God’s Love Game [Unlimited]

Chapter 20 - ②

The place where Xiangnu appeared was the mountain in front of the main house, and behind the mountain was a long and wide river.

Qiu Principle is behind the mountain behind the house, a flat field, about the size of a small playground, it can’t really be called a ‘yuan’.

After the breeze took them down the hill, the six walked to the ground. Xiangnu found that the hill was very, very uneven. From the place where they settled down, they encountered an upside-down but even more squat The bowl-shaped hills, about the size of two washbasins, are densely packed together, occupying this hill and plain.

If this is a human face, it must be a little more terrifying than the pimples on the face of a teenager.

Looking at these hills, everyone probably understood what the ‘hill’ in the hills meant.

Qingfeng stood at the edge of the mountain, but did not dare to really step into the ‘Qiuyuan’.

He directed the taskers and said to them: “Junior and younger brothers, this is Qiu Yuan, and the earth soul that the master wants you to capture is only here, so you go down.”

Everyone didn’t move, Ding Zeming asked humbly: “Senior brother, we have never caught an earth soul, and we don’t know how to do it. Can you come down and teach us and show us a demonstration?”

Qingfeng was hesitant, everyone stared at him closely, always feeling that this little fat man seemed to be very jealous of Qiu Yuan, as if he was standing on the mountain for fear of stepping on the soil.

What’s so weird about this hill?

Does it mean that Qingfeng is afraid of this place alone, or are all the ghosts in this mission afraid?

Just as everyone was thinking about it, they saw Qingfeng slowly climb down from the mountain and tread carefully on the ground.

After landing, everyone could clearly see that his body was tense, and he looked very nervous.

However, after a few seconds after landing and realizing that nothing had happened, Qingfeng immediately relaxed, he kicked the soil under his feet, scratched his head and said, “It’s not difficult to dig earth souls, as long as you make a hole on this hill. , after a while they will automatically crawl out of it.”

He pushed aside, squatted in front of the hill, pointed his fat fingers at the hill and poked it hard, poking a small hole in the hill.

At the moment when the hole was poked open, Xiang Nu moved his ears, feeling as if he heard a crisp sound.

After the hole was poked out, the breeze jumped up instantly, he pointed to the hole and said, “That’s it, don’t worry, the earth souls will climb out soon, because they can’t stand the air outside, if the hole breaks Now, it will definitely climb out to mend the hole, and you can just grab it at this time.”

Qingfeng didn’t lie to them, and sure enough, after a while, something similar to an earthworm stuck its head out of the hole.

Qingfeng hurriedly called out: “Come out, come out, junior brother, grab it quickly!”

Everyone didn’t move, Zhong Liyun deliberately showed a look of fear, rubbed her arms and screamed in a pretentious way: “Ah, don’t catch it! I’m most afraid of small bugs, don’t let it get close to me!”

Everyone looked at Qingfeng hesitantly, Miao Dong said helplessly: “The fifth sister is actually afraid of bugs, then let’s catch them later, and we haven’t prepared the tools to hold the bugs, and there is no place to catch them. Fortunately, it’s even dark. It’s still early, without this one can catch up with the new ones.”

Qingfeng looked at Zhong Liyun strangely, tilted her head curiously, and asked, “So you’re afraid of them too?”

Zhong Liyun’s eyes flickered, and she whispered, “I’ve always been afraid of bugs…”

“Insects?” Qingfeng looked blank and seemed puzzled.

But he didn’t have any curiosity, he didn’t understand and didn’t ask. He looked at the sun above his head, shook his head and said, “Hurry up, you can go back earlier and go to bed earlier. Tomorrow you have to get up early to learn Taoism.”

Taoism? The expressions of everyone were very strange. They always thought that this copy was a copy of the customs of the mountain village type. How could it be related to Taoism again.

As time went by to noon, the temperature gradually increased, and the little fat man couldn’t stand the breeze.

Qingfeng wiped the sweat that overflowed from his forehead, grabbed his collar and gasped, “It’s too hot, junior, junior, and senior, please do your work first, and I’ll check on your situation in a while. Remember, you must get it done before it gets dark. Well, if you don’t make it right, you will be here too!”

