Golden Crow’s Self-Cultivation

Chapter 21

Chapter 20 , Entertainment Big 20

After several incidents, Umbrella Company saw the commercial value of Shen Ruoyao and wanted to make a quick hype.

Before doing this, the CEO of Umbrella Brokerage Company obviously forgot to ask the opinion of the big boss behind him, and went beyond Ji Mingyue to directly publish the draft online.

As a company in the entertainment industry, how could it not smell the smell of netizens on the Internet? A large number of drafts about CP were published, mainly Shen Ruoyao and Ji Mingyue. The drafts were madly distributed, and various marketing texts began to be added.

Of course, if this kind of marketing is bought by netizens, it will naturally play a role in sales promotion, but if netizens do not buy it, they will naturally be unable to do anything, and even have the opposite effect.

——Umbrella’s fierce drafting operation responded to the latter.

The main reason for the marketing failure is that Umbrella Company failed to understand the reasons for Shen Ruoyao and Ji Mingyuehuo.

Shen Ruoyao is because of her own personality, her ambition and desire. Hope never hides it, not to mention that she still has a beautiful face.

To survive in the entertainment industry, even if you have no acting skills or strength, as long as you have a beautiful face, you will not fall into the point of being ridiculed by the entire network.

For example, the well-known Dahuadan in the circle, and Li Xiaoxiao, who has the same title as Fang Liting. When she was acting, she would only stare at the camera blankly. The company bought her several pheasant queen awards outside. She was ridiculed and hacked was inevitable, but what about people now? The past is still very good, and the resources are still sufficient. Fans who like her are abused by black fans, but they are more stable.

Shen Ruoyao itself is not without strength, on the contrary, her strength can be regarded as the first in the program group. Otherwise, they won’t be ranked first in Class A on the primary stage, and won’t get high scores in subsequent exhibition competitions.

What she attracts fans is not the means of pulling CP, but the character, strength and face.

But Umbrella Flower Company obviously forgot this point, and the marketing account throughout the article has recruited a lot of sunspots for Shen Ruoyao.

Everyone on the Internet wears a vest, and excessive sunspots will even spread P-pictures of Shen Ruoyao’s photos. Umbrella Company has marketing skills and has no means to solve the problem. It can only watch the traffic trainees of its own company gradually become black and red.

[What’s the matter, why is she everywhere? 】

[It’s so annoying, I watch it for two days a day, three days and four days of news is still her, how much did it cost (sarcasm)]

[People have ambitions, didn’t they say they want to make a C-bit debut? (Funny) I laughed to death, just pay

Thinking of the C position]

[Give you a connection, let’s eat melon. It is said that Shen RY betrayed his body in order to appear on a variety show and was raised.]

[6666 The emperor chooses a girl]

[Hee hee, speaking of the emperor, have you forgotten Ji Mingyue under Umbrella Flower Company? People are the real emperor. 】

[Thing up, like a menstrual patch, come once a day, the road turns dark. 】

“Yaoyao, you don’t have to read those comments on the Internet.” Li Mengru sat in a chair, patiently comforting Shen Ruoyao, who hadn’t spoken since looking at her mobile phone, “This is the case when celebrities are on fire. There must be no shortage of verbal comments. of.”

“Okay, I get it.” Chi Yao smiled reluctantly, her black eyes getting dimmed: “I just don’t understand why anyone thinks of me that way.”

“Of course it’s not true!”

“I believe you!”

Li Mengru said.

The people in the same group as Shen Ruoyao also began to follow suit.

“Yes, we know exactly what the captain is like. It’s impossible for this to happen.”

“Yes, those who say that you are covered and raised are all fakes. Heizi is used to spreading rumors. Don’t be sad.”

Chi Yao didn’t speak, she shook her head gently. Hugging his knees, resting his head on it, his voice was weak: “Thank you, all of you, go out. I want to be alone for a while.”

The trainees looked at her with complex expressions, and after looking at each other, they left the dormitory.

As soon as they left, Chi Yao immediately regained her vitality. She turned on the airplane mode of the phone, connected to the WiFi in the bedroom, and opened a certain video software to start chasing the drama.

She is not afraid of bursting.

It’s not hard to guess at all, it must be the Yaoyao produced by the Umbrella Flower Company that was later eaten away.

But it doesn’t matter.

