Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 803: 792

Title: Checking the Tasklist

"Well, that was fun two hours," Nik mumbled to himself and stretched his arms. Getting sliced apart in every manner possible, in a word, was traumatic. Good thing that the trauma was spread across many other Niks in the Dream Core but right now, he stopped pursuing Lilith's test and focused on himself.

The first part of making use of all his advantage came to a full circle. Right now, he was practicing every known element and concepts privy to him in the form of multiple copies, and yes, technically, the progress was slow even when it came to the concept of Time, Space, and Wisdom— the three infinity stones in his possession.

He had many theories about lots of things. He had a backyard full of souls on whom he would once again conduct the experiments related to Valkyrie Art and also test the method of breaking shackles he gained from Ray and the sisters of Norn but out of all these, Nik was the most positive about the Method of Breaking Shackles using Luck as a fuel.

Even now, after a trove of knowledge that would even make Stephen Strange green with envy, the Valkyrie Art remained stagnant. To Nik, who had only gotten anything he ever wanted since his start of the journey from an eventful fall off the cliff of his true home planet, the existence of a technique categorized as Unique even by the Transmigration paradise felt like a thin needle poking his wrist.

"The simple fusion of consciousnesses, spirits, flesh, souls, and thought process to temporarily create something, or someone unique is too difficult. Fuck, I think, after all this time, the Supreme Seraphim just rewarded this technique to fuck with others," Nik groaned. The Palace did not have electricity and aside from Loki, Angela, Sera, Hela, and Leah, he was alone. Staring at the ceiling idly, Nik thought about what to do next.

He had been idle in the past out of his thirst for procrastination but now, it turns out that he can set things in motion for his own improvement and be done with all of it in a matter of three days.

Yes, three days have passed since he conquered Hel in an anti-climatic manner.

There was a fight, sure. But the destiny of a realm was decided in a single fight itself. Not tactics of war or anything else.

"There is one thing I can do..."

Nik narrowed his eyes and sat up.



A powerful fist smashed against a hovering bot, shattering the metallic art of technology as if it was a scrap of junk. With his yellow t-shirt covered by a dark-green hoody and a pair of jeans that seemed indestructible even in the face of guns, Luke covered the top of his head with his hoody and continued walking onto the street.

He was what is known as a public hero. His identity was known to everyone, at least, most of the New Yorkers, and seeing him save the day did not elicit a public support as it used to be. It was much tamer by now.

"Good job, boy," A rather old, slightly hunched black man in his sixties patted Luke's back with a chuckle as the man nodded plainly.

'God, the situation of the City is getting weirder,' Luke thought to himself.

For some reason, the city is constantly attacked and not in a matter of days, but hours. Every agent of the Avenger initiative is put through extreme use and given the manner of attacks, it was clear that this was simply to figure out the capabilities of many 'heroes.'

"Man, can't you get me Silk's number? She's so fine!" A youth quickly jogged up to Luke. A slightly brawny youth with brown hair. He wore a casual t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Don't get so chummy with me, Brandon. And why the fuck are you here? Last I heard, you got a job at Stark Warehouse or some shit."

"Yeah, my aunt hooked me up with that," Brandon smiled.

"Speaking of hook-ups, what's with that Nik and your sister?" Luke inquired.

Nik had gone missing.


And ever since Nik revealed himself, he had simply caused more confusion, and right now, the Shield feared that his disappearance might set more problems and had it not been for the fact that the Fantastic Four, the Antman and the Wasp, and the recently introduced She-Hulk took the support of him, many in Shield held the mind to try and hunt Nik for answers.

"Tch, don't talk about him," Brandon scowled as he recalled Nik and Anna and his mood only worsened when he thought of his mother and Nik but at least, he had come to terms with the situation and could stay in the same room.

"Fine," Luke shrugged, "Anyway, Silk's together with Nik."

"What?!" Brandon shouted, attracting public attention as Luke eyed the bloke.

"Then introduce me to... uh... hey, have you seen White Tiger's face? Is she hot?"

"She is, why? Gonna fight Nik for her, too?" Luke inquired. Although Ava tried her best to hide her relationship with Nik in Shield for obvious reasons, Cindy had other thoughts. Why should she only bear the dirty gazes of other agents for sleeping with the 'enemy?'

Aren't they friends? They should do it together.

"Nik? Again? Ain't he afraid of catching something?" Brandon scowled but only felt helpless. Back in school, there was gossip about Gwen being with Nik, too.

"Well, if he's going to catch something, you oughtta worry about your sister, don't you?" Luke inquired.