After Qingfeng finished speaking, he quickly left without waiting for a few replies.

Xiang Nu looked down at the hill and said softly, “This is an isolated island.”

“There are only a few households, no food, no flowers and plants, only a vegetable garden in front of each house where some vegetables are grown.”

Miao Dong touched his chin: “Taoshu, master and apprentice, seem to have something to do with each other, but aren’t these things ghosts? Are they teaching Taoism or ghosts!”

Zhong Liyun walked to the hill that had been dug out by the breeze just now. The earth spirit that was pulled out had not yet climbed back, and was bulldozing around, trying to cover the small hole. The earth soul pinched, stared at the long strip and said coldly: “Those are secondary, the most important thing is the earth soul. The senior brother is afraid of the earth soul, not only him, but probably the master and others in the village. Everyone is afraid. This earth soul may be of great use in dealing with the ghosts in this village, but I don’t know what they are. Master also asked us to capture the earth soul for him. If we do, will we cheat ourselves? ?”

Shu Jian looked at Zhong Liyun in amazement, and said in surprise, “Aren’t you afraid of bugs? Why are you catching it with your bare hands!”

Zhong Liyun gave him a strange look, and said casually, “I’m just showing it to Senior Brother. After all, we haven’t discussed it yet, so it’s not good to act rashly.”

Shu Jian scratched his head and sighed, “I thought you were really afraid of bugs…”

Jiang Chao said impatiently: “It’s right, it’s important, it’s urgent!”

He said word by word, and with his expression, there was a feeling of gnashing of teeth.

Everyone didn’t know why he was so angry, but after watching him for a few seconds, Xiangnu asked thoughtfully: “Jiang Chao, do you have a speech disorder?”

Jiang Chao was stunned for a moment, his cold expression immediately collapsed, and his fair face turned red.

Miao Dong asked curiously, “What kind of speech disorder?”

Xiang Nu glanced at Jiang Chao, the young man held his breath, and said sullenly, “Mouth, eat…”

As the saying goes, stuttering.

Everyone suddenly understood the reason why Jiang Chao had always been reticent.

Well, a cool guy actually stutters, the contrast is too big.

Xiangnu was a little curious, and asked, “Can’t life points cure this problem?”

Xiangnu asked directly, but fortunately Jiang Chao is a cool guy with a strong mentality. Before, the disguise was mainly because he was ashamed. Seeing Xiangnu’s words and expressions were not discriminatory or strange, plus he was good-looking, Jiang Chao He was also quite calm, and he replied, “It can’t be cured. It said that I am a mental illness. Life points do not affect the spirit, that is, the soul, lest some lunatics suspect that their soul has been controlled and go crazy.”

Xiangnu thought of Mr. Yu inexplicably, and sighed regretfully: “So that’s how it is…”

Ding Zeming coughed lightly and drew everyone’s attention back: “Let’s get down to business first, you talk about this earth soul, should we dig it? If we don’t dig, we can’t get along with Master. If we do, if it is really beneficial to us, Will we send our helper to the enemy, will it affect our next dungeon mission?”

Everyone pondered, Shu Jian couldn’t help but straighten his chest, and volunteered: “Let me dig, you guys are waiting by the side!”

Everyone looked at him in amazement, and Shu Jian begged: “I, I’m not very smart, and my reaction is slow, and I can’t think of useful advice on tasks and clues, so I can only rely on this method to earn some dungeon contribution rate. You have concerns, and it just so happens that I also need this kind of behavior to express myself, this is a win-win situation, let me help you catch the soul of the earth!”

Ding Zeming pondered: “But this may put you in a bad situation. Master takes digging earth souls as a punishment for us, which proves that digging earth souls is definitely not good for us…”

Shu Jian shook his head: “But apart from this, I can’t improve my contribution rate. If the contribution rate is too low…”

Shu Jian’s face turned pale, and Xiangnu looked at it thoughtfully, realizing that the repeated copy of sent to prison really caught everyone’s attention, otherwise Shu Jian would not behave like this.

