Godslayer's Legacy

Chapter Eleven: Arcanum Manus

Lyra's voice was calm but filled with focus as she explained, "The Titan Core is where your power resides. It's like a dormant engine inside you, storing the Titan Essence. Awakening the core is the first step—unlocking the potential of the Titan that chose you. Once the core is awake, the essence will be accessible."

Kael nodded, remembering the earlier sensation when he felt the core stirring. "I think I've already awakened it, but… I'm not entirely sure."

Lyra smiled softly. "Yes, you've awakened it. The fact that you're sensing the energy within means it's no longer dormant. But there's more. Now, we move to the next stage."

"Resonance is about more than just feeling the Titan Essence," Lyra continued. "It's about creating harmony between your body and the essence. When you achieve Resonance, the essence responds to your will—it begins to pulse and vibrate in rhythm with your body."

She gave Kael a look of encouragement. "Close your eyes again. This time, don't just search for the essence. Command it. Make it react. It should feel like a heartbeat, vibrating with life inside you. That's when you know the Titan Essence is ready for use."

Kael closed his eyes once more, this time focusing differently. Rather than seeking the power like before, he thought of it as something alive inside him, waiting for his command.

Slowly, he visualized the essence as a giant stirring from sleep, and to his surprise, he felt the vibration start—soft at first, then growing stronger with each breath.

"It's vibrating," Kael murmured. "Like a pulse."

Lyra nodded, her voice low but filled with approval. "That's Resonance. The Titan Essence is responding to you. Now, hold onto that rhythm. Let it flow through your body."

As the vibrating energy spread from his core, Kael could feel a subtle hum coursing through him, as though his veins were buzzing with life. It was empowering and calming—a connection between him and the ancient force within.

Lyra watched Kael with satisfaction. "Now that you've achieved Resonance, the next step is Channeling. The Titan Essence needs to be directed—it can't just flow aimlessly. You need to guide it to where you need it most. Channeling focuses the power into specific areas of your body to strengthen you."

She pointed to his hands. "Let's start small. Concentrate on sending the essence to your fists. Imagine the vibrating energy from your core traveling through your arms and pooling in your hands."

Kael took a deep breath, focusing his mind on moving the essence. This was harder—unlike resonance, which was about feeling the energy response, channeling required deliberate control.

He visualized the current of Titan Essence moving from his core, traveling down his arms, and gathering in his hands.

Slowly, he felt his fists grow warm, and the energy buzzed more intensely in his hands, like an electrical charge building up beneath his skin.

"It's working," Kael said, excitement creeping into his voice. "I can feel it in my fists."

"That's Channeling," Lyra confirmed with a nod. "You're directing the Titan Essence to strengthen specific parts of your body. This will enhance your physical capabilities—make your punches stronger, your defenses tougher."

Kael opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. They seemed the same outside, but he could feel the difference—the energy was real, vibrating with a barely contained force ready to be unleashed.

Lyra observed Kael's progress, and her eyes were sharp with approval. "Good. You've channeled the Titan Essence into your fists, but learning to externalize it is the next step. That's how you create the Titan Aura."

Still feeling the energy coursing through his fists, Kael glanced at her. "Titan Aura?"

"Yes," she confirmed. "Right now, the essence is confined to your fists. I want you to let it disperse, expand beyond your skin, and form a protective layer. Focus on your hands for now."

Taking a deep breath, Kael concentrated. Letting the energy he had tightly controlled spread out felt strange, but he trusted Lyra's guidance.

"Slowly… don't force it," she urged, her voice calm. "Let it flow naturally."

Kael imagined the energy lightening like vapor rising from his skin. At first, nothing happened, but as he focused, the sensation in his fists began to shift. The warmth expanded outward, forming a subtle, pulsing aura around his hands.

"It's starting," he whispered, feeling the essence spread beyond his body.

"Yes, that's it," Lyra encouraged. "You're releasing the Titan Essence and turning it into Titan Aura. Keep it steady."

Kael concentrated, the aura hovering just above his skin like a second layer. It felt protective, a tangible extension of the energy within.

"That's the Titan Aura," Lyra explained. "For now, it's just around your hands, but stronger Godslayers can coat their entire bodies. It takes practice, but you're progressing well."

Kael marveled at the sensation, feeling stronger as if the power was no longer confined within him but radiating outward.

"The Titan Aura works for offense and defense," Lyra continued. "It can enhance your attacks and shield you from harm. With time, you can cover your whole body like armor."

Kael looked at his hands, the faint aura still present. "It feels… different. Like the power isn't just inside me anymore."

"Exactly," Lyra said with a smile. "You've made great progress. Keep practicing, and soon, you'll extend the aura further."

Kael exhaled, a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. The power inside him felt vast, like an ocean he was just beginning to explore.

