Godslayer's Legacy

Chapter Thirteen: The First Taste of Battle

"Wait! That seems straightforward but feels overwhelming," Kael complained, gripping his knife tighter.

"Then make it feel less overwhelming unless you want to lose your life in your first battle against the beast," Lyra scolded sharply.

Kael took a deep breath, trying to shake off the anxiety gnawing at him. He focused, feeling the warmth of the Titan Essence surge through him. His fists clenched, and power hummed under his skin.

Suddenly, a Shadehound emerged from the shadows, its glowing eyes locking onto Kael. The creature's sleek, black fur rippled as it darted violently toward him.

"Watch out!" Lyra yelled.

Instinct took over. Kael sidestepped just in time, the Shadehound's jaws snapping shut where his throat had been moments earlier. Without thinking, Kael spun and slammed his fist into the creature's flank. He focused his Titan Essence, unleashing a brutal Titan Strike.

His punch landed with a sickening crack, sending the Shadehound tumbling to the side. The creature yelped in pain, its form shimmering as if about to dissolve into the shadows.

But it wasn't down yet.

"Finish it!" Lyra shouted, her voice sharp with urgency.

Kael didn't hesitate. He lunged forward, driving his fist into the creature's skull. Another Titan Strike. The Shadehound's head buckled under the impact, and with a final whimper, its body dissolved into smoke, scattered by the wind.

Kael staggered back, panting. He hadn't expected the strike to feel so powerful. But there was no time to celebrate—the growls of more Shadehounds echoed in the dark.

The next one was quicker and more agile. It darted toward Kael from the side, catching Kael off guard. Its claws raked across his arm before he could react, tearing through flesh and fabric, leaving a searing trail of pain in their wake.

Kael gritted his teeth, his hand shooting up instinctively to block the next attack. His Titan Essence surged again as he raised his arms, forming an invisible barrier—a Titan Guard.

The Shadehound's next strike collided with the protective energy around his forearms. Instead of ripping into his skin, the force of the creature's claws was absorbed and deflected to the side as Kael pushed the attack away.

"Good! Now counter!" Lyra called, observing from the sidelines.

Kael didn't waste the opportunity. With his guard still raised, he drove his knee into the Shadehound's chest, following up with a savage Titan Strike to its throat. The beast crumbled under the force, its neck cracking loudly as it collapsed, its body vanishing into shadow.

Before he could catch his breath, a third Shadehound launched at him from above, its claws gleaming in the dim light. Kael barely had time to raise his arms again, his Titan Guard flickering to life to absorb the impact as the creature landed on him.

The force drove him back, his feet skidding along the dirt as the Shadehound slashed at him relentlessly. Kael grunted in pain, feeling his defense weakening under the barrage.

"Don't hold back!" Lyra shouted, her voice a fierce encouragement.

Kael knew he couldn't stay on the defensive. He let the guard fall and twisted his body sharply, throwing the creature off balance. With a surge of energy, he planted his foot firmly and swung with all his might, his fist glowing with the essence of a Titan Strike.

The blow connected squarely with the Shadehound's ribs, sending the beast flying backward, crashing into a nearby tree with a sickening thud. It let out a low growl before its form disintegrated, its body fading into black mist.

Kael was breathing heavily now, blood dripping from his wounded arm, but he didn't have time to think about the pain. Another Shadehound was already circling him, its glowing eyes studying him for an opening.

This one was smarter, more cautious. It prowled, waiting for Kael to make the first move.

Kael's mind raced. He couldn't keep using the same tactics. His body was tiring, and he needed to outsmart the beast, not just overpower it.

Suddenly, the Shadehound lunged. Kael reacted quickly, but instead of bracing for another Titan Guard, he dropped low, dodging the creature's strike entirely.

As the Shadehound sailed over him, Kael twisted and slammed his fist into its exposed belly, driving the air from its lungs with a devastating Titan Strike.

The Shadehound howled, its body convulsing as it hit the ground. Kael wasted no time. He drove his boot down onto the creature's skull, crushing it underfoot. The beast dissolved into smoke like the others before it.

Just as Kael began to catch his breath, the largest of the pack—the Alpha—emerged from the darkness. Its eyes gleamed with malevolent intelligence as it advanced, its muscles rippling beneath its dark fur.