Of course, this may also have something to do with Shu Jian’s own character. He should have the character of an honest person, and he can’t do the kind of things like eating and waiting to die.

Everyone agreed with Shu Jian’s opinion and asked him to dig earth souls for six people, focusing the risk on him alone.

Ding Zeming glanced at Zhong Liyun and Xiangnu awkwardly, and asked, “You two, do you mind if I take off my clothes?”

Xiangnu felt a little weird. He knew that Ding Zeming asked himself because he changed his clothes to avoid suspicion, but when he was asked with Zhong Liyun, he suddenly felt inexplicable. It was more important than shyness, but It can’t reach the level of guilt, in short, it makes Xiang slave feel weird.

He nodded uncomfortably in response, and Zhong Liyun had no objection, so Ding Zeming took off his coat and let Zhong Liyun throw the earth soul in his clothes into his clothes.

Zhong Liyun put the earth soul into Ding Zeming’s clothes, and the earth soul arched inside, but did not disappear suddenly, everyone was relieved to see this.

Shu Jian said, “Then I’ll start!”

Everyone nodded, and Shu Jian went into the hill and grabbed the earth soul.

Ding Zeming fought behind him and wrapped the earth soul. The other people watched from the mountain. Jiang Chao’s foundation was shattered by the slave. Teacher, Shu Jian is the third or third senior brother, and he ranks very high! If you give him and do everything, master can, may, and be angry! Therefore, little junior brother, it is best to dig a few earth souls. !”

Xiangnu was pulling the thorn ball on his trousers at the moment, and the skin on his calf was red, looking horrifying.

Xiang Nu tried his best to hold back the itch, and after hearing the words, he said, “No problem, I think you are all very reliable. You should be able to find out the clues on Earth Soul without me participating.”

The other people smiled lowly, and Zhong Liyun smiled: “I will live up to your expectations.”

Xiang slave also urgently needs something to divert his attention, so that he can’t help but break the skin on the itchy, red and swollen part.

Digging earth souls is not a technical job, but the speed of the earth souls crawling out is a little slow, but when the sun in the sky is not so hot and the wind blowing on them becomes cool, the task of eighteen earth souls is basically completed. .

Ding Zeming didn’t miss the abnormality of the skin on Xiangnu’s leg, he glanced at him worriedly, and said to Xiangnu: “The things in the copy can be used without any need, and no one knows what the raw materials of those things are, and whether they are stained or not. Unclean things. Just bear with it, and use life points to heal the injury on your legs after you go out. If you don’t have enough life points, you can add my contact information, and I can lend you some.”

Xiangnu couldn’t help but glance at him, Ding Zeming was packing his clothes with his head down to prevent the earth soul inside from running out, and he didn’t look up knowing that Xiangnu was looking at him.

Xiang Nu retracted his gaze and whispered, “No, I have plenty of life points.”

Ding Zeming couldn’t help but said: “Then we can also add contact information first…”

Miao Dong folded his arms and squinted at the two of them with a ‘in seconds’ smile. Xiangnu was silent for a while, then shook his head again and refused: “I’ll have a chance in the future, my husband and I have had some disagreements recently because of some disagreements. If I add someone else’s contact information, he’ll be angry.”

Ding Zeming glanced at him in amazement, and then forced a smile: “Well, then I won’t cause you any trouble.”

Zhong Liyun asked curiously, “Slave, do you have a partner?”

Xiangnu lowered his head and smiled: “I don’t look like someone with a partner?”

He bowed his head and smiled softly, the dark red eyes were boundless temptation, and the color was amazing, Zhong Liyun couldn’t help swallowing, and said, “You don’t look like the style on the outside, but just by looking at your face, you can see that you have many suitors, and if you have a target, Not unusual.”

Xiang Nu smiled slightly and didn’t say much, but the pattern on his back ankle was raised a little, but Xiang Nu still didn’t notice it.

Eighteen earth souls have been dug up, but the breeze has not yet appeared. Several people discussed to go back directly, and just took this opportunity to observe the environment in the village.

