortal-demon rivalry setting to form a rivalry between the two unique races. After all, a quiet and peaceful game was great, but the rivalry between the two camps would stimulate the passion of players.

Right now, 'The Immortal Path’ was a nationwide unique holographic game. Once other games came out, part of the overall players would certainly be lured away. If they had a sense of belonging to a camp, it would give the players a real sense of belonging to the game.

Their plan was very good. Unfortunately, in the beginning, only enabling the immortal race to convert to the demon race was a wrong move. The immortal race bosses all had their own connections, so they certainly wouldn’t turn. When other immortals turned to the demon side, they would only get killed by the immortal crowd for the rewards.

If the rewarcl for killing each other were removed, the camp war would be meaningless. If all the eight races could join the demon race, while the immortal race was this powerful, a newcomer demon would constantly get killed and would complain. In the end, it could only become this sort of uncomfortable situation.

Accorcling to the plan discussed by the game planning team, if a leacling figure could appear at this time and lead the demon race to compete with the immortal race, it would be perfect.

Unfortunately, no one was willing to take risks. Even those who only came to relax and play for excitement weren’t willing to give up their friends and relatives to convert to the demon race. So, this matter was put on hold.

Ancl now, Hengxing, whose cultivation was emptied out, fell to the demon path.

Originally, when he was an immortal, some people were still reluctant to kick a man when he was down, and some blocked and killed him with the group of players who went for the equipment. Now he converted to a demon, and everyone became the people of the opposing camp. Wasn’t this giving the immortals a good excuse to kill him?

Although Hengxing was now very miserable, his equipment was really eye-catching.

If nothing else, if he dropped just one sword, and they solcl it. It may sell for hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Although in order to get the non-removable equipment, they needed to slash and kill him many times over to make him clrop them, for the average player, it was a fortune from heaven.

He had no cultivation and no skills, and there were all kinds of precious immortal items. Coupled with the fact that the guild leader of the First Immortal Guild of the immortal race had openly expressed his opposition to Hengxing, it was no wonder that he became everyone's target.

If it was hundreds of thousands, it would have been fine. But anything costing 100,000 and above was impossible not to attract people.

As people have said: Possessing Jade is a crime.

(TNote: Huaibizhizui=lit. Treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. Meaning: having something that should be above one's means could become

a crime.)

He used to be an immortal, and many people chased after him. Now that he converted to a demon wasn’t that looking for death?

The public chat was noisy. There was already an alliance of immortal players planning to ambush Hengxing and kill him.

Everyone was playing a game, and no one would speak out about some immortal vs. demon justifications ancl whatnot. They all clearly said it. Everyone was going for the system rewards ancl the equipment on the Hengxing. When the time came, they should just ambush him first: after that, who got what, depended on their own abilities.

Immortals and demons killed each other. The higher the level, the higher the system rewards. Before Hengxing became a demon, he was a Golden Immortal, and killing him once would grant them a lot of benefits.

Ai Zhizhen watched the public chat, where players were teaming up, preparing to kill Hengxing. Her pair of eyebrows couldn’t help but slightly frown, “Brother Shiheng is too impulsive, and why would he convert to the demon race?"

Huo Jingzhou found out that the person who converted to a demon was Lin Shiheng, and the anxiety in his heart cleared away. He was his substitute; of course, he knew that Lin Shiheng had never practiced his game skills. Lin Shiheng gained his Golden Immortal stats by relying on him. Even if that guy converted to the demon race, he wouldn’t be able to make any big waves.

It’s just that Ai Zhizhen's concern for Lin Shiheng made him a little upset, “He’s probably still resenting us."

“He shouldn’t be. Brother Shiheng’s nature is the best. He didn’t get angry when I broke the clay pots he made with his own hands before.”

A little guilty, Ai Zhizhen said, “It’s just that, these days, I’m afraid that Brother Shiheng will come and fincl me. So. I changed my mobile phone number, and I’m hiding at my best friends house right now. He can’t contact me. I wonder if he’s angry because of that."

Hearing these words, Huo Jingzhou’s depression was swept away.

So what if Lin Shiheng was really her fiancee? Wasn’t she not seeing him for his sake?

He raisecl the corners of his mouth and reassured, “You did the right thing. Since you don’t like him, of course, you can’t see him and give him hope. By the way, I’ll be the host of the guild meeting next month. Do you want to come?"

Ai Zhizhen blushed, lowered her head, ancl shyly nodded.

She really liked Jingzhou. Although she knew that she had wrongecl Brother Shiheng, he was so good to her: he would definitely help her ancl break off the engagement. After everyone cooled clown in a few days, and Brother Shiheng wasn’t so angry, she would go ancl see him.

Huo Jingzhou wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. He was also thinking about other matters.

He spent 100,000 yuan in one breath: it was really painful. In a while, he should buy a cloak of invisibility and wear a mask. He was going to ambush and kill Lin Shiheng.

Immortals and demons opposed each other. As the leader of the First Immortal Guild, it was reasonable for him to kill Lin Shiheng.

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