Behind the umbrella flower is Ji Mingyue. Now that she has exploded and been sprayed, the company will also be affected. The company is affected, and Ji Mingyue will not survive well in the future.

Heizi, naturally, Gu Mike or Fang Liting couldn’t find them. These two people now wish she could get closer to them and make her debut soon. How could they engage in this kind of stuff? In terms of Gu Sike’s character, if she wanted to harm someone, she would find a more unfeeling way to prevent the other person from turning over.

Chi Yao picked up the fruit on the table and took a bite. The sweet fruit scent filled her mouth, and she bent her eyes.

In fact, as Chi Yao thought. Now Ji Mingyue is anxiously unable to do so, considering that she is still in the dormitory, she can barely maintain her self-image.

Ji Mingyue is alone in Umbrella’s Office

The office was trembling with the latest remarks.

Umbrella’s CEO called her, confessing the mistake and stabbing the basket. Only then did she know that these inexplicable sunspots were all caused by her own umbrella flower, and she was even more speechless for a while.

What happened to a group of them in the live broadcast room has been circulated on the Internet. As long as a few of them stand still, do not explain or declare, they will naturally attract more viewers and increase the ratings.

But people who are partial to Umbrella send out notices at this time, isn’t it because the Raluis hate it? What’s more, the hands and feet are not clean when doing things, and heizi grabbed the braids and spread rumors.

Those online saying that she is the emperor who is determined to make her debut in C, and that Shen Ruoyao is being taken care of, are all over the air, and the company hasn’t been able to deal with it yet.

Know that you are in a hurry now? What did you do before? Why is it so stupid? ?

Ji Mingyue was so busy, while looking for someone to suppress the hot search and the sunspot, she contacted a lawyer and decided to find a few sunspots first and send a lawyer’s letter.

When the phone rang again, the report on another matter over the phone once again made Ji Mingyue lose her mind.

“Old, boss! It’s not good, the land you invested before was acquired by the government, and now a public school is going to be established.”

“What?” Ji Mingyue choked in her heart.

She gritted her teeth, her voice was no longer calm, “What’s going on!”

The man over there shivered: “Accordingly, it is said that he was reported to the People’s Government.”

Ji Mingyue: “Impossible, the people’s government will not take care of this, you must be mistaken!”

“No! The country’s previous crackdown on feudal superstition was particularly serious, and private enterprises were not allowed to use feudalism to make money. You…you asked Mr. Feng Shui about the matter to be known, and you stabbed it up…”

Ji Mingyue understood.

Because there was a case of collective burning of the whole village to death in City C before, the country has been particularly severely cracking down on feudal superstition in recent years.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with her asking Feng Shui, after all, big bosses have the habit of asking fortune tellers and Feng Shui masters. But Ji Mingyue was nothing more than a piece of land, paying fines and giving some supplies, everyone opened their eyes and closed their eyes and passed away, and would not continue to struggle with this matter.

But now someone has deliberately exposed the matter and reported it to the relevant agencies, and they must thoroughly investigate the fiefdom.

It’s like you have a problem with your math homework. The team leader checked it again and found that the problem was wrong. Just change it and submit it again. But somebody happened to take this matter

Tell the teacher, the teacher asks you to do it again and asks your parents.

…Can these two punishments be the same?

Ji Mingyue felt that her head was still dizzy, and her head was buzzing.

The man on the phone is still asking her what to do.

Useless waste! She couldn’t help but cursed.

At that time, she took control of Umbrella Flower Company and used the funds and bank loans in her hand to buy a piece of land in Houmingshan. The land was measured by the invited Feng Shui, and it was indeed a prosperous treasure land.

She originally planned to build a new studio on this land to prepare for new projects in the future.

Now that the money has been invested, the loan has been made, the designer and the plan have been perfected, and it has been requisitioned by the state?

What about her money?

That’s tens of millions, not thousands!

Under this circumstance, even if the country loses money, it will not be compensated according to her principal. At most, it will mean a few million.

Can millions and tens of millions compare? What will she use to repay the loan? How to make up her living funds? Including so many employees and trainees under Umbrella Company, how can we continue to raise them?

No, she can’t lose!

Ji Mingyue reluctantly calmed down her emotions: “Don’t be afraid, you first throw out my shares in other companies in exchange for funds. Umbrella flower here, tell them that their wages have been fined because of Weibo sunspots. ”

She must now find a way to pay off the bank loan.