On the way, Miao Dong couldn’t help complaining: “This village is not an ordinary desolate village. They don’t grow anything. What do you think they usually eat?”

After he finished speaking, he paused, and his tone became more subtle: “But this is not the point, the point is what are they going to give us to eat?”

As soon as he talked about eating, Xiangnu couldn’t help but rubbed his stomach and questioned: “I came to this dungeon directly after the last dungeon was over, and I didn’t eat during the period, but I didn’t feel hungry either. , what’s the matter with you?”

Zhong Liyun said unexpectedly, “Isn’t this your second mission?”

Xiang Nu nodded, Zhong Liyun was still very surprised, because Xiang Nu looked like an old hand, but she still explained very seriously: “Did you use your health to restore yourself after you came out of the dungeon last time? If so It’s normal, and the hit points are there to provide energy and nutrition, so you don’t feel hungry.”

“But it doesn’t mean that life points can be eaten as food. After all, it is much more expensive than rice.”

Xiangnu nodded when he was taught, Miao Dong saw that no one was paying attention to him, and called out: “Hey, hey, look at me, you said that if Master and the others eat our food, will we eat it? What do you think?”

Jiang Chao rolled his eyes at him: “If you don’t eat, you will starve to death!”

Miao Dong shrank towards Ding Zeming and complained, “I’ll just ask, why are you so fierce…”

It was mainly because Miao Dong asked nonsense. After all, they didn’t have a time limit for this dungeon. They had two days to make a base, and there was no limit.

As long as the ghosts make a meal like a meal, they have to eat it if they don’t want to starve to death.

Miao Dong sighed, and the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.

The missionaries walked around the back alley to the old man’s house and saw the closed doors next door. Xiangnu asked, “When did you arrive and have you dealt with the people around you?”

Ding Zeming shook his head: “We are only a little earlier than you, and these people have never opened the door.”

Xiangnu frowned: “There seem to be a lot of problems in this village, and there is nothing strange from the beginning to the end.”

“Wow wow wow!”

The black dog in the old man’s vegetable garden barked again, as if it wanted to bark out all the internal organs.

The dog barked a bit fiercely, and even the other domestic things around him barked.

The breeze, who was cooking porridge outside under the shed, lifted his eyelids and glanced at them. His eyes fell on the package in Ding Zeming’s arms, whose chest was half-red, and shouted loudly, “Master, Junior Brother, they have dug up earth souls and come back!”

The old man lifted the curtain with a pipe and walked out, puffing out the mist and said lightly: “There is a box next to the TV in the Qingfeng room, just throw the things in it, and then you can go to the room to rest. See how you all are today. It’s hard work, I’ve let Qingfeng cook the rice, and I’ll bring it to you in a while.”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Ding Zeming responded quickly, carried his clothes into the hall, and then turned into the Qingfeng room.

Several others entered their row on the left.

Looking at the big bed, Zhong Liyun was the most troubled. She looked at the slave with embarrassment and anticipation, and whispered: “We only have this bed and can’t bargain with Master, we can only squeeze, little junior brother, let me I’ll sleep against the wall, and then you sleep next to me and help me separate them, okay?”

It doesn’t matter to Xiang slave, anyway, this environment is the same for him wherever he sleeps, and it is impossible to be comfortable.

What’s more, Zhong Liyun is a girl, so she can’t be allowed to sleep with the big men.

It doesn’t matter to the other people. Compared with the location, this environment makes it more difficult to start. The ash powder wall and the bamboo mat with mildew spots are simply testing the lower limit of human beings.

Ding Zeming also put the earth soul back at this time. He told several people: “There is a black and white TV in Qingfeng’s room. This village may not be completely isolated, and it may be able to get in touch with the outside world.”

Miao Dong covered his head and wailed: “There are enough mysteries in this small village, and if you can still communicate with the outside world, wouldn’t it be more complicated!”

Everyone frowned, Ding Zeming said, “Let’s see the situation at night.”

