Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 807: 795

Title: Hela's Submission

Aside from Hela, the Valkyrie, the modern uber of the souls, also acquired the entrance to Hel. Although Hela is the titled ruler and her abilities included pulling out the souls of dead gods and goddesses, she could be easily attacked and overthrown by other hell lords such as Mephisto if they had their abilities in her realm. But Asgardians did not face any suppression in Hel and a certain figure riding a pegasus made her way through the many sides of Hel.

To travel into Hela's realm without her permission, one must face her tests. Of course, the ruler of dead wasn't kind enough to test individuals and even killed every trespasser at the beginning of her rule, it wasn't until the All-Father stepped up to pass the judgment that forces Hela to remodel Hel into a place of final rest for the souls who enter their realm in the afterlife and also to fashion the four gardens of the dead into a maze. A maze that vanquishes everyone else aside from a group of loyal and fierce warriors directly under the All-father's command, the Valkyrie.

As a Valkyrie, Brunnhilde did not face any tests. Her loyalty, resolve, and ideals remained unbroken, something that no survivor of the maze— Asgardians— could claim and it was all because of Odin's mark. An enchantment.

Right now, surrounded by nothing but dark grey fog, the pure white pegasus neighed softly and continued to trot. Over the saddle, Brunnhilde felt slightly sore. While she isn't affected by Hela's tricks, this riddance came at the cost of journeying through the entire maze without any shortcuts that the success in the ordeals of the maze provided, and for almost a week, she continued the journey without stop.

But she could feel the fog thinning with every passing hour and indeed, she would escape this detestable maze.

'Despite All-Father's commands, I still need access to Hel to guide the souls. If Hela really proves to be resorting to drastic measures, I will have to call upon his might,' Brunnhilde thought while touching her stomach. Previously, she couldn't have requested the assistance of Asgard's ruler due to his terrible health but now? She could request his help once every hundred years!

Despite all her belief, she couldn't put away her sense of uneasiness as to why Hela would even show strange behavior now more than ever since Odin had been healed completely and regained his original strength.

"Ngheeghgh," the pegasus underneath her neighed loudly and flapped its wings in an obvious indication of dissatisfaction but Brunnhilde could only touch his blinder, "We're close to exiting. Just a little more," she mumbled with an idle expression.

As expected, after almost two hours, Brunnhilde's steed walked out of the fog without any suppression and slowly stopped in front of the giant gates to Hela's castle only to witness Garm lying in front of the gates with a collar around his neck and his coat of fur sleeker and shinier than a Pegasus. This wasn't a helhound but a performance dog!

"Strange, Hela never really took care of Garm's appearance," the valkyrie narrowed her eyes. But feeling her presence, the brown-furred helhound opened his eyes and let out a rumbling growl. The beast was already the size of a modern truck and in addition to his terrifying and chilling gaze, even Aragorn felt intimidated as he suddenly propelled his hindlimbs by flapping his wings in a mighty gust. A loud neigh escaped his mouth as Garm got up from his lazy posture. His limbs stretched out and his salivating maws parted to reveal... a set of jagged teeth so bright and clean that Brunnhilde felt stunned for a moment.

Helhounds don't have their personal dentists, do they?

"Sit down," A cold echo blew and the giant, carved gates of the palace opened with a terrifying, metallic screech.

Brunnhilde hurriedly patted Aragorn's head and calmed him down as he slowly descended but his body was tense and his wings were still spread wide open.

"I demanded none shall enter my realm, Valkyrie," Hela raised her voice as Brunnhilde observed Hela carefully. The Goddess of Death wore her armor and cape-like usual, she had her hair fashioned into a spiky helmet which is recognizable in the nine realms and yet, as Brunnhilde matched Hela's gaze, she found the Goddess of Death inexplicably different.

"And I am obligated to continue my duties. Your whims affect the balance of the souls and their structures stranded in Niffleheim and its borders.

"I can see that," Hela gave a luscious smile, "And yet I demand solitude. Leave me be, or be prepared to face my wrath," Hela felt a sense of deja vu as she spoke such words but she soldiered through. She truly doubted that her fate could get worse after losing to Brunnhilde, an event she considered impossible in the first place.