“Also, check it out! Who made the report!”

“Yes, it is Mr. Gu from Xufeng…” The man on the phone’s voice was particularly difficult. “The news reports that she is a friendly citizen.”

Ji Mingyue: “?”

“Ha ha.”

She was angrily smiled.

Here her land is being investigated, and the entire company is in danger of bankruptcy, but can Gu Minke be rated as a friendly citizen? Why!

There is also Fang Liting, who wants to sit there and watch the play, so she has to reap the benefits of the fisherman, which is too funny. She would not allow such a thing to happen, even if she died, she would have to pull a few backs!

“Go and take out the video from the Fang family banquet last year and post it on the computer.” Ji Mingyue said coldly.

“? President Ji?”

That’s the eldest lady of the Xuerui Group! That’s it?

Ji Mingyue asked: “Are you going?”

When the boss spoke, he had no right to refuse, he could only do it honestly.

The road in the future is tarnished, Ji Mingyue really does not want to be like this, but in order to retaliate against Gu Minke, for her company and debts, she still


She posted anonymous submissions of the photos of Gu Xike and Shen Ruoyao entering and leaving the hotel on the Internet, and at the moment when the submission was successful, she felt a lot more relaxed.

But this joy didn’t last long, she soon thought of Shen Ruoyao.

Someone on the Internet had previously revealed that Shen Ruoyao was covered and raised, but there was no hammer. The photo she cast now happened to be filled with the stone hammer…

When netizens see Shen Ruoyao like that, they will definitely be mad, and then Yaoyao…

Ji Mingyue pursed her lips.

It doesn’t matter, Yaoyao will understand her.

After she finishes this matter, she will find a way to restore Yaoyao’s reputation.

Shen Ruoyao likes herself so much, she will not leave her because of this.

Ji Mingyue thought so, and her heart was faintly disturbed and sad.

Towards the evening, the door of the first-size room in Class A banged.

“Yaoyao! Open the door! Yaoyao—”

It was Li Mengru’s voice.

“Did she open the door?”


“Quickly, find someone to open the door, she hasn’t come out all afternoon!”

“Did the phone not come out? Have you already seen the news on the Internet?”

“Shhh! Keep your voice down!”

Chi Yao stayed in the dormitory for the whole afternoon, watching TV dramas for the whole afternoon, without knowing what they were talking about. After hearing the important information, she cut out the video software and clicked on Weibo.




Chi Yao pouted boringly. It turned out to be such news. It seems that Ji Mingyue took the shot and threw Gu Minke and her pictures on the Internet.

This just proves that Gu Mike really shot Ji Mingyue without her knowing. What did she do? Chi Yao was very curious. After all, Ji Mingyue’s performance and plans some time ago, she probably didn’t want to publish this group of photos.

Now that it is like this, it seems to be a counterattack before death.

The trainees at the door were still knocking on the door, Chi Yao turned off the flight mode with a messy sound.

She did not expect that until now, Ji Mingyue still has no trace of apology or guilt.

Taking advantage of Shen Ruoyao is like taking advantage of a dog next to him. Like it is also like it, but when it comes to his life and death crisis, Ji Mingyue will still throw away that superficial like in exchange for his own benefit.

Maybe Ji Mingyue was depressed and blamed herself, but Ji Mingyue did it for her to live a better life.



Chi Yao snorted, raised her hand and dialed Ji Mingyue’s phone.

The phone was busy for several times and was eventually picked up.


With a gentle voice, Ji Mingyue sounded the same as before, there was no difference.

Sometimes Chi Yao really admires Ji Mingyue’s psychological quality, and can still maintain a camouflage under such circumstances and remain immobile.

The corners of her mouth twitched, with some choking in her voice. The soft voice like a kitten gently scratched on the tip of Ji Mingyue’s heart.

“What, what to do, Mingyue…”

“I’m so scared, they said they were going to kill me. They said I was dirty, they said I lied to them…”

Ji Mingyue held the phone tightly in her hand, feeling complicated.

She posted the photo two hours ago, and she felt uncomfortable looking at the people who abused Shen Ruoyao on Weibo. Unprecedented guilt and regret spread to her, making Ji Mingyue feel very guilty in her heart.