Lyra observed Kael closely, her face calm, but inside, she was wrestling with astonishment. 'How is he doing this so easily? When I first started, I struggled for weeks to awaken my Titan Core… and the Titan Aura? It took me months to even get a flicker.'

She maintained her composure, not wanting to let her surprise show. 'Even those at the Sanctuary had trouble, and yet here Kael is, already channeling Titan Aura in a matter of hours.'

Kael concentrated on his hands, the faint aura still hovering, while Lyra's mind raced. 'Whose inheritance did he receive? How could anyone grasp this so quickly?'

"Good," she said aloud, keeping her voice steady despite her surprise. "You've made real progress. Just keep refining your control."

Inside, she marveled at his rapid development. 'I was frustrated the first time I tried to tap into my Titan's power. My core was stubborn, and it felt like fighting against myself just to wake it up.'

She glanced at Kael's focused expression. 'Yet Kael… it's as if the essence responds to him instantly. Is this natural for him, or is it the power of the Titan he carries?'

Oblivious to her internal thoughts, Kael seemed almost exhilarated by what he was accomplishing. Lyra couldn't help but wonder, 'What kind of strength will he wield once he truly masters this?'

As Kael practiced controlling the Titan Aura, Lyra watched him closely. His progress was fast—too fast. But now wasn't the time to focus on that.

"Kael," she called, her voice steady. "You've done well so far, but there's more to being a Godslayer than just controlling the Titan Essence."

Kael's gaze shifted to her, eager to learn more. "What's next?"

"Combat arts," she explained, "The Arcanum Manus—a set of techniques passed down from the Titans."

"You've mentioned that. What is it exactly?"

"The first stage is called Godslayer's Flow. It teaches how to move fluidly in combat, balancing offense and defense. Under this stage, there are twelve techniques," explained Lyra.

"Twelve?" Kael asked, already intrigued.

Lyra nodded. "I'll show you the first three. Two of them are offensive, and one is defensive. They will give you a feel of what Godslayer's Flow is all about."

Stepping forward, Lyra moved with precision. "The first technique is called Titan's Strike," she said. "It's a simple but powerful forward attack. You channel the Titan Essence into your fist. Still, instead of a normal punch, you let the energy carry your momentum."

Lyra demonstrated, her body flowing smoothly into a punch that seemed almost effortless but carried immense force, evident by the subtle shockwave it created in the air.

"The key here," she continued, "is to move like water. Don't fight your body's natural motion—let the essence guide your strike."

Kael nodded, focusing on her instructions as he tried to mimic the technique. His first attempt was raw, but he could feel the energy guiding him more with each motion.

"Not bad," Lyra remarked, giving a small nod of approval. "Now, let's move to the second technique, Titan's Guard."

She shifted her stance, raising her arms into a defensive position. "This is a defensive technique. You channel the essence into your limbs, creating a barrier of energy that can absorb impact. The trick is not to block force head-on but to deflect it, letting it roll off you."

Lyra demonstrated performing the movement with a fluid grace. "Try it," she said.

Kael followed suit, channeling the energy into his arms, feeling a subtle resistance as he moved. Lyra threw a light punch toward him to test his defense. To his surprise, the energy cushioned the impact, easily redirecting it.

"Good," she said, her eyes gleaming with approval. "Now, for the third technique, Titan's Sweep."

Without warning, she spun on her heel, sweeping her leg in a wide arc, her movement so swift and fluid that Kael barely had time to react. The force of her leg sweep was amplified by the Titan Essence, and though she didn't hit anything, the power was clear.

"It's an offensive technique to catch your opponent off-guard by sweeping them off their feet. But like the others, it requires fluidity. You must be swift, let the essence flow through your leg, and enhance the movement."

Kael tried the move, a bit clumsy at first, but he quickly adapted. The more he focused on letting the essence guide him, the smoother his actions became.

"That's it," Lyra encouraged, her voice steady. "These three techniques will serve as your foundation. Master them, and you'll be able to handle most situations."

Kael paused, wiping the sweat from his brow. "So, what about the other nine techniques?" he asked with a grin.

Lyra chuckled and gave a sheepish smile. "Well, I've managed to master the first nine techniques. For now, the others are out of your reach, and I'm not confident I can teach them to you," she explained.

Kael, amused, raised an eyebrow. "So, you're only teaching me what you're familiar with so that you can show off?"

"You can say that," she replied, her smile turning playful. "But trust me, these three techniques will keep you occupied. Once you've got them down, we'll move on. And who knows, you might even master the rest quicker than I did."

Kael returned to his training with a smile, more determined. As he practiced the techniques, Lyra watched, pondering his potential. It seemed boundless, and she was impressed and curious to see what kind of Godslayer he would be.

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