Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 813: 801

Title: There She Goes

"Ah!" Nik exclaimed.

"Yeah, this is amazing," Janet whispered.

What welcomed and warmed the eyes of the invaders of Heven was not a verdant expanse as expected but a very modernized infrastructure. Metal with decorative bushes and trees as far as the eyes could gaze and lots of buildings.

Nik instantly tapped into the infrastructure of the location using [Psychic Aptitude: S-] and in a few seconds, Nik filtered the information of the location— A giant Ark of sorts stranded in some corner of the world. Instead of this ship being a realm, it was a place of exile for those called Angels.

"Huuuu," Angela took a deep breath. Her wardrobe had effectively changed. She did not wear anything close to her usual skimpy outfits. Although a little saddened by this change, Nik had to accept that Morgan wanted to try covering herself up and that she did by wearing an outfit resembling Brunnhilde. A cut-sleeved, red form-fitting overall layered with bronze-like breastplate, wrist guards, greaves, and boots. With Nik's Uru supply on the decline, he simply used one of many spiritual ores from Glory City to create this piece.

Of course, he wasn't well-versed with smithing but the Nightmare Fusion Pot could fuse items in a whole new shape and that's what Nik did. Still, Angela looked rather cool in her new outfit.

'But bikini armor...' Nik glanced at Angela who had her attention focused at the moment while she clenched her Xiphos.

'If I conquer Angels... maybe I can turn them into my bikini armor Valkyries?' Nik's mind struck a rather appealing thought.

"Psst, he's probably thinking something bad. Don't disturb him," A faint whisper entered Nik's ears.

"I know. The look on his face tells everything," another one replied.

Tilting his head slightly, Nik saw Poole and Spider whispering with each other.

'And then there are these two. Get them bodies later so I can have a foursome with... Gwens! No, maybe an orgy? A Nik for every Gwen? Holy! Two Niks for every Gwen!' Nik's gaze brightened as he continued looking at the two Phantoms while Poole and Spider shivered.

"Creepy," Spider spat.

"Mmm," Poole nodded with a suppressed grunt but had her phantom thighs pressed together.

"This place isn't Hel so we probably won't get in contact with the ruler so easily... but I do remember that this place is horribly oppressive towards males," Loki slid her fingers through the strands of her hair with an impudent smirk while Morgan, Janet, Angela, Poole, and Spider turned their attention towards Nik.

"What? I'm not turning into a girl," Nik crossed his arms and added, "And no cross-dressing either. Although, I admit that I'd make a wonderful, bulky woman."

Sighing, Loki shook her head, "So rigid... well, stiffness is one of your greater qualities but no, it wasn't turning your gender I had in my mind."

Without waiting for others to comprehend the meaning of her words, Loki raised her hands and shot a green laser of focused magic power. The pillar-like form of energy erupted like fireworks after reaching a certain altitude and needless to say, it was quite loud and attractive from distance.

"Well, this should be our ticket inside Heven's secured areas," Loki smiled in satisfaction but she continued with a snap of her fingers. Magical energy emanated from her form and covered everyone except Nik and while Morgan had the thought of repulsing Loki's spell, she stayed her hand once she realized that the spell merely disguised her appearance. No, the disguise was a more general term. Loki added something to all of their appearances while Poole and Spider remained unaffected.

"What the—?" Janet gasped and looked down.

"My dress!" She shouted and glared at Loki, "This is a limited summer collection 1999 dress that you just ruined!" She held the hems of her frilled yellow sundress, "If you don't explain what's going on right now, I'll turn small, drill in your nose, and become a fucking giant!"

Janet's unusual threat did attract Loki's scorn as the woman snorted, "Quiet, now. This is just a simple illusion spell. Your dress is perfectly fine. I figured you'd be more upset about your wings," Loki pointed out.

Startled, Janet tilted her head back and looked over her shoulders while shrinking, and even when she felt no pain and continued to flutter mid-air perfectly fine, and yet, her small wings looked damaged beyond compare. Tattered, shredded, loose, pathetic— you name it!

Not only her, Morgan, Angela, and Loki themselves grew worse by the second.

"Ah," Nik finally understood what Loki was upto.

He is the bait.

The girls are the damsels in distress.

And the probably converging force of attracted Angels was the prince charming supposed to trample over him and then possibly bring him to an enclosed and protected area of Heven where he will begin his work.

"But... how can you be sure that they won't try to kill me?" Nik sighed.

"Eh? What?" Poole blinked while Spider frowned. Except for Loki, only Nik was privy to her plan due to his basic understanding of the mischievous deity and his own devious mind. In Loki's place, Nik would have done the same thing, maybe worse.

"I'm not. What I'm sure about is that someone who can defeat the Goddess of Death can only be tackled by the Queen of Heven herself, if not her then her strongest confidante and support," Loki grinned yet her expression looked grim and pale while her lips bled. Her cheeks marred with dirt and her green robe in tatters.

"Cancel it!" Angela growled and moved forward.

They had teleported into an open space. But the collected dust and the lack of maintaining of the area revealed a simple fact that Angela had chosen a secluded location, even a secretive spot known only to her.

"I'm not here to sneak around. Unlike Hela, the Queen is a purebred warrior like me. She killed me once, I'll find the truth about this... and kill her myself."

"Hmm? You sure, Dear Sister?" Loki smiled, "I find underhanded tactics in destroying a kingdom most satisfying."