Feeling conflicted at the prospect of antagonizing Hela further than she already has alongside Thor and many other Asgardians, Brunnhilde did not prioritize violence but diplomacy. Being the last Valkyrie gave her enough time to learn a more patient manner of handling things. But these measures were only adopted against possible foes too strong to be defeated single-handedly, nay, even with a small battalion.

Now that Nik had given her free reigns to act and speak, Hela was intent on exposing Nik's existence and indirectly demand support. A last-ditch effort. Everything about the man as an individual was great. Too great, in fact. He pleased better than others and his resourcefulness outmatched any living being under the age of 300. Yet, she only had one sore issue.

He was the top dog and Hela was his bottom bitch.

But Hela wanted things to be the opposite. Even now, she understood that Nik had given her a certain set of rules in which she may act. She cannot directly expose his existence or anything related to his actions and his group's whereabouts. This was merely the summary of it but this particular was quite detailed, binding Hela's bidding firmly. Next, he knowingly let Hela act in any other manner for the time being. A lifeline. To what, exactly, she did not know yet, but Hela would despise her own existence if she let go of this opportunity.

'That Bastard probably knows the entire thing at the moment. A game designed to ridicule me further! I—'

'Wow, this is going to be awkward,' Nik's voice echoed in Hela's mind, 'I didn't know you had such a low opinion for me. And yeah, I am watching it. And damn, that woman is hot. Why don't you willingly introduce your master to her in a discreet manner? Maybe, you'll earn my favor,' Nik suggested with a chuckle.

'Low opinion? You forced yourself on—'

"Oh, shut it. Yeah, I would have felt bad if you were a virgin teenager, scratch that, just a teenager who didn't screw with me and I've dealt with that issue... ehm, well enough. Besides, you've fucked many souls without their permissions,' Nik's grunt soothed Hela's anger as she was forced to keep certain composure in front of Brunnhilde.

'Then watch how I'll have the forces of the remaining realms hunt you down. Your arrogance will be your undoing,' Hela growled but in the real world, her green pupils suddenly lit up and even caused her temples to glow in an eerie green glow.


A palm tore through the ground, its flesh rotten and mangled with bony fingers moving and each snap of the joint resounding in front of the Palace of Hel.

"Your funeral," Hela growled. She didn't even give Brunnhilde any chance to present her case or even retreat.

Countless honorable members of the undead army made their presence known as they pierced their arms through the ground.

"Neighhhh!" Aragorn instantly neighed loudly and flapped his wings. The Castle of Hel was constructed in a large crater of Niffleheim and its surroundings were covered by Flames of Undead. Although the sky was easy to charge into with nothing blocking their way, it was merely a set-up to lure away the weak-minded. Helheim is surrounded by a mysterious force of death like a large dome. This was also the reason why a maze was established to give aspiring warriors a chance to meet the legendary goddess of the Dead.

Still, Brunnhilde maneuvered Aragorn in a stunning fashion, easily calming the restless pegasus and making it fly towards Hela directly.

"I have a way out," a soft whisper suddenly blew across Brunnhilde's ear and she furrowed her brows.

"Help me, mighty one," the tone felt desperate, "The Undead Queen made me her prisoner after I completed the maze! She trampled on my desires! I have a way to get us out. Last remnants of my sorcery to take us away from this realm!"

Brunnhilde still charged at Hela while quickly thinking how much of the contents of the voice can be true. For what it's worth, it might just be a trap set by Hela.

'But why would the arrogant Goddess of the Dead want to set up a trap for me? Is it because of Loki? All-Father fears that Loki is upto something malicious again...'

"I beg you. I cannot last this goddess' torture any longer. My honor is being stepped upon every day... I simply wish to return home."

"Who is it?" Brunnhilde whispered as she jumped down from Aragorn, the momentum carried the Valkyrie as she gripped the broadsword strapped over her back and shot down like a comet. Meanwhile, Aragorn flapped his wings and harassed Garm by flying around him and occasionally headbutting the poor hound as it yelped in pain and frustration.


Hela whipped her arm forward and a pitch-black sword grew out of her palms, parrying the astonishing strike and making destroying Brunnhilde's momentum as she was forced to pierce the tip of her sword into the ground.

"My name is Nikshrat. For three hundred years, I have been captive in Hel while being alive. My flesh is lacerated and regrown every day, My eyes gauged out to destroy my hopes. I beg you, warrior, help me escape!"

Brunnhilde's heart shivered at the sheer desperation of the voice.