Without waiting for her comfort, Shen Ruoyao spoke again. She sounded exceptionally horrified, her voice full of despair.

“I didn’t lie to them, and I didn’t get dirty, I’m just one with Gu Minke, just her…”


Every time she said a word, the stone in Ji Mingyue’s heart became heavier. But she was like self-abuse, listening to Shen Ruoyao talking about those things in her ears, her soft smile could no longer be maintained.

After a while, Ji Mingyue found her voice.

“…Why, you are the cleanest, Yaoyao.”

“No! I’m not,” Shen Ruoyao was very emotional, “I shouldn’t be like this, I’m so sad! Why did I encounter such a thing? I really didn’t do anything that night, just fainted and just …”

There was a trace of hesitation in her words, and it seemed to be echoing in earnest. When I called Ji Mingyue, his tone was overly cautious.

“Don’t say it!” Ji Mingyue interrupted her, realizing that her tone was wrong, and then tried to make it back: “Yes, I’m sorry Yaoyao, I didn’t mean that, I was…”

She choked.

What is there to explain now? Even if Shen Ruoyao didn’t know that she sent the photo, the fact is that even the person who prescribed the medicine was her.

The more humble Shen Ruoyao is, the more he blames himself, and the more he doubts himself, the more uncomfortable Ji Mingyue is. It was as if a knife had been inserted in her heart, as Shen Ruoyao’s self-confessional remarks kept piercing her heart, twisting back and forth.

Every twist will bring out her heart

The most painful place in it.

Where is Shen Ruoyao? Her current psychology should be like this: she went to the dinner party for some reason and had a relationship with Mr. Gu after being drugged. Originally, under the comfort of Ji Mingyue, she gradually improved. Later, she had a misunderstanding with Ji Mingyue, who was a good friend. Mr. Gu took it back. Gu Sike also behaved extremely normal during the time she got along with her, and the two people got along in harmony. She participated in a variety show and became a high-voted contestant. She thought that the star journey was magnanimous, but when she finally didn’t have to be in the quagmire, news and news like that broke out on the Internet.

Shen Ruoyao couldn’t explain anything, because she knew that this was a real thing.

She called Ji Mingyue for comfort, but the other party seemed to be reluctant to continue listening.

Shen Ruoyao should be desperate and timid and autistic.

Chi Yao shook her lips, controlled her voice, exaggerating this fearful emotion.

“Mingyue, I know.”

“I shouldn’t have called you this. I will only hurt you.”

Knowing that Ji Mingyue had a ghost in his heart, he said that, but Chi Yao chose to open the topic.

“No, I mean…”

Before Ji Mingyue finished speaking, the phone was hung up by Shen Ruoyao over there.

Across the empty office, Ji Mingyue’s voice was soft and weak while listening to the busy voice in his ear.

“……I am sorry.”

After hanging up Ji Mingyue’s call, Chi Yao felt much better when she thought that she was feeling uncomfortable because of herself there.

But this is not enough. How can pain alone count as revenge?

At the beginning, the original owner was desperate and helpless, and finally was forced to death without hearing a word of sorry. None of the culprits was caught or dealt with.

In the original world, Umbrella Company was originally a small entertainment company, and its ability to grow in the later period was entirely based on the fact that Ji Mingyue, who became a queen, came back alone.

Ji Mingyue, who has become a queen, has accumulated a lot of resources and used these resources to sign several celebrities in an effort to praise them. In the end, Umbrella Flower Company became the domestic entertainment leader under the leadership of Ji Mingyue, and the economic and benefits it brought could not be underestimated.

Now Ji Mingyue is upset and unwilling to train, and the Ji family is targeted by the Gu family. The small companies that Ji Mingyue held in her hand were constantly looking for opportunities to set off Gu Mike. For a while, she didn’t even have time to manage Umbrella Flower Company!

In addition, Gu Mike is really yin, he doesn’t do anything with you, he violates the law directly in accordance with the national system.


I don’t bother with your land and your resources, and all will be handed over to the state as resources of the treasury.

This trick is not poisonous.

Ji’s family was overshadowed by the state and acquired. If you want to create any new business in the future, you have to look at the faces of others.

In the last life, Ji Mingyue has taken advantage of the public opinion damage to the single share of Gu’s stock that has fallen by dozens, and found a gap to make money. At the same time, the current owner of the Ji’s family pays attention to her again, so that he can hold the quarter step by step. The right of home, go to the position of queen of the entertainment circle.