Kael clenched his fists, his body aching, but he refused to back down. "You're next," he muttered under his breath.

The Alpha didn't rush him. It circled, testing Kael's resolve, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Kael shifted his stance, preparing for the inevitable attack. His body was screaming in pain, but he knew this was the final test.

Suddenly, the Alpha charged, its massive form moving faster than any of the previous Shadehounds. Kael braced himself, but the beast's size and speed were overwhelming. Its claws slashed across his chest, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The pain was unbearable. Kael gasped for breath, his vision blurring as the Alpha loomed over him, ready to deliver the killing blow.

"Kael, get up!" Lyra's voice cut through the fog of pain. "You can't die here! Fight back!"

Something inside Kael snapped. He refused to die, not like this. With a roar of defiance, he summoned every last bit of his strength, the Titan Essence flaring to life within him.

He lunged at the Alpha, his fist glowing with the power of the Titan Strike. He didn't aim for its body this time—he went for the creature's head.

His fist connected with the Alpha's skull in a brutal, bone-shattering blow. The impact sent shockwaves through Kael's arm, but he didn't stop. He punched repeatedly, each strike fueled by raw desperation and Titan-fueled power.

With a final, crushing blow, the Alpha collapsed to the ground, its body disintegrating into shadowy mist.

Kael staggered back, barely able to stand, his chest heaving as the adrenaline faded. The battlefield was silent once more. He had done it. He had survived.

Lyra approached him, a proud smile on her face. "You fought well, Kael. But don't let this victory get to your head. There's still much more to learn."

Kael nodded weakly, his body trembling with exhaustion. But despite the pain, a spark of pride flickered inside him. He had faced the beasts, and he had won.

Kael swayed on his feet, the world around him spinning as the last remnants of adrenaline left his body. His breathing came in ragged gasps, each breath a struggle as his muscles trembled with exhaustion.

Blood still dripped from his wounds, staining the ground beneath him.

"Kael!" Lyra's voice pierced the fog surrounding him. She hurried over, her face changing from pride to worry as she saw his condition. "Stay with me, Kael."

He tried to clear his vision and focus on her, but everything was a blur. The intense pain he had felt in his chest and arms was now just a dull ache, his entire body numb after the fierce battle.

"I... I'm fine," Kael managed to whisper, though his voice was so weak it was hardly audible. His legs gave way, and he stumbled, only to be caught by Lyra as he fell. "I'm just...exhausted."

"You're not fine," she insisted, her tone firm as she helped him stay upright, kneeling beside him. "You've overexerted yourself."

Kael's eyelids felt impossibly heavy, his body too weak to resist the pull of darkness. He could feel himself slipping away, the exhaustion overwhelming him.

"I... I did it, though... right?" he murmured, his voice barely audible.

Lyra smiled softly, her eyes softening as she looked down at him. "Yes, you did. You fought bravely."

Kael gave a weak smile, his vision darkening around the edges. The sounds of the forest faded, replaced by a heavy silence that pressed in on him from all sides.

"I can't... stay awake..." Kael's voice trailed off as his body finally gave in to the overwhelming fatigue. His head lolled to the side, his body limp in Lyra's arms as the darkness claimed him.

Lyra held him gently, her expression a mix of admiration and worry. She checked his pulse—faint but steady. He was alive, but his body was spent, pushed beyond its limits in the battle.

"Rest now," she whispered, brushing his damp hair. "You've earned it."

With a quiet sigh, she lifted him carefully, supporting his weight as she searched for a safe place to shelter them for the night. The battle may have been over, but their journey was far from complete.

As she moved through the forest, her mind raced with thoughts of Kael's potential. He had survived his first real battle, facing death and emerging victorious, but this was only the beginning.

'He's stronger than I thought... but he still has so much to learn,' Lyra thought as she carried him through the darkened forest. 'And he'll need every bit of that strength for what lies ahead.'

The night grew colder, but Lyra pressed on, her eyes scanning the horizon for a place to rest. Kael would recover; she was sure of that. And when he did, they would continue, facing the world's dangers as allies.

For now, though, he needed time to heal, and she would be by his side to ensure he did.

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