"Gahh!" Brunnhilde shouted and dragged her sword up in a furious swipe, tearing through the ground as the broken pavement of the castle front flew towards Hela which only made the woman smirk. Stomping her foot, she created a pitch-black wall in front of her, and instantly, the wall turned into small spheres that flew towards Brunnhilde, making the Valkyrie hide behind her sword, protecting herself from most of the damage but her arms were pierced, through her biceps and her left foot was nailed into the ground.

Blood gushed out of her wounds as Brunnhilde's eyes flared in anger.

"Why have you never contacted me before?" She asked in an extremely muted tone while behind her sword.

"Hel is approached by malicious intentions and I was accidentally set free. I hide in the snowy dunes close to Eljudnir. Warrior, I only need but your presence. Only with a beacon from another realm can I escape and bring you along for my existence is already tainted by Hel. Hel and Hela, both are unsafe... you must hurry. My condition worsens without any support," the voice grew softer at the end of it as Brunnhilde bit her lips.

Aside from Hela, Brunnhilde had long felt a strange presence inside the castle of Hel and it felt extremely close. This wasn't her first encounter with such a presence, a consequence of the existence of a certain form of accursed wraiths— Disir! As the disembodied voice proclaimed, the situation in Hel felt strange, and so did Hela, including Garm's clean appearance.

"Aragorn! To me!"

Brunnhilde screeched and the winged horse flew towards her, easily escaping the clutches of a furious Garm.

"You'll die here!" Hela cackled as a wave of spikes grew towards Brunnhilde but at the last moment, a fiery glow appeared on the surface of her steel-like sword.

"For power, for ability, I sacrifice my blade. The honor of All-Father shan't be tarnished and his bestowed weapon will grant me invincibility in all the nine realms for a minute!"

As Brunnhilde ended, multiple runes appeared on the surface of the sword and it shattered in metal splinters before melting in a warm golden glow, basking its surrounding in the same warm light as a large spherical barrier, almost five meters in diameter covered her. The spikes instantly melted at the touch of the barrier as Hela's eyes widened in anger.


Brunnhilde jumped over on the saddle as the barrier, as if having a mind of its own, protected Aragorn and they both flew towards the empty sky above the palace.


A loud screech ensued and then the sound of glass breaking echoed in the hollow sky while the barrier around Brunnhilde grew dimmer by the second.

"To Eljudnir! Hyaa!" Brunnhilde shouted.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Hela stomped her foot. A simple skirmish with the Valkyrie would never return with the response of war but only her death would create any drastic effects.

'Oh, look. There she goes. Full marks for the effort though but...if you hadn't been arrogant and gone straight for the head, you might have achieved your goal. This is ironic since you called me arrogant. Oh, well... maybe I'm just too... hmm, lucky.'

Nik's voice appeared in Hela's mind as the woman bit her lips. Strangely, the failure did not sour her mood but made her think about how she'll be treated once she returns to the throne room. This time, she didn't hear Nik's voice for a few seconds.

'Now that you understand whom you belong to, get inside.'

Hela's shoulders shivered and her toes curled up.



"It's strange. Why would Brunnhilde take off to Eljudnir?"

Loki looked through the window of Nik's room while enjoying her caress around her waist as he held her from behind and looked across the scene of battle.

"Who knows," Nik smiled, his violet pupils holding eerie intentions, "Maybe you want to follow her and find out?"

"And get my ass handed down? No thanks."

Loki giggled before looking up at Nik.

"And did I ever compliment on how much of a twisted way it was to make Hela understand her new situation?"

"You did," Nik smiled.

"Well, certainly not enough time then," Loki licked her lips, "Who would have thought I get to sleep with my daughter... she really is my creation. Hmm... what about Leah? You know... I have twins as my daughters."

"You take the term daughter too loosely, I think," Nik leaned down to kiss Loki's neck as his familiar and warm breathing tickled her and his fingers coiled around her thin waist only grew more possessive, "And what about you? How do you like your new situation?" Nik blew.

"As the future queen of Asgard?" Loki inquired, pushing her butt against his crotch, "The thought makes me wet every time."

"Well, good then! Let's bring Leah, too," Nik smiled. As long as it's legal, who would mind it, right?

Now that Nik's a king of his own right, he can even set what's legal and illegal.

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