Brandon flinched. Honestly, Anna had been plenty popular and she was the one to hook him up with his first girlfriend, a senior dancer of hers. So, Brandon didn't mind Anna's behavior and only Nik's addition to her lists and from what it looks like, his addition seemed quite prominent.

"You alright?" Luke patted his former underling.

"Ah? Yeah, no... I got bummed by another one. Said that I was too focused on my work. I mean, pick a lane. Either I'll be a bum, or too determined."

Brandon groaned.

"I get that," Luke mumbled, slightly disheartened.

He had to admit it... his charm had taken a big hit since Thor and Nik started to show their faces in hellicarier and now that both had vanished- ironically- their popularity only increased due to the threat they represented.

"Anyway... do you any superhero fit for me?" Brandon inquired with an expectant expression.

"No," Luke thought for a moment, "And stop with the assumption that I'll blow up the secret of masked individuals just for a... night of disappointment."

"Hey!" Brandon smacked the back of his hand against Luke's shoulder, the pain over his wrist followed instantly.

"Don't take this the wrong way... but hooking up with untrained superhuman is dangerous. Fatal," Luke narrowed his eyes.


Suddenly, a figure flew past the traffic jam.

"Sorry!" A girl screamed as she almost pierced through a cab but stopped a moment's away from the impact. She wore a nightwear, slightly ragged, and had her face covered in a brown scarf.

"Speaking of untrained superhumans, there's one in need," Luke patted Brandon's back, "It was nice talking with you kid. Just... oh, you stopped dealing crystal, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Brandon inquired with a frown. His 'aunt' presented a rather strong case as to the consequences that would fall over him should he continue in dealing in unlawful matters.

"Nothing. Er... proud of ya," Luke chuckled and jogged towards the girl as she flew away.

A few hours later.

"Who's she?"

Cindy tilted her head as she gazed at a girl that looked like her age. Shoulder-lengthed dark hair and equally dark eyes but the bruise on Luke's lips seemed to hold an interesting story.

"I found her," Luke grunted while touching his lips, "Quite the fighter."

"Did he scare you?" Danny inquired with a concerned expression, "If he did, I'm sure he meant no harm."

"I did not scare her. She was on the loose," Luke growled as Coulson entered the training chamber with a smile.

"She's a provisional member of the team. Jessica Jones, welcome to the Avengers."

His smile was pleasant as Ava and Cindy frowned simultaneously.

They knew of a Jessica Jones but it was their first meeting with the woman. And the fact that she was beautiful, and even got Nik's help in recovering from her accident despite being untouched by his methods finally made them slightly confused.

'So... dark hair and dark eyes isn't his type?' Ava and Cindy thought to themselves.


"Krrrr!" Ignit let out a dissatisfied growl while she smashed her thick tail against the wall of Nik's room, making sure that she doesn't take out her anger on the bed on which Nik sat with a distressed expression.

"What do you mean this isn't how you imagined it? I have a good circulation structure in mind and my head is filled with Lizard anime girls... I even searched some 3d models. I'm perfectly capable of turning you into a human now!"

*Thuck* *Thuck*

Ignit raised her claw and struck the floor twice!

"You demand satisfaction?" Nik's gaze turned strange, "Maybe I have spoiled you guys too much... a mistake that only Tanya will suffer and not anyone else... maybe the little guy inside Mitsuko, too"


Ignit bared her teeth.

"Look," Nik cut to the chase, "You said you wanted to be humanoid, and I wanted you to be a humongous dragon. Clearly, I'm gonna make you humanoid since you want it. Now, are you gonna play coy, or become human, learn to speak, weave spells, learn other languages and stuff like that?"


"Yeah, sweety. Being human ain't so simple. We don't just fuck like animals, ironic, isn't it?"


Ignit already looked massive and as she pounced on Nik.

"Good choice. Just like I can't decide whether to fuck 1 or 2 and bang both, you chose just like your master. Be proud, you'll be a human salamander and a dragon... hehehe... my Dragon Ignit..."

Nik chuckled eerily.

"It happened to me once. The memory is slightly blurry but there were two really hot guys... banged them both," Asmodeus cooed.

"Heyo!" Sky giggled.

"Yeah, your days of banging men are over," Nik snorted, "I'll train all of you... in due time..."

"You mean once you beat our tests? Yeah, not happening," Asmodeus mocked.

"Well, time to fulfill your wish, eh," Nik smiled and stroked Ignit's scaled head.


The legs of the beg splintered as the structure collapsed due to Ignit's and Nik's weight.

It might not look like it but Nik himself reached 300 in weight alone.

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