"Well then take it up with Odin using your tactics. I converse with Xiphos in my hands only," Angela remarked, oddly calmly.

"No point in these disguises then," Morgan mumbled while Nik shrugged, "Let me. I wanna practice spell casting more."

With that, he whispered— "Kapd Thek."

Pure magical energy emanated from Nik's form and countered Loki's contraptions.

Magic is the best tool to deal with magic itself. Of course, Nik had a deeper understanding of the various forms of energy and realized that every form of energy has one true weakness.

Like in multiple video games and the demons Nik had met, the UV rays are their weakness, possibly due to the lack of integration of their bloodlines. Then for the Asgardian magic, its true weakness is cosmic energy and that, too, of a particular kind. What Nik wielded in terms of cosmic energy was neutral and fire. He had yet to encounter a force that could completely nullify magic itself.

But, as Loki found Nik's ease in reversing her spell slightly unnerving, all of them heard strange gusts closer to their location.

"This is the place from where I vanished and reappeared on Earth," Angela mumbled while her armor and appearance were restored.

"What were you even doing here?" Janet inquired, buzzing around as Morgan closed her eyes and contained shapes of magical energy around her to use them when the time is right.

Finally, Loki looked idle. She held a plain golden-colored staff in her hand but it was purely ornamental— something she wanted to keep herself equipped with.

"Say, do we kill them or what?" Nik inquired.

"Why would we kill?" Janet frowned.

"Seems appropriate. Cause they sure don't have any other intention... you'll see," Nik shrugged and Angela added, "You get hurt in battles, something we could have avoided if not for a random factor among us."

"I just accelerated the process," Loki smirked, "And anyway, since you're going to lead this time, you could easily ask any of us to teleport the group but you still haven't. Makes me wonder if you want to fight after all."

Angela continued to gaze high and at the first, distant sight of a flying entity quickly approaching their location, Angela's expression brightened.

"I'm going to force her out," Angela replied with a primal growl, "No way I'm making way into the palace where she sits like a fucking queen. She comes out, and I drag her face through Heven's mud!" With that, Angela crouched slightly and then shot off high.

Her demonic jump raised a violent gust within the group as her figure whistled past buildings— straight towards one of the supposed angels.

"I guess I won't have the chance to engrave the hearts of angels with my charm," Nik sighed wistfully, "Violence will have to do."

"No, it doesn't," Janet grumbled, "But... I don't think Angela would hear others at this moment. What should we do? Wait? Maybe you can turn small and we can sneak around?" Janet offered with a sly expression as Nik considered his situation seriously.

"That's not a bad idea," Nik smiled, "But we're not gonna be here for more than a day, you know. Nothing beneficial here, well, nothing beneficial in the entirety of the Heven. I checked. And the queen's probably gonna die, so not keeping my hopes up for her. So after Heven, and troops of Angels, we'll finally be going off to Asgard."

Saying so, Nik thought for a moment and had his luck checked by one of his clones within his dream core.

Once again, the view of the gigantic, seven meters tall and three meters thick purple dildo with balls bigger than the tires of a truck appeared in Nik's mind. Multiple fireflies of varying shapes and layers buzzed around the base of the dildo with two fireflies within Nik's balls looking as healthy as ever— Tanya and his unborn child.

What made Nik a little surprised was Ray's and Brian's luck. The original spheres— pink and blue— one closer to the tip and the other slightly farther had their distances and sizes slightly changed.

The representations of Ray's and Brian's luck were bigger and much closer to Nik's. By now, Nik knew that the actual presentation of Brian's and Ray's luck is different but when observed from his point of view, their interactions were minimal. It was true, in fact. The three don't usually like to depend on each other unless it's to meet up and have a more general chat. While Nik has his goals changed over time, the same was true for Ray and Brian.

The three were clear by now that their ancestors did not have the best interests in their minds. Especially Nik. And for Brian, the fact that his supposed ancestor— Kaal, might still be alive as opposed to the 'truth' he was subjected to, much less the fact that Kaal was the past incarnation of Nik made him more cautious.

The trio knew that they were part of a more elaborate scheme in which their roles possibly couldn't be more than mere pawns.

And they wished to change it.

Finally, the giant, pitch-black disk above the tip of the purple dildo still looked malevolent but the overall distance between the tip and the disk had shortened considerably.

'Maybe... Knull is close to reaching me. With such a size, he's gonna be quite force to face off against. The much easier option is to find the infinity stones and try to complete my Karma... can't even try the luck method of breaking the shackles with a demonic force like Knull out for my ass. Hmm, the situation of the infernals look the same and no sight of Lucifer or anyone else's luck.'

As Nik continued to observe his luck silently, his gaze finally fell over Brian's and Ray's luck once again.

"Now, what could they have found to get stronger?"

The enlargement of their presentation of luck could mean two things.

They either managed to find some form of resource that can actively recharge the positive attribute of luck and fortune. Or. They managed to grow stronger while Nik had his own encounters.

'Ray said that he has something to do in another Hell. Maybe he succeeded. Brian... meanwhile... I think his karma is to kill his own father? I'd love to see the man who can produce a kid with so many butt chins,' Nik smirked to himself while from the distance, the group could see Angela unceremoniously colliding with the unnamed flying opponent and both of them began falling on the ground.

"Wow, she could dub as a homing rocket," Janet whistled.

"Look alive, people," Nik clapped his hands and looked in the opposite direction, "We've got company."

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