Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 84.2

“Dad, didn’t you always say that only boys should inherit the company!?!'

“That’s all thanks to you.”

Lin Shiheng held out his slender fingers and patted his son’s face.

"With waste like you as a comparison. I suddenly felt that being male or female is not so important. As long as they can manage the company, they would be better than you.”

Lin Zhenfei: “...”

"Well, I’ve had enough of talking to you today. I already said, talking to useless people is a waste of time. Look at you; you can’t even convince me.”

“But don’t worry, somehow, you are still my son. As long as you're not brain dead, I won't cruelly kill you.”

Gently removing his hand from Lin Zhenfei’s tear-stained, cold-sweating face, the finely dressed man slowly rose to his feet and glanced sideways at the dumbfounded assistant.

"Why aren’t you scheduling it yet? Tonight at 9:00, two testicle removal surgeries. Make the appointment now.”

Assistant Zhao picked up the phone with shaky hands, “Yes, I II arrange it right now.”

Lin Zhenfei was so desperate that he kept bouncing on the ground and trying to escape, but he couldn’t succeecl because his limbs were holding him down.

At that moment, his face was full of tears. He was so scared a cold sweat started, and he looked like a mess.

“Dad, I was wrong, Dad. Dad, please don’t let me have surgery, Dad, Dad!!!"

Lin Shiheng turned a deaf ear, “Take the young master to the car. I will take him to the hospital myself.”


“Dad!!! Dad don’t!!! No!!! Please, Dad!!!”

Lin Zhenfei was unable to resist being forced to stand up and carried out. Seeing that he was about to be carriecl out the door, his mind was full of bloody scenes of himself being carried into the hospital and operated on, turning him into a eunuch.

He tried hard to find a reason to keep his father from doing anything to himself, but the more anxious he was, the less he could find one. When the door was openecl, a cold wind blew in. Lin Zhenfei, who was covered in a cold sweat, shivered from the cold.

“Dad!! I got it!! I got it, Dad! You can’t let them operate on me! What if something happens to Han Han’s baby later!? No one can guarantee that a child will live safely to adulthood!”

The bodyguards carrying him stopped in their tracks and turned to look at their boss.

The ice-cold-looking, handsome man nocldecl.

“Good point.”

Lin Zhenfei was so relieved that he almost criecl for joy.

But before he could relax for a few seconds, he heard his father say, “Then we’ll freeze the sperm first, then castrate you.”

“Cover his mouth. What’s the use of making so much noise.”

Lin Zhenfei, who saw hope, fell into despair again.

“Dad, I... hmmph-hmph!!'

He was gagged and forcibly carried to the car. He watched as the car he was sitting in drove to the hospital, with eyes wide open.

But even if he glared his eyes out, Lin Shiheng, who was sitting in front of him, had no response.

The car finally stoppecl at the hospital entrance. Assistant Zhao hesitantly looked back at the crying Lin Zhenfei, cautiously said, “President Lin, Young Master Lin looks so bad that I’m afraid it’s inconvenient to enter the hospital. The hospital is crowded... causing a big fuss isn’t good for us.”

The light of hope was reignited in Lin Zhenfei’s heart, and he desperately expressed his approval with an ‘umph-umph.’

Lin Shiheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, didn’t go along with him, “Then make an appointment to do it at home. Anyway, it’s minor surgery, and he won’t die.”

“Hmph... mmhhph!!!”

Assistant Zhao sympathetically glanced at Lin Zhenfei, who was desperately shrieking, and said, "But Miss Liu is still at home, right? She’s carrying a baby. It would be bad if she was startled.”

Lin Shiheng did pause for a while this time.

"You go to a car dealership, buy an RV, and we II do the surgery in the RV.”

“First, take the sperm and freeze it, then castrate him.”

Assistant Zhao:'... Boss, why are you so determined to castrate your son?’

Lin Zhenfei was held down in despair. He watched his father take out a thick hemp rope and ordered the bodyguards firmly to tie him up and immobilize him.

After they tied him up, Lin Shiheng and the several bodyguards all got out of the car.

Lin Zhenfei was lying clown like a dead dog. When he was in despair, the door opened, and Assistant Zhao, who was ordered to go out and buy an RV, came back.

Assistant Zhao carefully took down the cloth stuck on his mouth and whispered, "Young Master Lin, President Lin is taking the bodyguards to dinner right now. You’ll be the only one in this car for the time being. I remember that your mobile phone can be controlled by voice, right? President Lin is very angry. It looks like he won’t let you go toclay. While there’s no one here, you should quickly call someone for help. The location is the East Bridge at the south of the city. The car is white. You should get away first.”

Lin Zhenfei cried out loudly, "Uncle Zhao, please untie the rope for me first. I’m afraid my Dad will come back and castrate me before my friends arrive.”

Assistant Zhao, who actually wasn’t that old, ”... Young Master Lin, there’s monitoring in this car. If I let you go, President Lin would castrate me too.”

“Bear with it first. President Lin has always been a slow eater. I’m sure it will last until your friends arrive. You can call them as soon as I get out of the car. You can do it!”

Watching Assistant Zhao make a cheering gesture and leave the car, Lin Zhenfei sobbed in tears and triecl to use his mobile phone.

“Siri, unlock.”

The mechanical voice soundecl in his pants pocket, [Sorry, your voiceprint doesn’t match],

Lin Zhenfei, who realized that his voice was hoarse, instantly collapsed.

Assistant Zhao, who got out of the car, trotted to his boss, who was standing by the bridge, looking at the scenery, “President Lin. I’ve already told Young Master Lin.”


Lin Shiheng responded and sent the text message, along the lines of 'Whoever dares to help my son, I will kill him’, to everyone.