Xiangnu said: “There may be no drama at night.”

Everyone looked at him, Xiangnu was standing beside the old window, secretly observing the outside environment, and told everyone in a heavy voice: “I saw Qingfeng pour some white powder into that porridge just now, and I don’t know what it is. thing.”

Everyone frowned, and Shu Jian looked at everyone blankly and asked, “Are we going to eat this meal?”

Xiangnu comforted: “Don’t worry, we’ll ask the situation after Qingfeng brings the porridge over.”

Ding Zeming looked at the Datongpu and sighed lightly: “This dungeon environment is not good, everyone should bear with it, try to end it as soon as possible and go back.”

Everyone sighed, and each found a seat and sat down. Soon Qingfeng came over to call someone: “Junior brother and sister, the porridge is ready, you can go out with me to serve the porridge.”

Everyone looked at each other and followed him to serve the porridge. The old man had been smoking a pipe outside, and his expression was gloomy and he didn’t know what to do.

Everyone didn’t talk to Qingfeng under his nose. After entering the room, the servant said, “Elder brother, I’m not very hungry, can I stop eating?”

Qing Feng’s face sank when he heard the words, and he categorically refused: “No, the food is so precious, we must drink the porridge completely, and we must not leave any leftovers!”

Miao Dong joked: “I have to finish the big bowl, what if I can’t get up after an accident at night?”

Qingfeng said lightly: “There will be no accident, hurry up to drink porridge, go to bed after drinking, don’t stay up late, you must get up before tomorrow morning!”

“Drink it quickly, I have to take the bowl away after drinking it.” Qingfeng shouted fiercely, his face full of fat, and when he became fierce, he suddenly had a vicious meaning.

Everyone drank the porridge in silence under the watch of Qingfeng. After Qingfeng put away the bowl and locked the door, Xiangnu said: “Chen Shi is seven in the morning, usually the rooster will crow at five or six, before when the dog barks. I also heard the crowing of the roosters, if we didn’t sleep deeply, we shouldn’t be late.”

Zhong Liyun caressed her forehead and said, “I hope, I think the senior brother may have given us some sweat medicine. I feel a little dizzy right now.”

Xiang Nu was still staring at the Chase shop in a daze, and after doing psychological construction for a while, he found that he still couldn’t sleep, so he could not help but suggest: “This bed is really too broken, and there are many of us, it will be very difficult to sleep on it. Squeeze, or else we should sleep on a chair and use our previous clothes as a quilt to cover our stomach so as not to catch a cold, okay?”

Zhong Liyun glanced at the bed and was the first to agree.

Xiangnu mainly wanted to persuade Zhong Liyun, because Zhong Liyun was a girl, and wanted to use his current baffle to separate the others.

As long as she doesn’t sleep on the Chase bunk, Xiang Slave has no reason to sleep on it, and the others don’t care.

Xiang Nu sat on the chair next to the bed, his neck was sore on the hard bar, and he had never felt sleepy before, but Xiang Nu fell asleep not long after sitting down. It was most likely caused by the medicine under the breeze. Yes, it is very likely that, as Zhong Liyun said, Qingfeng gave them Mongolian sweat medicine.

I just don’t know what the purpose of him taking this medicine is.

Xiang Nu fell into a drowsy sleep, as if he was being tortured in his sleep, his neck was sore, his ankles tingled, his limbs and torso felt like being crushed by a large truck, his whole body was so uncomfortable, and the teardrops unconsciously flowed from the dark red. A little overflowing from the end of the eye.

In a daze, Xiangnu dreamed of Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu stood in front of Xiangnu with his back to the window. The white moonlight shone on his back. , looked indifferent and arrogant, unmoved.

Xiangnu was still in a dream, his head seemed to be stuck in a paste, and he couldn’t see his indifference. He called out ‘Mr. Yu’ aggrievedly, and raised his calf, which was horrible and unbearable to look at. “It hurts so much.”

Then, Mr. Yu’s expression changed.

The author has something to say:

Mr. Yu (grinning his teeth): You still act like a spoiled child after breaking up, shameless!

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