Now, not only did she not harm Gu Minke, she didn’t make money, but she plunged herself into the capital whirlpool.

Now Ji Mingyue is already out of skill.

Chi Yao smiled, she leaned back lazily on the bed, her legs overlapped, her slender thighs looming out of her pajamas, **** and charming. She picked up the mirror by the bed, took a photo of her cheek seriously, and began to brew her emotions. All the loss came up, and her squiggly eyes were filled with tears.

She took off the blade of the eyebrow scraper and held it tightly in her hand. She stared at her white wrists blankly, her face full of numbness.


The door was knocked open by the trainees.

After seeing what Chi Yao was doing on the bed, every one of his expressions changed. Li Mengru came over first, grabbed the things in her hand and threw it on the ground.

“What are you doing!” Li Mengru shouted.

“I…I’m not nurtured…” Shen Ruoyao seemed to be in a bad spirit, repeating only this sentence in her mouth over and over again.

“We all believe in you,” a trainee soothed, “President Gu has already spoken for you.”

“Yeah, everyone can envy you now.”

Chi Yao: “…”

No, what’s the matter with you? According to the script, shouldn’t I be the most miserable and unlucky one now? He was hacked and hung out. Raised, what do you envy!

Seeing the confusion on that glamorous face, Li Mengru stepped forward and patted Chi Yao on the shoulder. There is also a touch of admiration in the sigh.

“I didn’t expect that Yaoyao would not bend her waist for Jin Dou.”

Chi Yao:? ? ?

“Hurt, don’t pretend it, we now know the whole network that Mr. Gu chased you before and was rejected by you!”

A trainee looked at Chi Yao enviously and handed her the phone.

Chi Yao stared at it, it was a Weibo interface. What the trainee showed her was a Weibo message posted by Gu Minke half an hour ago.

“@V//: It’s not a package. It’s a pursuit.

Not yet successful. ”

This Weibo was quickly topped by hot searches. Passersby ate melons, Heizi vomited, and CP fans screamed and entered the carnival. After this Weibo, no one said that she was nurtured. All negative comments were washed away.

… In the last life, Gu Minke hated the original owner, even if she knew that she was framed just like herself, she never thought of coming out to help speak. What’s more, the scandal with the original owner at that time caused her stock to disappear out of thin air by hundreds of millions. How could she not be angry?

But this life was different. She liked Chi Yao and wanted to protect her, so she stood up.

This also led to the fact that Gu Mike sold a lover’s design, and her company’s stock actually recovered.

Chi Yao was overjoyed because her “wrong” was washed away, and she had expected this in her heart.

It is certainly not a simple brain for Gu Xike to manage Xufeng so well. The team under him can naturally come up with solutions quickly and make public relations in a timely manner.

Hundred-legged insects, dead but not stiff, refer to Gu Mike.

Fortunately, she never puts a bargaining chip on one person, isn’t there a Fang Liting? Chi Yao pulled the corners of her lips, and a smile flashed across her gorgeous face, so let’s see if the handles in the Fang family’s hands can bring joyful reversal.

On the other hand, when Ji Mingyue learned that her counterattack had no effect, and even saved Gu Minke’s stock, she began to furious.

She waved all the ornaments in the office to the floor, her face gloomy.

This is not the **** result I want!

How could Gu Mike’s company have no loopholes?

Bitch! It’s disgusting to pull Yaoyao together at this time!

The author has something to say: I have something to go out today, so I will post it at 6 o’clock, and it will be updated at 9 o’clock in the evening.

Thank you all for your support, tweeted!

CP problem: A story has an ending. The success of CP depends on whether the protagonist is bad.

As in this story, all three people did something wrong, and the original owner died. There is no need for CP.

Thank you everyone for throwing me thunder and thunder and nutrient solution. Today, the double is more in one, 6k words!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 4 gravel; 1 queen mother;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: zero, 2 neutralization; Kunmu, 23288655, gravel, grapefruit? 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: XBW30 bottles; Chaomu, your cp are szd, 10 bottles of cool; LX7 bottles; 6 bottles of white; Milly, do you want pigeons again, 75 bottles of 5; 3 bottles of salted fish; life = tragedy, 25275034. , Dongdon, Fenghao Langhou 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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