“Have you made sure nothing is missing?”

Assistant Zhao quickly straightened up to express his loyalty, “I personally guarantee it. Absolutely nothing is forgotten! Everyone in Young Master Lin’s address book is in the list, and he can’t recite a string of numbers that aren’t in his acldress book!”

Seeing that Lin Shiheng noclded with satisfaction, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked carefully, "President Lin, once you sent the message, surely no one would dare to save Young Master Lin, then the surgery...”

He really didn’t understand what his boss wanted.

If he wanted to kill his son, why would he give Lin Zhenfei a chance to find help?

If he wanted to spare his son, why would he threaten all these people while letting him ask for help? No one would dare to come.

At this moment, no one would save him; no one would come. Does President Lin really want to castrate his son?

“Someone will come.”

Lin Shiheng handed over the phone, “If every single person is afraid to come to his rescue at a moment of crisis, he really is a failure as a human being.

Castrating him isn’t a bad thing.”

Assistant Zhao: “...'

With such a father, how was Young Master Lin able to live until adulthood?

Inside the car, Lin Zhenfei struggled to stabilize his voice, to open his phone.

His first choice was to call his cousin.

The call went through smoothly, and when he heard his cousin's voice, Lin Zhenfei’s tears flowecl down.

“Elder brother, come and save me. My father is going to castrate me! The address is south of East City...”

“Wait, wait, wait, Zhenfei. You listen to me first. Your father only has one son. He certainly wouldn’t castrate you for real; it’s only to scare you. I just escaped a disaster, and I’m too afraid to go come right now, okay? I’m driving... I’ll hang up first...”

Lin Zhenfei, who saw squirming like a caterpillar,"... Brother? Brother!!! Cheng Yihua, you bastard!!!”

The situation was urgent, and he didn’t have time to get angry. He rushed to say another friends name, and the call connectecl.

"Old Liu, listen...”

“Brother Fei, I know all about it. But Uncle Lin is too fierce; you’re on your own...”

The phone was hung up.

Lin Zhenfei gaped in disbelief and sniffled.

He hadn’t said anything yet!

But now was not the time to care about this. He was running out of time. He could only continue the struggle.

“Hua Yong, I...”

The phone was hung up.

“Siri, call Brother Qiu.”

[The number you are calling is switched off. Please try again later.]

Lin Zhenfei almost tried all the numbers in his address book, but those people were only friendly to him when they wanted something. One of them was people who would stick their necks out for a friend.

Either giving excuses and saying they were too afraid to come while comforting him by saying that this was his biological father, and he wouldn’t actually go through with it, or those who hung up on him or simply turned off their phones.

Everyone usually played together, who didn’t know yet?!

At this point, why would they need to turn off their phones?!!

He usually bragged about having a large number of friends, all of whom were sincere friends. But when the criticaI moment came, none of them would actually come to save him.

Lin Zhenfei, who was tied up into a caterpillar, shriveled up with his face on the seat and cried like an 18-year-old flunky.

Did he really have to leave his two testicles behind today?

Was a man without testicles still a man? He might as well die!

Thinking about it, he lifted his head with difficulty, intending to ram himself to death first, to clear his mind.

Raising his eyes to look at the car door in front of him, fantasizing about the tragic scene of hitting his head on it, Lin Zhenfei criecl, hiccupped, and silently put his head down.

It’s better to live. Even if his balls were gone, life had to be preserved.

Lin Zhenfei, who was lying down waiting to clie, tried to remember who he hadn’t called yet.

Finally, he thought of a cell phone number that he basically didn’t call much.

[Tooot tooot...]

He nervously listened to the sound of the ringing on the other end until the phone was picked up and a crisp voice rang out, “Hello, Zhenfei?"

Lin Zhenfei burst into tears, “Wuwuwu Han Han!!!"

Liu Hanhan’s voice immediately tensed up, “What’s wrong with you? Don’t cry, don’t cry, what happened?"

“Dad, Dad, he’s going to ..." Lin Zhenfei was crying, but he wasn’t brain dead. If he said that his father would castrate him, wouldn’t he reveal that he almost cheated today?

He quickly stoppecl, sobbed, and said, “Dad wants to teach me a lesson. Han Han, please come and save me. I’m in a white car at the East Bridge at the south of the city. Only you can save me. Han Han wuwuwuwu!!"

“Don’t cry, don’t cry.”

Liu Hanhan didn’t know what happened, but she had never heard her husband cry so badly before. Even when she witnessed her father-in-law beat his body with such a thick stick, Lin Zhenfei never cried.

She quickly stood up while holding her belly, ’ I’ll be right over. Try ancl plead with Dacl first. Don’t let him hit you.”

After making so many phone calls, he finally founcl someone who could save him, but it was his wife, who he never cared much about. Those ‘good brothers’ he had were the first ones to run away at a critical moment. Lin Zhenfei didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry right now.

He sucldenly had a rare moment of conscience. Facing down on the seat, with a sobbing voice, he advisecl, “Then tell the clriver to send you over. be careful.”

“Okay, I’ll be right there!"

As Lin Zhenfei hung up the phone, Assistant Zhao, standing at the bridge, took off the headphones in his ear, “President Lin, Miss Liu promised to come and save Young Master Lin."

Lin Shiheng moved his neck and watched as his bodyguards approached with a man in a white coat.

The man was certainly not a cloctor but an actor prepared long ago. But that didn’t matter; Lin Zhenfei wouldn’t recognize him anyway.

When the two men approached, Lin Shiheng motionecl for a bodyguard to open a box. Looking at one of the tools inside, he slightly raised his eyebrows.

“Go and get the RV.” “Today, I’ll let this waste of a son have a good look. At a critical moment, who’s the one he could really rely on.”

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